Impact dose of ascorbic acid at a cold. Vitamin C with cold: ascorbic acid in the shock dose. What vitamin C buy

If a person has witnessed, he wants to cure as soon as possible: it is known that the arrival of the cold always happens inappropriately. In order for the treatment to be effective, one drug is not enough. An integrated approach always turns out to be the best. Of course, in combination with the bed mode and the use of sufficient vitamin "C". Many ask how to take vitamin C with a cold, whether there is a constraint on the dosage and how much it helps in order to prevent colds. This will be discussed below.

The role of ascorbins for colds

Does vitamin C have a cold? The fact that it is a good preventive tool, and can also facilitate the symptoms of colds, has become known in the 70s of the XIX century. Even then the Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling advised his patients a daily reception of vitamin "C" of 1000 mg. The same dosage was recommended for prevention purposes.

However, recent studies have proven that it is not particularly effective in preventing a cold. Therefore, it should be taken as an ascorbing, mainly when a child or adult already has characteristic SMI orvi symptoms or flu (runny nose, cough, tearing, increasing body temperature). It will be an excellent assistant in order to facilitate the course of the disease and mobilize the body's forces on recovery.

If you do not miss the time and start treatment with vitamin C at the beginning of a cold period, the likelihood that flu or ORVI will be delayed for a long time, will become significantly lower. Vitamin C with a cold will stimulate the production of white blood cells - leukocytes that will help the immunity to cope with the disease. Also, with the help of ascorbic, the active development of valuable proteins, which are called interferons will begin. All substances together contribute to the creation of an acidic medium that prevents the reproduction of viruses and distribute them into cells.

Sometimes at the attending physician can be recommended a daily dose of vitamin C up to 1000 mg per day, which will help rapid recovery after severe viral infections. Of course, in this case, the dose should be divided several times and not take everything simultaneously.

Nevertheless, among specialists there is an opinion that is not particularly useful even if it is used during illness. This is not quite the right opinion: it has been proven that if vitamin C is not a supere effective preventive agent during strong flu epidemics, it accurately contributes to the mobilization of human immune forces and prevents the prolonged course of colds.

What products contain

There is also the opinion that the reception of tableted vitamin C as adults and for children is optional, and it can be used naturally, simply balanced by the daily diet.

Ascorbic acid in large quantities is contained in vegetables, fruits and berries. Especially it is rich:

  • berries;

If a person tolerates all these products well and eat them with pleasure, it is often possible and not to take vitamin tablets as an additional means.

In principle, if we are talking about seasonal flu epidemic or ORVI, to take the old good ascorbing will never hurt. But when you already accept well-known means against a cold (such as Tera Flu, Coldrex and Ferwex), there is no longer necessary to overdo the dose of ascorbic acid there, and it is not necessary to overdo it. Also, the composition of any vitamin complex that you have, can be included with vitamin C. Therefore, when calculating a dose should be very attentive, and best of all - to consult on this occasion with a good doctor.

Dosage for colds

For vitamin C, experts have already conducted a lot of research. Despite the fact that there are contradictory opinions on its effectiveness as a preventive agent and even the drug during the treatment of a cold, there is a unanimous opinion on its dosages in large quantities. The impact dose of ascorbic acid (for example, more than a thousand milligram per day) will not help prevent the occurrence of a cold.

In order to minimize the duration of the disease, the dose of vitamin C with a cold should be 1000 mg, and it should be divided into two or four receptions in order to avoid side effects. It follows every day to stop symptoms. Children who visit the kindergartens and school during the flu epidemics and ARVI, also need to give ascorce. It will stimulate their immunity, increase resistance to infections.

If your work is associated with strong psycho-emotional overvoltage, you can take vitamin C 250 milligrams per day. It will also help the organism to cope with stress.

The danger of "shock doses"

In conclusion, you should explain how the drum doses of vitamin C can be fraught with without proper control, this can help reduce the elasticity of the vascular wall, which leads to the development of atherosclerotic processes. Sands and stones can be formed in the kidneys, and the absorption of glucose will break, which will contribute to the occurrence of sugar diabetes.

Well, of course, the most common side effect is allergic reactions of various kinds, from rashes on the skin to a strong itch, in which antihistamines will have to take.

The unpleasant consequences described may occur only in cases of extreme abuse of vitamin C. If you love ascorbing very much and want to take it daily, the daily dose should not exceed 100 mg per day. During a cold, the dose can be enlarged, but before that it is necessary to consult with the doctor, given what medicines and vitamins you accept.

Medical professionals are confident that the high doses of ascorbic acid during a cold or viral infection helps to cope with the ailment. However, no one has known to the exact amount of vitamin for successful combating the disease.

The results of new studies of scientists regarding this problem were published in the periodic edition of Nutrients.

The success of the treatment of a cold after the use of ascorbic acid is dose-dependent: optimally, if the amount of the received drug will gradually increase to 6-8 g per day. By the way, such a number is 100 times higher than the recommended daily rate of use of vitamin C.

