Understand that a person is deteriorating. What does "degrade" mean? Meaning of the word. Forms and causes of personality destruction

A person needs development, movement forward. Psychologists highlight the importance of this. A personality that has stalled in its development will inevitably degrade. This doesn't happen in a vacuum. Man is not born prone to self-destruction. There is always some reason for the onset of personality disintegration.

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What does it mean to degrade?

Translated from Latin, the prefix de means “down” and gradacja means “step”. This word entered the Russian language during the era of Peter I. Civil servants and military personnel in those years were afraid of “degradation,” since this meant deprivation of rank and dismissal from service. At the beginning of the 20th century, it began to acquire modern meaning.

The term means the process of transition to a simpler state of the body than before. It is used when talking about decline, destruction and loss of some qualities. With progress, the body becomes more complex, with degradation it becomes simpler. You often hear about degradation from others in the form of accusations against someone.

It is not only people who can degrade. This happens to both culture and society.

The meaning of the word degradation in various areas:

Personality degradation

Depression and apathy - the first signs of beginning degradation. Anyone can be susceptible to them, regardless of their class affiliation or lifestyle. A person’s loss of mental balance and performance destroys his capabilities. Sometimes a person is not able to realize the onset of regression.

Often a person degrades when there is no need to be responsible for anything. Apathy takes over her and she relaxes, begins to give preference to inaction in situations that require making a decision or completing a task. A weak-willed person is guided in life only by primary needs.

Destructive passivity can take over a person upon retirement. There is no more responsibility, daily routine and work duties. Lonely people are more likely than others to fall into depression, which entails rapid decline.

Constant failures, unrequited love, loss of faith in own strength, guilt or loss of a loved one can also cause personality destruction. The surrounding people and events fade into the background. Human activity decreases sharply. This state is comparable to the body’s expectation of physical death, slow suicide.

The most severe form of degradation is insanity, dementia. With this disease, the functioning of the brain is disrupted. A person ceases to recognize loved ones and adequately perceive the world around him. The body is no longer able to renew its cells and begins to age rapidly. This process can only be slowed down, but not stopped. The onset of the disease occurs rather slowly, and others may attribute its symptoms to a bad mood or deteriorating character. Over time, this results in serious mental disorders.

There is no definition of this concept in Wikipedia. Its analogue is the word “degenerate”, meaning a psychopathic person who despises social norms. In everyday speech the word sounds rude and obscene. And people often replace it with a softer one - “degradant”.

It is often used in relation to drug addicts and alcoholics, since their signs of degradation are quite clearly expressed: narrow intellectual thinking, meager emotional needs and a strong predominance of physical needs over spiritual ones. The lives of people susceptible to these diseases are simple and limited. Their interests are focused on finding the next dose. They are no longer capable of objective self-assessment, can harm others without feeling pity or remorse.

Each sign taken separately does not indicate the beginning of human degradation. But together with the loss of interest in family, friends and society, they indicate the beginning of the process of personality disintegration. Lack of will and carelessness appear, memory deteriorates and the ability to concentrate on something is lost.

It is possible to stop the process of personal disintegration. It is necessary to develop adequate self-criticism, expand the range of life interests, communicate with people and set several goals. This will help you direct energy into different areas of your life and gain satisfaction, even if any one goal turns out to be unattainable. Constant self-improvement, development and an active life position can help a person avoid degradation. study at the link.

Good day! I am sure you have heard the expression “degraded person” more than once. I often notice how people use it in their speech, sometimes completely out of place. Therefore, I decided to clarify what this concept means and what leads to such a state.


In order not to throw around words unreasonably, let's look at the signs of degradation, by which everyone can understand that changes have begun to occur to a person, leading to social death, and gradually bringing him closer to physical death.

