Cross-training – variety in the training process. Cross training for weight loss What is cross training in fitness

When practicing any sport, it is important not just to develop one or several qualities, but to develop the body comprehensively. All characteristics: strength, endurance, flexibility, explosive power complement each other. The development of one inevitably leads to indirect improvement of all other qualities, however, often some categories are inferior to others, thereby weakening the overall power of the athlete.

Many disciplines focus on the development of several related categories: dancing develops endurance and flexibility, fitness develops cardio endurance and muscle strength, acrobatics develops strength and explosive power. To fully develop your physical capabilities, you can combine several types of training. It is the combination of various types of activities and underlies cross training.

Types of training adjustments

Cross-training discipline is a modern name for a method of adjusting training in which you alternate classes from different sports spheres. Lessons can be planned as follows:

  1. Combining a variety of exercises during one workout. In this case, you can add flexibility exercises to the end of the training or complete the classes.
  2. Adding one day to the main training program with another type of activity. In this case, the athlete spends most of his time engaged in the selected type of load.
  3. Alternating combinations of several types of training throughout the week. Combining exercises comprehensively develops physical skills. The exact combination of indicators depends on the main type of training around which the rest of the regime is built.

This type is effective method training when playing any kind of sport. It is suitable for increasing flexibility during basic exercises and maintaining strength during basic plasticity and flexibility exercises. Cross training will help you feel physical development truly complete.

The Benefits of Cross Training

This type of training is available not only to professionals, but also to beginners. Moreover, beginners can get what they need, because it is the monotony of physical activity that often destroys the initial passion.

Among its main advantages:

  • Variety of workouts. Due to monotonous identical exercises, the effectiveness of training can be significantly reduced. He makes the changes necessary to create new experiences. This increases the effectiveness of the main activities and can even provide a sudden breakthrough.
  • Whole Body Strengthening. When the exercises are properly organized, the muscle corset turns out to be strong and beautifully built. Tendons and joints are also pumped. All types of fabrics receive diverse loads, which makes them more resilient and durable. As a result, the rate of aging slows down, and a person can maintain his body in good shape for a long time.
  • Reduced risk of injury. Thanks to varied loads, the body is trained variably. This helps him flexibly respond to overtraining and activities that contribute to injury during normal training. For example, after explosive strength exercises, it will be difficult to tear your muscles when lifting heavy weights.
  • . This training involves developing flexibility and muscle strength, as well as cardio endurance. The combination of these factors reveals excellent restorative abilities. Well, if you also complete each one, then you can easily bring yourself to the point of being able to exercise 3-5 times a week without damage or overtraining.
  • Improved coordination of movements. The development of complex characteristics also includes mandatory exercises to develop balance. These can be yoga asanas or other combinations of static-dynamic exercises.
  • Ability to train while injured. Building cross-training makes it possible to choose the type of training that does not affect the injured part. This makes the approach universal for continuing classes in any conditions.

Group cross training


    Functional training. Development of sports qualities

    Group cross training


    Cross-training in the gym, order of exercises

    Cross-training for runners: where to start?

    Since the main program for runners relies on, additional classes should include less affected aspects. It is ideal if the additional complex combines cardio exercise and. These 3 aspects will fully complement, develop missing qualities and enhance running characteristics.

