Effective methods to combat acne. Acne on the face - a cosmetic defect or a serious disease: methods of control and drugs for treatment. What to do if acne appears during pregnancy

» Hormonal acne
» Sex and pimples (acne)
» Premenstrual acne
» Oily skin and acne
» Hyperkeratosis and acne
» Comedogenic cosmetics and acne
» Subcutaneous demodex mite
» Propionibacterium acnes and Propionibacterium granulosum
» Irritated skin and acne
» Heredity and acne
» Nutrition and acne
» Medicines and acne
» Steroids and acne

Types of acne

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How to deal with acne (acne, blackheads, comedones)

Remedies and methods for combating acne (acne, blackheads, comedones)

Step-by-step acne treatment system (pimples/blackheads/comedones)

To develop an action plan (and it should be an organized action plan), you need to discard all the misleading but often widespread information about acne and learn everything that can actually help your skin.

The main tasks in acne treatment are as follows:

  • Prevention of new comedones. Includes proper care for problem skin and measures for the overall health of the body.
  • Removal of existing comedones. It is carried out using comedolytic drugs and comedo extractors at home or in a beauty salon.
  • Reducing sebum secretion. Achieving a noticeable clinical effect is possible when secretion is reduced by 30 percent or more. Drugs of the retinoid group, hormones - estrogens, antiandrogens - are used.
  • Exfoliation of dead skin layer. Achieved by external use of retinoids, BHA, AHA.
  • Relieving the inflammatory process and preventing its spread. It is achieved by using antibacterial drugs externally and internally.
  • Reducing cosmetic imperfections of scarring. Produced by dermabrasion, laser therapy, cryotherapy.
  • Balancing body systems and organs(gynecological, endocrine, gastrointestinal diseases, foci of chronic infection) can interfere with acne treatment and reduce its effectiveness. Therefore, in parallel with the treatment of acne, treatment of concomitant pathologies should be carried out.

Step 1: Gently cleanse the skin with a mild water-soluble cleanser

Gentle and delicate cleansing of the skin is a very important first step towards fighting acne (acne, comedones).

Poor hygiene as a cause of acne is just another cosmetic myth about acne that leads to many people over-cleaning their skin with soaps and harsh cosmetic cleansers.

This dries out the skin and increases irritation and dryness, creating a feeling of tightness and thereby causing even more sebum production. In the long term, this leads to your skin being dry on the inside and oily on the outside. Irritating ingredients are harmful not only because they cause redness and swelling, but also because they reduce the skin's ability to heal itself. It is gentle cleansing and “unobtrusive” skin care that will help maintain healthy skin and prevent the formation of acne.

Therefore, always, even in the evening, when you remove makeup from your face, use a gentle water-soluble cleanser that is completely washed off the face and does not irritate the skin and eyes. The gentle cleanser will cleanse your skin of dirt, makeup and oil without leaving you feeling dry, tight or irritated. To remove eye makeup, it's completely normal to use the same cleanser you use on your face.

Finding a gentle cleanser is easy, but be careful: products that are too gentle (“moisturizing”) can leave a greasy film on the skin.

If you use a very thick mattifying foundation or compact foundation, you may need to use makeup remover wipes, a special sponge or a terry glove to wash your face to completely cleanse your face (To prevent bacteria from multiplying in it, wash it with an antibacterial product every evening). This is an exception to the rule, but it is necessary if you are using long-wearing foundation, which is very effective for those with oily skin. Wash your face with cool or lukewarm water. Hot water burns the skin, and cold is too much stress for it. According to Pole Begun, constant washing, visiting saunas or hot tubs can cause capillaries on the nose or cheeks to break and not only irritate the skin, but also negatively affect its ability to recover.

What not to do!

Do not use cleanser with anti-acne ingredients! Cleansers for acne-prone skin often contain anti-acne ingredients (such as AHA or BHA). The use of such products is not recommended for several reasons. First, if they are in a water-based cleaner, you always run the risk of possible product contact with your eyes, which can cause irritation. Secondly, to work effectively anti-acne ingredients must be applied to the skin and left on it for some time to be absorbed.

When they are in detergent, they are simply washed off before they have a chance to have any effect. Some companies shockingly recommend leaving the cleanser on your face for a few minutes to allow the AHA or BHA to absorb into the skin, but this also means that the other ingredients in the cleanser will remain on the skin longer than necessary, which can definitely cause unwanted irritation. Gentle and gentle cleansing is an important factor in skin health! (Resources: Skin Research and Technology, February 2005, pages 53-60 and Dermatology, March 1997, pages 258-262).

