Surveyor: understanding and features of the profession. Where to study to become a surveyor? Geodesy educational institutions


The desire to connect your life with the geodetic industry is understandable and justified. But where can I learn to become a surveyor? Where are modern surveyors taught and what?

Until 1930, the main educational institution where one could study to become a surveyor was the Land Survey Institute. After 1930 it was divided into two higher educational institutions.

And in 1936, the MGI was reorganized into MIIGAiK, and in fact it became a leading educational institution where they teach to become a surveyor.

The scope of application of geodesy is now so wide that the study of geodesy has become the science of studying and measuring surfaces on the earth and the entire Earth as a planet. Geodesy is closely related to such sciences as astronomy, geophysics, astronautics, etc. Knowledge of geodesy is used in the design and construction of various structures. That's why there are so many places where they teach to become a surveyor. Without this profession there is no confidence in the construction of a single building.

Where can I study to become a surveyor?

Geodesy is closely related to such fields as astronomy, geophysics, astronautics, cartography, and computer science. More than one major construction of structures, automobile and railways, shipping canals. When carrying out underground mine work, work when laying the subway, underground canals, a surveyor - a surveyor - also appears in the foreground. When dividing land and plotting it on a cartographic plan, a surveyor also works.

Actually, choosing where to study to become a surveyor is now easy - you can study geodesy in many educational institutions - universities, institutes, colleges. To choose an educational institution, you need to understand and decide for yourself what geodesy tasks the future specialist will deal with. The scope of geodesy is very wide.

Main directions of geodesy:

  • If you want to go to study to become a surveyor to study the dimensions of the Earth, to recalculate coordinates accepted throughout the world, to state system coordinates, as well as the study of the movement of the Earth’s crust, then for this there is a separate branch - Higher Geodesy.
  • If you go to study to become a surveyor to study the methods of control and construction methods of various kinds of buildings and structures during their construction and operation, then this is the applied direction - Engineering Geodesy. It is the specialists of engineering geodesy who constantly monitor and study the shifts and deformations of such extended objects as electron particle accelerators. Constant monitoring and monitoring of deformations of such large linear objects as hydroelectric dams is also carried out.
  • You can go to study to become a surveyor and a separate scientific discipline - Topography - which uses research and knowledge in such fields as geodesy and cartography. Topography deals with the study of the geometric parameters of various objects on the earth's surface. For example, such as mountains and seas.
  • A new branch of science such as geodesy, which appeared relatively recently, is Space Geodesy.
  • Mine surveying geodesy deals with underground measurements. Aimed at monitoring the displacement of underground objects, for breakdown and control during the construction of such extended underground structures as tunnels and subways.

Where to study to become a surveyor today?

Today this specialty is taught in colleges, technical schools and universities. The choice of educational institution will depend on your goals and previous education.

For secondary vocational education, colleges and technical schools provide training in areas such as applied geodesy, cartography and aerial photography. Based on the ninth grade, the training period is two years for basic level and three years advanced level. After 11th grade, students study for three and four years, respectively.

On the basis of secondary education, it is already possible to obtain a specialty at a university. The main specialties studied at the university are geodesy, applied geodesy, and astronomical geodesy. Universities also teach the specialties of survey engineer, cartographer, and geologist.

If you want to connect your life with this profession, you can go to study to become a surveyor in Moscow:

  • Moscow State University geodesy and cartography.
  • State University of Land Management.
  • Moscow State University.

St. Petersburg:

  • St. Petersburg State Agrarian University.
  • St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  • National Mineral Resources University "Mining".
  • St. Petersburg State University.

Of course, the list of educational institutions where you can study to become a surveyor is far from complete. There are universities offering training in this specialty in almost every region of the country. And, of course, from this large list of educational institutions you can decide where to study to become a surveyor.

People who decide to make a career in geology may find a specialty such as a surveyor. To understand who he is, you need to understand the meaning of the foreign word. Translated from German, “mark” means a border or mark, and “shader” means a separator. This combination of definitions is typical for a technical geological engineer. He examines potentially interesting areas of soil for the presence of minerals and the possibility of starting construction.

A surveyor is engaged in taking measurements on the surface of the earth and in its depths, performing geometric calculations with the aim of subsequently displaying the results on maps and plans. The principles of geological exploration and mining operations are based on these indicators, and their feasibility and degree of safety are assessed.

The work of surveyors is based on the need to carry out geometric measurements in the bowels of the earth. Their responsibilities don't end there. Depending on the profile content job description such employees may include: geological exploration, planning and creation of specialized structures, putting facilities into operation and checking their safety. All this is possible only if the employee has the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills in handling surveying instruments.

