A child from a Russian girl and a Caucasian guy. Stories about relationships between Russian girls and Caucasians. Caucasians and Russian girls

“Keep in mind, I’m very jealous,” my Armenian friend told me when it became clear that our relationship was moving from the category of “” to “we are together.” “I have no doubt,” I replied. I note that my father is also Armenian, so I knew what I was getting into. I'm telling you.

They are really terribly jealous, and nothing can be done about it. In the minds of a Caucasian man, the woman he chooses should be his only. A step to the left, a step to the right - execution. Okay, not an execution, just a scandal. You will report your location once every two to three hours, and he will ask you directly: “Where are you?”

With jealousy comes new demands. “I don’t like the way you’re dressed, change your clothes” is the most common. Yes, if he doesn’t like your outfit, please change it. “I want the woman walking next to me to be dressed beautifully,” is his main argument. The fact that you are wearing a fashionable dress from the latest collection does not mean anything. And believe me, it’s easier to change clothes than to make a scene.

Speaking of scenes. Forget about them. Forever. If earlier there were daily quarrels and hysterics, then this does not work here. If you start to raise your voice, a Caucasian man will either stop talking to you altogether until you calm down, or he will go so broke that it will take you a long time to come to your senses.

And one more thing: a man’s word (well, in his extremely important opinion) is law. He doesn’t want you to go to this cafe with your friends, and you won’t go. And if you start to be indignant, then you won’t go anywhere else at all.

How to get a Caucasian to do what you want? Elementary. Only affection and gentle treatment works. Give him a little hug from the back, say something in a languid voice, lightly kiss him on the neck - that’s it, ask for whatever you want. Just don’t get carried away, they, of course, cuddle like cats, but in the end they will understand that you have figured them out.

And he won’t have to ask for anything using cunning: making his woman happy is his sacred duty. And they do it to the best of their ability. They open the door for you, offer their hand when you get out of the car, and never let you pay yourself - this is a real insult to them.

If it just so happens that you have been dating a Caucasian man for a long time and are thinking about family and children, you can be calm. They love it. No not like this. They dote on children. Ours, others - it doesn’t matter. These bearded machos will lisp with everyone, kiss them on the cheeks and give them packs of candy.

True, be prepared for the fact that only 80% of your dreams of an ideal strong family will come true. Leave 20% for possible betrayals. There is a saying among mountain peoples: “If a husband cheats on his wife, he will spit out of the window. And if a wife tells her husband, she will spit in the house.” So, if you suddenly decided that since your beloved is not so faithful, then you can too - you are mistaken. He will find out (they have a nose for this) and kick you out of the house right in what you were wearing.

And about sex. Everyone who meets Caucasians says the same thing: long. No one knows how they do it, but the fact remains: Caucasians can have sex for two to three hours without a break. They are also very inventive. In general, if you don’t try, you won’t know.

Today, no one explained to our Russian girls, who grew up in an atmosphere of blurred moral values ​​and a democratic-schizoid denial of the qualitative uniqueness of people, nations, and pictures of the world, that people belonging to different cultures have different ideas about what is good and what is Badly. And if the presence of premarital sexual experience for a girl in Moscow today is considered to be in the order of things, then according to the views of Caucasians, this is a disgrace, and these girls are not women, but prostitutes, and the attitude of Caucasians towards them is appropriate, like litter and cattle.
Nobody explained to the Russian girls about the Caucasian-Muslim tribal tradition. The essence of which is that representatives of the Caucasian warring side (possessing a tribal consciousness) on the territory of the Russian side remain enemies of the Russians, and consider the women of the enemy (Russians) to be their spoils of war. “Spoiling girls” (deflowering and raping) is a common occupation of the Islamic-Caucasian conquerors. These Russian girls do not know that our Russian boys who are captured by Muslims (in the Caucasus or Asia) have their genital organs cut off. But these same reproductive organs of southerners become on the Russian Land, for the Russian Gene Pool, a Weapon of Mass Destruction, through sexual contact of Caucasians and Asians with Russian girls.
Among newcomers from the Caucasus to the Russian Land, it is considered masculine valor to seduce a Russian girl and abandon her, sexually mocking her and often taking away her living space, bringing his real, ethnic, Caucasian family to her. In their mentality, a Caucasian woman is a second-class person (although the mother is unconditionally revered), a Russian woman is not a person at all, but a beast. But their Caucasian girls do not establish intimate relationships with Russians, for this they will be cursed and excommunicated from the community, or even kill their own. Caucasians next to Slavic girls is a picture familiar to our cities. How many Caucasian girls have you seen with our guys? In a Traditional Society, a woman is the keeper of the national foundations of the family, the main foundations of life. And when the female community disintegrates en masse, morally and socially, the end of an ethnic group, a nation, a race comes.
Therefore, do not get tired of telling your sisters, daughters and granddaughters, our stupid Tanyas, Mashas and Dashas:
Your handsome prince in one unbeautiful moment may turn on you with an animal face! A person who grew up in tribal traditions sees in you an object to satisfy animal lust and a means of destroying the enemy - his own, that is, us: our People, the Gene Pool of the Russian Nation.
And now I’m appealing to all Russian guys, men in the Stavropol region, Russian girls have started to disappear more and more often. Recently, a 15-year-old girl disappeared, she didn’t have a mother, there was only a father who worked for brick factory. After some time, the law enforcement agencies decided to “comfort” the father; they told him that his daughter had been found in some brothel in one of the Caucasian republics, saying that she was alive, but they were unable to do anything and rescue her from there. They won’t be able to, since those who run this den have a lot of connections and a high position in society. So, what happened to this girl is unknown, however, there are many such cases, 15-year-old Anastasia Pogrebnyak has not yet been found; her photo can be seen here