Don't wash your face with bar soap! The substances that give soap a hard appearance can cause skin cells to die faster by accumulating in pores. The ingredients of solid soap can clog pores and leave a film on the surface of the skin, thereby blocking the action of applied active anti-acne ingredients and care products. Solid soap can shift the acid-base balance of the skin to the alkaline side, thereby creating a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

About glycerin soap:

If you use glycerin soap in the hope that glycerin is a natural moisturizing component, remember that glycerin acts as a moisturizing ingredient only if its percentage is correctly selected, otherwise glycerin, on the contrary, removes moisture from the deeper layers of the skin and causes it evaporates from the surface, as a result of which glycerin-based products, on the contrary, dry the skin even more.

Theoretically, in addition to moisturizing and nourishing the skin, the tonic is also designed to normalize the pH balance, which is desirable if you are going to apply an acid exfoliant (AHA, BHA, tretinoin) on top of it. However, in reality there are no standards that would control the pH balance of a given cosmetic product. Therefore, if you are used to using a tonic, you can only find out through experience how effectively AHA, BHA and tretinoin applied on top of it work. This is the reason we do not recommend applying tretinoin over toner.

If desired, the tonic can be used both to remove makeup residues and to soften and nourish the skin with moisturizers and antioxidants. A toner for normal to oily skin can be used in place of a moisturizer and may be the only moisturizing product you need. For normal to dry skin, this toner will be a good addition to your moisturizer. Toners for problematic or acne-prone skin often contain soothing or disinfecting (antibacterial) ingredients.

Step 2: exfoliation (sloughing away dead skin cells) in acne treatment

Exfoliation will remove dead cells from the surface of the skin and cleanse the pores from the inside. This delicate work will allow the pores to “breathe” and freely release sebum onto the surface of the skin. Please note that the inside of the pore is covered with skin cells, which also die and clog it.

Dead cells spoil the color and texture of the skin, interfere with metabolic processes, cause the formation of blackheads, and prevent the penetration of beneficial ingredients of caring cosmetics.

Exfoliation is one of the key components of health and good looking your skin (by increasing the number of healthier cells on the surface). Exfoliation is essential for most skin types and is basic along with a gentle cleanser, sunscreen, and antioxidants and communication ingredients!

There are two ways to eliminate dead skin cells at home: mechanical (scrub, extraction) and chemical (acid-based exfoliant - AHA, BHA, tretinoin).

It is recommended to use only one of these methods to avoid putting too much stress on the skin. We're all for a chemical exfoliant—so now's the time to apply an AHA or BHA (if it's morning) or tretinoin (if it's evening).

Which is better: a chemical exfoliant (AHA, BHA) or a mechanical exfoliant (scrub)?

Chemical exfoliants are more effective and safe and here's why. Scrubs cleanse your skin only on the surface and can cause mechanical damage. AHAs and BHAs are more effective because their action is a chemical process, they penetrate the skin and work "from the inside", eliminating dead cells and allowing young healthy cells to appear on the surface of the skin, which improves its texture and color, eliminates clogged pores and increases the absorption of moisturizers and nutritional products.

Which is more effective: BHA or AHA?

The main difference between AHAs and BHAs is that AHAs are water soluble while BHA is fat soluble. This unique property of BHA gives it the ability to penetrate deeper into pores through the sebum layer than AHAs and exfoliate dead cells that accumulate inside the sebaceous glands and clog pores. Although, unlike AHA, BHA penetrates deeper into pores and works directly inside the pore, it is less irritating to the skin and even has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. This is due to BHA's association with aspirin.

Additional properties BHAs make it suitable for normal, oily or combination skin types. But BHA is especially valuable for problem skin, since salicylic acid is effective in combating pimples (acne, blackheads) and blackheads.

AHAs, in turn, are more suitable for caring for photodamaged (age spots), thickened (hyperkeratosis), dry, unproblematic skin (

Katya Kotich, website editor

My skin has always been problematic, but within acceptable limits. But one period of my life, which lasted a year, became a real nightmare for me: the situation got out of control, the rashes multiplied, my face looked simply terrible.

In an attempt to get rid of the spontaneous spread of acne (let's call a spade a spade), I found a lot of advice and listened to a huge number of recommendations, many of which were monstrous misconceptions. I, as part of an international initiative #FreeFromSpots by La Roche-Posay, I want to protect you from mistakes that you can make in the fight against acne.

