A child from a Russian girl and a caucasian guy. Stories about relations of Russian girls with Caucasians. Caucasians and Russian girls

"I mean, I am very jealous," my Armenian told me, when it became clear that our relationship was transferred from the category "" in "We are together". "I do not doubt," I replied. I note that my father is also Armenian, so I knew what she was. I tell.

They are really terribly jealous, and nothing can be done about it. In the consciousness of the Caucasian Men, the woman he chose should be only his. Step left, step to the right - execution. Well, okay, not shooting, just a scandal. You will report on your location every two or three hours, and he will ask for his forehead: "Where are you?"

New requirements come with jealousy. "I do not like how you are dressed, rejection" - the most common. Yes, if he does not like your outfit, please change it. "I want a woman who goes next to me was dressed beautifully," his main argument. The fact that you have a fashionable dress from the last collection, does not mean an even account anything. And believe me, it's easier to change out than to arrange the scene.

By the way about scenes. Forget about them. Forever and ever. If earlier the daily quarrels and hysterics have been rolled, then it does not work here. You will start to raise the voice, a Caucasian man or even stop talking to you, until you calm down, or it myself will be broken, that you will come to yourself for a long time.

And yet: the word of the man (well, according to his extremely important opinion) - the law. Here he does not want you to go to this cafe with girlfriends, - and you will not go. And if you start to indignant, then you will not go anywhere else.

How to make Caucasian do what you want? Elementary. It works only affection and tender appeal. Slightly acquaint from the back, you say something in a languid voice, slightly kiss the neck - everything, ask that you want. Just do not be keen, they, of course, go like cats, but in the end you will understand that you drew them.

Yes, and ask something, resorting to tricks, do not have to: do his own woman happy - his holy duty. And they fulfill it as far as possible. They open the door in front of you, give your hand when you leave the car, and will never give you to pay yourself - this is a real insult for them.

If it really happened that you have long been celebrating with Caucasian and think about the family and children, you can be calm. They adore. No not like this. They do not have the souls in children. Own, others - no matter. Sisyukate, these bearded macho will be with everyone, kiss them in the cheek and give candy packs.

True, be ready for the fact that your dreams about the perfect strong family will come true only by 80%. 20% leave for possible treason. There are a saying to the mountain peoples: "If the husband changes his wife, then he spits out the window. And if your wife is her husband - she will drench in the house. " So, if you suddenly decided that since your beloved is not so faithful, then you can also - make mistakes. He finds out (they have something like this) and will be offended from the house right in what you were.

And about sex. All who are found with Caucasians say the same thing: long. As they do it, no one knows, but the fact remains a fact: Caucasians can have two or three hours without a break. And they are also very inventive. In general, you will not try - you will not know.

Today, our Russian girls, grew up in the atmosphere of blurred moral values \u200b\u200band democratically schizoid denial of high-quality peculiarities of people, nations, paintings of the world, no one explained that people belonging to different cultures have different ideas about what is good and what is badly. And if the presence of a breast sex experience in Moscow today is considered in the order of things, then according to the ideas of Caucasians it is a shame, and these girls are not women, but prostitutes, and the attitude towards them Caucasians are appropriate as a litter and cattle.
Nobody explained to Russian girls, also about the Caucasian Muslim Rhodoplemen tradition. The essence of which, is that the representatives of the Caucasian Fighting Party (possessing a tribal consciousness) in the territory of the Russian side remain - the enemies of Russians, and women of the enemy (Russians) consider their military prey. "Spit girls" (deprive virginity and rape) - the usual occupation of Islamic-Caucasian conquerors. These Russian girls do not know that our Russian guys, who turned out to be captured by Muslims (in the Caucasus or Asia), cut off the hegeneal organs. But the same sorts of southerners are in Russian land, for the Russian gene pool - a weapon of mass lesion, through the sexual contact of Caucasians and Asians with Russian girls.
In the medium of the aliens from the Caucasus to Russian land, it is considered a male valor to seduce a Russian girl and quit, sexually changing over her and often filmed a living space, leading his true, ethnic, Caucasian family to her. Caucasian woman in their mentality is a second grade man (although the mother is revered by definitely), a Russian woman is not a man at all, cattle. But their Caucasian girls do not tie an intimate relationship with the Russians, for such a curse and will take away from the community, and then they will kill their own. Caucasians next to Slavic girls - a picture, familiar to our cities. Have you seen Caucasian girls with our guys? In a traditional society, a woman is the keeper of the national owners of the family, the main basics of life. And when in a massive order, moral and socially, decomposes the female community, comes an end to ethnos, nation, race.
Therefore, do not get tired of talking to your sisters, daughters and granddaughters stupid our Tanya, Masham and Dasham:
BE CAREFUL! Be careful, girls!
Your wonderful prince in one indisputable moment can turn to you for animal burning! A man who grew up in the birthbroken traditions sees in you the subject to satisfy the animal lust and means of destroying the enemy - its own, that is us: our people, the gene pool of the Russian nation.
And now I appeal to all Russian guys, men in Stavropol are increasingly and more often Russian girls recently disappeared a 15-year-old girl, her mother had no, there was only a father who worked on brick factory. After some time, the father was still a law enforcement agencies decided to "console", they told him that his daughter was found in some kind of tritons in one of the Caucasian republics, saying that she was alive, but they were not able to do anything and rescue it from there They will not be able, since those who contain a lot of connections and high position in society. That's how it became unknown with this girl, however, there are many such cases, until now, 15 Summer Anastasia Pogrebnyak Her photo can be found here