  1. A person’s circle of contacts and interests gradually begins to narrow. He doesn’t care what’s going on in the world; no one is curious to learn something new. He can “withdrawn” into himself, since interpersonal relationships cease to bring pleasure, as a result of which they do not represent any value for him. He allows himself to be rude, aggressive and overly sarcastic, without caring at all about how the other person feels.
  2. Since the circle of interests is significantly narrowed, all attention is paid only to one’s own person, or rather to the satisfaction of one’s basic needs. I talked about them in the article in the article . Therefore, changes can be noticed when a person has become self-centered and deceitful, because the ways of achieving what he wants no longer matter, the lack of a value system, conscience, morality and empathy prompts him to take any actions just to achieve his goal. There may be some annoyingness, familiarity, swagger and shamelessness.
  3. They cause disgust and generally negative experiences. It is especially influential that their feeling of disgust disappears, so the pole of this feeling among those around them goes off scale. We recently looked at the topic of deviant behavior, so, the manifestations and reactions are exactly the same, moreover, degraded individuals often resort to the main forms of manifestation of degradation - crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and the like. You can read more in the article
  4. They become superficial, sometimes even seem carefree, and this is not surprising, because pressing problems ordinary person they are not bothered at all.
  5. Various intellectual disorders make themselves felt, and development stops. The brain, for lack of new information and in general, the need to work, suspends its activities. This also affects emotional intelligence, such a person becomes unable to recognize his feelings, and a disease such as alexithymia may even arise - excessive inhibition, insensitivity and inability to notice and describe the feelings of others. Accordingly, the IQ level also decreases, sometimes to the very minimum. What does this mean, read here
  6. The perception of the world becomes negative, he simply loses the ability to notice something pleasant and good, focusing only on failures, and he will certainly devalue even something positive.
  7. A complete transformation of appearance occurs, which also becomes indifferent to such a person. He doesn’t care what clothes he wears when going out, even without them. He begins to slouch, does not look around, and stops washing and caring for himself.
  8. Speech is incoherent, unable to carry on a conversation and express one’s thoughts clearly. And in general, it becomes very difficult to concentrate on it, as I am completely immersed in myself.
  9. Alcohol and drugs act as both consequences of degradation and causes, so in 90% of cases of personality destruction they are the main sign by which changes can be tracked and predicted.
  10. Of course, there is no spiritual component; there can be no talk of any motivation, awareness, ambition or ability to take responsibility. Such a person is no longer able to love, support and strive for self-knowledge. I have already talked in detail about what spiritual development includes in the article.

Abraham Maslow's theory

Abraham believed that degradation goes through stages such as:

  • There is a feeling that you have become completely helpless, unable to influence events, and you begin to shift responsibility onto other people, the government, the weather, etc., considering yourself just a “pawn” in this world, unable to change anything. Psychology has a name for this behavior - the phenomenon of “learned helplessness.”
  • The process of forming needs for recognition, security, aesthetics and others stops; only physiological, so to speak, primitive ones become the only important ones.
  • The splitting of the world into “good” and “evil”, or “white” and “black”. Therefore, they try to exclude contacts with “bad” people, eventually withdrawing into themselves altogether.
  • He confuses reality with his imaginary world, after which he may well take the blame for some misdeeds and crimes on himself, without tracking the fact that he did not commit them in the first place.
  • Obsession with one’s ideas, categorically rejecting proposals to revise them, as they are incorrect and destructive.


1. An event that led to trauma and loss of meaning in life. Most often it is the loss of a loved one and valuable person. Experiences may turn out to be so strong that the psyche is not able to cope on its own, and if there is no timely support, then it is likely that such an individual will begin to fade away, losing interest in life.

2. Experiencing an acute feeling of loneliness and uselessness. This condition is influenced by factors such as retirement, sometimes “empty nest syndrome,” when children grow up and leave their parents’ home, and parents have to look for new interests and hobbies to fill the free time. Not everyone is simply able to find new goals and calling, especially if they have devoted themselves to children all their lives, ignoring their own desires.

We get used to the fact that society needs us, we need to work, fulfill obligations, and when we retire we come to the realization that now every day depends only on our own will and efforts.

