Raising the barbell to the chest with pushing out. Barbell clean: technique of performing the exercise, tips and tricks. Power clean: video

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Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2016-09-21 Views: 4 757 Grade: 5.0 Core muscles - ,

Difficulty of execution- high

Hanging chest raise from the knees: technique of execution

Weight and reps for beginners

For men: 8 - 10 repetitions of 25 - 30 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.
For women: 8 - 10 repetitions of 15 - 20 kg. 2 - 3 approaches.

Load by muscle group

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (the total load is summed up)

Restrictions for injuries/illness/pain

The degree of risk is indicated on a 10-point scale

Description of the exercise

This exercise almost completely imitates the classic clean and jerk. The only difference is that the barbell is lifted not from the platform, but from a hang at knee level. That is, the initial stage of traction is cut off. This leads to the fact that the athlete is forced to make a more powerful and longer blast. That is, this exercise “trains” the athlete well to give his best in the lifting. This property of this exercise makes it very useful for beginners to learn demolition. More experienced athletes will also benefit from it. By making the blast more accentuated and longer, they can strengthen it and make it more powerful.

Nuances and errors

1. The exercise consists of the following phases: deadlift (up to mid-thigh), lift, recovery and standing up with the barbell on the chest. Although, in the later stages of preparation, it is not necessary to stand up all the way to save energy. 2. Starting position. At the start, the bar should be at knee level and touching them. The body weight should be closer to the heels. Arms are straight. The shoulders are slightly in front of the bar and the back is straight. However, before taking such a position, it is advisable to first fully straighten and then lower yourself to the starting position. 3. The pull phase occurs to the mid-thigh or slightly above. It depends on the width of your grip, the length of your arms, legs and torso. If you try to detonate the bar lower, the projectile will most likely fly forward, not up. 4. At the beginning of the blast, it is advisable to tuck the hands inward. In this case, your elbows will go up and the projectile will also fly up. If this is not done, then there is a high probability that the elbows will go back and the bar will go forward. Of course, the flight path of the bar will still be an arc. But this arc should be small. Therefore, you need to try to undermine the barbell so that it flies closer to the body. 5. Common mistake when detonated, the body is strongly tilted back. With this option, an arc is inevitable. You can tilt the body slightly, but not much. 6. At the moment of detonation, the sequence of muscle activation is as follows: legs and back, then lower leg and trapezius, and the arms are the last to be involved in the work. They complete the movement and rotate the barbell to the chest. But before detonation, your arms must be straight. 7. Further. Don't rush to go under the bar right away. Wait until the bar reaches its maximum height. Of course, all this happens in a split second. If you rush to sit under the bar, it will either not gain much height (if the weight is large), or will remain in front because the arc will not be completed. 8. At the moment of squatting under the bar, you need to spread your legs. The so-called “undressing”. If at the start your feet are placed approximately hip-width apart, then when you step apart they are placed shoulder-width apart. 9. It is very important to take the barbell to the chest with a straight back and straightened chest. If this is not done, then a lot of weight will simply roll down. 10. Many people make the mistake of “jumping on.” What it is. A throw-up is when an athlete sits lower than he hit the barbell. With this option, after squatting, the bar “catches up” with the departure. And if the weight was heavy, then your joints will feel it. To prevent this from happening, sit down exactly as much as you need in height. No more and no less. 11. I also forgot to say about the grip width. This is usually slightly wider than shoulder width. But this is on average. And one more thing - I do not recommend using straps in this exercise. You can injure your hand.

The barbell clean is a powerful, energy-consuming exercise that came into bodybuilding from weightlifting. Its inclusion in the training program contributes to an increase in the athlete’s strength indicators, an active increase in the mass and volume of several muscle groups at once.

Benefits of exercise

Correct execution of the exercise allows you to maximally load several muscle groups in a short time and develop explosive strength.

  • The muscles receive noticeable stress, provoking its active growth.
  • Progress appears in completing others.
  • Speed ​​and coordination of movements develops. Increases flexibility in the shoulder joints.

In other words, if classic barbell squats, deadlifts, or presses aren't enough for you, try this heavy exercise to get maximum muscle response. However, remember that lifting the barbell to the chest is quite traumatic and therefore requires refined technique. Therefore, it is better to start mastering the movement with an empty bar or light weight.

The exercise is contraindicated for problems with the spine, shoulder or knee joints, or wrist injuries.

