Curcumin and testosterone. All properties of curcumin: benefits and harms for a bodybuilder. Application in sports and bodybuilding

What is the purpose of testosterone? He is responsible for a large number of functions. He plays a key role in sex life men. It also normalizes cholesterol. Maintaining optimal testosterone levels prevents the development of heart and vascular diseases.

The hormone maintains weight at an optimal level, even a man’s appearance depends on it. A deep voice, strong muscles, narrow hips and broad shoulders indicate that testosterone is produced in sufficient quantities.

If testosterone is not reduced to a critical level, you can try to normalize it in natural ways. Turmeric has both direct and indirect impact to his level. This occurs by eliminating the causes that caused its reduced production.

  • Lead to a deterioration in the production of this male sex hormone:
  • high cholesterol;
  • poor nutrition;
  • overweight;
  • bad habits;
  • decreased physical activity;

age after 40 years. Attention!

Among the main tasks of testosterone is the formation, quantity and concentration of sperm, which is directly related to a man’s sexual activity and erectile function.

Turmeric has enormous therapeutic potential. It normalizes metabolism, burns excess calories (thermogenesis), and also prevents the formation of excess fat deposits. The spice affects the level of estrogen, the female sex hormone.

Curcumin in its composition reduces the level of estrogen, accordingly, provokes a lack of steroid hormones in the blood. This process stimulates testosterone synthesis.

Mechanism of action

As mentioned above, a decrease in estrogen synthesis leads to normalization of testosterone levels. How does this happen? During a special experiment, we were able to notice an interesting feature.

As soon as the level of free estrogen in the blood decreases, the brain receives a signal that the body does not have enough steroid hormones. He reacts to this by increasing the secretion of the hormone LH by the pituitary gland. This is what leads to stimulation of testosterone synthesis. Other scientific experiments have revealed that.

curcumin activates genes involved in the production of male sex hormones

Anti-inflammatory properties

The body reacts to infection with an inflammatory process. This is a response from the immune system. But sometimes the pain becomes intense and causes discomfort.

This is especially noticeable in arthrosis, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Using turmeric in your daily diet allows you to get noticeable results, reduce pain, remove swelling of the joints and improve their mobility.

Those men who actively exercise are at risk of developing inflammation in their muscle tissue. strength exercises. This negatively affects muscle building and makes it difficult to exercise in the future. Turmeric avoids this by blocking an enzyme that activates inflammation.

Antioxidant effect

Turmeric normalizes metabolism at the cellular level.

When the body is functioning normally, there is so-called oxidative stress. It is he who acts as a metabolism stimulator.

Unfavorable external factors lead to an increase in the intensity of the above oxidative stress, which adversely affects the functional characteristics of testicular cells that synthesize testosterone.

Improve the functional state of cell membranes and protect from harmful influences environment you can by drinking water with a small amount of turmeric every day.

Insulin-sensitizing effect

Insulin helps increase protein production in muscles. This anabolic property has been successfully used to increase muscle mass.

Turmeric normalizes the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, while optimizing insulin synthesis.

Turmeric for high testosterone

Having high levels of male sex hormones, there is no need to consume large amounts of turmeric. But is it worth excluding it completely? This is not necessary if you do not want to deny yourself spicy food.

Consuming small quantities several times a week will not cause any harm to health. The main active ingredient is curcumin, which is present in turmeric in small concentrations.

It is equal to only 3% of the total mass of the powder. Therefore, by seasoning a dish with this spice, you are unlikely to increase testosterone production. Experiments have shown that curcumin is not absorbed well enough due to its rapid metabolism. If you use this combination of seasonings, the digestibility of curcumin will increase tenfold! Keep this in mind!

Turmeric and low testosterone

You can safely use the seasoning to normalize the level of one of the main male sex hormones. But no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to influence its production if it has dropped to critical levels.

First, consult your doctor. Once approved, you can use turmeric as part of a combination therapy or separately.

