Hormonal imbalance in women: treatment, medications. Causes of imbalance. Treatment of hormonal imbalance with folk remedies What to drink if a girl has hormonal imbalance

A woman's body undergoes monthly hormonal changes from adolescence to menopause. Deficiency or excess of hormones affects the functions of all organs and systems. If hormonal imbalance occurs in women, treatment helps normalize their concentration and restore the functioning of the body.

Hormones stabilize the functioning of the body and affect health. A woman feels good when her hormone levels are balanced. When they are imbalanced, the performance of all organs and systems is disrupted.

The female body produces various hormones. Estrogen and progesterone have the greatest impact on health. A malfunction of organs and systems occurs when the concentration of estrogen rises.

Factors that cause hormonal imbalance include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • infections;
  • operations;
  • pancreatic diseases;
  • severe stress, depression, emotional turmoil;
  • dysfunction of endocrine organs.

The use of hormonal drugs is a serious reason leading to disruptions in the body.

Hormone imbalance develops against the background of infections and certain pathologies. It is provoked by:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • polycystic disease;
  • endometriosis.

The balance of hormones is disrupted after surgery on the internal genital organs. Sometimes the disorder is so severe that infertility develops. Hormonal levels change in teenage girls, pregnant women, and menopause. After delivery, the hormone balance returns to normal spontaneously.

Many contraceptives contain hormones. They can cause disruptions in the hormonal system. A background disorder occurs if a woman ignores a healthy lifestyle, eats poorly, and is overweight.


Signs of hormonal imbalance differ between teenage girls and mature women. In girls it manifests itself as follows:

  • unstable menstrual cycle;
  • delayed menstruation: they do not occur by the age of 16 (this is an important sign of a hormonal disorder);
  • lack of armpit and pubic hair;
  • underdeveloped mammary glands;
  • excessive thinness.

In women, hormone imbalance can:

  • disrupt the menstrual cycle;
  • cause chronic fatigue;
  • provoke irritability, insomnia;
  • cause headaches;
  • cause discomfort during intimacy.

If there is a malfunction of the hormonal system, some women experience hair loss. Weight gain is a significant symptom of imbalance.

When menopause occurs, women suffer from prolonged depression, manifestations of premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, and swelling of the mammary glands. They are tormented by absent-mindedness, fatigue, and apathy.

These symptoms may be supplemented by signs of gynecological pathologies. Women are diagnosed various diseases genitourinary system. Signs of hormonal disorders are similar to those of other diseases. Treatment for hormonal imbalance should be prescribed by a doctor. The treatment regimen is drawn up based on the test results.


Hormonal imbalances lead to various complications. They call:

  • obesity;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • infertility;
  • development of cancerous tumors;
  • formation of cysts in the mammary glands;
  • diabetes;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • osteoporosis.

Miscarriage is another undesirable consequence of hormonal imbalance.

Mostly, the imbalance occurs in women who have crossed the 40-year mark. It occurs rarely in girls and young people of childbearing age.

Therapeutic treatment

If signs of a hormonal disorder appear, you must undergo an examination:

  • donate blood for analysis;
  • do a hormone test;
  • undergo an ultrasound.

The doctor, having established the causes of the disorders, will prescribe treatment. To eliminate the imbalance, various medications are used:

  • to improve menstruation or stabilize the condition during menopause, use Mastodinon, Cyclodinon, Klimadinon;
  • sedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers relieve psychogenic disorders;
  • take multivitamins.

If the imbalance is not significant, patients are recommended to take vitamins A and E. They have effects similar to estrogen. Vitamins compensate for the deficiency of bioactive substances.

The prescribed hormone-containing drug is taken in short or long courses (from one week to several months). Self-medication is unacceptable. Calculate dosage medicines and the duration of treatment can only be done by a doctor.

Women are prescribed the necessary physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, laser therapy, acupuncture, massage), and are recommended to undergo a course of treatment in a sanatorium.

Diet therapy

Dietary nutrition is selected taking into account the patient’s condition and concomitant diseases. If hormonal imbalance in women is caused by irrational food consumption, the menu is adjusted and fresh, high-quality products are introduced into it.

The diet is designed so that fats, proteins and carbohydrates are balanced, the foods consumed do not allow you to gain weight and at the same time compensate for nutritional deficiencies.