"I knew 4 stories of relations of Russian girls and Caucasian guys. And, the best representatives and those and others. It was not stupid thick blondes from vocational schools and animals in sports costumes. It was beautiful, smart girls. And young people, with pleasant appearance, higher Education etc.
So, everything ended here than:

1. Big love. Threw. He married his from Aula. Spoiled her life. Since she rushed to another Kitna in misfortune, gave birth to a child from him, then divorced. Well, in general, there would be no Caucasian, life would have developed differently.
2. Big love. I was going to marry. Give him a child, he threw them when the baby was 3 months old. By the way, there was half Russian. All the same threw and left for the Caucasus. Since then, they have not seen it. 10 years old baby already. She was so married and did not come out, one pulls everything.
3. Love-carrot. Just everything ended. Without unpleasant consequences, families and children.
4. Big love. I left behind him in Nalchik. He has a family, two children. It's not going to marry her. She all tolerates. I love, says. So I will live.

We, in the south, a lot of Caucasians, much more than in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But, mostly, they are still serious relationship Went only with your own. Our so, for entertainment.

Yes, I, perhaps, did not hear the Happi-End of such stories. Families rarely ends. But since the modern girls are not in the first place, they don't stop them ... "

vic_Vega: "I watched a picture on one of my previous works. The girl Nadia met with thick jigitis from Adygea. Accepted Islam, began to walk in the handkerchief. I lived without issuing relationships. Then Nadya became pregnant, but the pregnancy was problematic, miscarriage. And soon Jigita did the NADE "ADENOZ!" and loss at the historical homeland. Such cases. "

halbin: "I know a couple of stories with a positive ending. The woman was lying in the hospital. Married Caucasian, gave birth to 3 children. A sufficiently successful and long-lasting marriage (in consequences, the older is 9 years old, built 2 houses, adopted by his relatives). The second happened in Soviet times, divorced when children grew up.
The second "ordinary" - married Armenian-half-Russian
And two with bad. The girl lived with azerist for several years, he threw her for 8 months of pregnancy, she was kicked out of the house, the child first spent 1.5 years in an orphanage, then he was able to pick up his mother, elapse alone. The second "ordinary" - married Armenian-half-Russian, gave birth, elapse alone. "

pavel_Valerich: "I have a familiar Russian girl in my youth met with the Caucasian. Well, as they met and parted, she says it did not hold it, everything was very quickly. It was now married for the Russian guy for 8 years.