Grandma said in two

Where do we look for answers to all questions? Naturally, on the Internet. But sometimes they will advise something that, at best, the method will not help, and at worst, it will even harm. For example, I once saw a recipe for “chatterbox,” that is, a homemade acne medicine, which included salicylic acid and some tablets. Everything would be fine, but salicylic acid can dry out the skin, which will only make it worse, and if you unknowingly buy acid of the wrong percentage, it’s a disaster, there will be a burn!

Recipes for herbal lotions for acne are one of the hits among girls collectively struggling with acne on the Internet. But think about this: firstly, they are not very effective (this is true, the problem cannot be solved with chamomile decoction), and secondly, they can cause an allergic reaction. Just realize, and only a certified specialist will be able to eradicate the problem itself: he will find the cause, recommend really working remedies especially for you, and do everything so as not to harm you. Girls on the Internet are not doctors!

How to do it: go to a dermatologist and then follow his instructions.

My, my chimney sweep, clean, clean

My first and main mistake in the fight against acne was very simple - choosing the wrong specialist. When my face suddenly began to “bloom,” I wanted to get rid of all the rashes as soon as possible and went... to a cosmetologist for cleaning. Don't do this. A week or two after the procedure, the face was covered again, the money was thrown away, the problem was not solved. Moreover, do not try to squeeze pimples, you will only make things worse: pathogenic bacteria will spread throughout the skin, and instead of one source of inflammation, you will get several.

How to do it: you already know, first go to a dermatologist. A cosmetologist will help remove external manifestations, but the cause will not go away.

Miracle island, miracle island

In the ocean of variety of cosmetics, it is very difficult to find both the right care and harmless decorative cosmetics for those who struggle with acne. Naturally, in order to even out the texture of the skin, girls choose “grouts”, and look for a foundation that is as dense as possible. In fact, all this only makes the situation worse.

Here are some tips for choosing cosmetics to care for problem skin and correct imperfections:

  • On every jar, on every tube there should be one important word - “non-comedogenic”, that is, it does not clog pores and does not cause rashes. If this word is not there, the product is not for you, be it a day cream or powder.
  • give up store-bought cosmetics in favor of the so-called cosmoceuticals/cosmeceuticals - cosmetics that are sold in pharmacies. Such products are designed specifically for problematic skin, be it severe dryness, rosacea or, as in our case, acne.
  • As sad as it may be, you will have to spare no expense on high-quality cosmetics that are designed specifically for skin with rashes. Yes, it costs more than the same product in the mass market segment, but it will not aggravate the problem.
  • Don't think that one miracle cream will solve all your problems. Acne treatment is a complex process.

How to do it right: consider the above tips, consult your dermatologist and/or dermatocosmetologist.

Seven troubles - one answer

Today, many people buy cosmetics only after studying reviews on the Internet, and this is wrong, because you are voluntarily misleading yourself. Firstly, if this particular cream helped reduce the number of rashes on a particular Masha’s face, it is not at all a fact that it will suit you, because Masha has oily skin, and yours is dry, she has acne, and you have closed comedones.
Moreover, it cannot save you from all problems! Care should be comprehensive: a cleanser, a toner containing alcohol, a cream against imperfections, a moisturizer with antibacterial action, a serum with fruit acids, a product for spot application... there is a different set for each specific case.
Don’t read reviews, we are all different, the problems are different and so are the solutions.

How to do it right: through trial and selection, find the means that work for you and help you specifically.

cat scientist

“Doctors don’t cure acne,” many people think. For acne - no, but for acne they treat it. This idea, as you noticed, runs through the entire text, but I would like to say again: do not neglect the help of qualified specialists. They understand the types of rashes, the possible causes of their appearance and ways to solve these problems much better than you. Yes, it may not all end with a trip to the dermatologist; yes, you may have to visit a gastroenterologist, gynecologist or other doctors and take several tests. But for the sake of smooth, radiant skin that does not require concealment with foundation, you can endure it. The result will not disappoint!


ACNE PROBLEM Signs of acne:
- the turns are short,
- uneven surface of the skin,
— post-pigmentation (scars and traces)



You can find out more about the initiative

Text: Anastasia Poletaeva

Remember, in the film adaptation of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button does the voice-over explain why a chain of small insignificant events came into a loop and led to Cate Blanchett’s heroine getting run over by a taxi? When four years ago I sat in the night, sobbed and looked at my face covered in inflammation in the mirror, I endlessly scrolled through a million little things in my head that made me look like this.

