Soft cheeses: Camembert and Brie will be the best you've ever tasted. Camembert cheese: product information and recipes Dishes with Camembert cheese

What could be tastier than soft, pliable ripe Camembert that almost spreads over a slice of French baguette? Mmmm... Only hot Camembert can be tastier, baked in the oven with aromatic herbs or under a sweet bed of dried fruits, nuts, honey, syrup or jam. It’s extremely easy to prepare if you have an oven, some extra Camembert and a little imagination =) Surprise your guests with a quick and mind-blowingly delicious fondue!

Ingredients and equipment:

  • Camembert standard size, or mini-Brie 1 pc.
  • a box for Camembert made of wood, or a baking dish of a suitable size - 1 pc.

You can make a baking dish for Camembert yourself if you have foil and parchment for the oven on hand. Cut out a circle of parchment according to the diameter of the cheese. Cut out 2 squares of foil, with a side 8 cm larger than the diameter of the cheese. Place the cheese on a parchment circle, place it on 2 pieces of foil and bend the edges of the foil, forming the walls of the box from them (see photo).

[filling - option 1] Classic rosemary and garlic according to Jamie Oliver's recipe

  • 1 clove of garlic
  • a few rosemary leaves (can be replaced with dried rosemary, but sprigs are prettier)
  • olive oil
  • sprig of rosemary

Make several small (1.5 cm) slits lengthwise on the top of the cheese. Cut the garlic into thin slices and stuff it into the cheese, placing the slices into the cuts made. Add the rosemary leaves to the garlic in the same way. Drizzle a little olive oil on top. Once cooked, garnish the top of the cheese with a sprig of rosemary.

Crackers for dipping in cheese: Take dried white bread (or wheat croutons) cut into cubes, lightly sprinkle it with olive oil and add salt.

The original recipe also suggests preparing a mixture of dried cranberries and chopped nuts and eating the cheese this way: dip the cracker in hot cheese, then into a plate with the nut-cranberry mixture and put it in your mouth. Be sure to enjoy =)

[filling - option 2] Sweet pillow of pistachios and figs

  • dried sweet figs 1/3 cup
  • pistachios, peeled 1/3 cup
  • Walnut peeled 1/3 cup
  • 4 tbsp. l. fig jam

Make several small cuts in the top rind of the cheese. Chop pistachios, walnuts and figs, mix them with jam and place on top of the Camembert.

[filling - option 3] Sweet pillow of pistachios, dates and dried cranberries

  • dried dates - 1/3 cup
  • peeled pistachios - 1/3 cup
  • dried cranberries - 1/3 cup
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey

Make several small cuts on the top crust of the cheese and pour honey over it. Chop the pistachios, dates and cranberries and place on top of the Camembert.

How to bake Camembert:

  1. If you have store-bought Camembert, remove it from the box and remove all packaging. The wooden box can be used as a baking dish.
  2. Place the cheese in a baking dish. Add one of the filling options or leave it as is - Camembert by itself is already tasty enough not to add anything to it.
  3. Heat the oven to 200ºC, place the mold with cheese there for 20 minutes. During this time, the cheese will soften and be saturated with the aromas and juices of the filling, and the crust will become a beautiful golden brown color.
  4. Baked Camembert can be served. You can eat cheese with a dessert spoon, or simply dip pieces of soft cheese into the flowing creamy mass. white bread, croutons or crackers.

Delicate, creamy, with a pronounced mushroom note and surrounded by legends... The famous Normandy blue cheese is No. 1 on the list of preferences of many fans of this French product. In company with good wine Camembert feels great on the table on its own, and if you add it to a salad, soup or dessert, this is where a real flavor explosion occurs! For true fans we have found 5 great recipes dishes with Camembert: from salads to pies and rolls!

Warm salad with camembert, figs and bacon

Cooking time: 20-30 minutes + 10 minutes for preparation

Products for 2 servings: 2 large handfuls of salad mix, 30 g chopped walnuts, 3 figs, 6 slices of bacon (preferably smoked), several cherry tomatoes, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 head of camembert, 4 slices of bread (make toast out of it first), 1 cup of flour, 2-3 eggs, breadcrumbs. For refueling you will need: 1 tbsp. l. mustard, 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, 5 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 shallot, salt and pepper.