"I knew 4 stories of relationships between Russian girls and Caucasian guys. Moreover, the best representatives of both. These were not stupid, fat blondes from vocational schools and animals in tracksuits. These were beautiful, smart girls. And young men with a pleasant appearance, higher education etc.
So, it all ended like this:

1. Great love. Quit. He married his own from the village. Ruined her life. Because she, in misfortune, rushed to another cretin, gave birth to a child from him, and then got divorced. Well, in general, if there weren’t a Caucasian, life would have turned out differently.
2. Great love. Was going to get married. She gave birth to his child, he abandoned them when the baby was 3 months old. By the way, he was half Russian. I gave up anyway and went to the Caucasus. They haven't seen him since then. The child is already 10 years old. She never got married; she’s the only one who can’t afford everything.
3. Love is a carrot. It's just over. Without unpleasant consequences, family and children.
4. Great love. I followed him to Nalchik. He has a family, two children. He is not going to marry her. She endures everything. I love him, he says. This is how I will live.

We, in the south, have many Caucasians, much more than in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But mostly they don't care serious relationship They only start with their own people. Ours is just for fun.

Yes, I probably haven’t heard a happy ending to stories like this. Families rarely end. But since modern girls don’t put family first, this doesn’t stop them..."

vic_vega: "I saw a picture in one of my previous works. The girl Nadya was dating a fat-assed horseman from Adygea. She converted to Islam, began wearing a headscarf. They lived without formalizing the relationship. Then Nadya became pregnant, but the pregnancy was problematic, there was a miscarriage. And soon The horseman said hello to Nadya and left for his historical homeland.

halbin: “I know a couple of stories with a positive ending. A woman was in a maternity hospital. Married to a Caucasian man, she gave birth to 3 children. A fairly successful and long-lasting marriage (according to the consequences, the eldest was 9 years old, they built 2 houses, was accepted by his relatives). The second happened in Soviet times, divorced when the children grew up.
The second “ordinary” one - married an Armenian who is half Russian
And two with bad. The girl lived with an Azer for several years, he left her at 8 months of pregnancy, she was kicked out of the house, the child spent the first 1.5 years in an orphanage, then his mother was able to take him in and raise him alone. The second is “ordinary” - she married an Armenian who is half Russian, gave birth, and is raising her alone.”

pavel_valerich: “A Russian girl I know dated a Caucasian man in her youth. Well, they met and broke up, she says in bed he didn’t satisfy her, everything happened very quickly for him. Now she’s been married to a Russian guy for 8 years.

gans2: "Reliable story. Azerbaijani. Consistently cohabited with three Russian women in the same yard. He has a child from all of them. He pays everyone what they are supposed to. He brought his wife from his homeland. He lived there, didn’t like it - sent him back. Lives in the same yard further - no who has no problems. I have personally been observing this for 6 years. The whole story is at least 15 years old, so to speak."