Scientists already have a lot of information about ascorbic acid during a cold, since a huge part of the experiments was carried out on animals. Rodents injected vitamin C in various dosages, after which the results were fixed. In the overwhelming majority of cases, ascorbic acid helped to stop the development of a viral or microbial disease and soon improve the condition of the body.

Taking into account the "universality" of vitamin and its positive impact on immune defense, scientists from Finnish University Helsinki decided to conduct a study with the participation of people - patients who are frowning and ORVI.

How much vitamin C should be used to speed up the process of recovery and not harm with the body?

To get an answer to this question, specialists led by Professor Harry Heemil analyzed the data of two large-scale research using placebo.

The first experiment was as follows: two groups of volunteers were offered to take ascorbic acid in the amount of 3 g / day, the participants of the Third Group were offered to take 6 g of vitamin per day, and the participants of the fourth group had to take placebo. In patients in the third group, the disease was cured by 17% faster, relatively to the fourth group. In patients from the first two groups, the effectiveness was estimated almost 9%.

Next, the second experiment was carried out: several groups of participants were taken ascorbic acid in the amount of 4 and 8 g / day, or placebo, but only one-time - during the first days of colds. Comparatives with placebo, 8 g of ascorbic acid were able to reduce the severity of the clinical picture by 19%. Such a number as 4 g was considered less efficient - by about twice.

According to the results of experiments, experts declared the existence of a linear dependence between the amount of vitamin C consumed and the duration of the disease.

Professor Heemil claims that 8 mg of vitamin is not the maximum possible amount of the drug. Probably a little later, other experiments will be held, using higher doses, for example, 15 mg / day and even more.

"The effectiveness of ascorbic acid for colds is indisputable. At the moment we assume that it is quite advisable to take up to 8 g of vitamin per day. It is desirable that such treatment begins as early as possible, "the Professor sums up.

Ascorbic acid is Vitamin C. refers to water-soluble vitamins, which means that it is removed from the body quickly and does not accumulate about the reserve. Ascorbinka is widely available on sale, as it is an essential vitamin to maintain human health, not toxic, it can be drunk in large doses, and it is allowed for children from the very old age. From ordinary food it is hard to replenish the daily rate of vitamin (per day you need to consume at least 60-100 mg of substance), therefore it is recommended to receive additives with ascorbic acid daily. It is also known that with the help of it you can treat the symptoms of the imaging ARVI or influenza. There are various recommendations and doses on the reception of this substance in coldic diseases. The presence of vitamin C properties

  • The substance strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the teeth and the gums, also strengthens the vessels and can be taken in a complex with venotonic means
  • Additive improves tissue trophics, promotes wound healing
  • Prevents hypovitaminosis, some types of anemia, improves iron digestibility
  • Helps in the treatment of cold and flu
  • It is a powerful antioxidant.

Signs of lack of ascorbic acid:

  • The appearance of capillary meshes on the skin
  • Blooding the gums
  • Breakfasts of vessels and plenty of bruises on the body
  • Premature aging and hair liness
  • Completion problems, depressive condition
  • Increased fatigue
  • Worsening vision.

Detailed information about ascorbic acid is

Warnings about vitamin C

It is known that ascorbic acid in increased quantities over two grams per day at a permanent admission can provoke the formation of the kidney counters, which will cause urolithiasis. Also too high dosage of ascorbine prevents the normal absorption of glucose, which contributes to the appearance with the time of the prediabetic state. In the summer, in the hot season, it is not recommended to use overestimated doses of a substance, otherwise it can provoke anemia development.

How to drink with influenza or cold

In coldic diseases, you can take a substance 2 ways. The first method consists in taking the impact doses of ascorbic acid at the very first symptoms of the disease. The optimal amount of 2 grams per day, divided into 2 receptions of 1 gram. So you need to do the first 3 days, then the dosage can be gradually lowering until the daily rate. This is a good way of therapy, as the drum doses really mobilize the protective functions of the body and contribute to the enhanced anti-pathogenic combat.

The second option of reception is to drink or prick intramuscularly in 200 mg of ascorbins. Some doctors consider the impact loading method with vitamin absurd and harmful. If there has already been a cold or flu, then they need to be treated with antiviral or antibiotics, and not shock doses of vitamins. However, no one denies the favor of this substance, so in any case, vitamin must be additionally accepted as an additive to the main diet.

In any case, how to take ascorbic acid during a cold and influenza - it is better to solve it yourself. Both methods are good and effective, it is difficult to say what better. If an ARZ diseased person has problems with kidneys or a urinary system as a whole, it is better to limit the second option with minimal dosages during the disease or to abandon this venture at all. If no contraindications are not, and the attending physician approved with vitamin therapy C, then drum dosages can be taken. In any case, before making a decision, you need to ask the council from the doctor and then to start acting.

