Is there calcium in eggshells? Eggshell. Healing properties of shells: revealing folk secrets

Eggshells are used for a variety of purposes: soil fertilization, bleaching clothing, feeding poultry and livestock, and human consumption.

Today doctors have proven that the use of eggshells has a positive effect on the human body, by eliminating calcium deficiency, you can prevent the development of many dental diseases, nervous system, blood vessels, heart, kidneys.

Therefore, it is very important to regularly replenish calcium reserves in the body!

The benefits of eggshells for bone tissue in adults and children

Egg shells contain more calcium than pharmaceutical drugs, which are half composed of auxiliary additives.
Therefore, it is very beneficial for bones and teeth. Regular consumption of chicken egg shell powder will allow you to strengthen your skeleton, teeth and dental bones, nails and hair in a matter of days.

People who monitor the calcium content in their body are much less likely to experience fractures, dislocations, and nerve paralysis.

Who needs to replenish calcium reserves in the body daily:

  • young children and adolescents;
  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • all girls and women during the period of hormonal changes in the body (the first couple of months after the first menstruation and during menopause);
  • everyone who suffered as a result of fractures;
  • patients suffering from cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy;
  • people who have seizures;
  • older people and those with weak, brittle bones;
  • girls and women during the period of vitamin starvation (late autumn and early spring).

How to prepare eggshells for oral administration

In order for eggshells to bring only benefits to the body, it is necessary to follow all the rules for its preparation.

For any recipe, only shells are used boiled eggs.


Some doctors advise washing eggs in a soda solution before cooking. The soda solution is prepared as follows: for 1 liter of boiled water, one large spoonful of baking soda.

Another important condition, which should be remembered. The shells of boiled eggs must be cleared of the inner transparent film.

It doesn't have useful substances Moreover, it may contain salmonella. It is also believed that it may be poorly absorbed by the body in some people.


Easily Absorbable Calcium Recipe

The most common and effective recipe is called “Cinderella”.

To prepare this wonderful medicine, you will need eggs from chickens raised at home. It is equally important that the eggs are, as they say, “from under the rooster.”

How to cook.

  1. Wash ten eggs thoroughly and boil them hard. Let cool completely.
  2. Peel the eggs, and then separate the inner film from the shell.
  3. The already processed shell needs to be dried (you can use it on a newspaper that is laid on the windowsill). Then it should be collected in an opaque container and stored in a dark place for 72 hours.
  4. Next, the shells need to be crushed. To do this, it is best to use a special porcelain mortar (available in kitchenware stores). If you don’t have one, you can take a blender or coffee grinder.
  5. The resulting composition must be carefully sifted through a fine sieve to remove particles of the inner film and large pieces of shell.
  6. The purified powder should be stored in an opaque glass container in a cool, well-ventilated room.

How to use.

  • Mix the powder with freshly prepared lemon juice (one small spoon at a time).
  • Wait for the chemical reaction to complete. When calcium combines with acid, a lush foam is formed.
  • Eat the resulting mass with warm purified water. The course of treatment lasts up to 2 months, no longer.

Note! One teaspoon of eggshell powder is a daily serving for children 13 years of age and older and adults.

Children aged 7 to 13 years should be given half a spoon, and younger ones should be given a quarter spoon. The medicine should be taken with food in the morning.

Have you once again broken eggs for dough and easily thrown the shells into the trash bin? A very reckless move! And all because eggshells contain a large amount of microelements, and most importantly, calcium. Of course, calcium can be obtained through meat and dairy products, but the shell contains a mineral prepared for the body, which is easily absorbed. That is, the shell can replace active calcium, which is sold in pharmacies. So why spend money if all the most useful and effective things are at your fingertips? In this article we will talk about eggshells - their beneficial properties for the human body, how to safely prepare and consume it.

Medicinal properties of eggshells

Egg shells are 90% calcium carbonate - calcium that is absorbed almost completely, unlike dairy products, meat or chalk. In addition, the shell contains 27 microelements, including such vital ones as fluorine, iron, manganese, phosphorus, molybdenum, copper, zinc, sulfur, and silicon. How does the shell affect the condition of our body?