History of the profession

The first engineers, geologists, appeared as early as AD, when people appreciated the properties various metals, and there was a need for the extraction of valuable raw materials. These specialists were engaged in identifying deposits and monitoring the work process at the mines. Even then, they used mathematical principles in planning their activities - this made it possible to simplify the procedure, make it as profitable and safe as possible.

The word “mine surveyor” appeared in Russia during the time of Peter I. He brought the first specialists from Europe, their services turned out to be necessary, and soon the direction began to actively develop. Under this king, the first specialized faculties arose in our country, teaching those interested in the intricacies of geodesy.

Surveyor in the modern sense

Years of scientific development have not made major changes to it, but have added nuances. Today, what a specialist employee does depends on his specialization, goals and objectives. In any case, the employee must have universal skills, the ability to apply theoretical data in practice.

A narrow direction in the profession of a mining engineer requires knowledge in the following areas:

  • rules for preparing a site for geodetic work;
  • nuances of organizing and conducting the process itself both in the bowels of the earth and on its surface;
  • drawing up maps of the area, developing plans based on their indications;
  • the ability to assess the correctness of the flow of processes, implement timely adjustments to increase productivity and eliminate the development of dangerous situations;
  • the surveyor should be legally savvy in his field. He must know what legal liability is in his case and by what regulatory documents it is controlled;
  • deep knowledge of techniques, rules and nuances of mining, methods of identifying and assessing deposits.

The profession of surveyor is an important part of the construction industry, a number of industries, and mining. Its representative is not always involved in data collection, assessment and calculations. Today, such professionals are increasingly used on space exploration projects and in scientific work. The demand for specialists in ventilation, pumping and cleaning equipment, mineralogy, and blasting is growing. Their knowledge is used in the development and application of mining machines.

Where to get a profession and specialty as a surveyor

On successful career People with a predisposition to the exact sciences can count on being geological engineers. Professionals in this field must have more than just geological knowledge. Knowledge in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science is highly valued. These same items most often have to be taken by applicants. technical universities geological or mining profile. Drawing is sometimes used as an additional test.

In Russia, the specialization of a geological engineer can be obtained in the following ways:

  • get any technical education at a university, then go to specialized courses;
  • graduate from college or technical school in geology. After this, it is recommended to get a job to start gaining experience in the field while continuing your education. You can become a geological engineer only after receiving a diploma from a higher educational institution;
  • initially enroll in a university for the chosen specialty. The faculties of the mining universities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg are considered the best.

The duration of training depends on where to study to become a surveyor and what goals you set for yourself. Course duration ranges from 3 to 6 months. You will have to study in a secondary specialized institution for 2.5-3 years. It takes 4-5 years to graduate from university. People focused on career development are recommended to constantly improve their level of education through courses, seminars, and forums.


Not all surveyors work in underground mines, mines or construction sites. Some professionals spend most of their time in an office or laboratory. What a particular employee should do is determined by his job description.

List of basic responsibilities of a geological engineer:

  • conducting reconnaissance on the ground, taking measurements, collecting materials;
  • drawing up a work plan for the project or one of its stages;
  • determination of all parameters by which the development of mineral resources will be carried out;
  • preparing the site for construction, mining, production or engineering work by installing support networks;
  • distribution of tasks among working groups, monitoring and evaluation of their activities;
  • identification of potentially problematic, complex and dangerous areas;
  • selection and testing of the functionality of the necessary equipment;
  • filling out technical and permitting documentation.

Also, every surveyor must know safety precautions and follow them at the reporting site. An experienced employee is able to predict in advance what mistakes may be made at a particular stage of work. To do this, he requires not only professional knowledge, but also certain personal qualities. The list of mandatory ones includes: accuracy, responsibility, composure and stress resistance.

Place of work

Depending on the specifics of the type of activity, specialists work on various projects. They are necessary when conducting underground construction and are involved in the creation of massive structures. Surveyors work in the Glavtonnelmetrostroy organizations in the exploration of mineral deposits. Without professionals in the field, mining operations are impossible. Without a preliminary assessment of the project by a surveyor, work in mines, mines, and quarries is significantly complicated. Today, such employees are increasingly involved in road construction. They conduct reconnaissance surveys, set project boundaries, assess the quality of the soil and, depending on this, choose the optimal work plan for the team.

Pros and cons of the profession

The work of a surveyor is complex, multidisciplinary and specific. It is suitable only for the person who is truly interested in the direction. Such a geological engineer has many chances for career growth, professional development and profit from what he loves.

Every year, grandiose projects are launched in our country and around the world. Thanks to them, surveyors can realize their potential and earn a name.

The success of the project, its commercial return, and the safety of workers depend on the quality of the organization of underground mining. All this places great responsibility on the surveyor, which can be considered a minus. On the other hand, such a challenge does not pose any difficulties for a specialist who is confident in his knowledge and skills.