A diet for hormone imbalance involves eating plant foods in large quantities. Women need to eat vegetables, berries, fruits, sunflower seeds, nuts, lean meat, fish, seafood, cabbage. Diabetes is controlled daily consumption sugars Their increase is bad for health.

If you are overweight, watch your caloric intake. Low-fat foods and foods enriched with dietary fiber help reduce body weight. At the same time, losing weight benefits the woman, her endocrine system improves.

Helps stabilize weight fasting days. They choose one dietary product and eat it throughout the day. Unloading should be done once a week. A doctor helps you choose products for a one-day mono-diet (especially for diabetics). Usually fruits, vegetables or fermented milk products are used. They eat apples, cucumbers, watermelons, and kefir.

It is prohibited to use:

  • chocolate;
  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • fat;
  • fast food;
  • semi-finished products.

Traditional methods

The resulting manifestation of imbalance is successfully treated folk remedies. They are prescribed in addition to the main therapy.


Flax seeds are rich in phytoestrogens. They are used for menopause. You should be treated with flax seeds for a month according to the following scheme:

  • Take 2 tablespoons of seeds with a glass of water;
  • take the drug twice a day.

After seven days, the hot flashes will subside, nervousness will disappear, and sleep will improve.

Estrogen deficiency can be treated with sage. The plant contains a hormone with estrogen-like effects. Extracts from it are used for infertility, menstruation with lack of ovulation.

A decoction of sage is taken simultaneously with the drugs Duphaston and Utrozhestan. In this case, it is necessary to understand the rules for using medications. All prescriptions are made by the doctor, who also calculates the dosage of the medications.

If estrogen levels begin to fall, a sage infusion is prepared to raise its concentration:

  • boil 250 ml of water;
  • add a teaspoon of herbs;
  • after 15 minutes of infusion, filter;
  • drink ¼ cup three times a day before meals. Do not drink the infusion at night.

An overdose of sage leads to poisoning. The permissible limit must be strictly observed. Its extracts are prohibited from being used for high estrogen levels, thyroid diseases, uterine fibroids, allergies and other pathologies. The product is used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Complex herbal medicine

Medicinal herbs are enriched with phytohormones. These substances have the same properties as human hormones, but their effects are much weaker. Unlike medications, they gently normalize hormonal levels without causing side effects.

You can be treated with folk remedies prepared on the basis of peppermint, valerian, linden blossom, lemon balm, strawberry, fennel. These herbs are used for monotherapy or in combination with potent plants: hogweed, red brush, wormwood, sage.

To cure pathology, drugs are used according to a certain pattern. Drug intake is broken down by day of the menstrual cycle as follows:

Treatment lasts for three months. Along with the infusions, selenium and folic acid are taken.


Disorders that arise in the hormonal system are successfully treated with Ayurveda. The drugs normalize hormone levels and eliminate congestion in the pelvis. Ayurveda effectively fights psychogenic disorders and normalizes the emotional background. Treatment begins after visiting a specialist who is able to select the right Ayurvedic medicines.

Hormonal imbalance is a serious disorder of the body that causes various pathological processes. Uncontrolled treatment leads to serious consequences. You can effectively deal with the problem only if you strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Hormonal imbalance can be called a disruption of the endocrine and neuroregulatory systems, entailing a series of pathological conditions. Dysfunction can occur in both women and men. It is important to understand that all processes in our body depend on the current hormonal status. This means that a failure can significantly affect your well-being and cause serious harm to the body.

In women, the cause of hormonal imbalance is often considered to be pathological phenomena in the organs of the reproductive system. Inflammatory processes and weakening of the body’s immune defense can become a cause for violations. These disorders entail problems in the sexual sphere, disruptions of the menstrual cycle, and deterioration in general well-being.

An important feature of diseases of the female and male reproductive system is the asymptomatic course in the early stages of occurrence. That is why main role Constant medical supervision plays a role in prevention. Individuals need to visit a medical professional regularly to avoid serious imbalances and diseases of the genital organs.

What is hormonal imbalance?

Male and female sex hormones are secreted by the endocrine glands. The reproductive organs, cerebral cortex, adrenal glands and thyroid glands are responsible for health in this area.

During life, many changes occur in the human body, resulting in hormonal fluctuations. They can be observed especially clearly in the female body, which goes through the stages of puberty, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and menopause. At these stages of life, the ratio and amount of hormones produced can change significantly.