Summer 2010, choosing a university and entrance exams: everyone expected a cool, fateful decision from me, I was nervous, couldn’t eat and lost seven kilograms, which was quite critical at the original 49. August 2011: a terribly painful separation from my first love, moving to Moscow, arthritis caused by stress and ballet classes at an atypical 19 years old (one could have been wary). Autumn 2011, Moscow: poor nutrition, irregular schedule, endless colds, apartment neighbors like something out of gangster TV series on the Rossiya channel, and new relationships that were not at all rosy. Just then the first signs began to appear on my face that I needed to take care of my health, but while they could be covered up with foundation, I preferred not to think about them.

Winter 2011: I cry all night long because not a single concealer can cover this nightmare. Because all my skin hurts, and I have already bought all the pharmacy creams, lotions and masks, which only worsened the situation. Because the young man with whom I was trying to build a relationship said contemptuously: “What are these spots you have? Can’t you wash your face with something normal?” Because my friends can’t stand it and ask: “What’s the matter with you?” Because it’s cold outside, and the cold makes everything worse and worse, and I have bad heredity in terms of skin and a weak stomach. Phew.

Skin problems are not considered a terrible disease - and this is logical, but only those who have gone through them can understand how psychologically difficult it is. You can be super progressive and body positive - and it all falls apart when people seem to look at you with a mixture of disgust and bewilderment. A separate disgusting thing is that acne deprives you of your legal right to medical confidentiality: everyone knows that your health has deteriorated - from colleagues to salespeople in the nearest supermarket, and this is terribly infuriating. Now, four years later, I look the same as before this nightmare, and the overall picture seems more objective to me - it is divided into bad and good ideas that came to my mind: if I had made fewer unnecessary movements, everything would have been resolved faster and easier.

Bad ideas


At the very beginning, when I had an ordinary rash on my temples, cheeks and the bridge of my nose, I thought: “I probably need to sleep more, and the water is too hard.” Everything turned out to be much worse, and it is impossible to understand on your own what exactly caused acne: it is one thing if the cream you use does not suit you, and quite another if your hormonal levels are disrupted. Tempting labels even on pharmacy cosmetics should not be taken seriously - what you apply to your face will not solve problems with your stomach, thyroid gland or infections. In addition, severely damaged skin can react aggressively to incorrectly selected new products: if before purchasing, say, Vichy micellar water from the Normaderm series, everything was simply bad for me, then after it a real atomic war began on my face. Therefore, you should not look for a solution in specialized public pages or hope for another miraculous facial wash.


Thank the Olympic gods, my hands did not reach antibiotics and hormonal drugs, which are available for skin problems without a prescription, but I was one step away from it - thanks to my mom for intercepting me. This is a very popular type of reaction: you open Google, type “acne how to treat” and read on the forum of the conventional Woman.ru (a scary place) about how some serious oral contraceptives helped five to seven to ten girls, different types which are often prescribed for acne. It may seem to most readers that none normal person would not buy such a drug without a doctor’s recommendation, but buy and whatnot- the pharmacy is always closer than the hospital. And this is not counting the mass of craftsmen who offer “ photo consultation"(it's like determining pregnancy by eye color). Nothing better than going to the doctor, or most likely several doctors depending on the range of problems, has been invented yet, and if you understand this promptly, you will do yourself a great service.

Masking instead of and during treatment

A good proofreader can convince you for a couple of months that nothing bad is happening - and this is his absolute maximum. Any cosmetologist will tell you that dense masking textures are more contraindicated for inflamed skin, the more foci of inflammation and the more serious they are. This is the main meanness - you cannot use thick foundations during treatment. Therefore, you need to divide by ten everything that crank with your face beauty bloggers: such makeup on an inflamed face is possible as a one-time measure to lift your spirits, but doing this every day or even every other day is not worth it if you want to progress in treatment. I was partly saved by the tint cream that my cosmetologist prepared, in combination with a light hypoallergenic powder, but, to be honest, this mixture was of little use, I had to endure it. I have thin, sensitive, very dry allergic skin with enlarged pores (such a jackpot), on which in high school I applied a long-lasting tone from the mass market for three hundred rubles - and nothing. When I came to the cosmetologist with acne, she threw out half of my cosmetics bag and scolded me quite sternly. Now I feel fine with BB cream, but I still can’t use long-lasting foundation.


As is obvious from my story, stress has become one of the main reasons for my acne. And over time, worries about my skin condition turned into a series of nightmarish habits, as if from a psychology textbook for freshmen: for example, every five minutes I looked in my pocket mirror to see if things had gotten worse (the deterioration gained momentum in a matter of hours ), and I began to cover the right side of my face with hair, because my right cheek and the skin on my forehead to the right along the hairline looked very scary. In short, this only aggravates the situation and adds to the complexes. At some point I realized that I had serious health problems and there was nothing to be ashamed of. This is a disease and needs to be treated.