    Name Peculiarities Execution program
    Swimming Increased stress on the torso, arms and back. The upper body is not very involved in running, so this addition will be relevant. Choose 3-4 swimming strokes that are comfortable for you (for example, crawl, breaststroke and backstroke). Arrange for 45 minutes with an even change of styles. They can be exchanged for each other after a certain time or after completing a certain number of tracks.
    Bicycle rides cardio system, and also provides increased and quadriceps Do a slow warm-up with a gentle 10-minute run at 5 km/h. Gradually build up to 20 miles and do short bursts of fast and slow runs. Change speed from 30 to 10 km/h and back. Spend 5-15 minutes in this mode, then gradually slow down to 10 km/h. Ride in this mode for 5-10 minutes and calmly complete the workout.
    Rowing This activity is excellent for maintaining the strength of your arms, back and torso, while strengthening your quadriceps and thigh muscles. Do intensive training, where active rowing will be combined with slow approaches. Perform each stage for 1 minute with constant alternation of loads. Total time to complete the complex: 30-35 minutes.
    Elliptical trainer Special equipment on which it is convenient to simulate running. The exercises give a reduced effect and are suitable for athletes after injuries. Perform a quality 10-minute warm-up with deep muscle warming, then proceed to a 12-minute approach of intensive use of the machine. Rest 3 minutes and do another 12-minute set. After the second approach, you can rest and begin your cool-down.
    Stepper The exercise machine is an excellent alternative to running and strengthens the vascular system. Do a 10-minute warm-up and begin intense training alternating between high, medium and low levels difficulties. Alternate approaches for 1-2 minutes. Complex loads are performed for 20-30 seconds. Lesson length: up to 30 minutes.

    Add 1-3 additional classes per week. The exact number of days devoted to external loads depends on the total number of training sessions.

    It is important to use as additional activities different kinds fitness, swimming, rowing, elliptical trainers and cycling. Change the type of load every month.

    Anna Pavlovna

Running, as experienced ones say, is “delaying” and over time can crowd out other types of loads from the training plan, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of exercise and an increased risk of injury. To avoid this, try cross-training programs.

Cross-training: understanding the concepts

Even the most difficult obstacles can be easily overcome, as athletes do, using a simple principle: “If you want to succeed in running, run.” But besides this, there are other secrets that you need to know about. One of them is diversifying your training regimen or cross-training.

Cross-training is used by professional athletes who need training not only within their sport, but also other types of stress for harmonious physical development. However, it is also suitable for amateurs who prefer one type of fitness (for example, running). To describe cross-training briefly, its principle is simple: if you want to achieve results in one a certain form sports, then it is necessary not only to engage in it, but also to additionally develop the necessary qualities in other training sessions.

For example, if you want to improve your speed in the 600 m freestyle, then to achieve your goal it is advisable not only to regularly engage in swimming, but also to include yoga and Pilates classes to learn how to breathe correctly. For successful pull-ups on the horizontal bar, you can include arm wrestling in your training program, and callanetics for skating.

There are a lot of options, it all depends on your goal and the physical qualities that you lack to achieve it.

Target What else to do? For what?
Jog 20-40 km Competitive swimming
Strengthening the muscles of the legs and back, increasing endurance, training the lungs and heart
Do pull-ups on the horizontal bar 10-20 times Exercise equipment and arm wrestling Strengthening the shoulder, back and arm muscles
Swim 600m freestyle without stopping Pull-ups and push-ups, yoga, Pilates, callanetics Strengthening the pectoral muscles and muscles of the shoulder girdle, breathing and the ability to distribute force, muscle relaxation, stretching
Learn to skate, perform various steps and figures Balance exercises: callanetics, Bosu Strengthening the muscles of the whole body, working out small muscle groups that are difficult to train

What are the benefits of cross training?

Cross-training solves several problems at once: it helps to overcome boredom, diversify training and overcome the “plateau effect”, but often it is precisely because of the monotony of regular training that it is impossible to increase their effectiveness.

Pros of cross training:

  • Variety of workouts
  • Strengthening the entire muscular skeleton due to varied loads,
  • Improved results
  • Reduced risk of injury,
  • Reducing muscle recovery time while maintaining activity,
  • Improved coordination of movements, which helps to master new sports,
  • Possibility of training even with injury.

How to start?

To achieve the best results with the cross-training system, you need to add 1-3 classes per week, depending on the usual number of your workouts. The first thing you should focus on when choosing additional workouts is your interest and predisposition to a particular type of fitness, as well as the opportunity to engage in it without harm to health (you should ask your doctor about this). In addition, we must not forget that additional exercises must contain 3 main elements: cardio load, strength load and muscle stretching.