Hormonal imbalance is an imbalance due to excessive or insufficient production of substances produced by the internal secretion organs.

Causes of hormonal imbalance

Congenital disorders

Pathologies, absence or delayed development of the genital organs can cause improper hormone production.


Abnormal functioning of the endocrine system is often caused by puberty. During adolescence, girls and boys go through the stage of growth and formation of reproductive organs. At this moment, their body changes quite a lot externally and internally. Girls develop stable menstruation, which indicates readiness for pregnancy and childbirth.

Endocrine diseases

Functional disorders occurring in the peripheral glands can cause serious imbalance. Malignant and benign tumors, infectious and inflammatory lesions can cause disruptions.

Neuroendocrine regulation disorders

This category includes disorders of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, which regulates the production of hormones. Incorrect work is provoked by injuries to the brain and skull, encephalitis, and cancer.

Adrenal diseases

Hormonal metabolism takes place in the liver. Pathologies of the adrenal cortex are provoked by a disruption in the process of removing metabolites.

Taking hormonal medications

Hormonal imbalances can be caused by certain groups of medications. The risk of failure cannot be excluded even if the patient takes medications prescribed by the attending physician.

Often the cause of hormonal imbalance in women is the use of self-selected birth control pills. In men, an imbalance often occurs when undergoing a course of treatment for diseases of the genitourinary system, baldness, allergies, neuroses and skin pathologies.


Prolonged and strong emotional experiences have a negative impact on the functioning of the endocrine glands. Due to stressful situations disorders of the central nervous system develop, which has a direct impact on the functioning of the endocrine system.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

Failure to maintain a normal daily routine, excessive physical activity and lack of sleep are serious stresses. Chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, irritability occur, and the level of sexual activity decreases.

Poor nutrition

Systematic intake of fatty foods and disruption of normal daily caloric intake leads to excess body weight gain. Obesity is one of the causes of diseases of the endocrine system.

Malnutrition can also negatively affect hormonal levels. If a girl adheres to a strict diet for a long time, vitamin deficiency, exhaustion, and thinning of the walls occur. internal organs. In case of sudden weight loss of 10 kg or more, women often stop having periods, which doctors manage to restore with great difficulty.

Alcoholism and drug addiction

Spirits and narcotic substances cause serious hormonal imbalances and other life-threatening diseases. Men suffering from beer alcoholism have increased estrogen levels. As a result, such patients often experience hair loss, female-type obesity (enlarged breasts and hips), and impotence.

Gynecological problems

Diseases of the reproductive organs (for example, cancer of the uterus and ovaries) lead to decreased or increased secretion of hormones. Negative Impact can have an unsuccessful operation on the genital organs of a man or woman.


Forced termination of pregnancy is a huge stress for the body. Hormonal dysfunction is the most common complication of abortion. The highest risk of failure exists in women who terminated their first pregnancy at a fairly late stage.

Typical signs of hormonal dysfunction after an abortion include nervousness, weight gain, changes blood pressure, increased sweating.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The hormonal background changes noticeably after fertilization of the egg. During pregnancy, women suffer from constant mood swings, fatigue, anxiety and tearfulness.

Hormonal transformations during this important period cause the cessation of menstruation, weight gain, and growth of the mammary glands. Signs of failure include sudden unmotivated weight gain, virilization syndrome, and neurological pathologies.

Imbalance after the birth of a child can be associated with gynecological diseases, stress, infectious and inflammatory processes, and exacerbation of chronic health problems.


Hormonal imbalances are observed in women during menopause. After reaching 45-55 years of age, the body begins to undergo restructuring and the production of eggs is completed. The menstrual cycle becomes irregular and then stops completely. The ability to become pregnant and give birth to a child is lost.

At this time, the concentration of the female sex hormone estrogen in the body decreases significantly. As a result, aging processes actively occur in the body. Gray hair appears, deep wrinkles appear, libido decreases.

Patients complain of hot flashes (feelings of heat in the facial area), migraines, hair loss, brittle nails, cystitis and pain during sexual intercourse. In old age, a lack of female sex hormones predisposes to osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, and pathologies of the nervous system.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

You can find out about the onset of hormonal imbalance by symptoms such as:

  • Emotional instability.
  • Anxiety, short temper and irritability.
  • Weight change.
  • Excessive body hair.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen due to premature contractions of the uterus.
  • Irregularity of menstruation.
  • Underdevelopment of the mammary glands.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Decreased sexual desire.