Cooking process:

First, prepare the dressing: mix mustard, olive oil, vinegar and chopped shallots. Salt and pepper to taste and place in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place thin slices of bacon on a sheet of parchment and bake for about 10 minutes until golden brown.

Heat honey in a frying pan, add figs cut in half. Fry on each side for 2-3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and let the figs cool.

Place washed and dried greens into a salad plate, top with cherry tomatoes, bacon chips and figs, and sprinkle with chopped walnuts.

Now the most important thing is the cheese. Divide the camembert head into 8 pieces, dip each in flour, then in beaten egg and breadcrumbs (or bread crumbs) and place in deep fryer preheated to 170 degrees. When the cheese turns golden, place it on a paper towel for a few seconds to remove excess fat, and then onto a plate with salad. Add chilled dressing and hurry up with the appetizer to the table.

Unusual pie with camembert, pear and raisins

Cooking time: 1 hour + 1 hour to prepare

Products for 4 servings: 2 heads of camembert, 150 g flour, 50 g butter, 3 eggs, 200 g liquid cream, 1 lettuce, ¼ frisee lettuce, 20 g raisins, 100 g nuts, 1 pear, 1 bunch of green onions, 1 shallot.


Cooking process:

Prepare a dough rim. Mix 3/4 of a head of Camembert into a smooth mass, add flour and eggs to the cheese. Form the dough, roll it out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 5 mm and wrap it around the round mold (you will get a ring of dough). Bake on a sheet of parchment for 15 minutes at 160 degrees. The oven must be preheated to the specified temperature in advance.

Camembert paste. Mix the rest of the first wheel of cheese with chopped shallots and green onions, season with salt and pepper.

Cheese filling. Melt the second head of Camembert until creamy and then blend in a blender. Make sure that the mass is not too dense. Pour the cheese into the siphon and set it aside for now (the siphon will require 2 cans).

Lettuce cream. Bring the cream to a boil, place the onion, previously washed and cleared of dried leaves, into the pan. Boil over low heat for about 3 minutes. Remove from heat, grind thoroughly in a blender, season with salt and pepper, and let cool.

Caramelized pear. Chop the nuts, cut the pear into small cubes (brunoise) and caramelize in a frying pan, add washed and dried raisins.

Assembling the pie. Place the rim of dough on a shallow plate and fill the middle with an even layer of Camembert paste. The next layer is an airy cheese mass from a siphon. Top with caramelized pear, nuts and raisins and garnish with lettuce leaves. The final touch is adding the creamy lettuce sauce.

With a hint of smoke: baked Camembert with bacon and prunes

Cooking time: 20 minutes + 15 minutes for preparation

Products for 4 servings: 1 head of camembert, 4 slices of smoked bacon, 4 pitted prunes.


Cooking process:

If you don’t have time to tinker in the kitchen for a long time, but want something tasty and unusual with the addition of Camembert, this recipe can be a real salvation. It is simple and will not appeal only to people who absolutely cannot stand the smell and taste of prunes. So let's get started.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance. In a hot frying pan, fry the bacon until golden brown, remove the finished chips to a paper napkin. Divide the cheese head into 8 equal parts. Insert 1 strip of bacon and half a prune into each cut. Place in the oven for 10 minutes and serve warm.

If you have very little time or there is no oven nearby, simply sprinkle the cheese with chopped prunes and nuts. It will also be very tasty!

Mini canelé with camembert

Cooking time: 20 minutes + 15 minutes to prepare

Products for 4 servings: 1 head of Camembert, 330 ml milk, 40 g butter, 3 yolks, 125 g flour, 1 bunch of green onions, paprika.


Cooking process:

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Heat the milk (but do not bring it to a boil) in a small saucepan, dissolve the butter in it. Remove the milk from the heat, add the egg yolks (be careful, the yolks may curdle - let the liquid cool slightly or add them in very small portions, stirring continuously), flour. Also send here 3/4 of the cheese, cut into small pieces, as well as shredded green onions. Leave a couple of onion feathers to decorate the dish. Pour the batter into the canelé molds, leaving about 1cm to the edge. Bake for 20 minutes, then remove from pan and let cool. Place a piece of cheese on top, sprinkle with chopped onion and paprika.