“I’m my own cosmetologist” sessions suit everyone from time to time, but squeezing out a lone pimple on your forehead and touching acne are two very different things. At some point, my analytical abilities became more active, and I noticed that the more I touched and picked at my face, the worse things got. A separate range of problems was that at the peak stage, very painful large subcutaneous lumps appeared along the hairline on my forehead, temples, bridge of the nose and chin, which took months to pass - I could not stand it and touched them too. The only thing I have achieved in this way is that I now have a scar on the bridge of my nose, which can only be removed with a laser or a series of chemical peels. It is not noticeable, visible only in certain lighting and in photographs, but every time I see it, I am reminded of my own shortsightedness.

A tan

On tanned skin, inflammation and redness are indeed less noticeable, so throughout the ill-fated winter of 2011 I went to the solarium. And throughout the summer of 2011 I walked around with impaired pigmentation: firstly, after such persistent attempts to tan, acne marks take several times longer to disappear. Secondly, anti-inflammatory medications often increase exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which brings us back to pigmentation disorders. So the only thing you can do is a hypoallergenic cream with a strong SPF filter, which your cosmetologist will select for you.

Good ideas

Going to the doctor

In my case, a series of hikes. In mid-February 2011, I went to see a cosmetologist - and she said that she wouldn’t even touch my face in this state, because my problem was far from being cosmetic. This is how it first dawned on me that skin treatment begins with a queue to see not the most obvious doctors. My mother, who loves all unofficial medicine at once, persuaded me to undergo bioresonance diagnostics (you can talk about why this is 80% profanation). But there was a certain meaning in this: the program that is used for this type of diagnosis is really good at bringing together the data from all the tests that you have already passed. All examination results were confirmed later by specialized specialists: from acute gastritis and liver problems to untreated teeth. Therefore, I still don’t know which doctor helped me solve my skin problems.

For six months I was on a Spartan diet that relieved the liver and stomach: I did not eat apples and oranges, fried, salty and spicy, sweet and fatty foods, I did not eat store-bought sauces and powdered yoghurts, I did not drink alcohol, packaged juices and lemonades. It was hard and tasteless, but tolerable. Just in case, I cured all my teeth, because caries is just as sure a way for infection to enter the body as any other damage. After six months, I went to the gynecologist and passed all the basic tests, the same gynecologist prescribed me oral contraceptives. In my case, these were the popular “Jess” tablets - they are most often prescribed to young girls without children, the content of active substances in them is gentle, and they normalize hormonal levels if there is something wrong with them. I drank Jess for a year and quit only because my breasts and hips began to enlarge (I was uncomfortable with the new volumes). I’m still healing my stomach.

Going to a cosmetologist

The second time I went to see him only after the gynecologist, when the worst inflammation had already passed. As I already said, half of my cosmetics bag went into the trash: all the long-lasting foundations and thick foundations, all the mass-market brand creams and many pharmaceutical products. Because of my very dry skin, the famous salicylic acid powder was not suitable for me, and I was prescribed just ichthyol ointment - it smells terrible, and it leaves traces for several hours, but its pulling properties are unrivaled.

Instead of cleansers, I started washing my face with tar soap - again, due to dry skin, it was not very comfortable, but it was effective. Instead of moisturizing cream, I still use super-greasy Panthenol ointment, which is generally used to lubricate burns - it perfectly moisturizes a dry face, I am not allergic to it and it does not clog pores. Of the procedures, I did one single cleansing and stopped. Firstly, even my sensitive skin reacted to it in such a way that it came off in layers in two weeks (painless, but very unaesthetic). Secondly, the need has already disappeared: the first cleansing saved me from the most severe inflammations, but new ones never appeared. For minor inflammations, I applied Baziron AC, which is sold in any pharmacy and was also prescribed to me by a cosmetologist.

New cosmetics

As is probably already clear, my relationship with both my caregiver and decorative cosmetics did not go very smoothly. If I had seen a cosmetologist earlier, perhaps the problems would have disappeared faster - she advised me to switch to Holy Land brand care products. I used the universal cleansing toner twice a day, the menthol spot toner once or twice a week, and the sulfur spot mask (also once or twice, but on other days). Not without the help of the same cosmetologist, I turned my attention to Clarins BB creams - for me it was a huge plus that, unlike products from other brands, my skin did not react riotously to these. I won’t advise anything here, my only recommendation is don’t listen to anyone’s advice and trust only your dermatologist or cosmetologist. What works for me or anyone else can really hurt you.