3. The state of depression often ends in degradation. And all because people often try to cope with depression through alcoholism or narcotic substances, which, as I already said, are the cause of personality destruction. The problem is precisely that there is not enough strength to break out of this vicious circle of living pain and despondency, to ask for help and support, then such a difficult path of taking one’s own life is chosen.

By the way, you can read about depression and ways to overcome it.

4. A very acute feeling of guilt for some serious offense, which the psyche is also unable to cope with. Then, if there is no punishment or it is not enough to atone for this guilt, one has to resort to such a sophisticated and terrible self-punishment - to kill the personality within oneself.

There are often examples when, through negligence, parents lost their children, got into an accident that ended in death, and, unable to cope with the grief of loss and guilt, punished themselves, considering them unworthy to live and experience joy.

What to do?

  1. Whatever happens, try not to lose touch with the world. Force yourself to communicate, go out somewhere, and take care of your appearance. If you feel like you can’t cope with something, ask for help, don’t isolate yourself.
  2. Read, visit museums, exhibitions, the theater, take an active part in the life of your city. This will provide a large flow of information, processing which the brain will have no chance of relaxation. By the way, reading helps prevent such types of disorders as Alzheimer's disease, dementia, alexithymia... You can read about the benefits of books in the article
  3. I have said many times that you should never stop there. The world is developing too quickly, and it is necessary to keep up with its changes in order to achieve success. So self-development should be one of the first places in your value system.
  4. Eliminate bad habits and, if you have not yet started fighting any addiction, then it is time to reconsider their degree of influence on your body.
  5. Do not devalue the laws and norms of behavior accepted in society, this is what allows you to avoid the primitiveness of the human being.
  6. Don’t be led by apathy, giving up at every failure. Increase your energy level, which will stimulate movement and, accordingly, development. Force yourself to play sports, not allowing laziness to control you, then over time you will feel that strength is coming and an interest in the surrounding reality appears. There are other ways to keep yourself in good shape, about them.
  7. And the most inspiring thing for accomplishment and joy, of course, is love. It doesn’t matter if it’s parents, children, spouses, friends or animals - this feeling will help you move on, no matter what.


And that’s all, dear readers! Take care of yourself, and do not allow your soul and brain to become lazy or relax. And subscribe to the blog, there is a lot of information here that will help on the path of self-development. See you soon.


Even if you are successful, smart and fulfilled, do not think that personality degradation is not about you. She is lurking nearby and waiting in the wings.

Degradation is a downward movement. Sometimes it happens: you see a classmate 10 years later, and his appearance scratches your gaze: empty eyes, drooping shoulders, lethargy, or vice versa, fussy concern is out of place. Still not fully understanding what’s going on, you think: “How did he go down…”.

Degradation: what is it

To degrade means to lower the bar for what is acceptable. Without realizing it or acting quite consciously, a person does something that just yesterday he considered unacceptable for himself.

Centimeter by centimeter, a person loses the acuity of feelings, sobriety of judgment and active social role.

The meaning of the word, as defined by dictionaries: “Decline, reduction or deterioration in the qualities of objects: living and inanimate matter, societies and associations; destruction over time or under adverse influence.”


If moral degradation is not caused by alcoholism or mental illness, but is a consequence of lifestyle, then it has a certain scenario:

  1. A person consciously stops taking on unnecessary, from his point of view, responsibility: “What do I care, am I to blame?” Such an internal argument is brought to the point of automatism, without giving the mind even a second to think.
  2. The first place in the lexicon is firmly occupied by the word “want”. Everything else: “must”, “necessary”, etc. – are perceived as a hindrance.
  3. The environment is slowly shrinking: at first, society is simply divided into insiders - family, relatives and friends and strangers - neighbors, co-workers and all other people. But as the problem worsens, everyone who demands even minimal participation from the degrading person drops out of this circle one by one: does the neighbor want to discuss joining the HOA? – a person avoids meeting with neighbors; Does your child want help with homework? – he makes excuses by being tired and busy, etc.
  4. Simplifying spoken language. Only a few can speak at ease in all literary canons; there are people to whom this is given by nature. For the rest, to express themselves correctly and clearly, they need to strain their brains. Those who are degenerating, avoiding the slightest mental activity, increasingly begin to express themselves with interjections and gestures: “Well, how is it... well, I’m telling you!”
  5. Untidy appearance. Society has standards. Clean clothes, neat hair and the absence of “dirty” odors are an indispensable requirement for a person. There are very few reasons that justify in our eyes non-compliance with this simple rule: serious illness or extreme helpless old age, perhaps.

Of course, each individually or in relation to really busy and enthusiastic people, these signs do not indicate the beginning of a personality disintegration: since childhood we have known stories about the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street.

But coupled with a loss of interest in everything and withdrawal from family, friends and society, these are truly signs of degradation.

Social decline

Degradation is the path down, the opposite of progress and improvement. This definition is true both for the individual and for society.

Is our society deteriorating today? Controversial issue. Everything seems to indicate decline:

  • The population is mostly indifferent to the economic development of the state: prices and inflation rates are rising; salaries and pensions do not keep up with them, but full-fledged and equal members of our society perceive this as natural phenomena- “Well, what can I do?”, “Alone in the field is not a warrior,” etc.
  • Lack of political will: elections are perceived as a kind of burden; the average citizen, even if he goes to the polls, does not feel at all his personal responsibility for the vote he cast. The idea that everything has been “decided and divided” is to some extent even convenient: it removes the obligation to study and compare candidates’ proposals and decide whether to believe or not. In general, any choice for a degrading subject is exactly what he tries in every possible way to avoid.

  • Mass consumption of “low-quality” culture: small demand for world cultural values, classics. And, conversely, the popularity of simple talk shows, vulgar TV series, etc. The popularity of the odious program “Dom-2” speaks for itself. And etc.

On the other hand, our society takes care of the elderly and children, the sick and disabled; streets are cleared of garbage, roads are repaired, houses are built. Food and basic necessities are available, as are items for a comfortable existence.

People honor and preserve traditions. Smart, talented and diligent children receive a good free education, seriously and seriously ill people have the necessary medical care etc.

It is impossible to call our society degraded. Not the Renaissance, of course, but not a “slum” state either. Normal developing society: there are shortcomings, and there is potential for their correction.


Significant personality changes do not happen in a vacuum. They are always preceded by some push - a reason; no one is born a degraded, self-destructive person.

Little children are very kind and sympathetic creatures, they work willingly and cannot live a day without creativity. They, imitating adults, readily accept our traditions: they wash themselves, dress, try to eat carefully, etc. Laziness, irresponsibility, indifference - everything appears later, in adulthood.

Something happens, and a person begins to feel that his life is a heavy cross; or lazy apathy overcomes and life loses its colors and everything important yesterday only gets in the way today.

People regress mainly for the same reasons.

Alcohol and drugs

The more poison there is, the faster the human appearance is lost. Dirty creatures with one single thought in their heads - to get alcohol or drugs. They are capable of stealing, killing, causing any harm and not feeling a drop of remorse or pity.

Alcohol degradation is irreversible. There are no alcoholics who have not deteriorated morally. As soon as vodka (alcohol, beer, cognac - it doesn’t matter) becomes necessary, it immediately becomes sufficient.


Nowadays it is sometimes called a lack of motivation and interest, and there are many interesting theories about this. For example, if a person is created with conditions for work and creativity that correspond to his natural make-up, then in principle there will be no laziness left.

There is a contradiction here: a person must find himself, and for this he needs mental labor, which is both development and a cure for degradation.

This means you need to stop being lazy, perk up and force yourself, and this is work. Humanity has survived thanks to work, including spiritual work.