gans2: "Reliable story. Azerbaijani. Consistently cohabitated with three Russian women in one yard. He has a child from everyone. Everyone pays how much it should be. I brought my wife from my homeland. I lived, I didn't like it - I sent back. Lives in the same yard further - Who has no problems. Personally observe this for this 6 years. All history has not less than 15 years old. Compromise of polygamy and monogamous culture, so to speak. "

sILVER_KTULHU: "There are seven examples of unsuccessful and two" successful. "In quotes, because in these cases parents abandoned children. Once formally, the other is real.
From the unsuccessful there four times the parents came to say "without pants to leave" (gently expressing) and left her son.
You do not forget about their clans if you are going to gain statistics.
The vast majority of examples from the mid-80s - 2000s.
There is an example of a "family" contract - very sad. Woman came out for Armenian. Everything was fine, until the uncle died in his homeland - divorce. After a while it comes out of Russian (still live). They will have a daughter and son. The daughter marries Armenian, mother against almost to the fight, but has come tortured. It did not come around - the divorce of the child. Russian - Divorce of the child. Georgian - Divorce of the child. The last was Armenian. So now briefly.
People are normal without strong zakidonov, nearly lived nearly 20 years.
The first child is a girl, they already said the battle on the same topic. "

marquis_the_cat: "The one-logbook married Azerbaijanis. He thus acquired registration here and settlement. Already twenty years old, two children. He has a good business, cottage, 3 cars (herself, wife, daughter on the 18th anniversary). True, he Dragged from Azerbaijan a bunch of relatives and buddies from Azerbaijan, they officially issued a diaspora here, and his father-in-law inscribed in the "diaspora")) most of the buddies are also married to Russians. "

archi_pelagius: "The girl is a typical" attractive buffetcher. "Ptu, all things. The first husband - Lezgin. Lived for a year 5. One child. Next, the husband somehow threw his own and" lost ". I don't think it's still living with such - In character.
The second husband - Talysh (i.e., like azer - a conquer). The first wife is Russian. One child. Then I came to this, the first wife left the apartment, and lives with this Pathushnice in Halup, at least myself with the / o. Wound a pig and started drinking. Buffetchica has twisted two more. And pulls everyone on themselves - i.e. your child from the first marriage, her child from the first marriage and these two with his wife, because she does not work."

"1. She is Muscovite, he is Armenian. Married 8 years, two children. The marriage is strong, the husband and father is good, there was no left in the campaigns.

2. A good acquaintance, lives in a nearby house, Muscovite-teacher - the second husband of Uzbek. From the first marriage remained a difficult child. Live a total of 3 years - of which 2 in official marriage. At the moment, everyone is good, but ... taxes relations she, which can negatively affect the future. "

anglichano4ka: "The story is real, personally I observe 6 years (family of the best friend). A young man from Derbent, Lakes, arrived in 1989 to study in Voronezh. Not he did, met with a Russian girl. Began to meet, she became pregnant. MCH was married To show the bride to relatives. I liked it very much. And I like it for more than 20 years. She gave birth to her girl and boy. They lived not very rich, the husband did not receive education, tacked. When there is money, go to Dagestan. Children consider themselves Russian, but also The culture of the horses are appreciated: they want to live in Russia, and to rest in Derbent. "

nabludell: "Well, my story is generally terrible. She is a girl for 14 years old, mother is deprived of parental rights, his father is missing, he brought up a half-handed grandmother and grandfather. She glued to her ... I don't remember who. In Russian, he was called. He first I was glued to me, but I successfully ran from him. In general, Caucasian.
They began to "live." Then grandmother gave God to God (almost hanged himself - I do not remember details). In 15, the girl has already walked with a belly. Gave birth. As they were all - apparently, it was not smooth, he hanged her. In general, he committed something illegal, he was planted. Girl divorced him, wrote it out of the apartment. Rodin first threatened (Figle - an apartment in the center of Moscow), then came and took out everything from the apartment, this dad-bought - washing, furniture, refrigerator.
On this story ended. And the girl won. Found her husband is experiencing her older. Live okay. She has children from her first marriage son, from the second two and another receiving one, it seems. In general, not four, not that five. Dog brought. She is studying at a lawyer. "

Anonymous: "I know only one story with a happy ending. He is a nogaen, she was married back in the USSR. He deceived his parents for this, he told them that he was already married to her, then they came up. Marriage happy, two children. But There is amendment to the fact that he himself is very rubbing and the story was still in the USSR. Children - two sons, also married Russians, it can be said that his grandchildren are already Russians.
And from modern stories I heard about such marriages several times, but always with a constant final - divorce.
Now in the Russian environment, a durable marriage is even interspited by the Russians hard to create something about other nationalities.
I know one girl (not personally), married Ingush came out, then the parents redeemed this fool back, she had the second wife. And as they said, when they arrived there in the village, she sat in the courtyard on earth and knit something)) "