For sushi lovers: maki with camembert

Cooking time: 10 minutes + 15 minutes to prepare

Products for 4 servings: 1 head of Camembert, 2 zucchini, 1 pepper, 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 1 tbsp. l. sesame seeds.


Cooking process:

Cut the zucchini into thin slices. The easiest way to do this is with a paring knife. Drizzle with olive oil. Cut the pepper into strips equal in height to Camembert. Fry the zucchini strips until they are soft and golden brown with oil. Remove them to a paper towel. Cut the cheese head into 12 squares. Place a piece of pepper in the center of each. WITH outside Wrap each cube of cheese with a slice of zucchini. Place the maki on a plate and garnish with sesame seeds.

See recipes for the most delicious and popular French desserts.

One of the varieties of soft, fatty cheese, for the preparation of which whole cow's milk is used, is called Camembert. The birthplace of cheese is the historical region in northwestern France - Normandy.

Camembert varies from white to light creamy in color, has a delicate, slightly mushroom flavor, and is covered on the outside with a special cheese mold (penicillium camemberti or penicillium candidum), forming a fluffy white crust.

In France, there is a legend that Camembert was first prepared in 1791 by the peasant woman Marie Harel, a native of the village of the same name. The Camembert recipe was revealed to her during the French Revolution by a monk hiding from persecution.

In 1928, a large monument was erected in honor of the cheese in the square of Vimoutiers in France. This event is due to the fact that one of the doctors had previously treated seriously ill patients with Norman cheese. Since the results of the therapy exceeded all expectations, grateful patients erected a small monument near the village of Camembert, and after 20 years the monument was erected in Vimoutiers.

Making camembert cheese

When making cheese, unpasteurized cow's milk is poured into tubs with lids, the best Camembert is obtained from two proportions - half of the curd is poured into molds in the evening, and the rest is added the next morning.

On prescription the best manufacturers Camembert cheese in 4.5 liters of milk is added with 0.5 ml of rennet at a temperature of 27°C. The curdling process begins after 2 hours, the milk is stirred from time to time so that the cream does not separate. Since the manufacturer does not always have the mold necessary for this type of cheese, it can be obtained from a piece of quality Camembert and added to the milk before the rennet coagulation process begins.

The resulting mixture is poured into vats and left overnight; in the morning the cheese becomes approximately 1/3 smaller than its original size. The next morning the whole process is repeated, but before pouring a new clot, the surface of the old one in the vats is carefully destroyed. After 24 hours of this step, the Camembert should be firm enough to turn over.

After the cheese has hardened and begins to pull away from the side walls of the mold, it can be salted and placed on shelves, where it is important to turn it from one side to the other every day. Only after waiting for the appearance of pronounced white mold is it transferred to drying rooms with moist air and temperature 13°C.

If the temperature and humidity are set correctly, the mold begins to grow rapidly and becomes blue in color; in general, Camembert takes on a bluish-gray tint. Then it is moved to a room with high humidity, in which the air temperature is 10°C. Under such conditions, mold growth begins to slow down, the cheese turns reddish-brown in color, its consistency becomes viscous and it is considered ripe.

When cutting into ripe Camembert, you should feel a firm texture; if there is a semi-liquid mass in the middle of the piece, the cheese is poorly cooked. Since the shelf life of cheese is limited, immediately after this stage it is transported in wooden boxes or packed in straw and tried to be sold as quickly as possible.

Camembert cheese: composition, benefits, contraindications

Gourmets around the world prefer to consume Camembert cheese in combination with neutral wines: rose, white Sancerre or cider from Pays d'Auge. In French cuisine, cheese is used in the preparation of soups, sauces and desserts. 100 g of Camembert cheese contains:

  • 51.8 g of water and 3.68 g of ash;
  • 24.26 g fat, 19.8 g protein and 0.46 g carbohydrates;
  • 240 mcg vitamin A, 0.488 mg vitamin B2, 0.63 mg vitamin B3, 1.364 mg vitamin B5, 62 mcg vitamin B9 and 1.3 mcg vitamin B12;
  • 0.4 mcg calciferol, 0.21 mcg tocopherol, 2 mcg phylloquinone and 15.4 mg choline;
  • 187 mg potassium, 388 mg calcium, 20 mg magnesium, 824 mg sodium and 247 mg phosphorus;
  • 0.33 mg iron, 38 mcg manganese, 21 mcg copper, 2.38 mg zinc and 14.5 mcg selenium.