Working muscles

The barbell clean is basic exercise. It involves the muscles of almost the entire body. The main load falls on the hips and lower back. Additionally, the movement involves the abs, trapezius, shoulders, forearms, calves and buttocks.

The peculiarity of this movement is precisely the need to quickly and accurately coordinate the work of a large number of muscle groups.

Execution technique

First of all, you need to take the starting position. The barbell clean can be performed:

  • From the platform (from the floor).
  • From hanging a few centimeters from the platform.
  • From below the knee level.
  • From mid-thigh.

The main thing is to lift the barbell from the floor, and other positions are considered auxiliary. In particular, the hang-to-chest jerk is designed to train the first phase of the movement, and the positions below and above the knees are used to practice acceleration.

Snatch of the barbell to the chest.

Let's consider the classic version, when the projectile lies on the floor:

  1. Initial position. Stand in front of the barbell with your toes under the bar. The feet are shoulder-width apart. Squat down with your back straight and grab the bar with a straight, wide grip. The gaze is directed forward, and there is a natural deflection in the lower back. If the weight of the projectile is large, it is better to use a “lock” grip. The width of the placement of the hands should be such that when lifting the barbell to the chest, the hands are not pressed against the shoulders by the bar.
  2. Lift the barbell off the floor using the strength of your leg and back muscles. Keep the bar as close to you as possible - it slides along your body throughout the exercise. Pull the barbell up in a controlled motion.
  3. When the bar reaches the middle of the thigh, it is necessary to perform a powerful jerk, giving the projectile maximum acceleration. To do this, vigorously straighten your legs to the end and straighten your body. Step onto your toes, push your shoulders up and engage your arms. In this case, the pelvis is slightly moved forward, and the upper part of the body is pulled back.
  4. Without missing a beat, while the bar is still moving upward, you need to quickly sit under it. The elbows should be brought forward and the bar should be placed on the palms. As soon as the barbell begins to fall, squat down with it, dampening its acceleration. Continue the squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  5. Without pausing at the bottom, rise from the squat and take a stable position. The bar should lie on, the hands are relaxed.
  6. End of the exercise.

At the end, you can return to the starting position by returning the apparatus to the platform. Or, lowering the barbell to mid-thigh level, immediately go to the lifting phase and repeat the exercise. To do this, you need to quickly remove your elbows from under the bar and squat slightly, extending your arms and lowering the projectile. Calculate the working weight so that you can perform 8 clean repetitions.

Option for lifting the barbell from mid-thigh level.

Important points

The exercise has a number of features that should always be remembered:

  • The bar moves strictly along the body, and not along a vertical trajectory.
  • There should be no stops between phases of movement. The exercise is performed holistically, with a smooth transition between phases.
  • The projectile moves due to the coordinated work of a large number of muscle groups. If any of them, for example, your hips, back or shoulders, are lagging behind, work on their development separately.

Including this exercise in your training program will allow you to develop muscle strength and get significant gains. muscle mass. The phases of the movement can be practiced separately, and then combined into one movement. It is better to start training with a light weight, and after lifting becomes completely controllable, increase the load.

The barbell clean is a powerful basic strength exercise that was borrowed from weightlifting into bodybuilding, CrossFit, and other related disciplines in sports.

Benefits and what muscles work

Barbell clean– one of those heavy exercises, thanks to which an athlete can significantly increase such indicators as strength, endurance, reaction speed, as well as the mass and volume of several muscle groups.

As a result, it is possible to increase working weights in other exercises.

The barbell jerk also provides the necessary aerobic exercise, develops coordination of movements, and promotes the body's production.

Due to the stress that the muscles experience, they give maximum muscle response, and their growth becomes more active.

When doing a barbell clean, the main load falls on the following muscles and muscle groups:

  • Gluteal.
  • Quadriceps.
  • Thigh biceps.
  • Deltoid and trapezoid.
  • Spinal extensors.

A considerable load also falls on the abdominal muscles, which serve as a stabilizer of the body position.

Cleaning a barbell on the chest is a rather traumatic exercise, so correct technique execution plays a vital role here. Its study will be facilitated by photos and especially videos that can be found in this article.

Lifting the barbell to the chest is performed in three stages: the barbell is torn off the floor, then thrown onto the chest and, finally, a squat under the barbell occurs.