Anonymous: "My guy is Uzbek. Together is already a little more than six months. We are going to live together. He does not eat pork and it requires it, but we are still looking for a compromise, but in the rest of the pah-pah-pah everything is wonderful :)"

Anonymous: "Do not believe in the love of Caucasians!
Your name is Alsu. I want to warn all Russian girls from love for Caucasians. Yes Russian, Tatarka herself. I lived in Bashkiria, on the border with Tatarstan there was us in the family four children a guy and 3 girls. We lived in our village; Bashkira, Russians, Chuvashi, Mariers, Udmurts and Tatars, created mixed families, not particularly thinking about religious or nationality. At 2 sisters like this. One of the Russians, the other for the Chuvash. I walked early without a father when I was 17, and in the family, I was the youngest. Sitting on the neck did not become married to Lezgin. You need to pay due been handsome, Silen. The wedding was playing in Dagestan. While I did not make a legitimate wife, everything was not bad. He cared, gave flowers. Everything ended after the wedding. The first night, (was a virgin) my husband just raped me, breaking clothes on me, never kissing and not saying something good. I was hurt and offensive. Well even continued for less than a minute. Caucasians only in words Bouncen !!! Comprehensive, about big dicks and sexual strength - lies! I could not more often 2 times a week, I composed about myself, horror. Once, I complained to my husband that I want to receive something from sex. He beat me, saying that they had for women, it is impossible to even stutter about it. From an enviable cavalier, he turned into a stupid, coarse, dirty man, no better than the Russian alkash. In the house, I became a slave, although in justice they lived in wealth, 3 cars, 1 cargo, clothing, gold, the table is always full - everything was. Only but! From the house, I was almost never released - rarely with someone in the store. On TV that only local channels, nothing good, from books is only Islamist literature. Even home, I called only in the presence of someone from their family - God forbid to complain. Only the work that went to mine. A year later, I had a son Mamed, I began to let me go to the store one. Soon in our village, my countryman appeared, Russian itself. We were allowed to meet. Her troubles were like mine. The same rudeness, disrespect, torture. After half a year, her husband who constantly went somewhere, picked up Tripper, and accused of his wife who was sitting at home. Her all relatives of her husband were executed, first beat his legs, then, the stomach spells and left to die. There was no speech about legality. A year later, my husband was killed, the village of smoked behind the wheel flew into the gorge. After his death, my life turned into hell. I could call me how to call, even sisters and the brothers of my former spouse, stopped planting at the table with everyone. My former father said that all the Tatars are the same whores as the Russians. Several times when the house was a gulyanka, with the same alcohol (let it not shout that Caucasians do not drink - they are crushed and betrayed !!!) I was forced to spend the night in Saraj. The brothers of my exorbitant, in the face called me the Tatar whore, chased me out of the house, hinting that leave the son, and herself go. How could I leave my son, think ourselves? I was lucky only when my son was three years old. In the village, helicopters during the first Chechen company were based. Among the pilots, there was a guy with whom he studied together. He helped me and my son flee from hell. Now I am married for. My husband is the gentle of the Russian-sex Tatar. Wonderful, kind gentle. Let me not surround gold and silk, let us have an old Khrushchev in Kazan and the old wreck "Zhigul", for the fact that I am a woman, not a slave. Yes, a woman who first experienced joy from sex, with our Russian. Let I do not rich, but I feel like a man here. Recently, even on the Internet, you can see the false Caucasian propaganda of Djigites, I would be the only men on Earth. The promise of paradise and other things. All this is supported by the stories of girls, I would have found happiness in the Caucasus, and in the Caucasians themselves reliable parter. FALSE! There, even your woman is not a man, there is there and will eat more slaves and weigh, and not necessary! Rollers take off the slaves who are intimidated and clogged with Caucasians who are talking to demand and not from themselves.
Girls, cute, begging, do not get into Caucasians! They do not know how to do not love, nor respect, we are Russians. There will be no happiness for Caucasians. Pain, humiliation, slavery, there is nothing good there is good! "

Anonymous: "Terribly !!! Girls, be careful. I lived in France with Chechen, I thought for a long time in Europe, I changed my mentality ... Aggressive, jealous, sex looks like rape, dictatorship. I ran away. I want to forget as a terrible dream."