When a large amount of curcumin enters the body, testosterone is converted into another active substance - the hormone dihydrotestosterone. However, to do this you need to significantly increase the daily amount of spice, this is fraught with side effects. Spice, consumed in small doses on a regular basis, can reduce the production of estrogen in a man’s body and naturally lead to normalization of testosterone levels.

Advice! Don't get carried away with turmeric, hoping to increase testosterone production in a short time! Regarding the seasoning, there is a list of contraindications and warnings for use. An overdose can lead to allergies, pain and discomfort in the abdomen, and intestinal upset.

How to use for lifting correctly?

Use turmeric as a seasoning or spice in your favorite dishes. It goes great with meat and fish, as well as baked goods. It is added to coffee and tea for flavor. This drink improves your mood and normalizes your emotional state.

Optimal dosage regimen:

The safe dosage for an adult male in terms of curcumin is 1-2 g. in a day. This amount eliminates any kind of side effects.

Contraindications to taking turmeric in any quantity are:

  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • gallstones and blockage of bile ducts;
  • allergy to seasoning components.
  1. Whenever possible, buy clean, organic product if possible.
  2. Combine the seasoning with healthy fats and other herbs.
  3. For maximum effect, prepare a spice mixture consisting of 8 parts turmeric and 1 part black pepper, tightly seal the container with spices and shake until everything is mixed. Add this mixture to your favorite foods and drinks.

You can find dietary supplements with curcumin on sale, but it is better to take natural turmeric powder and add it to food.

Let's watch a video on this topic:

Make this spice part of your diet and you will be able to see how effective it is in normalizing testosterone levels. As an added bonus, you'll reap overall health benefits.

Athletes, bodybuilders, fans healthy eating and lifestyle pay close attention to their diet. There are many supplements that are recommended for use by those who care about their own well-being. The substance has been subjected to many studies over several years. It has healing potential and can improve the health of the body. Curcumin helps improve strength and increase muscle mass. The compound has many useful substances, but not everyone knows in what quantities and how to take it correctly.

To achieve significant results in sports, you need to pay attention not only to training, but also to proper nutrition. Various additives play an important role in the diet. The beneficial and valuable properties of curcumin, which is an active biological substance, have been tested not only over centuries, but also by modern research. Curcumin is a compound that is a must-have for anyone looking to enhance their physical performance.

The substance is chemical compound of natural origin. It is found in the root system of a plant that belongs to the Ginger family or Curcuma longa. Curcumin is obtained not from fresh, but from dried underground parts. The rhizome of the plant is dried and ground into a powder that has an aroma and a bright yellow tint. It is a seasoning that gives the dish aroma, piquant spiciness, and a golden, appetizing hue.

Since ancient times, turmeric has been highly valued for its high healing properties. In eastern alternative medicine, it was often used to treat various ailments. The coloring pigment that contains the compound was previously used to dye fabrics.

The specific shade that turmeric powder has is obtained thanks to a special compound called curcumin. It has a crystalline structure and belongs to the class of polyphenols; it dissolves well in ethyl alcohol, but not with ordinary water. It is obtained by extracting the powder obtained from turmeric in several different steps, resulting in a bright yellow alcoholic solution.

The natural dye, which is listed under the name E100, is actively used in the food industry. It gives the product a yellowish tint. It is used in the production of margarine, confectionery, cheese, and drinks. Initially it was used as a dye, but with the discovery of beneficial properties this connection began to be used as an active biological additive.

The beneficial effects on the body have not been fully studied even to this day. Some of the healing properties of curcumin are still undergoing clinical research. Confirmed valuable properties are enough to confirm the high biological value of curcumin, so it is recommended to include the supplement in your diet for everyone who monitors their own health and is actively involved in sports.