Consequences of hormonal imbalance

If left untreated, hormonal imbalance can lead to:

  • Female or male infertility.
  • Obesity.
  • The growth of malignant tumors.
  • Impotence.
  • Heart attacks and strokes.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Diseases of the mammary glands.

Diagnosis and treatment of hormonal imbalance

Diagnosis of hormonal imbalance consists of:

  • Collecting and checking medical history.
  • Excluding tumors of the endocrine system.
  • Examination of the reproductive system.

To correct the patient’s condition, doctors use:

  • Drug treatment. Vitamins A, E, calcium, selenium, zinc, potassium, and substitutes for female and male hormones are used. neuroleptics, homeopathic remedies.
  • Surgical intervention. Surgeries are performed to remove cystic formations and tumors.
  • The right diet. Patients are helped to normalize body weight with balanced nutrition and physical activity.
  • Restoring the work and rest regime.

For a woman's body to remain healthy, hormones must be balanced. When any of them increases or decreases significantly, hormonal imbalance can occur, which can further lead to serious problems and diseases. If you notice unusual symptoms and suspect you have endocrine disorder, see your doctor as soon as possible to get tested and get the right treatment.


Hormonal imbalance and its effect on the body. How to recognize the signs of the most common hormonal disorders.

  1. Estrogens

Estrogens are primarily produced in the ovaries, but are also produced in the adrenal glands. These hormones are important for a woman's sexual and reproductive development. Teenagers often have high levels of testosterone or more low content estradiol, but as we grow older, the amount of testosterone decreases and the female hormone increases.

If it is present in a woman’s body, a hormonal disorder and so-called estrogen dominance may occur. This condition causes symptoms such as:

  • weight gain,
  • changes in the menstrual cycle,
  • worsening PMS symptoms,
  • cysts in the breast,
  • tides,
  • decrease in sexual desire,
  • dry skin,
  • mood swings.

Too little estrogen can also lead to hormonal imbalance, irregular or absent periods, and even early menopause. A woman in this case may experience symptoms of menopause. Improper production of one estradiol often leads to disturbances in the production of other hormones. Conversely, estrogens can go beyond normal limits, for example due to excessive prolactin production or low progesterone. Also, the amount of this hormone in the body is affected by some tumors, diseases (for example, cirrhosis of the liver), physical activity and nutrition.

  1. Testosterone

Testosterone stimulates the development of male characteristics and the internal and external reproductive organs necessary for the production of sperm. Normally, a woman should have less of this hormone than a man. High testosterone usually occurs in young children. In women, its increased content may be an indicator of a hormonal disorder, including polycystic ovary syndrome. The main features include:

  • (even in adulthood) and oily skin,
  • on the body and face,
  • severe and baldness,
  • increase in muscle mass.

Low levels of this hormone occur in women taking oral contraceptives or following a strict diet.

  1. Progesterone

The steroid hormone progesterone plays an important role in menstrual cycle and maintaining pregnancy in the early stages. One of its main tasks is to prepare the endometrium, which lines the internal cavity of the uterus, for possible conception after ovulation. Women with low progesterone levels (luteal phase deficiency) tend to have irregular periods and fertility problems.

During pregnancy, a lack of this hormone increases the chance of miscarriage and premature birth. Increased progesterone also leads to hormonal disorders in women, including uterine bleeding.

  1. Insulin

The hormone insulin is released into the bloodstream by special beta cells found in the pancreas. It controls the body's use of carbohydrates and fats from food. Insulin allows cells in the liver, muscle and fat to absorb sugar from the bloodstream. Glucose can also be converted into fat to provide energy when sugar levels are too low.

If a woman's body becomes insensitive to insulin, the body begins to produce it in increased quantities, which subsequently leads to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. Obesity, which is often observed in this case, further worsens the situation. In addition, with problems with insulin, a woman often develops a hormonal disorder such as.

Signs of high blood sugar:

  • strong thirst
  • headache,
  • blurred vision,
  • frequent urination,
  • fatigue.