silver_ktulhu: “There are seven unsuccessful examples and two “successful” ones. In quotes, because in these cases the parents abandoned the children. Once formally, the other in reality.
Of the unsuccessful ones, four times the parents came there and said “we’ll leave you without pants” (to put it mildly) and left with their son.
You do not forget about their clannishness if you are going to gain statistics.
The vast majority of examples are from the mid-80s - 2000s.
There is an example of a “family” contract - very sad. The woman married an Armenian. Everything was fine until my uncle died in his homeland - divorce. After some time he marries a Russian (they still live). They will have a daughter and a son. The daughter marries an Armenian, the mother almost fought against it, but she resigned herself. It didn’t work out - it’s a child of divorce. Russian is a child of divorce. Georgian is a child of divorce. The last one was Armenian. So that's it briefly.
They are normal people without strong quirks; they lived nearby for almost 20 years.
The first child is a girl, they say there has already been a battle on the same topic."

marquis_the_cat: "A classmate married an Azerbaijani. He thus found residence and settled life here. They have been living for twenty years, two children. He has a successful business, a cottage, 3 cars (for himself, his wife, and his daughter for her 18th birthday). True, he dragged a bunch of relatives and friends with him from Azerbaijan, they officially registered a diaspora here, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law are included in the “diaspora)) Most of his friends are also married to Russians.”

archi_pelagius: “The girl is a typical “station barmaid”. Vocational school, all that. The first husband is a Lezgin. We lived for about 5 years. One child. Then, the husband somehow abandoned his people and “got lost”. I don’t think I’m still alive, with such something of a character.
The second husband is a Talysh (i.e., like the Azeris, he is a Transcaucasian). His first wife is Russian. One child. Then he came to this one, left the apartment to his first wife, and lives with this peteushka in a shack, even though he himself has a high school. He got pigs and started drinking. The barmaid got two more done. And he pulls everyone on himself - i.e. his child from his first marriage, her child from his first marriage, and these two with his wife, because. It does not work."

"1. She is a Muscovite, he is an Armenian. Married for 8 years, two children. The marriage is strong, the husband and father are good, he has not been noticed in campaigns to the left.

2. A good friend, lives in a neighboring house, a Muscovite teacher - her second husband is Uzbek. There was a difficult child left from his first marriage. They live for a total of 3 years - 2 of them in an official marriage. On this moment"Everyone is fine, but... she is in charge of the relationship, which could have a negative impact in the future."

anglichano4ka: "The story is real, I have personally observed it for 6 years (family best friend). a young man from Derbent, a Lak, came to Voronezh to study in 1989. I didn’t get in, I met a Russian girl. We started dating and she became pregnant. MCH got married and took him to show his bride to relatives. I liked it very much. And I’ve liked it for more than 20 years. She gave birth to her husband a girl and a boy. They don’t live very richly, my husband never received an education, he lives like a taxi driver. When they have money, they go to Dagestan. The children consider themselves Russian, but they also value the culture of the highlanders: they want to live in Russia and go to Derbent on vacation."

nabludatell: “Well, my story is generally scary. She is a 14-year-old girl, her mother is deprived of parental rights, her father is absent, she was raised by a half-crazed grandmother and grandfather. This guy stuck to her... I don’t remember who anymore. In Russian his name was Fedey. He first He was attracted to me, but I successfully ran away from him. In general, he was a Caucasian.
They began to "live". Then my grandmother gave her soul to God (she almost hanged herself - I don’t remember the details). At 15, the girl was already walking around with a potbelly. Gave birth. How things were going with them - apparently it wasn’t going smoothly, he beat her. In general, he did something illegal, he was imprisoned. The girl divorced him and checked him out of the apartment. The relatives first threatened (figle - an apartment in the center of Moscow), then they came and took everything out of the apartment that this dad bought - a washing machine, furniture, a refrigerator.
This is where the story ends. And the girl wised up. She found a husband who was noticeably older than her. They live well. She has children - a son from her first marriage, two from her second, and one adopted, it seems. In general, either four or five. They got a dog. She's studying to be a lawyer."