Curcumin has high therapeutic properties. It is used for the prevention and treatment of numerous diseases:

  • Reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer's. Numerous studies were conducted at the University of California, during which it became clear that the compound is capable of destroying beta-amyloids, which are the main provocateurs of the development of the disease. This discovery explained that residents of India and surrounding countries, whose diet contains plenty of curcumin, are less susceptible to Alzheimer's and other types of senile dementia.
  • Increases the body's protective functions. The supplement has high immunomodulatory properties.
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory. The connection reduces the likelihood of developing inflammatory processes.
  • Reduces the risk of developing depression and nervous disorders. The substance has an antidepressant effect.
  • It prevents colds. Curcumin has antiviral and antibacterial effects.
  • Suppresses the development of tumors. The coloring pigment of the additive, as studies show, significantly reduces and destroys malignant cells, protecting healthy untouched tissues. To date, there are a number of studies in which antitumor drugs are being developed based on this substance.
  • Protects and protects the body from aging. The coloring pigment of turmeric is a powerful antioxidant. This effect has been confirmed by various studies. This compound is capable of destroying free radicals, which accelerate the aging process and protect the human body from oxidative stress.

Turmeric's many benefits make it one of the healthiest supplements around.

Most of the beneficial properties of the supplement are of particular importance to bodybuilders and athletes in general. Curcumin serves as the basis for creating effective means with the following positive effects:

  • Antibacterial. The substance prevents the breakdown of protein in muscle tissue. It prevents the loss of lean muscle mass during drying, breaks in training, and cachexia, which occurs in severe illnesses.
  • Anti-inflammatory. An increase in muscle volume is accompanied by the appearance of microcracks and inflammation. Curcumin prevents inflammatory processes in muscle tissue and reduces soreness. It protects joints from heavy loads and prevents the development of inflammatory processes, reducing pain. Taking the substance on a regular basis is a prevention of arthrosis and arthritis.
  • Strengthens the effect of insulin. The cells of the body become more sensitive to the coloring pigment. The anabolic effect of this hormone increases many times over.
  • Increases testosterone in men. This effect of curcumin has no scientific evidence, but there is evidence of a decrease in estrogen levels, which is a testosterone antagonist. There is another important effect of curcumin - protecting the testicles from adverse environmental factors, as well as from the harmful effects of alcohol.

Suppression of catabolic processes, protecting joints from inflammation, enhancing the anabolic effect, increasing testosterone levels make the substance very useful for athletes.

In Asian countries and India, turmeric is consumed in quite large quantities. They do not think about the correct use of the supplement; they receive the benefits without any effort, simply using the substance as an aromatic seasoning to give food a special taste.

Curcumin in India is eaten as a mixture and as part of such a famous spice as curry. It contains black pepper, which increases the absorption of this compound. People who decide to follow this example should take turmeric along with ground black pepper. Thanks to this, the supplement is absorbed 20 times better and stronger.

To get even more benefits from this compound, you need to infuse the powder not only with ground black pepper, but also with olive oil. As an alternative, you can use vegetable. The difficulty in consuming curcumin lies in calculating the optimal dosage. Its amount in fresh curcumin rhizome is about five percent.

The content of the substance in the dry powder increases. Optimal daily norm of this seasoning is one gram for every ten kilograms of its own weight. Pepper should be taken in much smaller quantities. Only true fans of spicy food can eat such an amount of seasoning. Others are advised to take curcumin capsules. They are produced by many manufacturers sports nutrition and pharmaceutical companies may contain auxiliary components, black pepper or ginger extract, bromelain, vitamin D3.

It is recommended to take the drug according to the instructions. The optimal dose is from one to three per day with food. The duration of the course is thirty days. If the effect is minimal, you can take the capsules on a regular basis.

Contraindications and harm

Curcumin capsules are safe and do not cause side effects, as well as addiction. They are contraindicated for children under 14 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, before and after surgery, and people with an allergic reaction to any component.

There are drugs on the market without piperine. They are indicated for use by people with problems of the urinary organs, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and gallbladder. The presence of ground black pepper in the supplement can cause exacerbation of diseases and irritation of the mucous membranes.

Preference should also be given to the option without piperine when taking aspirin and other anticoagulants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, theophylline, carbamepine, rifampicin, chlorzoxazone, and so on.

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash;
  • yellowing of the stool.

