Depression in children symptoms. Children's depression: causes, symptoms, how to treat. Features of the treatment of depression in a child

Each of us, and the child is no exception, experienced, at least occasionally, periods of melancholy (periods of bad mood, sadness or longing). Depression, which is a mental disorder, differs in appearance from melancholy in the duration, frequency and depth of symptoms.

Depression is a mental disorder that can manifest itself in numerous forms and signs (prolonged depressed mood, lack of interest in activities, inhibition of thinking, unfounded fears, various physiological signs such as insomnia, loss of appetite, etc.).

For a long time it was believed that children, unlike adults, cannot experience depressive states, at least long-term ones. Recent research suggests that long-term depression is as problematic for children and adolescents as it is for adults.

Serious and long-term depressive conditions can be observed in 3-5% of children and 10-20% of adolescents. The main difficulty lies in the diagnosis of such conditions (variability, instability, variety of manifestations due to the simultaneous action on the child of many external factors).

Depression in children, unlike "sad, melancholic, sad" moods, is not a self-limiting disorder and parents should not hope that they will disappear with age. Depression can recur and lead to a significant deterioration in the general condition and health of the child, which makes depression a very dangerous disease of childhood.

Depressive symptoms, depressive syndrome, depressive disorder

In everyday life, a child's "depression" is understood as a number of different conditions.

Depressive symptoms. For example, a child is dull and unhappy. In most cases, these symptoms are temporary, quickly resolve, triggered by specific events, and are not indicative of a serious mental disorder. Depressive symptoms must be distinguished from the actual symptoms of depressive disorder.

Depressive syndrome. The simultaneous presence of a number of depressive symptoms (for example, a mood of sadness, a weakening of interest in activity, psychomotor disorders, etc.). The syndrome can coexist with other disorders (eg, hyperactivity disorder, attention deficit disorder). Depressive syndrome is a more serious condition than just a depressive symptom, but is considered a disease if it goes beyond the norm in duration and depth.

Depressive disorder (actually "depression"). It occurs when a depressive syndrome, due to its depth and duration, leads to a significant deterioration in the general condition of the child's body.

Causes of depression (depressive disorders) in children

Depression in children occurs, as a rule, due to a combination of many factors. Formally, several reasons can be distinguished.

Infectious diseases. Depression can be a complication of an infectious disease (ARVI, acute tonsillitis, etc.).

Genetic predisposition. According to the latest data, if parents had depressive disorders, the risk of their occurrence in a child reaches 15%. On top of this, genetic factors significantly increase the risk of depression due to psychosocial factors.

Functional disorders in the brain. Many studies show that depression in a child can be caused by biochemical changes in the brain - a decrease in the equilibrium concentration of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, etc.). It is believed that the action of the so-called. antidepressants is associated with the restoration of the initial equilibrium concentrations of neurotransmitters.

Psychosocial factors. These factors include: raising a child in an atmosphere of fear (threats of punishment, a constant feeling of helplessness), early loss of one of the parents, family breakdown, conflicts with other children, and a host of other reasons leading to constant stressful situations. The neurobiological result of stressful situations is, in particular, a multiple increase in the concentration of the hormone "stress" (cortisol) in the blood, which is also observed with the development of depression in a child.

In addition to the above, there is many other factors, which alone or (more often) in the aggregate lead to the development of depressive syndrome or depressive disorder in children. For example, with a special sensitivity of the child's body to changes in climatic conditions, the appearance of the so-called. "winter" depressions.

Depression symptoms and child's age

The symptoms of depression in a child and an adult can differ significantly. For example, instead of the so-called. "social retreat" the child may experience outbursts of aggression. In addition, signs such as lack of concentration, learning difficulties, and learning disabilities can indicate both depression and attention deficit disorder. It should be borne in mind that the symptoms of depression are different for each age period (although there are common symptoms).

Very little is known about depression in children under 1.5-2 years of age. Have young children in an emotionally cold family environment (lack of maternal care, inability to form attachment), symptoms similar to those of a depressive disorder (apathy, alienation, sleep disturbances, weight loss, etc.) can be observed.

Typically, symptoms of depression in young children are different from those in older children (aka. age-related symptoms).