At the start, the employee’s salary is 30-40 thousand rubles. As you gain experience, you can expect to increase your salary in surveying by 2-3 times. Group leaders, project curators, and scientists earn at least 120-130 thousand rubles.

The demand for surveyors is increasing every year. The number of specialized universities is growing, and opportunities are emerging to obtain the necessary knowledge by correspondence or remotely. If you have ambitions and a desire to develop, the professional growth of a geological engineer can be rapid and stable. This is the key to its implementation and financial success.

LaVida|39:649:1317668704 said:

For now, we have two options - geodesy or geoecology. But he understands that he won’t get a job as a geoecologist.

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Well, a lot depends on the parents (let’s not be hypocrites and honestly admit that a lot in our lives is done through various communication channels). And working as an ecologist in some Administration is a nice thing. And the work is not hard, and you can raise a lot of money. Although this depends a lot on the character of the person himself. Well, if there is no such opportunity to accommodate your son, then there seems to be only one option left...
I personally had no idea what kind of profession this was when I started studying (and I graduated from the Faculty of Science), but after graduating from university I went to work in the field of geodesy. And as it turned out later, I didn’t regret it.
Therefore, your fear of whether or not you will work in your specialty is in vain. We have graduates who work as cops, car mechanics, managers, and so on... Some people entered just to get a high school diploma, while others’ parents were able to place them in this specialty. It was different.

Therefore, we want to give our son a “working” higher education.

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Working education. You definitely won't go hungry. Yes, and you can get a job without various kinds of patronage, although they will not be superfluous. And you can work successfully, but if you have your own personal interest in improvement and further self-education. In any industry there are enough good workers and outright idiots. It doesn't depend on the profession.
Therefore, the personal qualities of a person are more decisive here than the specialty of a surveyor itself. If there is interest, he will work, but if not, then even if you make him president, he will be a slob.
And, as colleagues correctly noted above, after graduation, your son will have the opportunity to travel around the country, gaining experience, so that later he can settle down. I myself traveled all over the country when I was young. If it weren’t for this circumstance, then I wouldn’t have just decided to travel around the country. Over the years, you realize that it was a valuable experience. And after wandering around the country, tired of it, all this helps you then settle more firmly in place, which for family life only a plus. Although here is a comparison for you. There are some guys here who work thousands of kilometers from home and are faithful to their wives, although as soon as I tested them for weakness of spirit and body, I egged them on, but they did not give up. And there are those who, even without long shifts/business trips, will go to the left at the first opportunity.
So see for yourself. First, determine who your son is. A humanist or an engineering person. And does he himself have a desire to study to become a surveyor? Because if you “break” a person, then nothing good will definitely come of it.

LaVida|39:649:1317673715 said:

I made a big mistake in choosing a profession at the age of 17... I graduated, you fool, from the geography department of the university, it turned out that this was not a specialty or a profession, it was just a set of unnecessary knowledge

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Here I think it’s not a matter of geology, but the fact that you were unable to extract the necessary grain from this knowledge. Try to prevent your son from making the same mistake. You see, you can give a person the very best knowledge, conduct classes with the best teachers, but... as Vladimir Semenych said:

But if you're dumb as a tree, you'll be born a baobab
And you will be a baobab for a thousand years until you die.

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It is not the place that makes the man. You can also look in the “Smoking Room” section, a lot has been written there on these issues, some seriously, some not so much, but I think it will be interesting. I apologize for the confusion, it’s late, and I just came to run a torrent on my computer for the night, and then an interesting topic caught my eye...

Surveyor- a specialist in drawing up maps of the area, carrying out calculations necessary to describe the terrain.

Features of the profession

Geodesy is related to astronomy, geophysics, cosmonautics, cartography, etc., and is widely used in the design and construction of structures, shipping canals, and roads.

The main task of geodesy is to create a coordinate system and construct geodetic reference networks that make it possible to determine the position of points on the earth's surface.

Geodesy is divided into higher geodesy, topography and applied branches of geodesy. Geodetic work is usually carried out government services. International geodetic research is organized and directed by the International Association of Geodesy, acting on the initiative and within the framework of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union.

With the help of geodesy, designs of buildings and structures are transferred from paper to nature with millimeter precision, volumes of materials are calculated, and compliance with the geometric parameters of structures is monitored. The position of a point on the earth's surface is determined using three coordinates: latitude, longitude and altitude (for example, mean sea level).

Geodetic data is used in cartography, navigation, etc. Geodetic measurements are used in seismology and the study of plate tectonics, while gravity surveying is traditionally used by geologists in the search for oil and other minerals.