Everyone can tell the well-known stories of such relationships. I promise all messages to add to the text. We create Wikipedia stories of intergovernmental relationships.

"Knowed 4 stories of relations between Russian girls and Caucasian guys. Moreover, the best representatives and those and others. It was not stupid thick blondes from vocational schools and animals in sports costumes. It was beautiful, smart girls. And young people, with pleasant appearance, top Education ITD.
So, everything ended here than:

1. Big love. Threw. He married his from Aula. Spoiled her life. Since she rushed to another Kitna in misfortune, gave birth to a child from him, then divorced. Well, in general, there would be no Caucasian, life would have developed differently.
2. Big love. I was going to marry. Give him a child, he threw them when the baby was 3 months old. By the way, there was half Russian. All the same threw and left for the Caucasus. Since then, they have not seen it. 10 years old baby already. She was so married and did not come out, one pulls everything.
3. Love-carrot. Just everything ended. Without unpleasant consequences, families and children.
4. Big love. I left behind him in Nalchik. He has a family, two children. It's not going to marry her. She all tolerates. I love, says. So I will live.

We, in the south, a lot of Caucasians, much more than in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But, mostly, they still have serious relationships only with their own. Our so, for entertainment.

Yes, I, perhaps, did not hear the Happi-End of such stories. Families rarely ends. But since the modern girls are not in the first place, they don't stop them ... "

vic_vega. : "I watched a picture on one of my previous works. The girl Nadia met with thick jigitis from Adygea. Accepted Islam, began to walk in the handkerchief. I lived without issuing relationships. Then I got pregnant, but the pregnancy was problematic, miscarriage happened. And in the soon jigita did Nate "Adiges!" And loss at the historic homeland. Such cases. "

halbin. : "I know a couple of stories with a positive ending. The woman was lying in the hospital. Married to the Caucasian, gave birth to 3 children. A sufficiently successful and long-lasting marriage (in consequences, the older 9 years, built 2 houses, adopted by his relatives). The second occurred in Soviet times , divorced when children grew up.
The second "ordinary" - married Armenian-half-Russian
And two with bad. The girl lived with azerist for several years, he threw her for 8 months of pregnancy, she was kicked out of the house, the child first spent 1.5 years in an orphanage, then he was able to pick up his mother, elapse alone. The second "ordinary" - married Armenian-half-Russian, gave birth, elapse alone. "

pavel_valeric : "I have a familiar Russian girl in my youth met with Caucasian. Well, as they met and parted, she says it did not hold it down, everything was happening very quickly. It is now married for the Russian guy for 8 years.

gans2. : "Reliable story. Azerbaijani. Consistently cohadled with three Russian women in one yard. From all he has a child. Everyone pays how much it should be. He brought his wife from homeland. Early, I didn't like it - I sent it back. Lives in the same yard further - no one There are no problems. Personally observe this for 6 years. All history has not less than 15 years old. Compromise of polygamine and monogamous culture, so to speak. "

silver_ktulhu. : "There are seven examples of unsuccessful and two" successful. "In quotes, because in these cases parents abandoned children. Once formally, the other is real.
From the unsuccessful there four times the parents came to say "without pants to leave" (gently expressing) and left her son.
You do not forget about their clans if you are going to gain statistics.
The vast majority of examples from the mid-80s - 2000s.
There is an example of a "family" contract - very sad. Woman came out for Armenian. Everything was fine, until the uncle died in his homeland - divorce. After a while it comes out of Russian (still live). They will have a daughter and son. The daughter marries Armenian, mother against almost to the fight, but has come tortured. It did not grow up - divorce + child. Russian - divorce + baby. Georgian - divorce + baby. The last was Armenian. So now briefly.
People are normal without strong zakidonov, nearly lived nearly 20 years.
The first child is a girl, they already said the battle on the same topic. "