According to the latest data of the World Health Organization, the increased use of ascorbic acid during a cold person is not justified. The fact is that if the disease is already beginning to develop, the ascorbic will not stop the development of the disease, since this substance does not have antibacterial and antiviral effects. Of course, large doses of the substance can really improve the well-being of the patient for the extension of influenza or colds, but these improvements will be weakly pronounced, and maybe even imperceptible at all. The effectiveness of ascorbine during the ARZ therapy is minimal and in the opinion of many experts fluctuates within 8-15% of comparison with target medicines (antiviral and antibacterial).

There is another study that proves that large doses of ascorbic acid help the human body leading a tense lifestyle with elevated physical exertion (athletes or fans on a tight diet with frequent cardion loads). In the remaining cases, it is better not to exceed the permissible rate of reception of 50-100 mg daily. Given this information, you need to start watching the amount of ascorbine used per day, especially in children. After all, it is known that the dose of over 1 or 2 grams per day is harmful to the human body, and chronic consumption in oversized dosages leads to the formation of oxalates, which is detrimental to the kidney and the urinary system as a whole.

Most ascorbins are contained in citrus, currant, potatoes, apples, peaches, strawberries and Bulgarian pepper. Conclusion - you need to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, because it will not only increase the content of ascorbins in the body, but also fill it with other useful substances.

In the middle of the epidemic (in Moscow already), I decided to find out how to take vitamin C with a cold and an effective dosage.

Every year, in the cold season, I drink vitamin C in ordinary, daily dosages without fanaticism. And as it turned out, I do everything very correctly, according to the latest scientific research! \u003d))

Intuition did not fail again, because more studies in which more than 11,000 people took part: Reception of vitamin C in dosage 200 mg and no more Reduces the frequency of colds!

Vitamin C with cold

At the expense of vitamin C had many disputes and studies, in the end, the experts agreed that vitamin C in high dosages does not help prevent colds, If you are a healthy and adult, not an athlete, not exhausted workers.

The first conclusion: taking high dosages of vitamin C every day do not need.

But, vitamin C reduces durationcold! To do this, take it not to the first days of the disease, but throughout the cold season.

The second conclusion: with daily reception in the season, vitamin C reduces the duration and symptoms of colds.

The third conclusion: Vitamin C is useful for children who are tight risks of frequent colds. If children are weakened or go to kindergarten, vitamin C is needed.

Vitamin C with a cold dose

What is the dose of vitamin C with a cold?

To my huge joy, the mega of high dosages is not needed. Maximum is 1 gram of vitamin C per day, although smaller dosages have the same positive effect! \u003d)

I take 250 mg vitamin C per day or maximum 500 mg per day.With such a dose, the side effects of the reception are not fixed.

Rule: Choose 500 mg if you feel that the forces on zero, you sleep with urabs, and the body is in stress mode. If this is not, 250 mg is an excellent option for every day!

If sickYou can take up to 1000 mg of vitamin C per day, divide this amount by 2-4 reception.

Vitamin with which to buy

What to buy vitamin C? There are several forms: ordinary, and estric si.

It is believed that Esters C and liposomal vitamin C is absorbed better. But if there is no high acidity of the stomach, the usual ascorbic acid is also perfect well.

I like the brand American Health Ester-C, it was tested many times in an independent laboratory and the quality is always tested. Vitamin C from Salges is also a great and proven option!

I advise a dose of 250 - 500 mg in a tablet:

American Health, Immunostimulating complex Ester-C with cranberries, in one capsule 500 mg vitamin C + natural antibiotic cranberries

SOLGAR, ESTER-C Plus, 500 mg vitamin C, in one capsule 500 mg + flavonoids, rosehip, rutin

Vitamin C is considered the only active isomer of ascorbic acid. At the same time, L-ascorbic acid is soluble in water with a compound, and the human body does not produce and does not accumulate vitamin C.

That is why it is important to have food products in your daily diet that contain this vitamin.

The substance affects the body about 14 hours, then useful characteristics become much weaker. Excess vitamin leaves the body with ammonia.

Properties of vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid has the following features:

  • it improves the state of the gum, teeth, bone tissue, positively affecting the vessels.
  • contributes to the healing of fractures and wounds; Improves skin, stops avitaminosis, zing and iron deficiency.
  • enhances immunity, reduces the likelihood of complications for influenza and cold,
  • one of the key antioxidants for the human body.

Daily need

The need for a person in vitamin C is strictly individual and determined:

  1. age
  2. floor
  3. activities,
  4. climatic conditions
  5. harmful habits.

The number of vitamin consumed during pregnancy and lactation is important.

A person especially needs vitamin with flupent, cold, stress, fever and against the background of toxic effects.

Under the conditions of extreme temperatures or staying in the northern or southern climate, the person must take a 30-50% vitamin C. than younger, the better his body absorbs vitamins, so the need for these substances in older people is significantly higher.

It has already been proven that the reception of oral contraceptives reduces the level of vitamin C, so the daily dose should be increased.

Middle daily doses:

  • physiological norm: 60-100 mg.
  • therapeutic dose daily: 500-1500 mg.

Dosage of vitamin C per day can be divided into several parts and throughout the day.