A new look at the problem

It sounds like something out of the “Discover Your Inner Goddess” training, but actually, you really have to love yourself even with pimples all over your face - otherwise you might go crazy. Now I understand that my overly curious friends did not want to offend me with their questions about my appearance, but the man who hits me weak points, - not what I or anyone else needed, but in 2011 I spent a monstrous amount of energy and nerves on such situations. Calm down, everything will pass with time, and in no case should you be ashamed of health problems, if only because they are not your fault and they do not make you worse than you were before.

I will emphasize once again that my method of treatment is far from being a standard one, which is why I described all the mistakes in such detail. But for old times’ sake, I’m still a member of groups and publics for people for whom acne is not a clothing brand. I see desperate girls and boys who are given crooked photo advice, and I know what it’s like to hate your own reflection in the mirror. Now I can go without foundation, although my skin is still far from ideal (and is unlikely to become ideal). In winter, sometimes exacerbations occur, and if I eat at McDonald's for a week, then for two weeks I walk around with a nightmare on my face. But now I at least know how to solve these problems and how to avoid them. This means that they no longer ruin my life, and this, in my opinion, is the most important thing.

Many of us experience skin problems (show me a lucky girl who doesn’t have them), which become active from time to time, causing a lot of discomfort and unnecessary problems. Avoiding extremes such as eczema or rosacea, let's talk about something that each of us has encountered at least once in our lives - about acne (it is acne, and not pimples, that experts persistently call inflammatory elements on the face).

The age when most girls become acquainted with acne (and which makes their mothers worry in advance) is adolescence ( read also: “From a clean face: how to help your teenage daughter cope with acne”). However, only the start of the appearance of rashes depends on the number of years, and even then conditionally. Often their quality and quantity continue to cause problems even when the rubicon of hormonal changes has been crossed. Today, the list of acne treatments includes a wide variety of diets, cosmetic products and medical procedures. Together with Elena Selivanova, dermatovenerologist, leading cosmetologist at the Petrovka Beauty Center for Medical Cosmetology and iSystem brand expert, we recalled the most common ones and found out why they do not always work.


Broad-spectrum, but chosen incorrectly, they can provoke the growth of fungal flora, which, ironically, will only worsen acne. The problem may also be one of addiction: after about a month to a month and a half of taking medications, the body is able to develop “bacterial resistance”. As a result, even the product that previously perfectly erased all imperfections from the face will turn out to be useless. A possible solution is to alternate “alternative” versions of antibiotics and use medicinal cosmetics. It is unnecessary to remind you that you cannot self-medicate: now antibiotics will only be sold to you with a doctor’s prescription.

Anti-acne cosmetics

Many of them contain benzoyl peroxide, a traditional ingredient in drugstore acne cosmetics. The problem is that such products dry out the skin, both directly at the site of inflammation and around it, and can cause severe irritation and peeling, which is also not an easy task to deal with. Why exchange an awl for soap?

1 /9

Cleansing gel for problem skin with salicylic acid Blue Herbal Blemish Cleanser Treatment, Kiehl's

Soft foam cleanser Mousse De Beaute, Guerlain

Cleansing scrub with neem with antibacterial properties for normal and problem skin, Himalaya Herbals

Purifying Light Foaming Gel, Eisenberg

Gently cleansing gel for problem skin Anti-Blemish Cleansing Gel, Clinique

Lightning Clean Cleanser with Tea Tree and Witch Hazel, LUSH

Cleanser 3-in-1 gel-scrub-mask “Clean Skin”, Garnier

Cleansing foam for problem skin with juniper, Mi&Ko

Cleanser “Daily cleansing 5-in-1 Pure Power”, L "Oreal Men Expert

At the same time, we must not forget that the appearance of inflammation ─ first isolated, and then periodic ─ is often associated with improper skin care. This is also why acne often worsens during the changing seasons - in spring and autumn, when the body is in the grip of adapting to new conditions, we aggravate the problem by not having time to upgrade our cosmetics bag. Attention: anti-acne products must contain hydroxy acids (glycolic, mandelic, salicylic, azelaic), retinol, antiseptics (chlorhexidine), moisturizing components (hyaluronic acid).

1 /4

Lotion for tightening pores with a micro-exfoliating effect based on thermal water Effaclar, La Roche Posay

Cleansing and pore-tightening lotion Normaderm, Vichy

“Sebium lotion” for oily and combination skin with triple action (8-hour hydration, normalization of sebum production and skin pH), Bioderma

Mattifying toner Seracin for oily skin, Librederm

Caring for oily and problematic skin, prone to inflammation and rashes, includes not only thorough cleansing, but also active care at night in the form of acids or retinol (if necessary, antibacterial drugs recommended by a doctor), as well as moisturizing in the morning. In the acute stage of acne, pharmaceutical medicinal preparations are used for skin care. Any specialized cosmetic line can be used as maintenance care. Among cosmetic procedures, depending on the severity and number of inflammatory elements, chemical peeling procedures (for example, almond, salicylic, retinoic), ozone therapy, and plasma therapy can be performed.