Anonymous: “I know only one story with a happy ending. He is Nogai, she is Russian, they got married back in the USSR. For this, he deceived his parents, told them that he was already married to her, then they reconciled. Happy marriage, two children. But there is an amendment to the fact that he himself is very Russified and the story was back in the USSR. The children - two sons, also married Russians, one can say that his grandchildren are already Russian.
And from modern stories I have heard about such marriages several times, but always with the same ending - divorce.
Now in the Russian environment it is difficult to create a strong marriage even between Russians, let alone other nationalities.
I know one girl (not personally), she married an Ingush, then her parents bought this fool back, she was his second wife. And as they said, when they arrived in the village there, she was sitting in the yard on the GROUND and knitting something))"

Anonymous: “My boyfriend is Uzbek. We’ve been together for a little more than six months. We’re going to live together. He doesn’t eat pork and demands it from me, but we’re still looking for a compromise, but otherwise everything is wonderful:)”

Anonymous: “Don’t believe in the love of Caucasians!
My name is Alsou. I want to warn all Russian girls against loving Caucasians. Yes, Russian ones, Tatarka herself. I lived in Bashkiria, on the border with Tatarstan, we were in a family of four children, a boy and 3 girls. We lived together in our village; Bashkirs, Russians, Chuvashs, Maris, Udmurts and Tatars created mixed families without particularly thinking about religious or national affiliation. My 2 sisters are like this. One for Russian, the other for Chuvash. I was left without a Father early when I was 17, and in the family I was the youngest. She didn’t sit on her neck, she married Lezgin. To give credit where credit is due, he was handsome and strong. The wedding took place in Dagestan. Until I became my legal wife, everything was not bad. He courted and gave flowers. It all ended after the wedding. The first night (I was a virgin), my Husband simply raped me, tearing my clothes, without ever kissing me or saying anything kind. I was hurt and offended. Well, at least it lasted less than a minute. CAUCASIANS ARE BRAGGERS IN WORDS ONLY!!! They write about big penises and sexual power - LIES! Mine couldn’t do it more than 2 times a week, so I wrote horror stories to myself. One day, I complained to my husband that I wanted to get something from sex. He beat me, saying that their women shouldn’t even mention it. From an enviable gentleman, he turned into a stupid, rude, dirty lout, no better than a Russian drunk. In the house, I became a slave, although rightly we lived in abundance, 3 cars, 1 truck, clothes, gold, the table was always full - everything was there. There is only one BUT! I was almost never allowed out of the house - rarely to the store with anyone. There was nothing good on the TV, which showed only local channels, and only Islamist literature from the books. Even home, I called only in the presence of someone from their family - God forbid they complain. Only the work that fell on mine. A year later, my son Mamed was born, and they started letting me go to the store alone. Soon my fellow countrywoman, Russian herself, appeared in our village. We were allowed to meet. Her troubles were similar to mine. The same rudeness, disrespect, torture. Half a year later, her husband, who was constantly traveling somewhere, caught clap and blamed it on his Wife, who was sitting at home. All her husband's relatives executed her, first they kicked her, then they ripped open her stomach and left her to die. There was no question of legality. A year later, my husband died, got behind the wheel, stoned, and flew into a gorge. After his death, my life turned into hell. They could call me whatever they wanted, even the sisters and brothers of my ex-husband, they stopped sitting at the table with everyone else. My ex’s father said that all Tatars are just as whores as the Russians. Several times, when there was a party in the house, with the same alcohol (LET THEY DON’T SHOUT THAT CAUCASIANS DON’T DRINK - THEY EAT AND GET GLOST!!!), I was forced to spend the night in the barn. My ex’s brothers called me a Tatar whore to my face, drove me out of the house, hinting that leave my son and go away. How could I leave my son, think for yourself? I was lucky only when my son was three years old. Helicopter pilots were based in the village during the first Chechen campaign. Among the pilots, there was a guy with whom I studied together. He helped me and my son escape from hell. Now I'm married to. My husband is half Russian and half Tatar. Wonderful, kind and gentle. Even if I am not surrounded by gold and silk, even if we have an old Khrushchev in Kazan and an old wrecked Lada, for that reason I am a woman, not a slave. Yes, a woman who experienced the joy of sex for the first time, with our Russian. I may not be rich, but I feel like a human being here. Lately, even on the Internet, you can see false Caucasian propaganda about horsemen, as if they are the only men on earth. Promise of Paradise and other things. All this is supported by the stories of girls who allegedly found happiness in the Caucasus, and a reliable partner in the Caucasians themselves. LIE! THERE, EVEN YOUR OWN WOMAN IS NOT A HUMAN - YOU WILL BE THERE AND EVEN MUCH WILL BE SLAVES AND THINGS, AND NOT NEEDED! The videos are filmed by slaves who are intimidated and overwhelmed by Caucasians who speak on demand and not on their own.