Symptoms of low blood sugar:

  • dizziness,
  • absent-mindedness,
  • sticky sweat
  • nervousness,
  • rapid pulse,
  • hunger.
  1. Thyroid hormones

The thyroid gland is a small organ that is located in the front of the neck. It absorbs iodine(s) from foods and converts them into thyroid hormones. They, in turn, regulate vital body functions such as breathing, heart rate, body temperature and weight, muscle strength, menstrual cycle, etc.

A hormonal disorder in which women have too much thyroid hormone (T3 and T4) and too little TSH is called hyperthyroidism. It is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • anxiety,
  • hyperactivity,
  • sweating or high temperature,
  • hair loss,
  • absent or short menstruation.

A hormonal imbalance in which TSH rises and thyroid hormones fall is called hypothyroidism. Its symptoms include:

  • drowsiness,
  • fatigue,
  • dry skin or hair,
  • depression,
  • sensitivity to cold temperatures,
  • heavy periods, ovarian dysfunction,
  • muscle pain.
  1. Cortisol

Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal cortex. Once in the bloodstream, it is distributed throughout the body, helping to regulate metabolism. It may act as an anti-inflammatory and affect blood pressure.

Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone because it helps a woman cope with nervous tension by shutting down certain functions so that the body can direct its energy to combat stress. Stressful state usually does not harm the body if it does not last long. Chronic stress and increased stress over a long period, including Cushing's syndrome, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • rapid weight gain in the face, chest and abdomen, with thin arms and legs,
  • red face,
  • high blood pressure,
  • osteoporosis,
  • bruises,
  • muscle weakness,
  • mood swings, anxiety and depression,
  • frequent urination.
  1. Leptin

This hormone is released from fat cells and helps regulate body weight. The higher a woman's weight, the more leptin will circulate in the blood. In obesity, levels of this hormone are very high, the brain does not receive the signal that it is full, and as a result a condition known as leptin resistance can occur. The person continues to eat, leptin levels rise, and weight increases.

The main signs of a hormonal disorder called leptin resistance:

  • obesity, excess weight and difficulty losing it,
  • constant craving for food.


  1. How is low estrogen treated?

If estradiol is low, hormonal treatment may be prescribed. Women between the ages of 25 and 50 are usually prescribed a high dose of estrogen to reduce the risk of bone loss, cardiovascular disease and other hormonal problems. The actual dose depends on the severity of the condition and route of administration. Estrogen can be taken:

  • orally,
  • externally,
  • vaginally,
  • through injections.

In some cases, long-term treatment may be required even after estrogen levels return to normal. Lower doses may be prescribed to maintain hormonal balance.

In addition, estrogen treatment may ease the severity of menopausal symptoms and reduce the risk of fractures. Long-term estrogen therapy is primarily recommended for women who are approaching menopause or have had a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). In all other cases, estrogen therapy is recommended to be continued for no more than 1–2 years, as it can potentially increase the risk of cancer, blood clots and stroke.

  1. Increased estrogen in women

High levels of female hormones, which are not associated with the presence of serious diseases, can be lowered using folk remedies. After consultation with a doctor, a woman may be prescribed the drug DIM, Indole, Zinc Picolinate, Calcium D Glucarate. Other benefits include detoxifying the liver, improving bowel function by eating fiber and avoiding processed foods, losing excess weight and reducing insulin resistance, and reducing alcohol consumption and aromatase enzyme activity.

  1. Hormonal imbalance associated with high testosterone

Low doses of corticosteroids, such as prednisone or dexamethasone, given daily for 2 to 3 months, can reduce adrenal androgen production. Glucocorticosteroids reduce acne and may improve fertility and moderately reduce acne in women.

For elevated testosterone caused by insulin resistance, the drug is usually prescribed. It helps in weight loss, which also reduces androgen levels and reduces excess hair growth.

Oral contraceptives can also reduce testosterone levels in women. COCs reduce acne and hirsutism, and also help prevent alopecia.

Spironolactone is a drug that blocks the action of aldosterone and reduces hair loss. However, this medicine may cause birth defects and should not be taken by women who may become pregnant. When taken, the following symptoms may appear: side effects, such as fatigue, dizziness, headaches and decreased desire.

Lifestyle changes may help with a slight increase in test levels. Thus, 55–65% of women with elevated testosterone levels are overweight. Losing just 7% of your body weight can reduce symptoms of hyperandrogenism and improve fertility. Regular exercise also helps normalize blood glucose levels.