As you know, the human body quickly spends the vitamin C, so it is necessary to constantly maintain its concentration.

Ascorbic acid with cold and flu

Vitamin C became a common prophylactic and healing agent with a cold since the 70s of the last century. During this period, the popularity of the work of Dr. Polingong was gained.

In those years, the Nobel laureate of Paulong advised Vitamin C with colds to use 1000 mg daily. In the same amount, the scientist recommended the use of a substance for the prevention and improvement in overall well-being.

The international non-profit organization, which is engaged in learning the effectiveness of medicines, Cochrane Collaboration, reported that in accordance with the results of a newly conducted meta-analysis of 30 studies, daily (200 mg and more) The use of vitamin C with flu and cold helps to reduce symptoms and reduce the duration of the disease.

In addition, studies made it possible to find out that with daily intake of vitamin C, the probability of cold appearance decreases by 50%. These results are especially important for the following people:

  1. experiencing strong physical stress (for example, participants in marathons).
  2. long-term in conditions of low temperatures.

The human body is experiencing a need for ascorbic acid more often than in other vitamins. This is explained by the fact that with flu and cold vitamin C creates a sour Wednesday in the body in which viruses cannot fully exist.

In prophylactic purposes, doses of 0.15-0.2 mg (3-4 dragee) per day are applied. In case of influenza and cold, the shock dose of ascorbic acid is 1 mg, that is, 20 dragee per day.

Ascorbic acid in large quantities is available in such types of products:

  • citrus
  • vegetables
  • sheet vegetation.

Vitamin C is contained in:

  1. melon,
  2. different types of cabbage,
  3. bulgarian pepper
  4. apples
  5. tomatoes
  6. baked in "Mundire" potatoes,
  7. apricots
  8. peaches
  9. strawberry
  10. black currant.

Ascorbic acid at a cold may also fall into the body of a patient through animal products, such as liver and kidney.

Herbs have a large volume of alfalfa ascorbic acid, a korovyan, a quiance, a peppermint, a root of a burdock, fennel, hop, nettle, red clover, parsley, red pepper, yarrow, raspberry leaves.

To fill the missing substances with a cold and influenza, you can also eat sorrel, and drink a decoction from the fruits of a rosehip, but vitamins with a cold - an unimmising part of complex treatment.

Indications and contraindications

As additional therapy, ascorbic acid is indispensable for hypo and avitaminosis. High need for vitamin C occurs when:

  1. active growth of the body,
  2. pregnancy and lactation,
  3. increased physical stresses
  4. during the restoration after severe illness,
  5. in the winter season, when there is a high risk of infectious diseases,
  6. with intoxication.

Limit the reception of vitamin C is necessary to people having increased sensitivity to ascorbic acid. The video in this article will tell in detail about the phenomenon of Vitamin C.

Vitamins for influenza and cold: a list of effective vitamins

As soon as autumn begins, many of our compatriots immediately begin to suffer from decline of forces, runny nose.

If the weather is raw, viruses are activated, provoking the development of sharp respiratory diseases and influenza.

In order not to hurt you systematically maintain your immune system with vitamins. Even if a person is already sick, the reception of vitamin complexes will significantly speed up the recovery process.

How do vitamins work?

Due to the use of increased vitamin dosages at the very beginning of the disease, it is possible to reduce the risk of further aggravation and the development of complications. Ascorbic acid stimulates the ability of the human body to secrete leukocytes and interferons.

It is possible to create a sour Wednesday, adversely affecting viruses, prevent the penetration of their particles into the cells.

Vitamin C is often included in popular combined antiviral drugs. You can saturate ascorbic organism if you eat vegetables, berries and fruits, unusually rich in this vitamin:

  1. sweet Bulgarian pepper;
  2. citrus;
  3. kiwi;
  4. black currant;
  5. cranberry;
  6. infusions, ragners from Rosehip.

Vitamin A will help to cope with a cold, which is several times amplifying the protective function of the mucous membranes. It does not give viruses to be embedded in cells, increases the activity of interferon. Get vitamin A can be from fatty varieties of fish, butter and animal liver.

Scientific studies have shown that, subject to the preventive use of vitamin D, it is possible to reduce the susceptibility of the organism to respiratory ailments, to reduce the diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Another important property is to prevent antibiotic resistance.

Important with influenza, cold and mineral substances, such as zinc. It is characterized by antioxidant properties, blocks the destruction of cell membranes, the ability of rhinoviruses to multiply. Thanks to the zinc, the activity of the protein of the immune system is activated, symptoms of the disease is mitigated. The substance is present in nuts, seeds, beans.

Take vitamins follows in elevated dosages, because they quickly wash away with abundant drink.