Anonymous: "The alignpitsa married Azerbaijanis. He thus acquired registration here and settlement. Already twenty years old, two children. He has a good business, cottage, 3 cars (herself, wife, daughter on the 18th anniversary). True, he dragged for From Azerbaijan a bunch of relatives and buddies from Azerbaijan, they officially issued a diaspora here, and in the "diaspora" his father-in-law and mother-in-law fit)) most of the buddies are also married to Russians. "

archi_pelagius. : "The girl is a typical" attractive buffetcher. "Ptu, all things. The first husband is Lezgin. Lived for 5. One child. Further, the husband somehow threw his own and" lost. "I don't think it's still living with such character.
The second husband - Talysh (i.e., like azer - a conquer). The first wife is Russian. One child. Then I came to this, the first wife left the apartment, and lives with this Pathushnice in Halup, at least myself with the / o. Wound a pig and began to drink :-). Buffetchica has twisted two more. And pulls everyone on themselves - i.e. your child from the first marriage, her child from the first marriage and these two with his wife, because she does not work."

"1. She is Muscovite, he is Armenian. Married 8 years, two children. The marriage is strong, the husband and father is good, there was no left in the campaigns.

2. A good acquaintance, lives in a nearby house, Muscovite-teacher - the second husband of Uzbek. From the first marriage remained a difficult child. Live a total of 3 years - of which 2 in official marriage. At the moment, everyone is good, but ... taxes relations she, which can negatively affect the future. "

anglichano4ka. : "The story is real, personally I am following 6 years (family of the best friend). A young man from Derbent, Lakes, arrived in 1989 to study in Voronezh. Not he did, met a Russian girl. They began to meet, she became pregnant. MSh married, brought to show the bride relatives. I really liked it. And more than 20 years old. She gave birth to her husband and boy. They live not very rich, the husband did not receive education, tacked. When there is money, drive to Dagestan. Children consider themselves Russian, but also the culture of the mountains Appreciate: They want to live in Russia, and in Derbent ride relax. "

nabludell. : "Well, my story is generally terrible. She is a girl for 14 years old, mother is deprived of parental rights, his father was missing, he brought up a half-handed grandmother and grandfather. She glued to her ... I don't remember anyone. In Russian in Russian called me. He first I was glued, but I successfully ran from him. In general, Caucasian.
They began to "live." Then grandmother gave God to God (almost hanged himself - I do not remember details). In 15, the girl has already walked with a belly. Gave birth. As they were all - apparently, it was not smooth, he hanged her. In general, he committed something illegal, he was planted. Girl divorced him, wrote it out of the apartment. Rodin first threatened (Figle - an apartment in the center of Moscow), then came and took out everything from the apartment, this dad-bought - washing, furniture, refrigerator.
On this story ended. And the girl won. Found her husband is experiencing her older. Live okay. She has children from her first marriage son, from the second two and another receiving one, it seems. In general, not four, not that five. Dog brought. She is studying at a lawyer. "

Anonymous: "I know only one story with a happy ending. He's a noguec, she got married back in the USSR. He deceived his parents for this, he said to them that he was already married on her, then they came up. Marriage is happy, two children. But there is a correction That he himself was very rubbing and the story was still in the USSR. Children - two sons, also married Russians, it can be said that his grandchildren are already Russians.
And from modern stories heard several times about such marriages, but always with the unchanging finals - divorce.
Now in the Russian environment, a durable marriage is even interspited by the Russians hard to create something about other nationalities.
I know one girl (not personally), married Ingush came out, then the parents redeemed this fool back, she had the second wife. And as they said, when they arrived there in the village, she sat in the courtyard on earth and knit something)) "

Anonymous: "My guy of Uzbek. Together already a little more than half a year. We are going to live together. He doesn't eat pork and it requires it, but we are still looking for a compromise, but in the rest of the pah-pah-pah everything is wonderful :)"