Here's what you need to know:

Curcumin has an anti-catabolic effect

Curcumin Optimizes Insulin Effects

Curcumin has been proven to reduce the level of estrogen hormones, thereby increasing testosterone levels in the blood


Anti-catabolic potential of curcumin.

Curcumin is widely known as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain reducer), but recent scientific research has shown that it also has anti-catabolic and androgenic properties and enhances the action of insulin. Scientists have found that a diet including curcumin inhibits protein loss and muscle degradation after injury, as well as in people with cachexia (severe weight loss observed with chronic diseases). Researchers attributed these effects to the anti-catabolic effects of curcumin. In addition, consuming dietary curcumin during exercise reduces muscle tissue damage and inflammation while enhancing recovery. Curcumin has also been shown to reduce muscle atrophy during weight loss. Although there have been no studies describing the effects of curcumin on muscle hypertrophy in actively training athletes, scientists have shown that this substance has a pronounced anti-catabolic effect. This means that including curcumin in your diet will help you gain weight and recover from workouts.

Conclusion: Eating curcumin has an anti-catabolic effect, so curcumin may be an effective supplement for promoting muscle growth and recovery.

Anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin.

Although inflammation is a natural response of the body and is necessary for healing, too much inflammation has a negative effect and can be detrimental to health. training process and muscle growth. The scientific literature clearly states that curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect, as it blocks signaling substances responsible for the development of the inflammatory response in tissues (tumor necrosis factor α, other pro-inflammatory cytokines). And although most of the studies were conducted in medical, medicinal purposes, their results can also be extrapolated to long-term training. Interestingly, curcumin both prevents the onset of an inflammatory response and weakens the course of an existing inflammatory response that began even before curcumin enters the body, due to its ability to block the enzyme cyclooxygenase-2, which is one of the most important links in inflammatory reactions. Most Effective Uses of Curcumin as an Anti-Inflammatory medicine based on its ability to suppress inflammation in the joints, that is, arthritis. Studies have shown that taking curcumin significantly reduced the severity of joint pain in people with conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While there is no scientific evidence for a reduction in laboratory values ​​or markers of joint inflammation, people with joint pain who took curcumin reported a clear reduction in pain symptoms.

Conclusion: consuming curcumin with food has an anti-inflammatory effect and is effective in reducing joint pain, which can also help you with your workouts.

Antioxidant properties of curcumin.

Initially, scientists and doctors perceived curcumin as an antioxidant. Of course, the consumption of antioxidants in food is a controversial issue, since it is believed that antioxidants can reduce the effect of training. Although oxidative processes in muscle tissue may play an important role in catabolism, exercise that activates oxidative processes can serve as a stressor that activates muscle growth. However, preventing excess acidification can help muscle tissue recover and grow. There are many detailed studies in humans and animals showing that curcumin is an effective antioxidant that helps prevent excessive acidification of body tissues.

Conclusion: curcumin is an effective exogenous antioxidant.

Insulin-sensitizing properties of curcumin.

The effect of insulin on muscle cells is manifested in the synthesis of muscle proteins. Based on the experience of a large number of people, as well as in many scientific studies, it has been proven that optimizing the action of insulin with proper nutrition, including required amount and a set of proteins and carbohydrates, promotes significant progress in muscle growth. Of course, insulin, like any other hormone, is regulated by many complex processes and its anabolic effects are not unlimited, but curcumin will really help you squeeze a little more out of the anabolic effect of insulin. Curcumin is thought to inhibit the reverse mechanism that inhibits insulin production and activity; Curcumin also enhances the anabolic effect of insulin by increasing the sensitivity of cells to this hormone.

Conclusion: consuming curcumin will increase insulin activity and enhance its anabolic effect in skeletal muscles.

Possible testosterone-boosting property of curcumin.