  1. Bones. A large amount of calcium allows us to use shells in the fight against various diseases caused by a deficiency of this trace element. The use of eggshells is effective for rickets, osteoporosis, and arthrosis. The shell allows bones to heal better and easier during fractures and cracks. The use of this medicine is effective for curvature of the spine in children. The shell is extremely necessary for women, especially in old age. After all, monthly menstruation, repeated bearing of a child, long lactation - all this washes calcium out of a woman’s body, and by adulthood her bones become very loose and weak. If measures are not taken in time, this can lead to fractures that take a long time to heal.
  2. Teeth. Teeth also contain large amounts of calcium. Eating eggshells makes your teeth stronger and less susceptible to caries and other diseases. This is especially true for children - after all, baby teeth are looser and softer in structure. The shells can be given to the child in courses to keep the teeth beautiful and healthy.
  3. Allergy. Few people know that shells are very effective for various manifestations of food allergies. Of course, the product will not be able to eliminate the body’s reaction to the allergen, but it is quite possible to reduce the manifestations of this reaction. If you give the child shells for a long time, one and a half to two months, his rash, cough and other allergic manifestations will stop. This does not replace the main treatment, but is very effective as an auxiliary procedure.
  4. Poisoning. Eggshells are effective against a variety of toxicological effects. It binds toxins, absorbs and removes them naturally. We can say that this is an excellent alternative activated carbon. The shell can be used for food, alcohol and drug poisoning.
  5. Pregnancy. Egg shells are very useful during pregnancy. A lack of calcium can lead to poor development of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus, weakness of the uterus, and insufficiently active labor. Calcium deficiency during pregnancy often leads to cramps and spasms of the limbs. During lactation, shells should not be consumed - this can lead to early overgrowth of the baby's fontanel.
  6. Immunity. Calcium also affects the strength of the immune system. The fact is that calcium strengthens the outer shell of cells, which does not allow viruses and bacteria to penetrate inside. With regular intake of shells, a person is less susceptible to colds.
  7. Blood. Lack of calcium often leads to anemia, a weak hematopoiesis process. This causes the development of cardiovascular diseases, high exposure to radiofrequency waves, and a decrease in hemoglobin.
  8. Nervous system. Calcium is also necessary to strengthen the sheaths of nerve fibers. By consuming the shell in courses, you will notice that your sleep has become calmer and longer, you have become less nervous, you are no longer so tired at work, and you have become more stress-resistant.
  9. Hair and nails. Calcium is essential for maintaining the beauty of nails and hair. Eating eggshells will help you make your hair strong and get rid of hair loss and split ends. Your nails will become harder, stop bending, breaking and peeling, and you will be able to grow them longer for a more sophisticated manicure. By the way, calcium also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - it becomes more elastic and firm. We can say that calcium is one of the powerful microelements for female beauty.

Eggshells are useful for every person, but they are especially needed by children, teenagers, pregnant and elderly women, and people whose work involves radiation. In all these cases, the body requires an additional dose of calcium, which will help cope with the increased load. But how to take shells correctly?

Improper preparation of shells or failure to complete certain steps can lead to dangerous consequences.