A special case of mental laziness is the degradation of personality after retirement or loss of a job. A person finds himself alone with himself, but he has nothing to offer himself: routine, duties, responsibility - everything remains at work and he finds himself in a vacuum. There is no mental strength to start life anew, and the personality gradually degrades.


Faced with an event so terrible that everything else, including one's own self, fades into the background, a person can degrade. His body is alive, but his soul, as people say, is “dead.”

The problem of spiritual decline

Spiritual degradation begins where society questions eternal values.

Kindness, sincerity, human dignity become secondary personality qualities, or even a hindrance.

Youth and culture

As children grow up, they begin to imitate their older friends, and they, in turn, begin to imitate adults. If the cult of material values ​​as the highest good prevails in a society, then the culture in it is corresponding:

  • money, especially at first, creates the illusion of happiness and security;
  • More and more money is required - new needs appear;
  • it is possible to earn a lot of money in a decent way, but it requires very hard and long work;

  • money is required here and now, therefore everything that interferes with the speed of profit degrades: conscience, dignity, etc.: - “I’m not proud” or “Are you very proud?”;
  • in order to understand and feel the need for cultural human values, spiritual work is needed, and degraded individuals have already spent all their mental strength fighting themselves and species competitors, so they prefer everything that is simpler: TV series, light reading, funny pop music.

How to stop

It is possible to stop spiritual decline. You need to start with yourself and your loved ones:

  1. Look around, maybe for someone the only joy left is to come home from work, fall on the sofa with a bottle of beer and click on the TV remote control? Or maybe it's you?
  2. Start bothering yourself, go to the cinema, walk in the park, go to a museum, read the classics.
  3. Help an elderly person cross the road– feel the satisfaction that helping people brings.

It will be difficult at first, but you will wake up and see that the world is beautiful: it is colorful and kind, you just have to get out of the solitary cell of degradation. Good luck!

Video: Plague of the 21st century - degradation

The cause of personality degradation or collapse may be mental disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, old age. If the changes are not associated with illness or old age, the causes of degradation are resentment against life, guilt, loneliness, and lack of interests.

What does the word "degradation" mean? The word “degradation” comes up quite often. It is used when talking about the gradual deterioration, decline, loss of valuable qualities and properties observed in various areas of life - culture, society, art, environment. This term is also used in relation to physical, chemical and biological processes: degradation of soils, proteins, etc.

Psychologists use it when they talk about the destruction of personality - the narrowing and impoverishment of interests, feelings, talents and judgments, a decrease in mental activity and performance, up to complete indifference and loss of contacts with environment. Personality degradation is also called mental dullness. One of the severe forms of personality degradation is marasmus, or profound dementia. Personality degradation is an integral part of a deeper breakdown of the human psyche: dementia, or dementia.

How does personality degradation manifest itself?

The first signs of degradation appear long before the complete collapse of the personality. The range of interests of such people narrows, mainly in the general cultural aspect: they stop watching films, reading books, and attending concerts. They are characterized by frivolity, flat humor, carelessness along with capriciousness, discontent and grumbling. They become annoying and familiar. Their judgments are frivolous and superficial, and their behavior is characterized by swagger, a tendency toward cynicism, and a decreased sense of shame and disgust. Such qualities as deceit and egocentrism develop.

As the disease progresses, intellectual impairment increases. The character changes for the worse: the person becomes irritable and hot-tempered. Its main features are a negative worldview - an attitude towards all events with a negative prejudice, internal fear, etc. Memory deteriorates, interests narrow, and judgments and feelings become impoverished. It becomes difficult for a person to concentrate his attention on anything.

Another manifestation of personality degradation is lack of will, excessive complacency and carelessness. Carelessness and complete indifference to the surrounding world are observed in a severe form of degradation - insanity. Personality degradation also affects a person’s appearance. Characteristic changes in appearance are visible, one might say, to the naked eye: sloppiness, stooping, an indifferent look, inappropriate behavior. That’s what they say about such people – degenerate ones.