Testosterone is the king in the world of anabolic hormones. It controls the synthesis of muscle proteins, increases weight gain, and improves human health. And although curcumin is touted as a testosterone booster, there is a lack of scientific research on it. On this moment We know for certain that curcumin has a protective effect on testicular function, especially in cases of excessive alcohol consumption. High doses of curcumin have also been reported to increase the conversion of testosterone to the more active androgen, dihydrotestosterone, but this property is unlikely to be demonstrated or used in humans as the study was conducted on animals and the doses of curcumin used were extremely high. However, there is some evidence that curcumin in small doses reduces estrogen levels, which may increase testosterone levels. Unfortunately, given the research conducted to date, we do not yet have sufficient data on the effects of curcumin on testosterone levels in humans.

Conclusion: consuming curcumin protects testicular function.

Doses and safety.

Human studies have shown that curcumin is absolutely safe, and even doses of curcumin above physiological levels do not have any toxic effect. The lethal dose for mice is more than 2000 mg per kilogram of weight. If we extrapolate the results of this study to humans, then for an 80-pound man a dose of 160,000 mg would be lethal. Considering that the standard dose of curcumin ranges from 80 mg to 750 mg, it is safe to say that consuming curcumin in the above doses is absolutely safe.

Conclusion: consuming curcumin at recommended doses is safe and there are few or no side effects.

Author - Brad Dieter
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List scientific research and articles:

Deng YT, Chang TW, Lee MS, Lin JK. Suppression of free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance by phytopolyphenols in C2C12 mouse skeletal muscle cells. J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Feb 1;60(4):1059-66.

Li YP, Chen Y, John J, Moylan J, Jin B, Mann DL, Reid MB. TNF-alpha acts via p38 MAPK to stimulate expression of the ubiquitin ligase atrogin1/MAFbx in skeletal muscle. FASEB J. 2005 Mar;19(3):362-70.

Deepa Thaloor, Kristy J. Miller, Jonathan Gephart, Patrick O. Mitchell, Grace K. Pavlath. Systemic administration of the NF-κB inhibitor curcumin stimulates muscle regeneration after traumatic injury. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiolog Published 1 August 1999, Vol. 277no. C320-C32.

Chainani-Wu N. Safety and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin: a component of tumeric (Curcuma longa). J Altern Complement Med. 2003 Feb;9(1):161-8.

R.R. Kulkarnia, P.S. Patkia, V.P. Joga, S.G. Gandagea, Bhushan Patwardhan Treatment of osteoarthritis with a herbomineral formulation: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. J Ethnopharmacol. 1991 May-Jun;33(1-2):91-5.

Chandran B, Goel A. A Randomized, Pilot Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of Curcumin in Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis. Phytother Res. 2012 Nov;26(11):1719-25.

G.K. Jayaprakasha, L. Jaganmohan Rao, K.K. Sakariah. Antioxidant activities of curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin. Food Chemistry. Volume 98, Issue 4, 2006, Pages 720-724.

Find out how you can burn fat and what secrets are hidden in this healthy seasoning from the east that came to the world of big-time sports.

The content of the article:

Turmeric is very popular in India and it was from this eastern country that the seasoning came to us. Turmeric is also known as saffron or yellow ginger. Turmeric is obtained from ginger root and this fact explains one of the names of the seasoning. It should be admitted that in our country this product has not yet become widespread. Today we will tell you what beneficial properties Turmeric has benefits in sports.

Properties of turmeric for humans

We can talk for a long time about the composition of turmeric, in which you can find a large number of nutrients, say, micronutrients, amines, polysaccharides, essential oils, etc. However, this is a seasoning and is used in minimal quantities. Therefore, we will focus on the characteristics of the main substance contained in the seasoning - curcumin polyphenol. It helps slow down the formation of fatty tissue and cholesterol in blood vessels. As you probably already understood, the main beneficial properties of turmeric in sports lie in the ability to speed up the process of lipolysis.