  1. The first thing you need to do is choose your eggs. It is best to take eggs from healthy domestic chickens. The fact is that in poultry farms, chickens are stimulated with special additives so that they lay eggs more often. In this case, the amount of calcium in such a shell is much less than in domestic chicken, which lays eggs less often. It is better to take white rather than beige eggs for the medicine; it is believed that they contain more calcium. Choose fresh eggs that are no more than a day old.
  2. Eggshells should only be taken from raw eggs. It is believed that boiled eggs are not suitable for medicine. After removing the egg itself, the shell needs to be dried a little.
  3. Next, the film is removed from the shell. By the way, it is perfect for disinfecting, healing wounds and cuts.
  4. The shells need to be washed to remove any remaining chicken droppings. This must be done, even if it seems to you that the shell is clean. You can keep the shells in boiling water or soda solution for 5 minutes. After this, rinse the shells thoroughly in running water.
  5. The next stage is calcination. You need to hold the shell at high temperature for 10 minutes. You can put it in the oven or just leave it in a hot frying pan. This is very important - this is how we get rid of salmonellosis, the bacterium of which usually settles on eggshells. This is a dangerous foodborne illness that needs to be prevented. In addition, heating will allow us to prepare the shells for crushing so that they crumble better.
  6. Then you need to thoroughly grind the shells to literally turn them into powder. To do this, use a glass or porcelain mortar. It is advisable to prevent the shell from coming into contact with metal objects - the raw material may oxidize. You can use a coffee machine to grind the shells.
  7. You need to take the shell along with citric acid. Mix a teaspoon of shells with a small amount of lemon juice to make a paste. Eat the product with plenty of water.
  8. Some people cannot stand the taste and texture of this medicine. Then you need to fill the capsules with the composition from any medicine and swallow the powder capsule. It will dissolve in your stomach.
  9. Children often refuse to swallow an unknown substance in powder form. Therefore, it is better to add fine shell powder directly to porridge or soup. The child will eat an important and useful product without even noticing it.
  10. There will not be much benefit from just taking the shell. Treatment should be carried out in a course of 20 days every 3-4 months. With this treatment, you can be confident in the health of your teeth, bones, hair and nails.

Store the prepared egg shell powder in a glass container in a cool and dark place. It's better to pour it into a jar and put it in the refrigerator. The powder can be stored for about a month.

Contraindications to taking eggshells

If you decide to consume the shells internally, you need to follow a few precautions. Firstly, you must pierce the shell at high temperatures to protect yourself from salmonellosis. The second rule is that the shells must be thoroughly crushed. If a whole piece goes inside, it can puncture and damage the lining of the esophagus or stomach. Eggshells are contraindicated for various cancers - they can stimulate tumor growth. In addition, if the calcium content in the body is high, taking such a medicine is strictly contraindicated.

Eggshells are used in many areas of life. It is added to food for pets to prevent them from getting sick. Shells are an excellent fertilizer and food for house plants. Eggshell powder is used for burns - sprinkled on the affected part of the skin. A few decades ago, the shell was used as a laundry bleach. Females of many animals certainly eat eggs along with the shell in order to saturate the body with calcium. So let us not give up on the wonderful gift of nature - eggshells. It is a rich source of calcium that is available to everyone. Use eggshells, be healthy and beautiful always!

Video: how to prepare and take calcium from eggshells

More than 150 human diseases today are caused by calcium deficiency. From incomplete absorption and leaching of the mineral, cardiovascular diseases arise, the development of the skeletal and muscular systems is disrupted, nervous disorders appear, immunity suffers, and allergies develop.

If a blood test for biochemistry shows a calcium content value of less than 2 mol/l (with a norm of 2.2 to 2.5), this is an important reason for urgent replenishment of the macronutrient.

You can buy Calcium Nycomed or Complivit vitamins at the pharmacy, but the mineral is best absorbed from food. Due to the fact that the quality of dairy products (the main source) is not particularly good now, you can get wonderful natural calcium from eggshells. In what cases does it bring benefits and harm, how to prepare and take it correctly, answers to all questions in this article.

Look at the animals of prey: foxes, wild cats, if they find an egg, they may not drink it completely, but will eat the whole shell, why? Animals intuitively know that without strong muscles and bones, sharp teeth, and warm, hairy skin, they will not survive or will be left without offspring. Likewise, calcium is essential for humans good health, as it supports literally all life processes:

  • forms bone tissue, teeth, hair,
  • activates the contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, including cardiac muscles,
  • stabilizes the permeability of cell membranes,
  • participates in blood clotting processes,
  • normalizes the body's hormonal levels,
  • regulates the functionality of the endocrine system,
  • stimulates nervous activity,
  • forms immune defense.