Vitamin complexes

Modern pharmacology offers just a huge selection of vitamin preparations. Vitamins with a cold should be chosen as follows:

  • Send. This special complex contains vitamin A, ascorbic acid, zinc and natural plant extracts. It increases the resistance to viruses during the exacerbation of seasonal diseases, will speed up the process of recovery during flu. It is recommended to take 1-3 tablets per day;
  • vitamin C (spin). It is convenient for use, produced at a dose of 1000 mg. You can drink it once a day;
  • Teraflu Immuno. It consists of ascorbic acid, zinc, echinacea extract. It is produced in the form of a powder that does not provide for pre-dissolution (it should be poured immediately into the mouth). Effectively warns the cold and can be assigned to relief;
  • Multi-Tabs Immuno Plus. The complex helps to strengthen the body and will become excellent prevention of viral ailments. It has lactic acid bacteria that are responsible for stimulating immunoglobulin production. You can take once a day for a month;
  • Sambukolism Immuno Forte. This biological additive is made of zinc, vitamin C, black elderberry. The last component increases immunity, protects cells from viruses, is characterized by anti-inflammatory effect. They produce it in the form of a solution, which is useful to add to teas to obtain the healing drink. It also provides for mixing it with mineral water for refreshing drinking. Allowed to give children who over 6 years old.

What will the folk methods help?

Organically complement treatment and alternative medicine. Folk remedies are perfectly coping with colds, they are effective for influenza, but under the condition of a competent approach, and in parallel, it is necessary to clarify which antibiotics to take with ORVI and flu

So, very useful during the disease to drink a lot of fluid. It may not be just water, but also rich in vitamin juices from fruits, fruits and kisins of black currant, cranberries, lingers, herbal teas. Drinks will quit constant thirst caused by high body temperature, the patient's body will be saturated with the necessary substances.

A vitamin composition made from natural butter and boiled milk will help against colds. The resulting mixture is drinking 6 times a day.

Perhaps the economical treatment will be the use of lemons. They should be chopped with the help of meat grinders, season 150 g of sugar or 100 g of bee honey. Consume such a home medicine follows 5-6 times a day on 1 tablespoon.

If you include effective vitamin products, then with influenza and during a cold, they will become a key to quick recovery. Attention should be paid to:

  1. garlic. Fitoncides kill microbes, viruses, not allowing them to multiply. Garlic can be used for inhalation;
  2. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn. Contains almost all known vitamins, actively struggles with viruses. Treat cold warm sea buckthorn plates;
  3. black currant. The berry can be safely called the leader in the content of ascorbic acid. It is distinguished by anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory property. Currant relieves fatigue, tones, strengthens the heart muscle, restores fat. Dry leaves of shrub brewing as tea, and the berry itself twisted on the meat grinder and fall asleep with sugar in proportion 1 to 1;
  4. raspberries. Famous source of vitamins, minerals. Natural antioxidant and antibiotic during a cold relieves inflammation, kills viruses, bacteria. You can use raspberries in any form;
  5. cranberry. Contains vitamins E, A, K, C, minerals, microelements. Recommended to use fresh.

In order not to hurt, it is necessary to saturate the body with vitamins not only during the period of seasonal diseases, but also throughout the year, which is authoritative to the video in this article will tell a specialist.

Vitamin C and cold treatment

At the very first signs of a cold, many people stretch for vitamin C with additives. For a long time it was believed that Vitamin C very well helps to cure colds. Then studies appeared, which said that vitamin C for treatment of cold is harmful. Some doctors declare that vitamin C at all does not affect the cold. What is the truth?

What is vitamin C?

Vitamin C is vitamin and antioxidant who uses the body to be strong and healthy. Vitamin C is used to support the condition of bones, muscles and blood vessels. Vitamin C also contributes to the formation of collagen and helps the body absorb iron.

Vitamin C is contained in vegetables and fruits, especially oranges and other citrus. This vitamin is also available as a natural nutritional supplement in the form of chewing tablets or other forms.

Vitamin C is very good for the prevention of colds, so we strive to take it in large quantities with products, such as vitaminized juices, teas and fruits.

Vitamin C was studied for many years as a possible treatment of colds or as a way to prevent colds. But the results were contradictory. In general, experts practically did not find the benefit of vitamin C in the prevention or treatment of colds.

In July 2007, the researchers wanted to find out whether the reception of 200 mg really and more vitamin C per day can reduce the frequency, duration and severity of colds. After 60 years of clinical studies, they found that vitamin C additives almost do not make a cold weaker or shorter than duration. If vitamin C is taken daily, the duration of the cold may decrease by 8% in adults and by 14% in children.

But the researchers discovered that vitamin C has the greatest impact on people who are in extreme conditions, for example, marathontes. In this group, the reception of vitamin C reduces to reduce the risk of catching twice.

So, what does all this mean?

The average adult man who suffers from a cold for 12 days a year will suffer from her 11 days a year if this person received high doses of Vitamin C every day during the year.

For an average child who suffers about 28 days a year from a cold, it means that the daily reception of high doses of vitamin C will reduce the duration of the cold to 24 days a year.

When Vitamin C was tested to treat a cold in 7 separate studies, found that vitamin C for treatment of colds is no more effective than placebo.