To best update your training plan, you need to gradually “get involved” in cross-training using one of the schemes:

  1. Adding new exercises in training: for example, replace 10 minutes of warm-up with light jogging for 10 minutes of exercise on a stepper or exercise bike. It is also recommended to use interval training when running: alternating 30 seconds of calm running and 20 seconds of running with maximum acceleration (10 repetitions of such sets in 3 trips). This method is suitable for amateurs who exercise 2-4 times a week.
  2. More radical way: Replace one running workout with swimming or a rowing machine. This approach is especially good for those who exercise 4-6 times a week.
  3. Brand new training: When working out 2-3 times a week, give yourself one more day for dancing or yoga.

Start with one of these methods, and then gradually, for example, every 3-5 weeks, add other types of loads and remove those that you are bored with.

Any workout at the beginning of cross-training is best done in the heart rate range of 130-140 beats per minute. At the very beginning of “updating” a fitness program, it is better for a beginner to still take a “day off” from training after a day of cross-training.

5 Alternative Workouts for Runners

Cross-training helps any person who is passionate about fitness create an optimal and individualized comprehensive training plan. Complex exercises and alternating different workouts are useful for everyone: they allow you to maintain excellent physical condition, unloading those muscles that usually work harder than others.

an alternative cardio exercise that works the quadriceps and calf muscles.


  • warm-up - 10 minutes of low-intensity driving at a speed of 5-7 km/h,
  • interval training: a 10-minute ride, where you alternate 30-second sets of fast (30 km/h) and one-minute sets of slow riding (10 km/h) 5-10 times,
  • 15 minutes at an average pace (about 20 km/h).
Training time: 35 minutes
development of the upper body, back and arms.


  • Option 1: 40-45 minutes of swimming 50-100 m each stroke;
  • Option 2: crawl - 10 minutes, butterfly - 15 minutes, backstroke - 10 minutes, breaststroke - 5-10 minutes. Then you can increase the load, for example, swim 50 lanes of 25 m, alternating between different styles and focusing on the correct execution of technique and timing.
develops endurance, strengthens quadriceps and thigh muscles.

Training time: 35 minutes

You can include interval training with repetitions of 1 minute with weights, then 1 minute of light, restorative exercise.

imitate running with reduced stress on the joints and develop endurance.


  • 10 minutes warm-up on an easy level,
  • 2 sets of 12 minutes on more difficult levels, combined with 3-minute rest sets.
Training time: 40 minutes
This is also an excellent cardiovascular activity, targeting the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, as well as the abs.
  • 6-10 minutes warm-up,
  • alternating light, medium and high levels of load depending on your level of preparation and well-being.
Training time: 30 minutes

Cross-training will help you avoid boredom, improve your results, and achieve your goals faster. Breathe in new life to your fitness!

The old saying goes: “To run, you have to run.” In other words, if you want to become a better runner, you have to actually run. However, keep in mind that doing the same activity too often or too intensely, regardless of focus, can cause injury, burnout, and decreased productivity.

Under such circumstances, cross-training (maximum performance training) is an effective preventive measure against potential complications. Implementing this training allows runners to take the break needed to prevent repetitive strain while developing stronger muscles, speeding muscle recovery, improving muscle balance and adding a little variety to their training routine.

If an athlete already has some kind of injury/damage, cross-training will allow him to maintain muscle strength in combination with an aerobic base and the possibility of more effective recovery from the injury. We draw your attention to the advisability of discussing the proposed program with your attending physician in order to prevent more serious damage and aggravation of your condition, otherwise your running sessions will be postponed for another nth amount of time.

It is fundamentally important that this training does not become a replacement for a planned run. However, doing it occasionally instead of a light warm-up run helps improve endurance levels and performance. A prerequisite is one day of proper rest within one week, preferably before a day of long running, which will allow you to get the maximum benefit from the activity.