Deficiency of the mineral is especially dangerous for children, since the development of a healthy, growing body requires an increased amount of calcium. Eggshells as a source for children are, first of all, safe, since they do not contain any extraneous chemical additives, unlike pharmaceutical tablets. In addition, the digestibility of calcium is over 92%.

Can calcium from eggshells cause harm?

The crazy amounts of money that people spend on dietary supplements containing minerals often do not pay off in health. On the contrary, an overdose of one or another micro or macro element threatens metabolic disorders, as a result, the acquisition of new diseases. What's in the beautiful box is a trade secret.

At the same time, eggshells are a source of natural calcium; excess consumption is also dangerous, however, it’s how much you need to eat for them to form. No one normal person will not eat spoonfuls of powder. Although, in relation to baby food, the addition of egg shell powder must be strictly controlled, and, of course, first consult with a pediatrician.

For children, eggshells, as a source of calcium, are used in the treatment of atopic dermatitis (), as well as to strengthen the skeletal and muscular systems. In addition, the mineral is often used to stabilize nervous activity and improve nutrition of brain cells.

How to eat eggshells

In addition to natural calcium (90%), the egg shell contains more than 27 necessary for a person natural minerals, vitamins, essential amino acids. That is, when a person consumes the powder, he simultaneously receives a whole range of substances beneficial to health. However, for better absorption of many of them, vitamin D is needed. The best source of it is sunbathing and.

If it is impossible to take advantage of these factors, eggshell powder, as a source of calcium, should be taken by children and adults simultaneously with food rich in this vitamin: sea (fatty) fish, cod liver, cottage cheese, cheese. Can be served with dishes seasoned with creamy and vegetable oil- porridge, puddings, salads. Include egg yolks, sour cream, beef or pork liver in your diet.

The use of eggshells for allergies in children and adults

Provided there is no individual sensitive reaction and immune response to the protein, traditional healers advise on how to take homemade calcium from eggshells.

The norms for taking eggshells as a source of calcium are as follows:

for children

  • starting from 6 to 12, add a little powder on the tine of a fork to the portion of complementary foods,
  • from one to two years at the end of a teaspoon in porridge,
  • from two to six - seven approximately a quarter of a teaspoon,
  • over seven years, the norm increases to half a tsp.

For an adult, the ideal amount of powder is 1 tsp. with any dish in the morning.

How to give eggshells to children?

The powder can be diluted with a few drops of lemon juice and left for several minutes until the bubbling reaction ends. This treatment promotes maximum calcium absorption. If citrus fruits are contraindicated, simply add calcium to the dish during breakfast. Time period: no more than a month in spring, the same in autumn.

Contraindications: individual intolerance, oncology, use of industrially produced eggs.

Doctors' opinions about the benefits of using eggshell remedies for children against allergies are contradictory; some experts consider such treatment obscurantism, others allow the use folk remedy, but exclusively under medical supervision.

How to properly prepare eggshell powder, a source of natural calcium

First of all, it is important to make sure that the birds are not sick. Then you need to thoroughly wash the shells with laundry soap, discard the films, and dry.

  • bake the shell inside the oven for 5 minutes,
  • grind with a masher or coffee grinder to a powder,
  • sift it through a fine mesh sieve,
  • pour into a dark glass jar with a tight stopper.

Do not prepare a lot of powder at once; it is not known for certain what reactions occur during long-term storage.

Recipes for taking calcium from eggshells for illnesses

The list of people who especially need to consume the mineral includes, first of all, children, then women bearing and feeding a child. Also great importance has the use of egg shells as a source of calcium for the health of the following categories of people: women with climatic disorders, patients after injuries, fractures, and in the senile period of life.