Vitamin C with confidence can be taken with sources such as fruits and vegetables. For most people taking vitamin C in recommended quantities, it is safe. The recommended daily rate is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. High doses of vitamin C (more than 2000 mg per day for adults) can cause complications such as kidney stones, nausea and diarrhea.

Reception of vitamin from more than 500 mg at once will not give any benefit, because the body cannot save it. In addition, any person with kidney disease should be avoided vitamin C with additives. If you can not decide with doses of vitamin C with colds, talk to your doctor.

Most benefits from the increased amount of vitamin C are people with a vitamin C deficiency, as well as highly qualified athletes and servicemen. Studies conducted with groups of athletes and servicemen who are in very good physical shape and experience in extreme conditions have shown that the reception of vitamin C reduces the risk of a cold by 50%. However, these results were not known to the general public.

Vitamin C for immunity when cold

If you want to take vitamin C to help your immune system, it is better to get it with the products instead of additives. High vitamin C products include:

  • Citrus fruits and juices
  • Green and red pepper
  • Strawberry
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Dark greens
  • Sweet potatoes and white
  • Cantaloupe
  • Raspberry, blueberry and cranberries
  • Watermelon
  • Brussels sprouts
  • A pineapple
  • Cabbage

So, whether to use vitamin C in the treatment of a cold, to solve you and your attending physician. In any case, the reception of fruits and vegetables, as well as vitamin additives in the sedition, the cold will add you health, and your immune system - stability.

What vitamins are better to take with flu?



Simple prevention - frequent ventilation apartments, use of polyvitamins, beekeeping products (honey, propolis, perga, pollen), garlic, onions, lemons in food, frequent outdoor walks, general hardening - and you and your family will be under reliable protection, believe me - Tested on his family and all their relatives and loved ones.

Vladimir Supon

vitamin C...

Larisa Meshakov

and before, and when, and after-rice


Yes, any, what you want. I, for example, the full life of the pumped complexes are penny: UNDE-, gender, or hexavit. Yes ascorbing is over.

Ivan Nikolaevich

Exceptionally natural)

Olga Nikitin

Garlic + onion + ascorbic acid (C).


with influenza (if you have solesdilo get sick) very good to take vitamins in natural form:
Honey with lemon (on a meat grinder)
Chicken broth with dill (super thing, especially at elevated temperature)

Yuri Fedorov

i drank hot milk yesterday with honey myself treated incredulously but helped try


ascorbic acid


Of course, it is better natural, and in tablets any multivitamins. I like Vitrum most

nazik Chovbanyan.

All vitamins, especially vitamin C, but for the normal functioning of the body are useful, but for the normal functioning of the body. Now natural vegetable vitamin-mineral complexes. It is better to use bad-s vision, they are high-quality, clinical perforations passed. I will help advice and delivery to the house.

*** pawlodar ***

drink cranberry mors and lingonberries, cl. kill microbes, and the lingonberry will withdraw them


grate radish on the grater, so that the juice leaves it. Then mix this juice with honey and drink two teaspoons 3 times a day. There is garlic (be sure!) He greatly enhances immunity. Then milk with honey and legs to soar in the chamomile, and put the mustard pieces.

Irinka Kykolka.

vitamins C, A, D

Tatyana Yuzvyuk

natural non-pharmacy vitamin C


it is better to drink drugs this suprodin, and the rest is all bad

----- What is the optimal dose of vitamin C for influenza ??? --------


Lyudmila Ghushina

Right - 1 gram. Only for the time of illness, not longer.
Askorutin \u003d Ascorbinka + Rutin. Askorutin is not necessary in large doses.


i eat more citrus sickness. Oranges, tangerines, bananas. And while pah-pah hold. Although I work now in the focus of infection

Vladimir Lazarev

A study in the US Army in Alaska showed that ascorption should be taken by 2,5gram (1poshrod) on a glass of water. Initially, very acid, and then nothing 3 times a day before meals. Askorutin is a mixture of ascorbic and routine, which compacts vessels. It is not necessary to take it. Now the French homeopathic drug "Oxilloccine" dose in a mkalanka pierce is proved, it must be resolved 3 times a day. After 3 days will be healthy


there is a technique, when in the first 2-3 days of the disease, Vit C use 2-3 dragees 4 times a day, then you need to go to the usual dosage.

At the time when people are painfully sick with the flu, the number of people sent to hospitals more than 5 times. The largest risk groups are older people who are easily sick with flu and which is more difficult to cure everyone, as their immune system is significantly weakened. How to treat with flu and what is the treatment of flu to root as less as possible?

READ ALSO: Treatment of colds

In the first days, illness with flu, a person must comply with the bed and drink more warm fluid to remove intoxication. Otherwise (due to intoxication, which occurs due to harmful decompositions of viral proteins), the entire body becomes weakened, all human systems are poorly functioning. And then there may be a fatal outcome due to the inflow of blood in the brain, complications when working with lungs, lack of heart work and problems with vessels.