At the same time, these are not the only positive effects, which can be obtained by consuming the seasoning. Here are some more beneficial properties of turmeric used in sports and more:

  1. It has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect on the body.
  2. Accelerates metabolic reactions in intestinal tract and joints.
  3. Normalizes glucose concentration.
  4. Increases the rate of hemoglobin production.
  5. Helps reduce blood pressure.
  6. Accelerates collagen secretion.
  7. Is a strong antioxidant.
  8. Promotes rapid healing of external damage.
However, when turmeric is consumed in large quantities, the following side effects may occur:
  • Disturbances in the intestinal tract.
  • Due to the acceleration of the production of bile and hydrochloric acid, erosive damage to the organs of the digestive system may develop.
  • Reduces blood clotting.
  • Weaken hair follicles.
However, as we have already noted, proper use of the seasoning does not cause the above-mentioned side effects. It should also be said that turmeric should not be consumed by children and women during pregnancy. Turmeric's beneficial properties in sports significantly outweigh possible ones Negative consequences, which are also extremely rare.

We have already noted that turmeric helps normalize metabolic processes and also accelerates the removal of fluid from the body. Also, when used correctly, the seasoning slightly increases body temperature, which significantly improves the quality of oxygen supply to tissues.

At the same time, seasoning cannot directly affect lipolysis processes. By consuming it, you should not expect to lose extra pounds. Turmeric only helps to suppress the processes of fat deposition in the body. At the same time, during active sports, turmeric will exhibit beneficial properties.

In India, this product is used everywhere and is added to almost every dish. Thus, the residents of this eastern state get used to turmeric from childhood. For our compatriots, turmeric is most often an exotic seasoning, which is used mainly for preparing oriental dishes.

If you decide to use this product as an additional means for losing weight, then do not use it in large quantities at once. It is very important that the body gets used to the effects of turmeric. In this case, the risks of side effects will be minimized. Also, after you start using this seasoning, you should start monitoring the condition of your body.
Now let's talk about the beneficial properties of turmeric in sports in relation to some other beneficial substances.

  1. Micronutrients- these substances will help you improve your health and improve your tone. Performance will also improve immune system, and the body will be able to better fight various infections. Some nutritionists recommend consuming turmeric winter period to effectively combat colds.
  2. Phytoncides- these substances together with essential oils have strong anti-inflammatory properties and accelerate wound healing. Turmeric can be used not only internally, but also externally in the presence of purulent wounds, bleeding gums, diarrhea, dysbacteriosis, flatulence and burns. The seasoning also has choleretic properties, which is useful for atherosclerosis of blood vessels and excess weight.
  3. Antioxidants- turmeric contains a large number of natural strong substances of this group. Thus, the seasoning can be useful for rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and as a preventive measure for the development of malignant tumors.

How to properly use turmeric in sports?

Today you can find a large number of recommendations for taking turmeric. Now the seasoning is beginning to be increasingly used not only by people who want to lose weight, but also for various diseases. The most popular advice for using turmeric is to consume two teaspoons throughout the day to treat ailments.

If the product is used as a prophylactic, then one teaspoon is enough. It is also necessary to say that experts advise not to add seasoning to dishes, but to prepare cocktails. Let's take a closer look at the recommendations for using turmeric in the treatment of various diseases.

Atherosclerosis, overweight and diabetes

Turmeric-based cocktails can help you lose weight, normalize blood sugar levels and cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol. At the moment, almost all the world's famous pharmaceutical companies are interested in the beneficial properties of turmeric in sports.

It is very possible that we will soon see a real boom in the field of drugs for weight loss, which will be created on the basis of this seasoning. Already today on the market you can find supplements containing turmeric and aimed at accelerating lipolysis processes. We want to offer you a simple recipe that will allow you to save on the purchase of these additives, which are still quite expensive.

You need to add a teaspoon of turmeric, a pinch of ground red pepper and a similar amount of crushed mummy to 0.25 liters of warm water. Mix these ingredients and take one glass of the drink three times a day.


We have already noted that turmeric is recommended for use in winter, when the body is most vulnerable to various colds. To prevent colds, you should add a teaspoon of turmeric and honey to 0.25 liters of milk (the temperature should be about 40 degrees). Mix the ingredients thoroughly and take three times throughout the day, approximately 60 minutes before eating or 120 minutes after.