So, cross-training is a sure-fire way to freshen up your training routine, reduce your risk of injury, and improve your muscle endurance, which will keep you running for as long as possible in the long run.
Cross-training to complement your running routine

Activities that complement your running routine work your muscles in a way that is fundamentally different from running, and also work muscle groups that are not used during running. Thus, implementing this training in combination with your standard running routine will allow you to develop greater muscle strength while significantly reducing the likelihood of injury.

  1. Swimming Swimming offers some benefits for runners, especially while recovering from an injury. Because swimming doesn't involve any weight lifting, it gives your joints and connective tissues a chance to rest from the activity of running while maintaining some form of aerobic activity. Swimming engages major muscle groups (quadriceps, tendons, gluteal and abdominal muscles, lower back and upper torso muscles). Thus, the target group is the muscles of the upper torso, while the legs can receive a slight relaxation.
  2. A ride on the bicycle Cycling outdoors or on a stationary bike indoors helps develop the quadriceps and calf muscles, which develop much more slowly when running. Cycling also helps develop and strengthen the connective tissues of the knees, hips and ankles, which in turn is an effective preventive measure against injury. Some experts recommend abstaining from this type of training on a day off from running, since it represents a fairly large load on the muscles, which can subsequently complicate your running. Therefore, it makes most sense to run first and then cycle later in the day or immediately after your run.
  3. Rowing (indoor) Although not as popular in gyms as elliptical machines or treadmills, rowing is an excellent cross-training option for runners looking to develop quads and hamstrings while building upper-body strength and endurance. . Rowing, where the main work is done by the legs and not the back (otherwise the back muscles will be overstrained), requires good physical fitness and shape.
  4. Climbing stairs This type of load, carried out either under normal conditions (climbing the stairs of a building to work) or in the gym on a special simulator, effectively works the quadriceps, which is extremely important for runners. As a rule, runners have more developed tendons, therefore, cross training helps to develop weaker and less developed quadriceps, which, in turn, helps maintain muscle balance and significantly reduces the risk of injury as a result of muscle imbalance.
  5. Plyometrics Plyometric exercises (for those new to the term) are primarily high-intensity, dynamic exercises such as jumping jacks followed by immediate bouncing in place. These also include jumping squats or jumping on a bench. The main goal of plyometrics is to develop and use maximum power as quickly as possible. Plyometric training is a great way to develop greater strength, speed, range of motion, push-off, and stride length. It is also worth noting that this type of training is recommended exclusively for trained, professional athletes. In the process of performing all kinds of jumps and bouncing, it is extremely important to observe correct technique follow them, otherwise an incorrect landing could result in serious injury. If you are just starting to master this technique, it makes sense to take several lessons with an individual instructor.
  6. Walking Many runners will be surprised to hear that walking is the most powerful and effective example of cross training. The main reason is that walking allows you to develop muscles and connective tissues in a different manner than running, without causing much stress and impact. Moreover, you can practice walking almost anywhere and anytime. It is important to note that vigorous walking after an intense run promotes active and effective recovery. If you are walking on a non-running day, it is recommended that you walk at a brisk enough pace to ensure your cardiorespiratory benefits. Interesting fact: The more vigorously your arms work (the stronger the swing), the more calories you burn and the faster you go.

Due to the variety of directions, sometimes it is difficult to choose and decide on the only correct and suitable one for yourself. When people hear about a new method of training the body, many are too wary, justifying it by saying that such changes in the program will affect the effectiveness and will do more harm than good.

This is not always true, for example, cross-fitness is one of the most interesting and promising areas.

Until recently, few people in the world knew about the CrossFit direction - what it is and why such a system is applicable.