Among the list of deadly complications that can give flu, Raine, Encephalitis and meningitis syndrome (infectious diseases of the brain). Sinusitis, rhinitis, otitis, bronchitis, bacterial infections - all this also in the list of complications due to influenza. In addition, the organs and systems of the body are weakened, a bacterial infection is also joined to this state, which can be hemophilic, pneumococcal and staphylococcal nature.

The treatment of influenza should begin with isolation. First of all, you need to retire in a separate room away from all, especially from children, so as not to infect them with viral infection. Adults can protect themselves from a patient with a cotton-mareling bandage, which can be done or buy in a pharmacy. It is necessary to change the bandage every three hours, because from the means of protection it will become a source of infection if you keep it longer. Harmful viruses and bacteria accumulating on the dressing, will infect a person if wearing a bandage longer than three hours.

In order to quickly cope with the flu (this is good and as a means of prevention) you need to take ascorbic and vitamin complex, it will enable the immune system to work more powerfully.

Vitamin C (about which is written quite contradictory, it helps with flu or not) in abundance contained in lemons, rowan berries, cranberries, sauerkraut, grapefruits, oranges. It can be taken for the general tone of the body and in order to help the immune system.

Natural phytoncides

Very good, if a person sick with flu, eats enough garlic - up to 3 teeth per day. No longer needed, because garlic not only kills bacteria and influenza viruses, but may irritate the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, especially if it is weakened or affected by a chronic disease.

But the oral cavity can be fertilized with bacteria to garlic. The same effect can also have onions.

Washing and rinsing

The man sick with the flu should not expect only for the power of his body and the chimperics from the pharmacy. Since the treatment of influenza should be combined with the lamp methods of personal hygiene, which will help to cope with the disease faster. Quite at least 2 times a day, wash the nasal moves (many pathogenic bacteria and mucus accumulate in them). In order for the effect to be stronger, you can use soap for this purpose.

In addition to soap, so as not to irritate the nose mucous membrane, it is very good to combine the infusion of a bow with honey and put the nose with a pipette. Of the 3 tablespoons of the chopped onion squeezed out juice, it can be marked, then this juice is mixed with half a teaspoon of honey, adding a floor of tea spoons, insist half an hour. And here it is ready, a bactericidal and drying agent for the nasal sinuses.

With a strong loss of the throat and dryness of the mucous membrane, it is possible to rinse it every hour throughout the day. To do this, we dilute the solution of manganese or furaticiline or make a chamomile infusion, or just dilute the salt or soda with water. And deeply weching the throat, not swallowing, but sprinkling water. Rinsing perfectly kill pathogenic bacteria and refresh the oral cavity.

In parallel, you can drink a broth of rosehip, crimson tea 9th store, and with real raspberry jam, because Malina is a natural antibiotic). Very good tea with honey in principle (boiling water kills nutrients in honey, if you dissolve it) and tea with lemon. Such teas are especially good for the dehydrated organism, if a person transfers the flu with high temperatures.

Warm coat baths with mustard (5 - 10 min) are very helpful, after which the feet are rubbed by any warming ointment.

Baths for foot

If a person has no high temperature, the treatment of influenza can be combined with foot baths. They can be diluted with a dry mustard - it not only helps to cope with the cold, but also lowers the pressure from hypertensive. Headache When using such baths, they quickly pass.

After the bath, wear warm knitted socks on the feet. In them, too, for warming the feet, you can put mustard pieces and leave so all night. Only between the mustarder and the feet should be a layer from the fabric, otherwise the mustard will burn the skin. This interlayer can be the second sock, but not knitted, and natural, from flax.

With flu, only the doctor should be prescribed, because, firstly, it is important not to confuse a viral infection with bacterial (antibiotics against viruses do not act) and secondly, it is important for each disease to apply certain drugs. Typically, with flu, drugs such as Panadol, Coldrex, Paracetamol are taken to reduce heat. To facilitate breathing, buy thorns (droplets or sprays).

To good wet wet when coughing, Mukaltin, drugs with the root of licorice, tincture of medicinal herbs, for example, with eucalyptus or altehey bought in a pharmacy.

The treatment of influenza should be aimed at facilitating the condition when coughing, so it is necessary to make breasts, bronchoditin, pertissine, bromgexine. And to eliminate or alleviate allergic reactions to viruses and bacteria, antihistamine medicines are taken, such as suprastin or tavergil.

All these drugs are better acting on the background of receiving interferon or aphluin, well supporting the immune system. A person is faster recovering - according to reviews, much faster.

The treatment of influenza - the occupation is simple, but requires time, forces and certain skills. Therefore, if you have any questions, how and what to be treated with the flu, it is better to consult your attending physician than to make decisions yourself.

Useful vitamins after influenza

The need to take vitamins after influenza and correctly build their diet is due to the fact that the human body is extremely weakened by a period of long and serious combating viruses. This condition expressed in high fatigue, drowsiness, general weakness and apathy, many people mistakenly ignore. Do not tolerate the loss of working capacity and reduce the life tone. The fight against a viral infection has not passed for immunity for gift, a plurality of cells died, the body is weakened and presents easy production for other pathogens of microorganisms. Sometimes even a weak infection becomes after the fluidized influenza cause serious complications.