Anonymous: "Terrible!!! Girls, be careful. I lived in France with a Chechen, I thought for a long time in Europe, the mentality has changed... Aggressive, jealous, sex is like rape, dictatorship. I ran away. I want to forget it like a bad dream"

Anyone can tell famous stories of such relationships. I promise to add all messages to the text. We are creating a Wikipedia of stories of intertribal relationships.

"I knew 4 stories of relationships between Russian girls and Caucasian guys. Moreover, the best representatives of both. These were not stupid, fat blondes from vocational schools and animals in tracksuits. These were beautiful, smart girls. And young men, with a pleasant appearance, the highest formations, etc.
So, it all ended like this:

1. Great love. Quit. He married his own from the village. Ruined her life. Because she, in misfortune, rushed to another cretin, gave birth to a child from him, and then got divorced. Well, in general, if there weren’t a Caucasian, life would have turned out differently.
2. Great love. Was going to get married. She gave birth to his child, he abandoned them when the baby was 3 months old. By the way, he was half Russian. I gave up anyway and went to the Caucasus. They haven't seen him since then. The child is already 10 years old. She never got married; she’s the only one who can’t afford everything.
3. Love is a carrot. It's just over. Without unpleasant consequences, family and children.
4. Great love. I followed him to Nalchik. He has a family, two children. He is not going to marry her. She endures everything. I love him, he says. This is how I will live.

We, in the south, have many Caucasians, much more than in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But, basically, they still only start serious relationships with their own people. Ours is just for fun.

Yes, I probably haven’t heard a happy ending to stories like this. Families rarely end. But since modern girls don’t put family first, this doesn’t stop them..."

vic_vega : "I saw a picture in one of my previous works. The girl Nadya was dating a fat-assed horseman from Adygea. She converted to Islam and began to wear a headscarf. They lived without formalizing the relationship. Then Nadya became pregnant, but the pregnancy was problematic, she had a miscarriage. And soon the horseman had Nadya “god!” and left for his historical homeland.

halbin : “I know a couple of stories with a positive ending. A woman was in a maternity hospital. Married to a Caucasian man, she gave birth to 3 children. A fairly successful and long marriage (according to the consequences, the eldest was 9 years old, 2 houses were built, accepted by his relatives). The second happened in Soviet times. , divorced when the children grew up.
The second “ordinary” one - married an Armenian who is half Russian
And two with bad. The girl lived with an Azer for several years, he left her at 8 months of pregnancy, she was kicked out of the house, the child spent the first 1.5 years in an orphanage, then his mother was able to take him in and raise him alone. The second is “ordinary” - she married an Armenian who is half Russian, gave birth, and is raising her alone.”

pavel_valerich : “A Russian girl I know dated a Caucasian man in her youth. Well, they met and broke up, she says in bed he didn’t satisfy her, everything happened very quickly for him. Now she’s been married to a Russian guy for 8 years.

gans2 : "Reliable story. Azerbaijani. Consistently cohabited with three Russian women in the same yard. He has a child from all of them. Pays everyone what they are supposed to. He brought his wife from his homeland. She lived there, didn’t like it - sent her back. Lives in the same yard further - no one has There are no problems. I have personally been observing this for 6 years. The whole story is at least 15 years old, so to speak."

silver_ktulhu : “There are seven examples of unsuccessful ones and two “successful ones.” In quotes, because in these cases the parents abandoned their children. Once formally, the other actually.
Of the unsuccessful ones, four times the parents came there and said “we’ll leave you without pants” (to put it mildly) and left with their son.
You do not forget about their clannishness if you are going to gain statistics.
The vast majority of examples are from the mid-80s - 2000s.
There is an example of a “family” contract - very sad. The woman married an Armenian. Everything was fine until my uncle died in his homeland - divorce. After some time he marries a Russian (they still live). They will have a daughter and a son. The daughter marries an Armenian, the mother almost fought against it, but she resigned herself. It didn’t work out - divorce + child. Russian - divorce + child. Georgian - divorce + child. The last one was Armenian. So that's it briefly.
They are normal people without strong quirks; they lived nearby for almost 20 years.
The first child is a girl, they say there has already been a battle on the same topic."