In children under 6 years of age the most pronounced symptoms are increased fearfulness, complaints of physical ailments, sharp and sudden manifestations of temperament and problems with behavior (aggression, periods of "rebellion", etc.).

In older children symptoms are mainly expressed in a lack of self-confidence, feelings of guilt, hopelessness and indifference to everything.

In adolescents the most specific symptoms are drowsiness and impaired appetite, self-deprecation and suicidal thoughts.

In addition to the specific (age-related) symptoms of depression, there are also general symptoms, characteristic of any age, the duration of which (several weeks) and almost daily manifestation may indicate depression in a child:
- a constant state of sadness (despondency);
- a constant feeling of guilt and self-worthlessness, lack of self-confidence;
- low resistance to frustration (psychological state in a situation of disappointment, failure to achieve the goal), expressed in crying or rage;
- prolonged lack of interest in the world around us, lack of periods of joy, lack of energy (lethargy);
- "social retreat" (for example, the desire to limit the number of social contacts);
- insomnia or, conversely, increased drowsiness;
- decreased or increased appetite;
- feeling of constant fatigue;
- difficulties with constructive solution of problems, the desire to avoid their solution;
- drug abuse, thoughts of suicide;
- decreased attentiveness and decreased ability to make decisions.

The symptoms and signs of depression in children are many and varied, so diagnosis of depression is based on the consistency and duration of several of the symptoms listed above.

Treatment of depression in children

If a child in a state of depression at least partially realizes the unusualness of his state and wants to get out of it (i.e. motivated), then the best therapy is physical activity (long walks, sports, etc.).

A number of fundamentally different methods are used in the treatment of long-term depressive disorder.

Psychotherapeutic methods (psychosocial therapy). The methods depend on the child's age (treatment sessions are conducted by child or adolescent psychologists), the microsocial environment (family therapy). The main goal is to strengthen the child's self-esteem, develop his ability to express feelings, to solve problems, to actively influence various situations, to adapt to social relations.

Phytotherapeutic methods. They are widely used for mild forms of depression (for example, treatment with currant leaf extracts).

Light therapy. The effectiveness of light therapy methods is associated with an increase in the regulatory function of the brain.

Medication methods (antidepressant medication). They are used for severe forms of depressive disorders and if other methods are ineffective. For the treatment of children, the same psychoactive medications are used as for adults, but in a different dosage (which is determined by a child psychiatrist).

Possibility to use antidepressants for the treatment of children is still a controversial point, but statistics show that this type of drug helps at least 50% of cases of severe depression in adolescents. Some types of antidepressants are approved for use in children from 6 years of age. But the general recommendation is to limit the duration of antidepressant treatment and to exclude antidepressants if other treatments are beneficial.

Currently prevalence of depression in children (one of the most dangerous childhood diseases) tends to increase. Moreover, there is a decrease in the average age of children who show symptoms of depression. The reasons for this are often understandable and well known - the accelerating rhythm of life, the increasing isolation of many families, the decrease in the time allotted for communication with the child, etc. In such a situation, it is very important that parents, when symptoms and suspicions of a depressive state in a child appear, promptly turn to pediatric specialists (child, adolescent, family psychologists, pediatric psychiatrists). With deep depression, the child will not be able to independently get out of this state and depression will negatively affect his health and his entire future life.

Experts say that in the modern world, children are increasingly experiencing manifestations of such a serious illness as Depression in children is a mental affective disorder characterized by a deterioration in well-being, bad mood in the presence of motor retardation, changes in motivation and general negative thinking. Diagnosis of the disease is carried out using the following methods: clinical conversation, parental interviews, projective tests. Treatment is accompanied by psychotherapy, social rehabilitation with the use of medications.


The main causes of depression in children:

  • birth trauma, pathology during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • hereditary predisposition (the presence of a disease in close relatives);
  • pathology in family relationships. An important factor in the development of a mentally full-fledged child is conflict-free relationships in a complete family. But every family often has its own problems. Some children grow up in families where parents are divorced. The abuse of alcoholic beverages, drug use by parents can also provoke the development of this disease. The wrong parenting style, for example, excessive parenting, also negatively affects the normal development of the child's psyche and makes him vulnerable to depression. A child cannot do without constant support from loved ones;
  • problems in early socialization. Relationships in kindergarten and school with peers also affect the emotional state. Stress and mental trauma, which a child receives during school years, often cause the development of depression in children and later in adolescents.