  • For osteoporosis, older people should eat ½ tsp three times a day, washed down with milk (cream).
  • To strengthen bone tissue, accelerate cell regeneration after fractures 1/2 tsp. Stir fine shell powder into 100 ml of tea, add lemon juice. Drink the drink in the morning and afternoon until recovery.
  • Relief from heartburn with high acidity: egg shell powder - 2 tsp. stir in a glass of milk, drink until the suspension sinks to the bottom. After taking this cocktail, you should not lie down, you need to sit or stand.

Nowadays, almost every person has a lack of calcium, since disgusting ecology, food flavored with chemicals starting with the letter E, smoking, alcohol, nervous stress, and rapid running through life contribute to its leaching. Therefore, eat to your health, but within the recommended limits.

Everyone knows that we need calcium for bones and teeth. But the role of calcium does not end there. We need calcium for good blood clotting, for the transmission of nerve signals, for muscle contractions and for regulating heart rate.
Our body does not produce calcium on its own. But we lose it every day - with skin cells, with nails, hair, sweat, urine, etc. If there is a deficiency, calcium is taken from the bones of the body.
There are many food sources of calcium for our body.
But today I want to focus specifically on eggshells. 

Why eggshells?
Eggshells are one of the best natural sources of calcium.
Eggshells are mainly calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is also found in oyster shells and animal bones. But the mentioned (last two) sources of calcium carbonate are inferior to eggshells, as they usually contain a larger amount of heavy metals. And the calcium contained in eggshells is one of the best forms of calcium after milk. I want to say right away that if you think that you will get all the calcium with milk, then you should take into account the quality of the milk and you need to: a) look at what the cow ate and where - now they are fed soybeans and corn, and this does not give the milk much nutritional value , don’t even expect any decent content of vitamins and mineralsb) be sure to avoid commercially produced milk. To digest butter fat we need calcium. During the metabolism of milk, one fat molecule “sticks” to two calcium molecules. As a result, you can even harm yourself, since calcium will be sucked out of reserves (bones, nails, teeth) only in order to absorb this milk.
(Please do not confuse commercially produced milk with homemade unpasteurized milk (which I happily drink every day) - the story is completely different there.)
In general, I always pay attention not just to the amount of any vitamin that is indicated on the label, but to how effectively my body can absorb it. Calcium is now added to many products, but this does not mean that your body will receive any benefit from it (more information about the bioavailability of vitamins can be found here “These vitamins are dangerous to your health”). Eggshells contain balanced calcium, which is closer to the microchemistry of our body, therefore it is absorbed and digested easier and better.
In addition to calcium, eggshells contain as much as 30! other minerals (magnesium, copper, boron, silicon, manganese, iron, zinc and others.)
So, to prepare natural, healthy and bio-digestible calcium, we only need an ordinary eggshell. The eggs can be from any bird, the main thing is that they are as homemade as possible, natural, organic, cage-free, preferably their food is organic, without soy and GMOs. The better the bird's food, the more useful it will be in the eggshell.
How to make calcium from eggshells (watch the video or read the text for more details and details)

1. Rinse shell under water. We leave the white film (!) - it also contains a lot of useful substances.
2. Next boil shells in water for 5-10 minutes. This kills bacteria.
3. Dry. In the sun, in fresh air, on a tray, on a towel - it doesn’t matter.

4. Grind as small as possible! in a coffee grinder, blender, food processor, etc. Of all the possible devices, I still recommend using a coffee grinder - it grinds very finely. First, the shell should be broken a little with your hands, and then ground.

I don't have a coffee grinder (blender, food processor)
It's okay, this is not the only way to grind the shells. You can put it in a plastic bag and mash it with a rolling pin. Powder will accumulate at the bottom of the bag.
To make it convenient to take, I make calcium capsules.

I take these capsules from iherb - they are a good size and easy to swallow.

I leave the other part of the crushed shell in powder form - it can be used for face and body scrubs, mixed with oils.