The calorie content of 100 g of Camembert cheese is 300 kcal. Properly prepared, taking into account all the nuances of the recipe, Camembert is very healthy. It is completely digestible, contains a lot of vitamins, macro- and microelements, bacteria and essential amino acids. The mold it contains has healing properties, since the substances in its composition promote the production of melanin, which protects the skin from sunburn.

Doctors recommend eating Camembert for exhaustion, tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer, as well as for those who engage in physical or mental labor. Camembert prepared according to the correct technology and recipe contains a record amount of phosphorus and calcium, therefore it is useful for fractures, arthrosis and arthritis.

Daily consumption of 50 g of Camembert has a beneficial effect on work nervous system, prevents caries and also improves the condition of tooth enamel. Since the cheese contains virtually no lactose, it can be eaten even by those who cannot tolerate regular milk and dairy products.

Camembert is contraindicated in pregnant women, during lactation and in children under 7 years of age, as unpasteurized milk used for its preparation can cause listeriosis. Those with higher than average blood cholesterol levels, as well as those with hypertension and those with an individual intolerance to Camembert components should also refrain from eating cheese.

Recipes with Camembert cheese

As mentioned above, cheese is an ingredient in many gourmet French dishes. Most simple recipes with Camembert cheese, which can easily be reproduced at home, are as follows:

  • Roasted camembert with rosemary and blueberry jam. Place 100 g of fresh blueberries in a saucepan, add 3 finely chopped rosemary needles, 2 tbsp. l. honey and black pepper. The resulting mixture is boiled for 15 minutes over low heat and then cooled. After the sauce is ready, you need to fry a whole head of Camembert for 1 minute on each side in a frying pan lined with parchment paper. The finished cheese is laid out on a dish, sprinkled with thyme leaves, rose and allspice to taste, with cane sugar and pour over the sauce;
  • Camembert diablotins. Butter(100 g), 6 tbsp. l. wheat flour, 250 ml of milk, salt and pepper to taste must be melted over low heat. The resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred, after which the heat is reduced, 200 g of sour cream are added and boiled for 10 minutes. 100 g of diced camembert are poured into the sauce, the resulting cheese cream is cooled in the refrigerator. The frozen mass is cut into squares, dipped in a batter of 1 egg, cayenne pepper and breadcrumbs, deep-fried and fried. Place the finished diablotins on a napkin to drain off excess fat.

Camembert is not only tasty, but also very useful product. By consuming just 50 g of cheese daily, you can prevent the development of many diseases, and by adding it to everyday dishes, anyone can get delicious delicacies.

To prepare a real gourmet treat, treat your friends or please your loved ones, you don’t have to buy delicacies in the supermarket. Today we will tell you how to make Camembert cheese at home, because it is not as difficult, time-consuming and multi-step as it seems. This soft cheese with white noble mold with a mushroom aroma has a delicate creamy taste and a spicy, spicy aftertaste.

Even those ignorant of French cuisine will appreciate such homemade Camembert, and if you take into account the fact that it turns out to be absolutely natural, without the addition of industrial ingredients that speed up and reduce the cost of the process of its creation, then there will be no price for such a treat!

Camembert cheese equipment

What equipment will you need to make Camembert at home?

  • Pot

Its volume should be at least 4 liters and it is better not to take aluminum or enameled one.

  • Cheese molds

We'll take care of them in advance. These are plastic cylinders with many holes to allow the whey to drain freely. Ideally, they should not have a bottom, so that by closing them on one side or the other, we can freely turn the cheese over for pressing.

Lids should also have holes.

  • Thermometer

It is absolutely necessary, since without it it will not be possible to introduce the starter and mold culture at the right time.

  • Plastic container

It will be needed at the final stage, when the cheese will need to be kept in the refrigerator for mold to grow.

Raw materials for Camembert at home


In addition, we will prepare in advance a mesophilic starter, a milk-clotting enzyme (can be of plant origin), water solution calcium chloride 10% and dry mold cultures: Penicillium Candidum and Geotrichum Candidum.

All this can be bought on specialized websites.