Anonymous: "Do not believe in the love of Caucasians!
Your name is Alsu. I want to warn all Russian girls from love for Caucasians. Yes Russian, Tatarka herself. I lived in Bashkiria, on the border with Tatarstan there was us in the family four children a guy and 3 girls. We lived in our village; Bashkira, Russians, Chuvashi, Mariers, Udmurts and Tatars, created mixed families, not particularly thinking about religious or nationality. At 2 sisters like this. One of the Russians, the other for the Chuvash. I walked early without a father when I was 17, and in the family, I was the youngest. Sitting on the neck did not become married to Lezgin. You need to pay due been handsome, Silen. The wedding was playing in Dagestan. While I did not make a legitimate wife, everything was not bad. He cared, gave flowers. Everything ended after the wedding. The first night, (was a virgin) my husband just raped me, breaking clothes on me, never kissing and not saying something good. I was hurt and offensive. Well even continued for less than a minute. Caucasians only in words Bouncen !!! Comprehensive, about big dicks and sexual strength - lies! I could not more often 2 times a week, I composed about myself, horror. Once, I complained to my husband that I want to receive something from sex. He beat me, saying that they had for women, it is impossible to even stutter about it. From an enviable cavalier, he turned into a stupid, coarse, dirty man, no better than the Russian alkash. In the house, I became a slave, although in justice they lived in wealth, 3 cars, 1 cargo, clothing, gold, the table is always full - everything was. Only but! From the house, I was almost never released - rarely with someone in the store. On TV that only local channels, nothing good, from books is only Islamist literature. Even home, I called only in the presence of someone from their family - God forbid to complain. Only the work that went to mine. A year later, I had a son Mamed, I began to let me go to the store one. Soon in our village, my countryman appeared, Russian itself. We were allowed to meet. Her troubles were like mine. The same rudeness, disrespect, torture. After half a year, her husband who constantly went somewhere, picked up Tripper, and accused of his wife who was sitting at home. Her all relatives of her husband were executed, first beat his legs, then, the stomach spells and left to die. There was no speech about legality. A year later, my husband was killed, the village of smoked behind the wheel flew into the gorge. After his death, my life turned into hell. I could call me how to call, even sisters and the brothers of my former spouse, stopped planting at the table with everyone. My former father said that all the Tatars are the same whores as the Russians. Several times when the house was a gulyanka, with the same alcohol (let it not shout that Caucasians do not drink - they are crushed and betrayed !!!) I was forced to spend the night in Saraj. The brothers of my exorbitant, in the face called me the Tatar whore, chased me out of the house, hinting that leave the son, and herself go. How could I leave my son, think ourselves? I was lucky only when my son was three years old. In the village, helicopters during the first Chechen company were based. Among the pilots, there was a guy with whom he studied together. He helped me and my son flee from hell. Now I am married for. My husband is the gentle of the Russian-sex Tatar. Wonderful, kind gentle. Let me not surround gold and silk, let us have an old Khrushchev in Kazan and the old wreck "Zhigul", for the fact that I am a woman, not a slave. Yes, a woman who first experienced joy from sex, with our Russian. Let I do not rich, but I feel like a man here. Recently, even on the Internet, you can see the false Caucasian propaganda of Djigites, I would be the only men on Earth. The promise of paradise and other things. All this is supported by the stories of girls, I would have found happiness in the Caucasus, and in the Caucasians themselves reliable parter. FALSE! There, even your woman is not a man, there is there and will eat more slaves and weigh, and not necessary! Rollers take off the slaves who are intimidated and clogged with Caucasians who are talking to demand and not from themselves.
Girls, cute, begging, do not get into Caucasians! They do not know how to do not love, nor respect, we are Russians. There will be no happiness for Caucasians. Pain, humiliation, slavery, there is nothing good there is good! "

Anonymous: "Hornly !!! Girls, be careful. I lived in France with Chechen, I already thought for a long time in Europe, the mentality changed ... Aggressive, jealous, sex looks like rape, dictatorship. I ran away. I want to forget as a terrible dream."

Anonymous: "I am Russian 37 years old, he is Chechen 47 years old, together for 5 years, and 2 years before that, yes, he is very respectful to others, generous and responsive, but if he doesn't like someone from my friends, then a little Does not ban on communication, do not smile to anyone, even out of politeness, but I do not go on occasion, I am a person's own - my apartment, good job, a child from the first marriage. I do not believe in love-carrot from the Caucasians)))) with Chechens are very difficult morally, it is necessary to keep their own opinion with you, especially if you depend on it, and if not, then you think about it))) Girls, 1000 times think if you are ready to become a stupid housekeeper, and the husband is always right, and You are a woman - silent))))

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