  1. Hormonal imbalances with low testosterone

It is rare and requires specialist consultation. Sometimes doctors prescribe the medicine Estratest, which contains both estrogen and testron. If indicated, women may be prescribed injections or androgel, usually prescribed to men. DHEA supplements may also be prescribed.

All these drugs can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Too much increase in testosterone can lead to acne, hirsutism, and infertility.

  1. Low or high progesterone

Reduced hormone progesterone sometimes causes problems with conception, bleeding and menstrual irregularities. For severe symptoms of menopause, Progron is also often prescribed in combination with estrogen. Treatment can be prescribed in the form of:

  • cream or gel for topical or vaginal use,
  • suppositories,
  • vaginal ring,
  • oral medications, such as Provera.

Hormone therapy can relieve symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness, and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes. Oral progesterone provides a calming effect, improving sleep.

Folk remedies to increase low level progesterone include:

  • increasing the intake of vitamins B and C,
  • adding more foods with zinc to your diet,
  • control stress levels, since when stress is high, cortisol is released instead of progesterone.

The most common cause of high progesterone is due to the use of medications containing this hormone. If the level of progron in the blood is too high, the doctor may adjust the dose of the drug. Another reason may be excessive production of progesterone by the adrenal glands. Stress increases progesterone levels. In this case, it is recommended to reduce caffeine consumption, reduce nervous tension and physical activity (if it is excessive), lower cortisol and check DHEA, change your diet by reducing the intake of refined carbohydrates.

In addition, changes in thyroid function alter progesterone and cortisol levels and affect obesity. If progesterone is elevated, it is necessary to examine the thyroid gland, measure the levels of insulin, leptin, and testosterone in the blood.

  1. Insulin and hormonal disorders

Insulin resistance is associated with hormonal imbalances, obesity, diabetes, PCOS, as well as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breast and endometrial cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.

To combat insulin resistance, doctors prescribe drugs such as. Additionally, it is recommended to switch to a diet consisting of small amounts of lean meat and other proteins, fiber, grains and plenty of vegetables and legumes, leafy greens and fruits. Regular half-hour exercise 3-5 times a week helps regulate metabolic function and maintain hormonal balance.

  1. Hormonal disorders associated with the thyroid gland

The standard treatment for hypothyroidism is replacement therapy, such as levothyroxine, which is taken by mouth to replace missing thyroid hormone. Treatment is usually long-term.

Hyperthyroidism can be treated with iodine (including radioactive iodine), antithyroid drugs, or surgery. Radioactive iodine can destroy part of the thyroid gland. This may be enough to control hyperthyroidism. In at least 80% of cases, one dose of radioactive iodine can cure hyperthyroidism.

  1. Cortisol and hormonal imbalance

For low or high cortisol, stress reduction is recommended, including reducing exposure to chemical and biochemical stressors, such as avoiding excess sugar and processed foods. For minor deviations from the norm, natural supplements with ashwagandha and fish oil may be useful. In case of severe violations, consultation with a specialist will be required.

  1. The role of leptin in hormonal disorders

For obesity and leptin resistance, it is recommended to avoid processed foods, which disrupt intestinal function and cause inflammation in the body, consume soluble fiber and protein, and lower triglycerides in the blood if they are elevated. Physical activity and proper sleep also improve leptin sensitivity.

Modern medicine makes it possible to successfully treat both genetically determined hormonal imbalance and hormonal imbalance that appears as a result of exposure to any external factors. But often, women simply do not pay attention to the disorders occurring in their body, and in some cases, they do not even know which one to treat hormonal imbalance. Delaying the necessary treatment in the future threatens very serious gynecological diseases (polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids or polyps in the uterus) and even the development of malignant tumors.

Treatments for hormonal imbalance

Often, treatment of hormonal imbalance in a woman is carried out with the help of drugs containing hormones (combined oral contraceptives). They can significantly improve a woman’s appearance, normalize her menstrual cycle, and also restore hormonal balance in the body. This method of treatment is very lengthy, because the drugs have to be taken for many months or even years. Such drugs include: “Femoden”, “Regulon”, “Logest”, “Yarina”, “Zhanin”, “Mersilon”. Also very popular are the following products: Marvelon, Miniziston, Novinet, Belara, Lindinet or Silest.