American psychologist Maslow identified several qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:

  • treating yourself as a pawn on which nothing depends either in public or in personal life;
  • the main thing in their life becomes the satisfaction of basic primary needs;
  • They divide the world into “us” and “strangers” and try to protect themselves from “strangers”;
  • they believe that their opinion is unshakable and is not subject to criticism and discussion;
  • their language is poor, they use elementary figures of speech. Their brains don't want to expend effort on verbal functions.

Why does personality degradation occur?

A person degrades when he stops developing spiritually. His brain seems to begin to atrophy “as unnecessary.” There can be many reasons why a person gives up and loses faith in himself, he becomes uninterested in life, he stops following events, develops intellectually, and forgets about his previous hobbies. This happens to someone when they lose a loved one, someone loses their taste for life after a collapse of hopes or a series of failures. The most susceptible to personality degradation are lonely people who feel like losers and useless to anyone.

But these factors in most cases threaten degradation not in themselves, but because a person begins to seek solace and oblivion in alcohol and sooner or later goes on a drinking binge. The concepts of alcoholism and personality degradation are inseparable. Moreover, alcoholism can be both the cause of degradation and its consequence.

Unfortunately, quite often personality degradation develops in older people after retirement. Psychologists even say that retirement is very harmful. Lack of duties, responsibility, and the need to load the brain lead to gradual spiritual death.

At the same time, there are many elderly people who have retained a lively and clear mind. If a person remains a multifaceted personality in old age, does not sit idle, if retirement frees up time and energy for new activities, then he is not in danger of personality degradation. Personality degradation can be a consequence of mental illness or organic diseases of the brain (schizophrenia, epilepsy, intoxication, trauma, etc.).

Senile insanity as a form of personality degradation

Senile insanity is a progressive disease that is an irreversible mental disorder. Its cause is the atrophy of all processes that occur in the brain, and this happens mainly due to pathological changes in its blood vessels. Heredity also aggravates the situation.

The disease develops gradually, over years, and others do not immediately notice strange behavior. The person just becomes distracted, forgetful, grumpy, stingy and self-centered. But as the symptoms progress, they become more and more pronounced, and it is no longer possible not to notice them. Memory deteriorates, false memories arise of events that did not happen. Eventually, a person stops recognizing loved ones, loses self-care skills, and needs constant monitoring and help.

Alcoholism and personality degradation

Another example of complete personality degradation is alcoholism. For an alcoholic, alcohol is the main need of life, and his brain works with one goal - where and how to get alcohol. An alcoholic's thoughts are superficial, phrases and words are simple and unpretentious.

Symptoms of personality degradation in alcoholics appear already in the first stages of alcoholism. They are emotionally unstable: tearfulness, touchiness, and pessimism can suddenly give way to excitability, irritation and anger. They lack a sense of guilt and understanding of their actions, but they experience carelessness, euphoria, and underestimation of life’s difficulties. Their actions are inadequate and unpredictable. Alcoholics become rude, deceitful and selfish.

Unfortunately, no one is immune from the risk of spiritual degradation - it threatens any person who “goes with the flow” and does not engage in self-development. If you don’t improve and don’t invest time and effort into your development, spiritual death may occur before physical death. Another poet N. Zabolotsky wrote:

“Don’t let your soul be lazy!

So as not to pound water in a mortar,

The soul must work

And day and night, and day and night!

If you decide to cut her some slack,

Freeing from work,

She's the last shirt

He will rip you off without pity.”

People who overcome their passivity, maintain an active physical state, are interested in everything that happens in the world, and take an active life position are unlikely to face personality degradation. The immediate environment is also important: to have people nearby who would infect you with their desire for new knowledge and skills.

As for senile insanity, it is impossible to cure it completely, but at an early stage it can be corrected. Therefore, when the first signs appear, it is worth examining: if its cause is vascular diseases of the brain, for example atherosclerosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. B vitamins, in particular B6 and folic acid, and Ginkgo biloba extract or capsules will help stop the development of senile insanity.