Acute depressive reactions (death of a pet, severe illness of close relatives, divorce of parents, quarrel with peers, etc.) can provoke depression in children.

During a medical examination, pathologies are not detected.

Other factors

  • Often a change of residence leads to a mental disorder. The little man breaks up with his friends, the established social circle is destroyed. Communication with peers is not enough, because it takes time to make new friends.
  • Learning difficulties. Parents' demands to obey the instructions of teachers, in the absence of a desire to attend school, as well as the inability to cope with the curriculum deforms the child's emotional state.
  • Addiction to electronic gadgets. Today's children are often impossible to pull away from a smartphone or other gadget, this negatively affects the formation of adolescents' ability to "live" communication. At the same time, chatting is becoming the favorite form of interaction for children. The child becomes more vulnerable to negative events, worse adapts to external conditions.

Adolescence is the most favorable period for the onset of depressive disorder.

The manifestations of depression in adolescents are similar to those in adults. Due to the overabundance of hormones, growing up children become more vulnerable. In their environment, leaders appear who establish their own, sometimes cruel, rules for relationships in the group. You can read more about teenage depression


Depression in children is usually a slowly developing (if not caused by acute depressive reactions) process that can last from several weeks to a month or more.
It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • loss of interest in life, lethargy, gloomy state, irritability, lack of vital energy;
  • unreasonable decrease or increase in appetite;
  • manifestations of insomnia, drowsiness, the presence of nightmares;
  • negative attitude towards studies and school;
  • manifestation of hostility towards loved ones;
  • desire for isolation, unwillingness to communicate with peers;
  • feelings of inadequacy or guilt;
  • possible thoughts of suicide.

At 2, 3 years old

In 2-3-year-old children, it is expressed in a sharp weight loss of the baby, a delay of several months in emotional, sensorimotor and speech development, sleep disorders, and decreased appetite. In the absence of a mother, the baby "expresses protest" with a cry, bouts of unreasonable crying, not wanting to play. The search for a mother among adults is expressed in the demand for increased attention (the baby needs to be comforted, praised). At an earlier age - in a demonstrative disregard for the approaching adult (after all, this is not a mother). Can make monotonous obsessive movements, aimlessly move "from corner to corner."

At 4 years old, 5 years old

Children with severe depression at the age from 4 to 5 years have problems with the digestive system, cardiovascular system, sleep and appetite disorders, inhibited emotional reactions. Present: stingy facial expressions, absent-mindedness, tearfulness, lethargy, loss of cheerfulness and interest in playing with peers, physical malaise. The lack of manifestations of positive emotions is expressed in the absence of drawings and handicrafts, or dark blurred forms in them.

At 6, 7 years old

School-age children (6-7 years old) express feelings such as despondency, hopelessness, anxiety. Their depressive state is accompanied by a gloomy appearance, isolation, sadness, they lose interest in the games that they used to play with pleasure. In schoolchildren, as a rule, one can observe a decrease in educational activity, a loss of sociability, activity, and friendliness. There are complaints of rapid fatigue, inability to concentrate on a task, a tendency to loneliness.

At 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 years old

Children 7, 8, 9 and 10, 11 years old are subject to such depressive symptoms: interest in learning and playing disappears, they become withdrawn, attention is disturbed. With depression, somatic disorders can occur: enuresis, decreased or increased appetite, obesity, constipation. Children suffer from nightmares at night.

Parents attention

How to get a child out of the state of early depression? First of all, you need to establish contact with your blood, begin to be interested in his life, events at school. You need to pay attention to the presence of positive moments and prospects for the future. You need to know your child's social circle, find interesting activities for him after school.

Examination and treatment

If you find the above symptoms in your child, to diagnose the disease and make a diagnosis, you must definitely consult a psychologist. You can get the first psychological help from a specialist - psychologist following the link in our group

  • Symptoms of Childhood Depression
  • Treating childhood depression

We are used to using the word depression in relation to adults (we have already written about how to deal with depression). However, in a sense, it can also be used when talking about children. How can adults understand what's going on in a baby's soul? Sometimes, it is much more difficult for children to experience personal grief: they cannot tell what exactly is happening to them.