Take starting position:

  • The back is absolutely straight with a natural arch in the lower back (and it should remain that way at all times).
  • The gaze is directed forward.
  • legs with feet pressed tightly to the floor should be shoulder-width apart so that the center of gravity falls on the heels;
  • The knees are apart.
  • The bar itself should be located as close to the shin as possible (so that the toes are under the bar).

Keeping your back straight and your shoulders slightly back, squat down and with your straight arms grab the bar with a wide overhand grip. The bending angle of the knees is about 45°.

Lift the bar off the floor, trying to keep the bar close to your body - it should literally slide upward throughout the entire exercise.

While clearly controlling your movements, pull the projectile upward, creating sufficient inertia for the subsequent jerk.

When the bar is approximately mid-thigh, make a strong push almost from your knees and jerk the barbell onto your chest.

At the same time, fully straighten your legs and body to give greater acceleration to the rise, bring your pelvis forward slightly, and move your upper body slightly back (but just slightly).

While the bar is moving up, quickly perform a squat. At the same time, bring your elbows forward and down. The depth of the squat depends on the weight of the projectile: the larger it is, the deeper the squat, but in principle, the thighs should be parallel to the floor.

During the squat process, the acceleration of the barbell is dampened, and its bar ends up on the upper chest. The triceps are parallel to the floor.

Having completed the exercise in this way, you can either return to the rack, that is, to the starting position, placing the barbell on the floor, or lower it to the middle of the thigh and begin a new repetition (advanced athletes perform 8 repetitions in this way).

Execution options

The barbell chest lift can be performed in several ways:

  • directly from the floor/platform;
  • from the hanging position, when the projectile is a few centimeters from the floor/platform;
  • from below the knees/mid-thigh, especially if several repetitions are performed in one approach.

Basic mistakes

Newbies often make whole line mistakes when doing this exercise. Here are the most typical ones:

  • lack of warm-up, due to which the joints and ligaments are unprepared for the upcoming serious load, especially the joints of the elbow and hand, as well as the hamstrings;
  • rounding of the back and lower back - even when using an athletic belt, it is necessary to control their position: the back should be straight, with a natural arch in the lumbar area;
  • the weight of the projectile is too heavy, which makes it impossible to technically perform this exercise correctly.

First of all, about contraindications: due to the high risk of injury, this exercise is categorically not recommended if there are injuries, and the spine, shoulder/knee joints and wrists cause unpleasant problems.

    What you need

    The squat clean is a universal exercise that involves almost all muscles. Such a popular trend as CrossFit breathed a second life into the exercise. In CrossFit it is used with light weight for a large number of repetitions and with heavy weight for 1-3 lifts.

    The gluteus, hamstrings and quadriceps receive most of the load. The lower back, along with the above, plays an important role in performing the exercise.

    The exercise can be classified as a speed-strength, technical exercise. Technology requires a lot of attention. At the beginning, take care of the production in a competent manner of execution. Break this exercise down into sub-exercises. Jumping is best trained with push and pull movements; at the end of each repetition, try to jump a little. Grooming techniques should be worked on with classic exercises such as the push and snatch. For successful implementation this exercise is necessary. There is a formula that many athletes adhere to, a weight with which you can squat frontally 3 times, it’s quite possible to take it to your chest and push.

    Helps accelerate the barbell. By practicing this movement additionally, you will not have problems performing a squat clean. In such a type of load as the clean, a lot depends on coordination. Take time for a good warm-up. Warm up your elbows, knees and lower back. The success of the training directly depends on the preparation of the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system for work.

    Exercise technique

    Let's move on to step by step study techniques for performing barbell cleans in a squat position. The exercise is difficult and dangerous, so study it carefully!

    The starting position is as follows:

    • Feet shoulder-width apart, slowly lower ourselves, look ahead, reach out with our hands to the bar.
    • The lower back is arched, the arms are straight, the knees look to the sides, the foot is placed in the direction of the knees, the shoulder covers the knees and the barbell. We start the lift at mid-thigh level.
    • In this exercise, keep your hands as free as possible. If necessary, we use straps to relieve the load from the forearms.

    When performing a squat clean, we hold the barbell as close to ourselves as possible, and do not reach for it ourselves. For the first workouts, we select a fairly modest weight on the barbell and gradually increase the load. Many experts recommend training flexibility and stretching. With tight muscles and ligaments, the exercise will be more difficult to tolerate.