How much calcium should I take?
1 medium egg shell = approximately 1 tsp. powder = 700-800 mg calcium.
Most people need about 400 mg of calcium per day.
That is, approximately 1/2 teaspoon per day. But the intake should be divided into 2 parts of 1/4 tsp each, since our body is able to absorb no more than 500 mg of calcium at a time.
For pregnant women, the dose is twice as large, for children - half as much.
And here again there is no standardized data, it all depends on your diet!!! If you drink a couple of glasses of raw milk during the day or eat canned sardines, soups and traditional bone broths, then your intake will be significantly less. Depending on what you ate during the day, you may not need any additional calcium at all. So first of all, listen to your body!

When to take calcium?
Should be taken with food and in the morning for better absorption. And remember that calcium is best absorbed with vitamins D and A, which are found in coconut oil, liver, fermented cod oil, butter and other products.
And don’t forget about vitamin C, it also significantly improves the absorption of calcium.
Calcium citrate is better suited for those who have any problems with gastrointestinal inflammation or some other imbalances that block calcium absorption. The advantage of calcium citrate is that it does not have to be taken with food, as it is already better absorbed.

 How to make calcium citrate?

The principle is simple - use lemon juice (acid) and dissolve calcium from the shell.
Option 1
1. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of crushed eggshells with freshly squeezed (! always fresh, otherwise the reaction may not work) juice of half a lemon.
The mixture will begin to bubble.
2. Leave the mixture at room temperature for 6 - 12 hours (but no more than 12).
Take 1/2 - one teaspoon with water.
Option 2
1. Soak one clean whole raw home-made egg completely in freshly squeezed lemon juice. Preferably in glass containers.
2. Cover lightly and refrigerate for 48 hours. Shake the container several times a day until bubbles form.
3. Remove the egg after about 48 hours, when the mixture stops bubbling.
Take 1/2 teaspoon (and a little more) once a day.
Option 3
1.Soak 3 clean whole raw eggs completely in freshly squeezed lemon juice. It is most convenient to use a glass jar with a lid.
2. Screw the jar lid on tightly and refrigerate for 48 hours. Shake the container several times a day until bubbles form.
3. Once the mixture stops bubbling, remove the eggs. You will need to remove it very carefully. You can even eat the eggs later.
Liquid, i.e. the resulting calcium citrate, take 1/2 - 1 teaspoon per day. You should start with a small dose and gradually increase.

 Option 4 - for the really lazy
1. Take 1/2 teaspoon of our crushed eggshell powder
2. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice and swallow. All
Option 5 - for the very, very lazy :) or urban ones - take ready-made calcium citrate on iherb
My personal choice falls on Solgar Calcium Citrate - I just trust them a lot.
Magnesium should be taken at the same time as calcium. Proportion 1:1 or 2:1. Why and why - I'll tell you next time.
Nadya Ekt

Resources and Help
An evaluation of the importance of gastric acid secretion in the absorption of dietary calcium Acidity, Atrophic Gastritis, and Calcium Absorptionhttp://onlinelibrary.

There is a strong opinion that chicken eggshells are very healthy. Some people even crush it and drink it like vitamins. Scientists have long confirmed that this is an ideal source of calcium that is easily absorbed by the body. The Hungarian doctor Krompecher wrote that eating eggshells is mandatory for pregnant women. Prophylactically, twice a year, eggshells as a source of calcium will also be useful for adults in order to prevent diseases of the spine, dental caries and osteoporosis in elderly and old people. A pregnant woman needs to know in advance about the presence of calcium in the body and the condition of her bones. Calcium plays a very significant role in the human body. It is, first of all, a builder of bones, teeth and nails. Eggshells with lemon juice - together they represent a completely organic vitamin and mineral complex. Prudent women begin to take shells while pregnant and mix it into the food of their children from 1 to 6 years old.