Depression in children is not at all "just a bad mood" or the usual outburst of emotions that is characteristic of childhood. If a child is sad for a long period, or aggression is noticed in his state, this is suspicious. If unexpectedly other negative factors begin to appear that affect his communication, interests, studies (crying, "withdrawal", loss of appetite) - all this is likely to be signs of incipient depression, and you should definitely consult a child psychologist about this ...

Depression is a problem that needs to be corrected. But the result of the consultations, in the overwhelming majority of cases, is favorable. According to doctors, children, whose parents also suffer from this ailment, are most susceptible to depression. Children from dysfunctional families are in danger, for example, those where parents are too busy and do not devote time to their children.

Childhood depression can also be caused by increased sensitivity to seasonal variations in climate. Such types of it are easily recognized by both parents and doctors. They are treated with medication changes and medications that strengthen the body.

Sometimes depression is caused by certain life factors, illness or genetic predisposition.

Case study

The grandmother of 6-year-old Katya came to the psychologist's appointment. Grandmother complained that Katya was sad all the time. The girl played little with her peers. The psychologist asked her to draw her family. The girl portrayed herself in one corner of the sheet, and her parents in another. The grandmother explained: parents are businessmen, they do not have time to mess with the child. The psychologist had a long conversation with the parents, as a result it turned out that they did not understand what was happening to the child.

American medical statistics claim that 2.5% of children suffer from depression, moreover, at a younger age, up to 10 years, boys are much more likely to get sick, and after 16 years - girls.

Symptoms of Childhood Depression

The main manifestations of depression in a child are considered to be:

  • fears that arise for no apparent reason;
  • feeling helpless;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • sleep problems such as insomnia, persistent drowsiness, or persistent nightmares;
  • feeling tired;
  • trouble concentrating;
  • heavy anxious thoughts.

Another group of symptoms of depression is its somatic manifestations: complaints of headaches or pain in the abdomen, which do not go away with the appropriate medication. Panic manifestations with dizziness, chills, palpitations, often accompanied by strong fear, are also dangerous.

Most often, such manifestations are accompanied by apathy or constant increased anxiety.

Parents and adults also note non-standard behavior that was not previously characteristic of the child: refusal of favorite games, irritability, aggressiveness, manifestations of anxiety, intensifying in the evening and at night.

Young children have more pronounced motor activity disorders, complaints of poor health, and frequent crying. At an older age, irritability, distraction and lethargy are added to tearfulness and sadness.

Case study

The mother of 10-year-old schoolgirl Anya consulted a psychologist. She said that Anya was not interested in anything, she stopped doing her homework, she often cries at home, does not answer questions. The psychologist asked Anya to blind what she dreams of. She began to sculpt figurines of gadgets: tablet, smartphone, computer. It turns out that the girl was very jealous of her classmates: they had "cool" gadgets, which she was deprived of. However, the mother did not want to talk with the girl on this topic and could not explain everything to her so that the girl would calm down. But classmates teased Anya with pleasure, calling her "beggar", which greatly offended the girl.

The soul hurts in both adults and children

It is quite difficult to identify signs of depression in a child, firstly, because they appear less clearly, and, secondly, it is difficult for a child to tell in detail about his experiences. Therefore, children's depression is almost always disguised.

What the adults responsible for the child should always remember is that depression in childhood is always accompanied by complaints of poor health: pain, lethargy, change in appearance. This leads to the fact that the child is shown to the pediatrician or surgeon, they try to identify the cause, and only after it turns out that the physical nature of the ailments is not, the child is sent for consultation to a psychologist.

Depression is often expressed in the form of so-called "hypochondriacal disorders": when a child complains that he has a serious fatal illness, and uses frightening medical terms to describe his condition, somewhere accidentally heard, for example, AIDS, cancer. Often, manifestations of anxiety are expressed in children, while if at first the anxiety is pointless, later the child begins to worry and fear certain and specific things: to get lost, to lose his mother, that his mother will not come to the garden for him, that a flood or war will begin.

The most pronounced symptoms of depression in adolescents, most often manifested in thoughts of their own uninterest and inferiority. Apathy and loss of will is noticeable when a teenager is not capable of active activity and "kills" time with activities unusual for his age, for example, senseless rolling of a toy car. The child cannot start doing homework in any way, while scolding himself for being lazy and lacking willpower. The teenager begins to miss some unpleasant lessons, and later may completely abandon school.