1 /10

Mattifying day face cream Seracin, Librederm

Lotion for reducing and preventing skin imperfections Breakout Control Blemish Treatment, Dermatologist Solutions, Kiehl’s

Sebum-regulating moisturizing serum for combination and oily skin Aqua-Pure Clarifying Serum, Swiss Line

Intensively mattifying fluid that tightens pores and normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, Clarins

Instant mattifying ampoules for oily and problem skin Pure Intense Balancing Fluid, Babor

Seboregulating serum with exfoliating effect Sebodiane DS, Noreva

Moisturizing fluid Active Pureness Fluid,

Clear Action Day Gel for Problem Skin, Nu Skin

Cream-active “Ideal Skin” for the prevention of inflammation and post-acne marks, “Clean Line”

Anti-acne gel for spot application Pure Skin SOS Spot Gel, Oriflame

By the way, acne ( read also: “Theory and practice: care for oily and dry skin with acne”) is not at all a death sentence for decorative cosmetics. It’s just that girls whose skin is prone to rashes are better off using mineral foundations or products labeled “non-comedogenic.” You don’t have to limit yourself to just drugstore brands, no matter how wonderful they are: similar corrective foundations are also available in professional brands.

Nobody is perfect (unlike corrective and concealing products):

Angelina Jolie

Katy Perry

You can erase both traces of passing acne and the pimples themselves, using medicinal correctors with an antibacterial effect. Before applying the corrective agent, the inflammation must be stopped with a medicinal gel (metrogil, curiosin are suitable), let it dry until a film forms, and then mask the redness.

Double-sided topical stick (drying lotion + masking concealer) Hyseac, Uriage

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin, against imperfections and post-acne Effaclar DUO, La Roche Posay


It doesn’t always work, and there’s definitely no need to consider this method as proven effective. But sometimes it does have a beneficial effect, and here's why. One of the factors that intensifies and spreads acne is stress. Acupuncture “calms the body” (much like yoga and meditation discipline the mind and mind), reducing the level of cortisol in the blood, which means reducing the likelihood of breakouts.

Folk remedies

Why we trust them almost more than professional means is a mystery. Among this kind of “panacea” are coconut oil, wine vinegar, and even toothpaste (egg whites and cucumber juice are simply a must-have from grandma’s chest). Experts, however, agree that chamomile and parsley decoctions have a real antiseptic effect, and they can be taken ─ both externally, to wipe inflamed skin, and internally, but you should not count on a lightning-fast and complex effect. When it comes to herbs, you can think of thyme: it essential oil has pronounced antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

Skin Perfecting Peel Pads, Elizabeth Arden PRO

Chemical peels

They cannot be considered as a definitive means of combating acne. We recommend adding this procedure to common list measures that improve skin condition: in the long term, peelings will do their job, but not “here and now.”

Oral contraceptives

They help cleanse the face well (everyone who has taken the pills confirms this), but not without side effects. One of them, by the way, is very serious - the formation of blood clots. What you definitely shouldn't do is ask your doctor to prescribe birth control just to get rid of acne. Why interfere so rudely with the work of your own body if you can get by with more correct measures?

Squeezing pimples

It is difficult to resist doing this, especially when the appearance is spoiled not by a black dot ready to turn red, but by a white, swollen bump. No matter how you do this - with perfectly clean fingers or after steaming your face - the risk that a new one will form at the site of inflammation, and even worse than the previous one, remains. However, every rule has its exceptions.

Today, cosmetologists are increasingly saying that all inflammatory elements with a white head must be removed. The main thing is to do it correctly. A short master class: take a sterile napkin with an antiseptic (chlorhexidine, miramistin), carefully treat the inflammation, use a sterile needle (suitable for a disposable syringe) to pierce the surface of the pimple and carefully remove the unsightly contents with clean fingers. Immediately treat the opened pimple with hydrogen peroxide, and then with antibacterial cream. Doctors find the rationale for such harsh measures to be simple: inflammation must always be controlled. The longer the element “matures,” the higher the likelihood of scar formation. But, of course, take into account the skin’s tendency to scarring and pigmentation: if it is increased, it is better not to practice squeezing out pimples on your own.