And remember that pasteurized milk is best suited for this recipe. Since we do not bring it to a boil, any pathogenic microflora, if any, will not die in it.

In addition, nothing should interfere with the development of mold cultures introduced from outside - this can completely ruin the taste.

Now feel free to start cooking!

How to make Camembert cheese


  • — 3 l + -
  • - 2/3 tbsp. + -
  • Mesophilic starter75 ml (volume in solution) + -
  • Calcium chloride (aqueous solution 10%)— 10 ml (1 ampoule) + -
  • White mold Penicillium candidum- on the tip of a knife + -
  • Geotrichum candidum mold- on the tip of a knife + -
  • Milk-clotting enzyme— 0.1 g + -

How to make Camembert at home

Before you start cooking, thoroughly wash and pour boiling water over all the equipment so as not to introduce foreign microflora into the cheese.

Now you need to leave the Camembert to ripen. To do this, prepare a plastic container. Lay paper napkins down, place a stand with holes on them and lay out the heads of cheese.

As the napkins become wet and excess serum comes out, we will change them. Every day we turn the head of cheese over to allow the mold to cover it evenly. After 10-14 days it should be completely covered with white mold.

After this, we wrap it in aluminum foil and leave it in the refrigerator for another 3-4 weeks - this is the time for it to fully ripen.

After this time, we will have a magnificent piquant cheese with a wonderful creamy taste and white noble mold.

Now you know that making Camembert cheese at home is not so difficult - if only you had the desire! Try it, and your friends and family will surely appreciate your efforts, because it’s so nice to enjoy a fragrant slice of homemade cheese.

Since ancient times, cheese has been considered one of the most delicious delicacies. The situation has not changed at the present time. In some countries it is called a product of happiness. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, it is an elite product. Secondly, it stimulates the appetite. Thirdly, cheeses are very healthy, thanks to the nutrients(phosphorus, proteins, calcium, vitamins). Today, such products are presented in a wide variety. This includes Camembert cheese, the famous Roquefort, mozzarella, and many other varieties. 665 varieties of cheese bear the seal of quality. But no one can say exactly how much various types. There are many of them, even a lot.

When is mold edible...

Do you know which cheeses are considered the most delicious? Of course, with mold.
Contrary to the fears of ignorant people, it is not hazardous to health. After all, these are special types of food mold from the genus Penicillium. It is this that gives the product its original taste. It can cover the cheese head with a delicate crust on top, or it can be inside in the form of thin veins. Almost all blue cheese is made from cow's milk. The famous Roquefort stands apart. Sheep's milk is used for it.

Types of blue cheeses

Mold can be of different colors: greenish, blue, blue, white. However, a general classification has been adopted that divides such cheese into 2 main types.

  • Blue cheeses. Their ripening occurs internally, resulting in a bluish coating on the surface, and the cheese itself is riddled with thin blue-green veins. It resembles a marbled coloring. This alone indicates the elite nature of the product. Mold fungi are introduced into the cheese mass using long needles. This type includes Roquefort, Stilton, and Gorgonzola.
  • White cheeses. Their peculiarity is a thin white crust, resulting from the spraying of penicillin. The main representatives of this type are brie (cheese) and camembert. They are characterized by the smell of moss and damp earth. Depending on the time of ripening, such cheeses can have different tastes. For example, Camembert cheese with white mold may have a pronounced mushroom note. Brie has an ammonia-like smell.

A little about the monuments

How amazing our lives can be sometimes. Did you know that monuments are erected not only to people and animals? It turns out that some food products can also receive this honor, for example, Camembert cheese. In the small town of Vimoutier, a monument was erected to him in 1928. But the cheese itself appeared long before that.

The history of Camembert cheese

It all started in 1791. At that time, a revolution was raging in France. The young Norman peasant woman Marie sheltered the priest Charles Bonvoust in her house. She saved his life by providing shelter, and as a token of gratitude, he revealed to her the secret of a great culinary masterpiece. At that time, no one knew the recipe for the amazingly tasty cheese. Marie took advantage of the priest’s generosity and a year later began selling cheese of the same name in her home village of Camembert.

And almost a century later, Marie’s grandson offered Napoleon III a piece of cheese. The emperor was delighted when he tried the delicacy. Since then, Camembert cheese has begun its proud march across France. Napoleon demanded that he be constantly served at the table.