Adults who are responsible for the child most often interpret such changes in his character and behavior as laziness or the influence of bad company and apply disciplinary measures to which the teenager most often reacts with aggression.

Case study

The father of 13-year-old Danila turned to a psychologist about the fact that his boy was often bored at home. The man raised his son alone, the mother went abroad with her new husband. It seemed to the father that if he buys a lot of ultra-modern gadgets, then this will be enough for the boy. However, in a conversation with a psychologist, it turned out that the boy suffered from a lack of emotional ties with relatives: no one was interested in him ...

Treating childhood depression

The child's state of mind should be treated with increased sensitivity, frankly but calmly talking to him about what worries him. If bothersome symptoms last more than 2-3 weeks, see your doctor. Methods such as face-to-face interviews with both the child and his parents are very helpful in making a diagnosis.

Psychological sessions are the main treatment for childhood depression; if the depression lasts a long time, antidepressants may be prescribed. This is where the methods of treating depression in adults and children are no different. However, a child psychiatrist for the treatment of depression will primarily prescribe psychotherapy sessions, or, for example, play therapy for toddlers. And only after making sure that it does not bring a sufficient effect, prescribes antidepressants. The risk of depression in children is significantly lower in families with a calm environment, those where the child, his moods and desires are respected. Influencing a depressed child requires persistence, and at the same time, utmost correctness, as well as empathy emotionally.

Psychologist's advice on how to help your child cope with depression?

Adults are not always able to clearly understand how serious the child's condition is, since they tend to look at children's problems from their "adult" point of view. However, the percentage of children who find it difficult to cope with the most common loads is not so small. Even if it seems to an adult that the child's problems are insignificant, the child himself may find them insurmountable. Don't think that you understand exactly what the child is feeling at the moment, take his fears seriously:

  1. It is important to be able manage your own emotions and behavior. Since the reasons are not always clear to parents, they may feel guilty about the state of a child suffering from depression, and, not wanting to do so, transmit - “broadcast” this state to the child. As a result, he will feel that he is not understood. Indeed, it is very difficult to communicate with a child in this state, therefore it is recommended to undergo a course of family therapy.
  2. Spend some time alone with your child every day, the child must understand that you are always ready to listen to him without judgment.
  3. Sports will improve health, and not only physical, but also mental. If the child is weak, you can start by taking walks in the park or pool. Modern research shows that the best remedy for childhood depression is aerobics. It is at the same time cheerful music, varied movements and fast rhythm. All this will help the child overcome depression.
  4. Diet plays an important role. Bright vegetables and fruits, such as oranges and carrots, are helpful in fighting depression. An "antidepressant" diet should include bananas and chocolates, which contain endorphins, and foods that contain thiamine: buckwheat, nuts, and legumes. In winter, sunbathing and taking multivitamins are necessary.
  5. The family should be happy. You can give each other gifts, arrange joint games or playful contests, invite guests, fool around with funny music. Do you know what one of the famous doctors of the past said? When a circus comes to the city, it is no less important for the health of its inhabitants than opening several pharmacies: give the child fun.
  6. You should carefully monitor what the child is reading and limit the viewing of aggressive television programs. It is recommended to make changes to the interior of the child's room, making it brighter and more joyful.
  7. Sand therapy is an effective way to combat depression.
  8. The Japanese are constantly smiling - a habit developed in Japanese babies from early childhood. Scientists have shown that not only joy and fun cause smiles, but a smile itself leads to an improvement in mood - reflexively. Teach your children to smile.

Case study

Little Zhenya was brought to a psychologist because the boy was very annoyed. The parents said they were going to divorce - and the boy found out about it. The psychologist asked 11-year-old Zhenya to draw his family. It turned out that the boy's dad in the picture is definitely "black". The child adopted the negative view of the mother towards the man in the family and was very upset. The psychologist helped to carry out the divorce procedure in the family so that Zhenya would have a positive attitude towards both parents.

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Most people believe that depression is a problem that can only concern adults, but children are also susceptible to this danger. Depression permeates a child's daily life, and children are often unable to identify or explain to adults what is happening. If you suspect your child is depressed, read the tips below. They can help you recognize the symptoms and also tell you how to talk about the problem with your child.