Anonymous: “A classmate married an Azerbaijani. He thus found residence here and settled down. They have been living for twenty years, two children. He has a successful business, a cottage, 3 cars (for himself, his wife, and his daughter on her 18th birthday). However, he dragged He brought a bunch of relatives and friends with him from Azerbaijan, they officially registered a diaspora here, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law are included in the “diaspora”)) Most of his friends are also married to Russians.”

archi_pelagius : “The girl is a typical “station barmaid”. Vocational school, all that. The first husband is a Lezgin. We lived for about 5 years. One child. Then, the husband somehow abandoned his people and “got lost”. I don’t think I’m still alive, with such and such character.
The second husband is a Talysh (i.e., like the Azeris, he is a Transcaucasian). His first wife is Russian. One child. Then he came to this one, left the apartment to his first wife, and lives with this peteushka in a shack, even though he himself has a high school. I got some pigs and started drinking :-). The barmaid got two more done. And he pulls everyone on himself - i.e. his child from his first marriage, her child from his first marriage, and these two with his wife, because. It does not work."

"1. She is a Muscovite, he is an Armenian. Married for 8 years, two children. The marriage is strong, the husband and father are good, he has not been noticed in campaigns to the left.

2. A good friend, lives in a neighboring house, a Muscovite teacher - her second husband is Uzbek. There was a difficult child left from his first marriage. They live for a total of 3 years - 2 of them in an official marriage. At the moment, everyone is fine, but... she is in charge of the relationship, which could have a negative impact in the future."

anglicano4ka : "The story is real, I have personally been observing for 6 years (the family of my best friend). A young man from Derbent, a Lak, came to study in Voronezh in 1989. He didn’t get in, he met a Russian girl. They started dating, she became pregnant. MCH got married, took him to show his bride relatives liked it very much. And she has liked it for more than 20 years. She gave birth to a girl and a boy to her husband. They do not live very richly, the husband never received an education, he is a taxi driver. When they have money, they go to Dagestan, but they also consider themselves to be Russians. They value it: they want to live in Russia and go to Derbent on vacation."

nabludatell : “Well, my story is generally scary. She is a 14-year-old girl, her mother was deprived of parental rights, her father is absent, she was raised by a half-crazed grandmother and grandfather. This guy stuck to her... I don’t remember who. In Russian his name was Fedya. He first came to me stuck, but I successfully ran from him. In general, I am a Caucasian.
They began to "live". Then my grandmother gave her soul to God (she almost hanged herself - I don’t remember the details). At 15, the girl was already walking around with a potbelly. Gave birth. How things were going with them - apparently it wasn’t going smoothly, he beat her. In general, he did something illegal, he was imprisoned. The girl divorced him and checked him out of the apartment. The relatives first threatened (figle - an apartment in the center of Moscow), then they came and took everything out of the apartment that this dad bought - a washing machine, furniture, a refrigerator.
This is where the story ends. And the girl wised up. She found a husband who was noticeably older than her. They live well. She has children - a son from her first marriage, two from her second, and one adopted, it seems. In general, either four or five. They got a dog. She's studying to be a lawyer."

Anonymous: “I know only one story with a happy ending. He is a Nogai, she is Russian, they got married back in the USSR. To do this, he deceived his parents, told them that he was already married to her, then they reconciled. The marriage is happy, there are two children. But there is an amendment Because he himself is very Russified and the story was still in the USSR. His children - two sons - also married Russians, we can say that his grandchildren are already Russian.
And from modern stories I have heard several times about such marriages, but always with the same ending - divorce.
Now in the Russian environment it is difficult to create a strong marriage even between Russians, let alone other nationalities.
I know one girl (not personally), she married an Ingush, then her parents bought this fool back, she was his second wife. And as they said, when they arrived in the village there, she was sitting in the yard on the GROUND and knitting something))"

Anonymous: “My boyfriend is Uzbek. We’ve been together for a little more than six months. We’re going to live together. He doesn’t eat pork and demands it from me, but we’re still looking for a compromise, but otherwise everything is wonderful:)”