Personality degradation is a process caused by the reverse development of the psyche. Gradually, a person loses his former judgments, hobbies, motivation, his social activity, mental balance and performance decrease. A person loses his individuality and characteristic character traits. There is impoverishment not only in the social, but also in the creative sphere. In advanced cases, the quality of judgment, talents and activity decreases.

What is personality degradation

Personality degradation is a serious mental condition. A person susceptible to this disorder loses all his capabilities. This refers to the professional, creative and social components. The individual experiences a loss of balance in the first stages, then performance suffers and the final stage is loss of activity.

If a person has become more irritable, it is difficult for him to concentrate on one thing and remember new information, and the meaning of past judgments loses all meaning, this indicates impending degradation.

As a result of the ongoing changes, the development of opposite traits is observed: carelessness, lack of will, dependence.

Insanity is a severe case of degradation. It clearly demonstrates the complexity of the disorder. Marasmus is a pathological condition of the intellect called dementia. The person stops maintaining contact with others and leads a carefree life. IN modern world

signs of personality degradation are observed not only in the older generation, but also in people of mature age.

The disorder occurs with equal frequency in representatives of all social classes. This is the main danger of the condition.

Senile insanity is a progressive disease. It is caused by an irreversible mental disorder - brain atrophy and changes in the structure of blood vessels.

  • Abraham Maslow's theory
  • The American psychologist and creator of humanistic psychology identified the main qualities of a degraded personality:
  • The patient experiences “learned helplessness.” He believes that nothing depends on him in this life, he is only a pawn in the game of external forces.
  • The patient has no goals and aspirations. Only basic needs remain: food, sleep, physical comfort, survival.
  • Sometimes the patient feels ashamed of himself.
  • Society is divided into two categories: close people are good, strangers are bad.

Your own opinion is considered the only correct one and is not subject to discussion. Dialogues seem to the patient to be a useless waste of energy.

The patient's speech is poor in adjectives that are responsible for the sphere of emotions and fantasy. Symptoms of the disease

The first signs of disorder are grumpiness, inattention, and selfishness. If you suspect degradation in yourself or others, you need to check your heredity. If a close relative or parent has been exposed to the disorder, the risk of developing the disorder increases.

  • Alcohol degradation is widespread. Addiction completely destroys personality.
  • Emotional instability.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Outbursts of anger.
  • Anger that gives way to guilt.
  • Lack of real assessment of life's difficulties.

The development of the disease follows a certain sequence:

  • Appearance suffers. The desire to take care of yourself and perform basic procedures disappears: cutting nails and hair, maintaining hygiene, changing clothes.
  • Addictions appear: drug addiction, gambling addiction, alcoholism.
  • Interest in life gradually fades away.
  • Moral principles lose their meaning for the individual.
  • Base instincts take precedence over common sense.
  • All social contacts and place in society are lost. There is no desire to find yourself.
  • The understanding of the difference between decent and indecent is lost.

Society plays an important role in the formation and development of the individual. The people with whom an individual surrounds himself in life significantly slow down or accelerate his progress towards his goals.


There are many reasons that can provoke the development of the disease. This factor is different for each person. It is believed that a person begins to degrade when spiritual guidelines and the desire to develop are lost. Without receiving new information, the brain atrophies and starts self-destruction mode. Loss of faith in yourself and your strengths provokes a decrease in interest in the surrounding reality and events in the world.

One of the most serious reasons contributing to the development of the disorder is the loss of a loved one or a tragic life situation. The loss of loved ones and a series of failures can significantly shake the psyche of any individual. Without proper support and help, many may not cope. Often victims resort to drinking alcohol. Alcohol is not always the only cause of the disorder, but can act as its consequence. The condition is aggravated by manic-depressive psychosis - in this case, the help of a specialist is required.

Lonely people are more susceptible to developing the disease, including those who were previously strong and independent.

Regression personal development especially typical for the older generation. In the absence of various events during retirement, a person’s condition worsens.