Fitness crossfit

In simple terms, the essence of the definition of CrossFit is that it is a type of circuit training during which exercises are performed in a circuit pattern over short periods of time. CrossFit has a number of differences from standard circuit training:


Harm of CrossFit

CrossFit has its downsides:

  • The cardiovascular system is heavily stressed. There is an opinion that CrossFit is bad for the heart. But this is only if you do not follow the exercise and recovery regime.
  • Like other high-impact sports, CrossFit is dangerous. Careful adherence to safety precautions is necessary, there is no need to set stupid records and be too free with training.


As in all sports, an important place in CrossFit is proper nutrition. The main thing that should be included in the diet is complex carbohydrates. They serve as sources of stable energy. It is important to consume more fruits, meat products, nuts, various vegetables, etc. The main thing is that nutrition provides the required amount of energy, reduces the time of weight gain and promotes recovery.

Workout Features

The main thing that requires attention is basic exercises . These include: squats, deadlifts, presses, etc. The main goal is to learn the technique correct execution exercises. At the same time, it is necessary to study the rules of gymnastics, i.e. various stretches, rope climbs, bends, push-ups, etc.

The training program necessarily includes running exercises, somersaults, cycling, swimming, and so on. Having chosen a set of exercises for yourself, you should start combining them and at the same time doing 4-6 times a week. You need to diversify your workouts as much as possible.

Typically, the training scheme in CrossFit is 3:1 - three days of training with one day of rest. If this scheme is too difficult, then you can work 2 by 2 and gradually switch to the mode described above.

CrossFit contraindications

  • Having problems with the respiratory or cardiovascular system;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Injuries of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Recent surgeries;
  • The presence of an acute illness;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • CNS lesions;
  • Problems with the liver, kidneys, biliary or urinary tract;
  • Mental problems;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

If you decide to take up CrossFit, you must be prepared to carefully follow the training regimen, determine the work area, accurately perform each exercise, wisely combining it with rest and thereby giving the body time to recover.

Cross training is several different exercises combined into one fitness program. Cross training includes cardio exercises, strength exercises, stretching and balancing. Cross training is ideal for developing a balanced fitness regime, which in turn forces the body to work fully and prevents injury.

This program includes aerobics, strength training and flexibility exercises. Aerobic exercise improves cardiovascular health. These include walking, running, running up stairs and swimming. Strength exercises, weight lifting and resistance training help develop muscle mass. Stretching exercises, yoga and Pilates, keep muscles toned. To incorporate cross training into your daily routine, alternate between different types of exercise each day or perform them during one workout at short intervals.

Difficulties during training

Many who are trying to lose excess weight, sooner or later they get tired of their training programs. In addition, doing the same exercises increases the chances of injury, since the same muscles are always working. Boredom and pain – these two factors affect the quality of training and the final result.

Benefits of cross training

When you cross train, you alternate exercises, and with them, the parts of the body that work when performing certain exercises. Each time you can choose which exercises you want to do today. This approach helps you continue to exercise without losing interest or getting too tired. In addition, working every day on new group muscles, you reduce the chance of injury.

Total body workout

Cross training allows you to perform a variety of exercises that improve muscle mass and flexibility in your body. For example, you can work out on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes and then swim for another 30 minutes. The next day you can focus on strength training and flexibility development. If you wish, you can combine 30 minutes of running or walking and 30 minutes of strength training or yoga into one workout. The only rule to follow is “circular” training, that is, alternating all types of exercises.

Flexibility of training

Although those who choose to cross train have a lower risk of injury, they can still get injured due to insufficient rest or an unbalanced exercise program. In such cases, you should not stop your training program. You can continue to work on the affected body parts and change the load based on your doctor's recommendations. This will allow you to maintain your physical fitness at the proper level.

Based on materials from:

Cross training is several different exercises combined into one fitness program. Cross training includes cardio exercises, strength training, stretching and balancing. Cross training is ideal for developing a balanced fitness regime, which in turn forces the body to work fully and prevents injury. Cross training program This program includes aerobics,…

Irina Mishina