A home gadget for treating acne Espada (FOREO) using a non-invasive method: the device works on the principle of blue light phototherapy, affecting bacteria with the energy of an LED beam. The procedure is quick (30 seconds of “work” with inflammation), painless and hygienic (convenient to take with you).


It really does have an antibacterial effect, but it is so dosed that you don’t need to specifically fry in the sun for it. For example, an interesting fact: often after improving the condition of the skin in southern latitudes after returning to normal conditions, an exacerbation occurs. Need I mention that tanning in a solarium is especially harmful?

Elena Selivanova - dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, leading cosmetologist at the Petrovka Beauty Center for Medical Cosmetology, iSystem brand expert.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

I'll start a series of posts about fighting acne. The misfortune overtook my daughter suddenly, after the sanatorium, for half a year we tried to cope on our own, then with a cosmetologist, then with a dermatologist, who prescribed Roaccutane. My daughter was already ready for anything, I didn’t give up, in desperation I asked on forums, read a lot of information, wrote to some people in private messages. But I was lucky, they helped me in my favorite community (). With sympathy and wishes, almost no one passed by, so I would like to thank everyone in bulk for your recommendations and links. But I especially want to thank the girl who at first gave us hope, and then, spending her personal time on us, found care for our daughter. Anna! My daughter and I are immensely grateful to you! He has a lot of useful information and good knowledge in the field of cosmetology. I trust her!

Here are the source data and photos. Large pimples that take several days to mature, several per square centimeter. Then they also take a long time to heal and leave red spots. This would be a nightmare for everyone, my daughter didn’t want to go to school, nothing helped: proper nutrition, treatment by a homeopath, a dermatologist, procedures by a cosmetologist - all in vain, the acne not only calmed down, but gained strength.

And here is a photo after 5 months. Of course, there is still something to work on, post-acne is also difficult to get rid of, but the most important thing is that this rampage has been stopped.

This is what my skin looks like now with light makeup.

I will divide my story into several parts: cleansing, treatment, hydration, supplements.

Stage one - Cleansing

Anna suggested double cleansing for us. Honestly, I would never have thought of it myself, but there really is an excess of sebum, and it’s not so easy to clean the skin. On top of everything else, my daughter applied almost theatrical makeup in order to somehow hide it all,
Otherwise I wasn’t ready to go outside.

So the first product in this chain was Heimish, All Clean Balm, 120 ml. The product is a rather thick balm, white. It works simply: after applying to the skin, the balm melts a little, spreads very easily, then you need to massage it a little. This way the product dissolves cosmetics and is then easily washed off with water.

Convenient hinged lid, special spoon (will protect against bacteria getting into the balm). A somewhat specific smell, but it doesn’t seem to matter. The consumption is very economical, purchased in March and still in stock.

2. I think about the next two remedies are the main ones in this fight: cream/wash with 2% salicylic acid And cream/wash with benzoyl peroxide (10%). My daughter uses them alternately.

2.1 Neutrogena, Acne Clearing Cream, 5 fl oz (147 ml) . This is a cream with 2% salicylic acid. According to Anna: “One of the keys against acne is salicylic acid. Salicylic acid penetrates deep into the pores, dissolves dirt, cleanses the pores of excess sebum. It does not kill bacteria, but has an antibacterial effect (inhibits their growth). Working concentration salicylic acid from 0.25% to 2%." Apply the product, let it act for a minute, rinse off. It’s a pity, but the product has already been withdrawn from sale, I think you can find something similar. I still give the link, as it will help you get your bearings.

2.2 Neutrogena, "Quick Cleanse", Facial Lotion for Old Acne, Strength, 5.0 fl oz (147 ml) . This is where benzoyl peroxide comes into play. This is what kills bacteria, apply the product, let it work and wash off. After washing, a slight burning sensation is felt. The consistency is white cream with a strong sweetish smell.

3. Lighter cleanser. CeraVe, Cleansing foam 3 fl. oz. (87 ml). My daughter uses this product in the morning, after sleep. It's gentle and great for removing any remaining bacteria and oil from the night. Doesn't dry out the skin. It is also used very sparingly, purchased in March and is still in stock.

4. A necessary accessory for more thorough cleaning. EcoTools, Muslin Polishing Cloths, 2 Cloths. All washings are done only with these napkins. They clean perfectly, remove all grease and all remnants of makeup. They are very simple to use: wet and wipe your face along the massage lines. Afterwards, wash the napkin thoroughly with laundry soap and leave to dry. By next time it is dry and clean again. After a few times, the napkin must be doused with boiling water just in case, so that any bacteria does not attach itself again.

That's all for now, to be continued.