Part 1

Observe emotional changes

Watch for changes in children's emotions. It must be remembered that some children have little or no symptoms of depression. If you think your child is depressed, you need to watch for the mood swings and changes in emotion that have begun to show lately.

    Notice any sign of prolonged or unnecessary sadness or anxiety. This can be tearfulness, frequent crying, and a general state of anxiety. You should also pay attention to constant stress, bedwetting in a child whose bed was previously dry, fearfulness, tension or sudden attacks of fear when other people or some objects appear.

    • You should also note the long-term inability to cope with the loss, which can last for weeks or even months.
  1. Listen to expressions of guilt or hopelessness. Perhaps your child has started to slip through the expressions "I'm to blame (it's my fault)", or "what's the point, why? (there is no point in trying) ". The presence of such expressions can signal both a strong expression of ordinary childhood fears and the presence of serious problems reflecting stronger feelings of anxiety.

    • Feelings of hopelessness can be expressed in different ways: inability to do homework, lack of interest in things that were previously attracted, a general expression of guilt, even if it is known that the child is not at fault for what happened.
  2. Beware of increased anger and irritability. Sometimes a depressed child will show clear and expressive signs. Such children overreact to what is happening, expressing irritation, anger and frustration about small things. They feel neglected in the most mundane situations. They also become restless and tend to increase their anxiety levels. Such children lose the ability to remain calm and self-controlled.

    • It can also manifest itself in the inability to endure any criticism. Pay attention if your child is overly sensitive to rejection or is unable to accept criticism normally, even if it is very mild. If constructive criticism is perceived as painful, it may indicate problems.
  3. Look for signs of a lack of joy and satisfaction in life. You also need to pay attention to the child's level of happiness. The problem can be discovered by noticing that for several days you have not heard the children's laughter or the child is not interested in favorite things. In this case, you need to take steps to lift his / her spirit. If all efforts fail, your child is depressed.

    Pay attention to your child's eating habits. You should document any unexplained changes in appetite if they last long. It can be an increase in appetite or, conversely, a lack of desire to eat. Also, with manifestations of depression, the child usually loses interest in food that was previously loved.

    Be aware of your child's social life. Withdrawal from social life is a common behavioral response to isolate oneself from peers. When children develop depression, they may withdraw from social life, both among friends and family. Beware of this. :

    • Preference to play alone rather than with peers.
    • Lack of interest in maintaining friendships that were previously meaningful.
  4. Pay attention to any changes in your sleep patterns. These can be the opposite changes - constant drowsiness or insomnia. You should also pay attention to the increased frequency of statements about fatigue and lack of energy, accompanied by a decrease in interest in activities that previously interested the child.

Part 3

Talk to your child
  1. Be aware that your child may be hiding symptoms of depression. Many children have not yet learned how to correctly express their inner experiences. Therefore, it is unlikely that a son or daughter will come up to you and say, "I am depressed." Also, he / she should not be expected to try to explain the problem, since the children themselves cannot really understand what is happening.

    • Be mindful of what your child is “not” talking about and be prepared to bring it up yourself. Children can be embarrassed and painful about discussing their own problems. The signs of depression are listed in this article under the description of 'watching for signs and symptoms'.
  2. Listen to your child as if he is not able to clearly explain and understand what is happening. By taking the time each day to listen to your child, you give him the opportunity to talk about what is happening to him. Children are usually straightforward and honest in describing things as they see them, even if they cannot properly explain or understand what is happening.

    • Ask your child every night how he is feeling. If anxiety or sadness is noticed, take time to talk to them about problems and reasons for not being happy.
  3. Make it easier for your child to communicate with you. You must understand that communication with children is difficult if you use the labels “moody” or “difficult”, or behave with them as if they were naughty. This makes it much more difficult for children to express what they feel deep within themselves.

    • You also need to be careful about any issues that the children raise themselves. To maintain the correct approach to the child in the future, no need to ignore any questions (for example, saying "this is stupid").
  4. Maintain a good relationship with the mentors of your children at school and other institutions. Thanks to this, you can get feedback and signals on events that you yourself cannot notice. It will also allow you to determine if the same problems are sustainable in different settings.