In teenage girls, treatment of such changes is often done without taking special hormonal medications, and is limited only to taking certain vitamin complexes, diet and special physiotherapeutic procedures. Only in cases of hormonal imbalance (genetically determined), with polycystic ovary syndrome, or primary amenorrhea, hormonal treatment is required at this age.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance with traditional methods

Herbs such as oregano and hops can help regulate the production of female hormones and regulate the menstrual cycle. They can be used in the form of a common mixture, as well as separately. To prepare a medicinal infusion you will need dried and then finely ground oregano. Take two tablespoons of raw materials, place them in an enamel container, and pour one glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes, the infusion will be completely ready for use. It is recommended to drink it in small quantities warm, before eating (twice a day).

A hop decoction is prepared in a similar way. The only difference is that the hops must be brewed in a thermos: pour one tablespoon of well-dried and then crushed raw materials into 250 ml. boiling water. Let the broth brew for 8 hours, after which it will be completely ready for use. Drink it several times a day before eating, half a glass.

The level of hormones and their balanced interaction have a huge impact on the condition female body. Hormonal imbalance is a pathology characterized by insufficient production of sex hormones.

In women, such a failure causes various diseases of the reproductive system and, in combination with immunity disorders, inflammation and sexually transmitted infections, causes whole line serious pathologies: menstrual irregularities, uterine fibroids, hyperplasia, polyps and polycystic disease.

It is very important to regularly conduct gynecological examinations, because a number of diseases of the reproductive system are asymptomatic, without pain, bleeding and other clinical manifestations.

In this article, we will take a closer look at hormonal imbalance in women, find out its first signs, and the main symptoms that are worth paying attention to. Let us not leave unnoticed the current methods of treating this problem in women.


There are many factors contributing to hormonal imbalance in women. This is primarily due to the dependence of hormonal status on the work of neuroendocrine regulation of the central nervous system, which is located in the brain, and on the proper functioning of the endocrine glands, which are localized in the periphery.

In this regard, the reasons contributing to hormonal disorders can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Causes, caused by disturbances in the functioning of central regulation.
  2. Causes, provoked pathological processes , occurring in the peripheral glands. Malfunctions in their work can be caused by tumors, infections, inflammatory processes, etc.

So, let’s highlight the main causes of hormonal imbalance in women:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Congenital defects of the hormonal system are a rather complex condition that is difficult to correct. Typically the main cause for concern in in this case is primary amenorrhea ( complete absence menstruation in girls after 16 years).
  2. Malfunctions of the endocrine system(problems with the proper functioning of the pancreas, thyroid gland and adrenal glands).
  3. At use of oral contraceptives, they contain hormones, so a disorder begins, which first manifests itself in excess weight.
  4. Because of colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, hormone levels can often be disrupted. It has been proven that those girls who often suffered from various infectious diseases have problems with hormonal levels in adulthood.
  5. Poor nutrition, when a girl tortures herself with exhausting diets, when food intake is reduced, the body lacks the necessary elements with the help of which certain hormones are produced.
  6. Diseases of various types, among which are bronchial asthma, polycystic ovary syndrome, uterine fibroids, breast cysts and frequent headaches (migraines).
  7. Surgical operations relating to the internal genital organs of women.
  8. Severe nervous breakdown, stress (including chronic stress), depression– all of the above often negatively affects a woman’s hormonal background.
  9. Excess body weight. The more extra pounds a woman has, the higher the likelihood that she will experience hormonal imbalance.

Such natural states of a woman as adolescence, pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding and menopause can affect the imbalance of hormonal levels, but most often the body itself restores the necessary balance of hormones.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women

The clinical picture of hormonal imbalance in women is directly related to age and physiological state.

In particular, if the formation of secondary sexual characteristics slows down in adolescents, then in women of childbearing age the main symptoms are concentrated on the menstrual cycle and the ability to conceive.