Eggshells, as a source of calcium, have virtually no equal in their properties. The shell of bird eggs consists of 90 percent calcium carbonate, and this calcium carbonate is absorbed almost one hundred percent due to the fact that it has already undergone synthesis in the bird’s body from organic to inorganic calcium.
Calcium plays a very significant role in the human body. It is, first of all, a builder of bones, teeth and nails. And not only. It affects the growth and development of the entire body, regulates the functions of all organs, neutralizes acidity, strengthens the cardiovascular system, etc. The first signs of the appearance of childhood rickets, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, seizures, muscle spasms, depression, mood disorders in adults signal calcium deficiency.
When a doctor, after examining a patient, makes a diagnosis of calcium deficiency, then instead of expensive tablets containing calcium, you can use the gift of the Ryaba hen - the shells of freshly laid eggs from domestic chickens. This method is not new; it has long been used in folk medicine.

Egg shell composition

According to A.L. Stehle (1980), chicken egg shells contain not only easily digestible calcium (more than 93%), but also other mineral elements necessary for humans: magnesium (0.55%), phosphorus (0.25%), silicon (0. .12%), sodium (0.03%), potassium (0.08%), iron, sulfur, aluminum, etc. A total of 14 were found in egg shells chemical elements. In addition, such essential amino acids for the body as methionine (0.28%), cystine (0.41%), lysine (0.37%), isoleucine (0.34%) were found in the shell protein. Thus, the shells of domestic eggs, well prepared for medicinal purposes, are the most balanced natural remedy compared to a simple chemical preparation of calcium, to which vitamin D3 is sometimes added. To prevent osteoporosis, pregnant women should take sources of calcium - such as eggshells, cottage cheese, hard cheese.

How to take eggshells?

In order for calcium to be reliably retained in the bones, additional accompanying minerals are needed - magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, boron.

The method of using chicken egg shells is quite simple. You need to take fresh chicken eggs (it makes no difference what color: white or yellow), wash them in warm water and soap, rinse clean water and place in lightly salted boiling water for 5 minutes. It is not recommended to boil eggs hard, because... the shell in this case will be less active.
After this, place the bowl with the egg under the tap with cold water and cool the egg, then carefully remove the shell. Don't forget to remove the double thin film from the shell.
Use the white and yolk for cooking, and the shell will need to be ground into powder. Traditional healers do not recommend using a coffee grinder due to the loss of a number of healing properties of the shell. Before using the shells, add a couple of drops of lemon juice to the powder.
Daily dosage - 0.5 tsp. shells mixed with low-fat cottage cheese. It is advisable to take it in the morning for 2-3 weeks, depending on the patient’s condition. It is advisable to conduct 2 courses per year: at the beginning of spring and at the end of autumn. It is better to store crushed shells in a paper bag or dry glass jar.
You should not use eggshells from domestic chickens if the chickens walked through areas contaminated with radionuclides, or if such radionuclides are present in their feed rations. In such cases, constant radiological monitoring is necessary to determine the suitability of eggs for food. Also sources of calcium, in addition to eggshells, are hard cheese, sesame seeds and cottage cheese - very useful for nursing and pregnant women.


It was noticed that the presence of calcium in water can prolong a person’s life for many years. According to research, it became clear that eggshells deserve attention and excellent calcium water can be made from it.

How to do it?

To prepare calcium water, it is better to use boiled egg shells. Calcination and boiling do not fundamentally change the healing properties of eggshells.

Place the crushed shells of 2-3 eggs in a 3-liter jar of drinking water, and carefully clean the shells from the inner whitish film. This water can be used for tea, coffee, soups and any dishes. You can always take this water.

Calcium water is absorbed much better than crushed regular eggshells. In order for the body to more readily absorb calcium, wash down eggshells with lemon juice.

Calcium water can be used during pregnancy; it is extremely valuable for preschool children.

Calcium water is also desirable in adolescence and youth. It is also indispensable for people engaged in heavy physical labor. Calcium water is an excellent means for removing radionuclides from the body.

Grandma's old method- it is also the first medicine that supposedly compensated for the lack of calcium during pregnancy - eggshells. Stupas are used, in which the shells are finely ground, added to food, or simply washed down with water. Experts are still arguing about how effective this method is. Some say that the structure of calcium in eggshells does not allow it to be absorbed in the way we need. Others will contradict them.

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