Anonymous: "Don't believe in the love of Caucasians!
My name is Alsou. I want to warn all Russian girls against loving Caucasians. Yes, Russian ones, Tatarka herself. I lived in Bashkiria, on the border with Tatarstan, we were in a family of four children, a boy and 3 girls. We lived together in our village; Bashkirs, Russians, Chuvashs, Maris, Udmurts and Tatars created mixed families without particularly thinking about religious or national affiliation. My 2 sisters are like this. One for Russian, the other for Chuvash. I was left without a Father early when I was 17, and in the family I was the youngest. She didn’t sit on her neck, she married Lezgin. To give credit where credit is due, he was handsome and strong. The wedding took place in Dagestan. Until I became my legal wife, everything was not bad. He courted and gave flowers. It all ended after the wedding. The first night (I was a virgin), my Husband simply raped me, tearing my clothes, without ever kissing me or saying anything kind. I was hurt and offended. Well, at least it lasted less than a minute. CAUCASIANS ARE BRAGGERS IN WORDS ONLY!!! They write about big penises and sexual power - LIES! Mine couldn’t do it more than 2 times a week, so I wrote horror stories to myself. One day, I complained to my husband that I wanted to get something from sex. He beat me, saying that their women shouldn’t even mention it. From an enviable gentleman, he turned into a stupid, rude, dirty lout, no better than a Russian drunk. In the house, I became a slave, although rightly we lived in abundance, 3 cars, 1 truck, clothes, gold, the table was always full - everything was there. There is only one BUT! I was almost never allowed out of the house - rarely to the store with anyone. There was nothing good on the TV, which showed only local channels, and only Islamist literature from the books. Even home, I called only in the presence of someone from their family - God forbid they complain. Only the work that fell on mine. A year later, my son Mamed was born, and they started letting me go to the store alone. Soon my fellow countrywoman, Russian herself, appeared in our village. We were allowed to meet. Her troubles were similar to mine. The same rudeness, disrespect, torture. Half a year later, her husband, who was constantly traveling somewhere, caught clap and blamed it on his Wife, who was sitting at home. All her husband's relatives executed her, first they kicked her, then they ripped open her stomach and left her to die. There was no question of legality. A year later, my husband died, got behind the wheel, stoned, and flew into a gorge. After his death, my life turned into hell. They could call me whatever they wanted, even the sisters and brothers of my ex-husband, they stopped sitting at the table with everyone else. My ex’s father said that all Tatars are just as whores as the Russians. Several times, when there was a party in the house, with the same alcohol (LET THEY DON’T SHOUT THAT CAUCASIANS DON’T DRINK - THEY EAT AND GET GLOST!!!), I was forced to spend the night in the barn. My ex’s brothers called me a Tatar whore to my face, drove me out of the house, hinting that leave my son and go away. How could I leave my son, think for yourself? I was lucky only when my son was three years old. Helicopter pilots were based in the village during the first Chechen campaign. Among the pilots, there was a guy with whom I studied together. He helped me and my son escape from hell. Now I'm married to. My husband is half Russian and half Tatar. Wonderful, kind and gentle. Even if I am not surrounded by gold and silk, even if we have an old Khrushchev in Kazan and an old wrecked Lada, for that reason I am a woman, not a slave. Yes, a woman who experienced the joy of sex for the first time, with our Russian. I may not be rich, but I feel like a human being here. Lately, even on the Internet, you can see false Caucasian propaganda about horsemen, as if they are the only men on earth. Promise of Paradise and other things. All this is supported by the stories of girls who allegedly found happiness in the Caucasus, and a reliable partner in the Caucasians themselves. LIE! THERE, EVEN YOUR OWN WOMAN IS NOT A HUMAN - YOU WILL BE THERE AND EVEN MUCH WILL BE SLAVES AND THINGS, AND NOT NEEDED! The videos are filmed by slaves who are intimidated and overwhelmed by Caucasians who speak on demand and not on their own.

Anonymous: "Terrible!!! Girls, be careful. I lived in France with a Chechen, I thought for a long time in Europe, the mentality has changed... Aggressive, jealous, sex is like rape, dictatorship. I ran away. I want to forget it like a bad dream"

Anonymous: “I am Russian, 37 years old, he is Chechen, 47 years old, we’ve been together for 5 years, and dated 2 years before that, yes, he is very respectful of others, generous and responsive, but if he doesn’t like one of my friends, then a little Isn’t it a ban on communication, don’t smile at anyone, even out of politeness, but I don’t follow the lead, I’m an independent person - my own apartment, good job, child from his first marriage. I don’t believe in love-carrots on the part of Caucasians)))) it’s very difficult morally with Chechens, you have to keep your opinion to yourself, especially if you depend on him, and if not, then keep them at a distance))) girls, think 1000 times , are you ready to become a dirty housekeeper, and your husband is always right, and you are a woman - keep quiet))))

Anyone can tell famous stories of such relationships. I promise to add all messages to the text. We are creating a Wikipedia of stories of intertribal relationships.