If you are already sick, you can use a different recipe. In a teaspoon you need to mix turmeric and candied honey. After this, take the mixture into your mouth and suck it for at least five minutes. After this, you should not drink water for 120-180 minutes.

To speed up wound healing and fight acne

Turmeric can be an excellent remedy for improving the quality of the skin and accelerating the healing of burns (wounds). Add three to five tablespoons of turmeric to a small bowl. After this, squeeze the juice from the aloe leaves and add it to the turmeric. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained.

To heal wounds or burns, this composition must be applied to damaged areas of the skin and wrapped with a sterile bandage. Change the dressing every 180 minutes. If you need to get rid of whiteheads, then apply the composition to previously cleansed facial skin and leave for about a quarter of an hour. Then rinse the mask well with boiled water.

There are a large number of recipes with turmeric that will help you treat various diseases. The very fact that pharmaceutical companies are interested in the seasoning speaks volumes.

More about medicinal properties watch turmeric in this video:

The hormonal system is the most important part proper functioning of the body. The hormone testosterone has a direct effect on the reproductive function of a man, and is also responsible for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics: dense hair, low voice, persistent character, strong muscles. A lack of testosterone makes a man effeminate and also contributes to the development of impotence and infertility.

If a representative of the stronger sex wants to be masculine, he needs to monitor his testosterone levels, especially in adulthood. For minor deviations, folk remedies can be used, for example, turmeric to increase testosterone. Let's look at how turmeric affects the male body and how to take it correctly.

Turmeric or yellow ginger is a famous oriental spice that is obtained from the root of the plant of the same name. The benefits of this product have been known since ancient times; the spice was used in China to combat pain and inflammatory processes of various types.

Turmeric has the following positive effects on the body:

  • Is a cancer prevention measure prostate gland, reduces the likelihood of cancer metastasis.
  • Prevents Alzheimer's disease.
  • Has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  • They have a wound healing effect.
  • Relieves itching from skin rashes.
  • Normalizes metabolism, helps get rid of excess weight.
  • Improves mood.
  • Slows down aging.
  • Has a beneficial effect on hormonal levels.

IN folk medicine the spice is used not only to increase testosterone, but also in the treatment of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, cancer, colds, arthritis, headaches and depression, eczema and obesity. Turmeric has also been used by women in cosmetology for many years to improve the condition of their skin and hair.


It is also worth considering how turmeric affects testosterone levels. Of course, the hormone itself cannot be contained in food; it is produced by the male body. Therefore, it will not be possible to raise testosterone levels with turmeric if there is a strong deviation from the norm. In this case, you need to consult a doctor to prescribe the appropriate medications.

It is also worth noting that a strong decrease in testosterone levels may indicate a serious endocrine disorder in organism. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination by an endocrinologist and cure the cause of the disorder.

Folk remedies, including turmeric to increase testosterone, can be used only for prevention, or in complex treatment after consultation with a doctor. Self-medication for serious deviations will most likely lead to a worsening of the condition; this should always be remembered.

Turmeric directly has an indirect effect on testosterone levels, eliminating the causes of its decrease. These include high cholesterol, obesity, metabolic disorders, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, as well as exposure to harmful substances on the body.

Turmeric promotes weight loss, removes cholesterol from the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and improves mood. In addition, the substance contained in turmeric (curcumin) reduces estrogen levels, which automatically provokes an increase in testosterone in a man’s body. Turmeric has a beneficial effect on muscle mass men, so taking this spice is recommended for athletes who want to look stronger.


Before you start taking turmeric to boost testosterone, you need to find a quality product. It is not recommended to use spice in powder form, because apart from the aroma there is almost nothing useful left in it. Ground turmeric should be used immediately, or useful material oxidize quickly.

To increase testosterone, it is better to buy turmeric in the form of fresh root. It should be elastic, not wrinkled or dried out, preferably a rich shade. If you break the root, a fairly pronounced smell will be felt. Store fresh turmeric in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.