In this regard, the symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women can be different, but the most striking signs indicating this pathology are:

  1. Irregular menstruation. Frequently delayed periods or their absence for a certain period of time.
  2. Mood swings and irritability. The woman’s mood often changes, but most of her mood is bad. Manifestation of anger and aggression towards people around him, pessimism, frequent depression - all this can be another manifestation of hormonal imbalance.
  3. Weight gain. Excess weight, fatty deposits quickly appear, while nutrition has no effect. When a woman is even on a strict diet, eating practically nothing, she still gains weight due to a hormonal imbalance.
  4. Decreased sex drive. It happens that with hormonal imbalance, women note a decrease in sexual desire and interest in sexual life.
  5. Hair loss . A common symptom of hormonal imbalance in women is, which can be very intense.
  6. Headache . Other manifestations may also be characteristic of hormonal imbalance, but they are more of an individual nature. For example, such symptoms may be: the appearance of wrinkles, fibrocystic formations in the breast, uterine fibroids, vaginal dryness.
  7. Insomnia, fatigue. Due to the fact that the woman’s sleep is disturbed, she does not sleep at night, she is tormented constant weakness, drowsiness. Even when a woman is well rested, she still feels overwhelmed.

Treatment for hormonal imbalance in a woman is prescribed based on the results of a study of general hormonal levels. Usually, to relieve symptoms of hormonal imbalance, medications are prescribed that contain hormones that are produced insufficiently or completely in a woman’s body.

Specific and nonspecific signs

All those signs that indicate the presence of a hormonal imbalance in a woman can be divided into two large groups: specific and nonspecific symptoms.

TO the first group includes:

  • problems conceiving a child;
  • an increase in the amount of hair on the body and the rate of its growth;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • a sharp increase in body weight while maintaining the same lifestyle;
  • uterine bleeding not associated with menstruation.

TO nonspecific signs can be attributed:

  • weakness of a woman;
  • rapid fatigue even in the absence of objective reasons for this;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep disorders (insomnia or, conversely, constant drowsiness);
  • decreased sex drive;
  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa.

As a rule, when such symptoms are detected, the doctor prescribes additional examinations that allow differential diagnosis.

Symptoms in girls

Symptoms of failure in teenage girls:

  1. Poorly developed mammary glands.
  2. If the girl is already 16 years old, and she still has never had (had, but very irregularly) menstruation.
  3. Excessive amount of body hair or complete absence.
  4. Excessive thinness, long and thin legs and arms. Weight that does not reach 48 kg.

In many cases, it will be necessary to establish the correct daily routine for the girl and everything will go away on its own. But in severe cases, hormonal medications may be prescribed, which are taken strictly according to the instructions.


Hormonal imbalance causes disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism, so if the cause is not recognized in time, there is a risk of complications, such as:

  • infertility;
  • obesity;
  • osteoporosis;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • gynecological diseases of various origins;
  • hormone-dependent benign or malignant tumors;
  • with an increased risk of developing .

It must be taken into account that dysfunctions and many diseases caused by hormone imbalance are very difficult to treat. But if you know why hormonal imbalance occurs and how you can cope with it, you can significantly ease such an unpleasant process.

Treatment of hormonal imbalance in women

Due to the fact that any hormonal imbalance can lead to quite serious consequences, this condition requires mandatory correction. However, before starting treatment for hormonal imbalance, a woman should find out the reason that triggered the hormonal shift. To do this, you need to consult an endocrinologist and also take a blood test to check your hormonal status.

Depending on the reason that caused the hormonal imbalance, treatment can be based on:

  • hormonal therapy and/or treatment of sexually transmitted infections;
  • following a special diet (for example, selenium-zinc for adolescents or vegetarian during menopause);
  • sometimes surgery is required.

However, in case of hormonal imbalance in women, in most cases, treatment is associated with replacement therapy, in which a number of artificial drugs are used, similar in structure to the secretion of the gonads, such as Mastodion, Klimadion, Cyclodion. In view of this, the prescription of complex therapy can only be carried out on the basis of laboratory diagnostics.

Much attention is also paid to nutrition and physical exercise, adherence to rest regime and labor activity. Women are often prescribed a diet that increases their intake of fruits and vegetables, herbal infusions and teas, and includes other alternative methods such as nutritional supplements and vitamin complexes. In some clinics, in order to restore the balance of female hormones, hirudotherapy, that is, treatment with leeches, is offered.


Everyone knows that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. Therefore, women who do not want to know about hormonal disorders in women and not have problems with them should do the following as a preventive measure:

  • Keep a regular menstrual cycle calendar;
  • monitor the nature of menstrual flow.

And the most important thing is to undergo a preventive examination with a gynecologist twice a year, even if there are no visible reasons for concern - unfortunately, “women’s” diseases tend not to make themselves felt for the time being.