Three levels of geodetic work:

The first level is planned surveying on the ground, i.e. determination of the position of points on the earth's surface relative to local reference points for compiling topographic maps necessary during construction and compilation of the land cadastre.

The second level is filming nationwide. In this case, the area and shape of the surface are determined in relation to the global reference network, taking into account the curvature of the earth's surface.

The third level is global. This is the highest geodesy, which studies the figure of the planet Earth, its gravitational field, determines points on the earth's surface, used as landmarks for constructing a geodetic network, a reference for all other types of geodetic work.

Main directions of geodesy:

  • Higher geodesy - studies the size of the Earth, its gravitational field, carries out work to transfer the coordinate systems accepted in the world to the territory of a particular state. This area also includes work on movement research earth's crust- modern and occurred many millions of years ago.
  • Engineering geodesy is an applied geodetic direction. Engineering and geodetic work is associated with the development of methods for conducting geodetic measurements carried out during the operation of various engineering structures, their design and construction. It is engineering geodesy, as a tool in the hands of competent specialists, that allows one to verify the degree of deformation of structures and ensure the construction of structures in strict accordance with the design.
  • Topography is a scientific discipline in which geodesy and cartography intersect. Topography includes geodetic work related to measuring the geometric characteristics of objects on the Earth's surface.
  • Space geodesy has been developing since the moment the first artificial satellite was launched from Earth. This area of ​​science is the prerogative of the state; measurements in space geodesy are made not only from the territory of our planet, but also from satellites.
  • Surveying direction of geodesy - is responsible for geodetic work and measurements in the bowels of the earth. Specialists in this industry are needed for any underground exploration: construction of tunnels, laying subways, conducting geological exploration expeditions.

Engineering geodesy has become very widely used. Geodetic work in construction is mandatory and the most important part process of design and construction of structures.

Geodetic work during land management is also in demand. They are carried out when preparing any land management projects, changing and clarifying the boundaries of land plots, planning land in agriculture and many other cases.

Geodesy is used in mining to calculate blasting operations and rock volumes, etc.

The work of a surveyor consists of two stages:

  1. Special measurements using geodetic instruments.
  2. Processing results using mathematical and graphical methods and drawing up maps (plans).

To survey the area, the surveyor uses levels, theodolites, rangefinders, compasses, etc. Recently, special laser scanners have begun to be used to scan the area. These devices allow you to record absolutely all terrain features and quickly obtain three-dimensional visualization of even hard-to-reach objects (bridges, overpasses, elements of overhead communications).


Topographers and land surveyors can work in the Bureau of Technical Inventory (BTI), agricultural, rural administrations and other organizations that need surveys and measurements in a specific area.

Geodesic engineers and topographers work in companies engaged in the construction and installation of communications, oil and gas pipelines, water utilities, and subway lines.


Salary as of 02/25/2020

Russia 30000—110000 ₽

Moscow 45000—100000 ₽

Important qualities

Technical mind, mathematical abilities, attentiveness. In addition, hardening and good physical preparation are very important, because... A surveyor spends a lot of time in the field.

Knowledge and skills

It is necessary to know the basics of cartography and geodesy, various methods of surveying terrain, mathematics, drawing, methods of using engineering geodetic and photogrammetric instruments.

Surveyor training

Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex (MASPK) organizes professional retraining courses in the specialty. Certified surveyors can also take advanced training courses at MASPC. Advantage educational programs The Academy provides the opportunity to study remotely, which increases the availability of courses for the widest audience of students.

Salaries: how much does a Surveyor earn *

Beginning: 20000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 50000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 96000 ⃏ per month

* - information on salaries is given approximately based on vacancies on profiling sites. Salaries in a specific region or company may differ from those shown. Your income is greatly influenced by how you can apply yourself in your chosen field of activity. Income is not always limited only to what vacancies are offered to you on the labor market.

Demand for the profession

They are in demand in construction, architecture, mining, as well as in state and municipal structures (real estate departments, cadastral chamber).

Who is the profession suitable for?

Required personal qualities:

  • Technical mind
  • math skills
  • attentiveness
  • hardening
  • good physical fitness


There is a job hierarchy. Subject to certain conditions (additional education, work experience, personal and professional qualities etc.) career growth is possible from a surveyor in topographic-geodetic and surveying work to the head of the geodesy department. There are also more modest positions: surveyor technician, surveyor engineer, senior surveyor, leading surveyor, department engineer.


  • carrying out executive geodetic surveys;
  • office work (processing of materials collected during field topographic, geological, soil and other special studies of any territory);
  • carrying out surveying work;
  • development and/or examination of geodetic documentation;
  • geodetic control of the accuracy of geometric parameters of buildings (structures).
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