    • For example, you might talk to the teacher if you suspect your child is depressed. Schedule a meeting to discuss parenting issues and ask if any oddities are noticed in class.

Many parents are suspicious of claims that children are as prone to depression as adults. They see this as ordinary childish whims and are sure that everything will pass by itself. This approach is erroneous and can even lead to tragic consequences. Very often, the cause of adolescent suicides is precisely to which adults did not react in time.

At the same time, the age of the children practically does not matter. After all, depression is a disease that can manifest itself even at a young age. It is important to capture the moment when the norm of psychological changes in the process of growing up a child turns into a serious diagnosis. The so-called larvae (that is, disguised or latent) depression is more typical for primary school students. Their psyche has not yet formed, and problems manifest themselves in this way.

Which children are prone to depression

There are certain age groups of children that require especially close attention from adults. This applies to parents, teachers, and school psychologists. Experts in this field believe that the most dangerous period with an increase in depressive risks in boys falls on a period of about 10 years. As for girls, at an early age they are more resistant to psychological influences. The most risky age in this regard is from 16 years.

Contrary to popular belief, childhood depression is quite common. Statistics show that over 2.5% of the total number of children suffer from it. But this is the official statistics. It does not take into account diseases that are latent.

Often, parents simply do not understand the psychology of children. They are ready to explain the emerging problems only by attention deficit disorder, conduct disorder or hyperactivity disorder. But serious mental problems like bipolar disorder remain outside their attention. Sometimes parents simply refuse to believe that a son or daughter has mental disorders that need a psychiatrist's correction.

The risk group is, first of all, children whose parents themselves are prone to depression. Symptoms of this disease appear in them much more often than in those born to healthy parents. Another risk factor is parents with alcoholism or drug addiction. In general, an unhealthy environment in a problem family contributes to the development of negative symptoms. Any of the listed factors or their combination, including some life events, can affect the child's psyche.

Loving attentive will definitely notice that something is wrong with their child. There is a specific set of symptoms that will indicate a problem. The task of adults is not to miss the moment of their manifestation. Among the most common:

  • Children are constantly sad, angry, or annoyed.
  • Their behavior is characterized by unreasonable aggressiveness.
  • Regardless of the age of children, they often cry, they are highly sensitive.
  • Concentration on school activities decreases.
  • Sleep patterns change. The child either does not sleep well, or, on the contrary, is distinguished by drowsiness.
  • There are sensations that the psychology of children considers unusual for them in an ordinary state - a feeling of guilt, their own worthlessness, social alienation, and hopelessness.
  • The child refuses to eat or, on the contrary, begins to consume food excessively.
  • Sometimes there are complaints of poor health, which have no real physiological reasons. For example, abdominal pain.

Even a small age in a state of depression does not save them from constant fatigue, loss of strength. They lose interest in their favorite activities, avoid friends, and give up hobbies and entertainment. The most severe symptom is thoughts of the attractiveness of suicide.

These symptoms can manifest themselves in a complex or separately. They can be rare, single, or parents will notice a complete change in their child's behavior, his constant despondency. In the absence of an understanding of what is actually happening to them, children have to look for a way out of this situation on their own. Alcohol or drugs are often the solution. But this is typical of an older age, from 12 years old.

Of course, the best option is to prevent such a development of the situation. You need to be attentive to your child, tracking changes in his mood. If the symptoms of depression are already obvious, then you cannot do without the help of specialists. The psychology of children differs depending on their age, gender, temperament, and upbringing conditions. Only a consultation with a child psychiatrist will help to understand all the nuances.

You need to observe the child for at least two weeks. If the alarming symptoms do not disappear during this period, then the help of a doctor is already required. Diagnostics is carried out according to the general rules characteristic of this disease. Examination can also reveal concomitant diagnoses that aggravate the course of depression.

The method of treatment of this disease is applied taking into account the age of the children. For example, bipolar disorder associated with depression is more commonly diagnosed in adolescents. But these mental problems are getting younger lately.

Experts note that children under the age of 12 began to show a tendency to suicide due to depression. If girls often only pretend to attempt suicide, boys of the same age are willing to go all the way. These are the features of the psychology of children who face certain problems. They need to be taken into account by both parents and teachers at school.