But the story of cheese does not end there. In 1890, another significant event happened. Engineer Riedel invented a special round wooden box designed for transporting and storing cheese. Today it is considered the distinctive sign of the product. Thanks to this device, Camembert cheese began to be exported outside of France and sold all over the world.

Today this product is produced not only in this country. Its production has been successfully mastered in the USA and Holland, Denmark and Germany.

Secrets of making Camembert

This amazing product has a soft consistency. This is a very fatty cheese. Its peculiarity is that it is made from whole cow's milk, which is in no way pasteurized. To have it High Quality, graze cows on special pastures. The finished cheese can have different colors. Sometimes it has a dark brick tint, sometimes pale cream.

Production technology

The process of making this cheese is seasonal, it begins in September and ends in May. Two portions of milk are poured into a special container with a lid at intervals of several hours. A couple of hours after adding rennet, ripening begins. To ensure that the cream does not have sediment, the mass is constantly stirred. The mixture is left alone for one night only to drain off any unnecessary liquid. After the mass begins to easily separate from the mold, salt is added to it and placed on special shelves. The cheese is left there until mold appears.

Then it is sent to special chambers called drying chambers. They maintain the desired level of humidity and temperature. There the cheese gradually ripens, the mold continues to grow and acquires the famous gray-blue hue. And only then is it transferred to the basement, where the mold slows down its growth. It turns reddish-brown, and the cheese itself becomes viscous.

This is how Camembert blue cheese is made.

Product Features

The piquancy of the cheese is given by the taste of mold, which can be compared to mushroom. For those who don't know what to do with the crust, you can give little advice: Don’t even think about cutting it off. It is quite suitable for eating. According to gourmets, this is where all the beauty of the product lies.

Camembert cheese is so soft and buttery that it literally melts in your mouth. You are guaranteed an indescribable feeling.

The only negative is that this cheese does not last long, so it is often sold unripe. However, it can reach its condition at your home. Only it cannot be stored in the refrigerator. This cheese loves coolness and darkness. And also air, so under no circumstances wrap it in plastic.

In addition, the cheese wheel cannot be cut if you want the cheese to ripen at home. The integrity of the product can only be compromised immediately before serving.

There are several types of this cheese. They all have some differences in calorie content and their own nuances of taste. Among the varieties common in our country we can highlight Castello Camembert cheese.

There is also President Camembert. His distinctive feature is the fact that it is made from pasteurized milk and has a more neutral taste.

Camembert cheese: the benefits of a French delicacy

This gift from the French is not only delicious. It is also good for our health, however, if eaten in small quantities.

  • This product contains a whole set of amino acids necessary for our body. Therefore, it is simply irreplaceable for people who are engaged in intense intellectual or physical labor.
  • Calcium and phosphorus make the use of this cheese useful for diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, as well as for common fractures.
  • This dairy product has a beneficial effect on tuberculosis and cancer.
  • Camembert contains virtually no lactose, so its use is not contraindicated even for those people who have an individual intolerance to dairy products.

However, do not forget that mold fungus contains antibiotics. It follows that frequent consumption of cheese can disrupt the intestinal microflora. In addition, it sometimes causes listeriosis in children and expectant mothers. The cause of this disease lies precisely in unpasteurized milk.

Recipes with Camembert cheese

It is recommended to open the box of cheese 2 or 3 hours before serving. It goes well with light rosé or white wines. It can be consumed with crackers or sweet citrus fruits. Gourmets share the following recipe: a cracker, a piece of cheese and a slice of tangerine. They say that such a seemingly simple dish has amazing taste.

Have you tried creamy soup with the addition of this cheese? It is very tasty and nutritious, so you will definitely like it.

  • In a saucepan in olive oil, fry the onion along with the minced meat.
  • When the mass is golden brown, pour vegetable broth into it and bring to a boil.
  • Season the broth with pepper, salt, and marjoram.
  • Peel and finely chop Camembert cheese. You can grate it on a coarse grater.
  • Mix the resulting cheese mass with cottage cheese and cream.
  • Carefully pour this prepared milk trio into the pan and stir.
  • The finished soup can be eaten with croutons or croutons.

As you can see, Camembert is edible both fresh and after heat treatment. And its taste will not leave you indifferent.