If the root could not be found, and the man still wants to try using turmeric in powder form, then you need to choose the freshest batch of spice possible. The powder itself should be dry, crumbly and without any lumps or inclusions. You should not buy spices in transparent bags or by weight, because sunlight destroys beneficial substances.


As mentioned above, in case of serious deviations from the norm, there is no point in using turmeric to increase testosterone. Because increasing the dosage is strictly prohibited, and in small doses the spice will only be effective in complex treatment or as a preventive measure.

If the patient is already undergoing medication treatment, then the doctor should be informed of his intention to take turmeric. Because spice can negatively interact with medications.

Turmeric is used to increase testosterone according to the following scheme:

  • Turmeric is ground into powder, for example, in a coffee grinder if it is in the form of a root.
  • You need to pour it into a glass cold water and add half a teaspoon of powder or a spoonful of crushed root.
  • It is allowed to flavor the drink with lemon juice and honey.
  • Drink liquid in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • In the afternoon and evening you need to consume the same amount of turmeric by adding it to your food.

The dosage of curcumin for the average adult male should not exceed 1-2 grams per day. Turmeric contains about 5% of this substance. If you consistently exceed the dosage, there is a high risk of side effects, in particular allergies, damage to the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should not abuse turmeric.


Turmeric is quite strong folk remedy, which has a pronounced therapeutic effect. But just like other medicines, turmeric has a number of contraindications:

  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastritis, colitis, constipation, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, etc. Any disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines are a contraindication to the absorption of any spices, including turmeric.
  • If you have pathologies of the gallbladder or kidneys, it is prohibited to take turmeric.
  • It is recommended to refuse such treatment for patients prone to allergic reactions and eczema.
  • If the patient has any chronic pathologies or a tumor develops, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Small children and minor boys should not be treated with turmeric. If there is a need to increase testosterone, you need to take your child to a doctor.

Of course, you should not experiment if the patient has a personal intolerance to turmeric. If the patient has never consumed turmeric, it is better to limit it to half a teaspoon in the morning on the first day, and not take any more spice. If everything is fine the next day, the dose can be increased.


As you know, progress does not stand still, but healing properties Turmeric has been known to mankind for a long time. Pharmacists could not ignore this healing plant, and created dietary supplements with curcumin.

The main advantage of curcumin in the form of tablets is that there is no intrusive aftertaste, which even spice lovers eventually get tired of. But such curcumin is less absorbed by the body than natural curcumin, which forces manufacturers to create tablets with a high concentration of the substance and other additives.

Examples of preparations with curcumin:

  • Doctor's Best, Curcumin C3 with Bioperine;
  • Doctor's Best, High Absorption Curcumin;
  • Jarrow Formulas;
  • Nature's Life;
  • Jarrow Formulas, Curcumin Phytosomes, etc.

Another disadvantage of curcumin in the form of drugs is the high cost, from 1000 to 5000 thousand rubles for a course of tablets. For comparison, turmeric in powder form will cost at most 100 rubles per course of treatment.

Increasing testosterone levels naturally requires not only taking turmeric, but also the correct behavior of the patient. If you lead the wrong lifestyle and drink curcumin, it definitely won’t make you feel any better. Doctors recommend following the following tips:

  • Eat properly. You need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. It is necessary to cook from fresh products by boiling, stewing, and baking. Fried, smoked, fatty, processed foods and other harmful foods are prohibited.
  • Do exercises every day. But you shouldn’t abuse it and tirelessly engage in gym. Excessive exercise reduces testosterone, as does an inactive lifestyle.
  • Have sex regularly. Correct sex life is the most important condition healthy human reproductive system.
  • Stay calm, avoid stress, be reasonable and honest with yourself. The mental state of a man also affects hormonal levels.
  • Regularly see a urologist-andrologist, undergo an annual examination, especially after 35-40 years, when the risk of pathologies increases.

If a man leads a healthy lifestyle, is regularly examined and takes turmeric from time to time, then his testosterone levels will definitely be normal.