    Focus on accelerating slowly and diving under the bar. You should save energy specifically for getting up from a sitting position, without devoting all your energy to acceleration. The so-called “dead point” that you encounter during execution should be worked out repeatedly, diligently, with light weight.

    A mistake many people make is letting go of the barbell during its flight. You must control all stages of execution; the bar does not control you, but you control it.

    4 phases of cleans

    Let's break the barbell clean into four phases and work backwards.
    Phase 1, the barbell is on your chest. We make sure that the bar does not choke you, we do squats simulating a squat. In the squat we leave the pelvis back, the knees go to the sides. At the lowest point, a pause with slight swaying is possible, elbows to the sides and shoulders raised up.

    2 phase, broach. We lower the barbell onto straight arms, straighten up and from this position we stretch upward (with our hands, not our back). The elbows go up, the barbell is pressed tightly to the body at this time. Reaching the chest, we turn the elbows, ensuring that at the end point the bar is on the shoulders. The pelvis is constantly laid back. Now it is possible to connect the first and second phases.

    Phase 3, detonation. We move to the position of the first part of the lift, we move the body forward a little, thereby achieving an inclination, the bar is at knee level, we check ourselves, the shoulder should cover the knees, we spread the knees to the sides, and move the pelvis back. From this position we straighten up and connect the first and second phases.

    For phase 4, it is best to put weights on the bar. Starting position, feet shoulder-width apart, squatted down, straightened your back, took the barbell with a push grip, knees looking to the sides, tightened, gently without jerking we stand up until the moment of explosion. In the fourth phase we practice standing up. Now we connect all the phases into one movement. If there is no coach or person nearby who can point out mistakes from the outside, we look in the mirror and check ourselves using the key points indicated above.

    Detailed analysis of the technique in the video:

    In custody

    The barbell clean is an excellent exercise, training all large muscle groups, developing strength and agility. If all conditions are met, the result will certainly be achieved. Of course, there is a contraindication; perhaps you have back injuries, and this type of axial load is not suitable for you. This exercise will make you look at muscle work and the capabilities of our body from a different angle.

    Squatting the barbell opens up new potential for the human body. If you haven't tried this load yet, join the thousands of those who have experienced it. Diversify your training and perhaps you will find yourself.

    Good luck in your training! Don't be afraid to learn new things! But remember that everything new is well forgotten old. Did you like the material? Share with friends on social networks. Any questions left - welcome to the comments

    The hang clean is a CrossFit exercise borrowed from weightlifting. Used as an element that helps in mastering the competitive push movement. It must be said that it is this part of the “full-length” clean and jerk that poses significant difficulties from a technical point of view - how to move a heavy barbell from the position from the knees to the “barbell on the chest” position? This is the question we will try to answer.

    Exercise technique

    Let's start traditionally with the technique of performing a barbell clean from a hanging position.

    Initial position

    • While standing, the barbell is held in straightened arms.
    • The grip is one-sided, straight, “locked”.
    • Knees straight, back straight, shoulders apart.
    • Support the entire foot, feet and knees pointing in the same direction, slightly apart.
    • The foot is under the knee, the knee is under the hip joint.

    With this position, your shoulder joint will be located frontally on the same axis in your shoulder joint - this will ensure the correct kinematics of the entire movement.


    We move the body forward a little, the pelvis a little back. We bend our legs slightly at the knee joints. The barbell “hangs” on the trapezius muscle. At this moment, in a united movement we:

    • We bend our knees,
    • We move the pelvis forward,
    • We sharply undermine the barbell with a trapezoid.
    • Following the trapezoid, the elbows go up along with the forearms.


    At that moment, when the inertial force is minimal, and the barbell in the hands has crossed the nipple line, the elbows go down and are brought together, so that the elbow on each side goes under the forearm of the same name. At the end point, the hands are shoulder-width apart, the elbows are under the hands, the barbell is at the level of the collarbones or slightly lower. Elbows rest against the body. Theoretically, you should be ready to perform a push press from this position - and do it with the maximum weight possible for you and with minimal tension - this explains exactly the final position in this movement.

    Exit to vis

    The body moves forward, the bar seems to be thrown off the collarbones. At the same time, under the influence of gravity it moves towards the floor. The projectile should move strictly along your body. After passing the solar plexus, we pull our elbows up, stopping the movement of the barbell and regaining control over it. When the bar is at hip level, straighten your knees, hip joints, bring the shoulder blades together.