Features of food after the suffering disease

How to restore forces? All medical recommendations include: the right mode, alternation of recreation and physical activity and the necessary diet. The body must be supplemented by the supply of vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes spent during the disease. For the faster recovery of the Force, it is recommended to adhere to a special menu within three weeks after recovery.

Nutrition should be about 10-15% calorie than usual. In no case cannot attempt to "lose weight", fight for the slightness of the figure immediately after the suffering disease.

The table should be products that will be quickly and without excess energy costs to absorb by the body: low-fat varieties of meat, marine fish, dairy products, honey. To exclude the load on the liver everything should be prepared for a couple or bother. But this useful food will not be fully learned without the participation of vitamins. But in case of stressful situations, including flu, vitamin stocks are spent very quickly.

Immunity and vitamins

The protective systems of the body function due to the presence of vitamins of all groups, so it will be a mistake to believe that, taking only one type of vitamins, (most often ascorbic acid is used for these purposes) you can not drink any other.

Vitamin A, it is still known as "Retinol", actively participates in strengthening the protective functions of the body, increasing the ability of mucous membranes to delay pathogenic microbes. He also activates leukocyte activities.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) stimulates energy production by cells. And this group of vitamins increases the ability to produce antibodies that are needed to combat pathogenic microorganisms. Folic acid increases the reaction rate of the immune system for unwanted invasions.

If there is not enough vitamin C in the diet, then the rate of production of antibodies that protect the organism is reduced. In addition, the reaction of immunity to signals about the presence of problems becomes not fast enough.

Resistance to various diseases increases both the presence in the diet of vitamin E. is especially important in old age.

How to take vitamins

Take pharmacy drugs that are in abundance offers advertising, it is necessary to carefully. It is best to consult with the attending physician and strictly observe his recommendations. Vitamins in no case should be perceived as harmless "additives", the use of which is not regulated in any way. These are also medicines. Their abnormal use can bring serious harm. Overdose of particularly fat-soluble drugs (vitamin A or D) may have symptoms of acute poisoning.

Reception of "natural" vitamins contained in food products are very preferable. To form your diet so that all the necessary types of products are present on the table, you can replenish the reserves of the required substances in a natural way. It is necessary to eat various dishes in food, since, contrary to the problem, vitamins are contained not only in vegetable food (fruits and vegetables).

All these beneficial substances are:

  • fat-soluble;
  • water soluble.

The first group is vitamins A (Retinol, Carotine), E, \u200b\u200bD and K. The second group is ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid. The content of retinol and carotene is large in such products as: butter, beef liver, cheese, cream, carrots, sweet peppers, tomatoes, parsley, cottage cheese. Vitamin E is rich: herring, cod, milk, vegetable oil, oats, beef.

Vitamin D is contained in chicken eggs, sour cream and cream, butter and milk. Ascorbic acid is the most "popular defender," which is considered almost a panacea, especially from colds and viral infections. This is not quite the right opinion, but the presence of this substance in the body is necessary both to strengthen protective functions and for the restoration of human forces after the suffering disease. Its content is great in the products: sweet pepper, Brussels and other types of cabbage, onions, podolkova beans, citrus, black currant, rosehip, red rowan, dust, patissons.

Folic acid can contribute to the protein metabolism and is necessary in order for the organism to form erythrocytes. It contains in large numbers in spinach, walnuts, hazelnuts, offal, buckwheat, burglar and barley, pumpkin, melons, oranges, beets, potatoes, chicken eggs.

Riboflavin is a substance that needs to be replenished daily. This can be done, actively using kefir, sour cream, cheese, green peas, leaf, peach lettuce, apricots, garlic, apples, strawberries.

Thiamine is also called vitamin vitamin.

The need for it increases during the period of rehabilitation after various stresses, including diseases. Products, rich thiamine are: Crupes ("Hercules" and "Manka"), bakeries, rabbit meat, hazelnut, cocoa, tea, yeast, condensed milk, Cabbage red and kohlrabi, stavride, potatoes.

Additional moments

These are incomplete lists of products that contain substances necessary for recovery after the transferred influenza. And it is not necessary to have everything that contains one or another vitamin. Select a dietary diet that will not harm, but will help, you need to consider the characteristics of each particular person. The condition of its digestive system, and possible allergic reactions, and even personal taste preferences are also taken into account.

Protective functions of the body support almost all groups of vitamins. During the disease and immediately after recovery, their dose is significantly increased (by about twice). This is due to the fact that the high temperature accompanying the disease, and a large amount of fluid consumed lead to the rapid "flushing" of vitamins.

Many essential substances are better absorbed and more efficiently "work" in the complex. This applies, for example, to the vitamins of the group V. Also to improve the quality of life, prevent complications and the normalization of all organs and systems affected by the illness, it is necessary to eat products containing various trace elements. First of all, the lack of magnesium and zinc is filled.

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle, which is extremely necessary after the suffering diseases, will also be useful for the prevention of influenza.