How many chicken eggs can you eat per day and week without harm to your health? How many boiled eggs can you eat per day? How many boiled eggs can you eat at one time?

Chicken eggs are considered a source of quality protein. It is the egg white that has the optimal composition of amino acids for the human body. Even products such as meat and milk cannot compare with eggs in these parameters.

Chicken eggs are one of the most common and easily digestible foods. The demand for this product is quite high, they rightfully occupy one of the main places on our table. The eggs are prepared in the most different ways, are included in many different dishes, contain the essential eight amino acids, protein and vitamins.

However, there is data that refutes the benefits of this product. Homemade eggs and factory eggs are very different, not only in taste, but also in composition. The differences between cooked and raw, even with the same origin, are no less impressive. Let's look at everything separately.

Benefits of eggs:

They are of great benefit to pregnant women, as well as to those who are just planning a pregnancy. The presence of Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) has a beneficial effect on the proper development of the baby.

Eating eggs has a positive effect on brain activity and improves memory. They also help strengthen the nervous system.

Eggs contain a decent amount of Vitamin D, which helps strengthen bones and form a strong skeleton. Because of this positive property, they are strongly recommended for use by children.

They are a valuable product for muscles. Egg white is considered healthier and is better absorbed than meat protein or protein in dairy products. The presence of this product is simply necessary in the diet of athletes and those people who engage in heavy physical work.

In addition to being an irreplaceable source of energy, eggs are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, with a minimal content of fats and carbohydrates.

  • Improve metabolism
  • Help regulate oxidation processes in all tissues of the body
  • Positively affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Positively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system
  • Participate in the formation of hemoglobin
  • Strengthen immune system
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Improve blood clotting
  • Stimulates the functioning of the endocrine glands
  • Help cleanse the liver of poisons, preventing the formation of fatty deposits in it
  • Are a good antioxidant
  • Increases the body's production of sex hormones
  • Helps increase potency

It is generally accepted that raw protein is digested only when you feel hungry. If you are not hungry, nutrients simply will not be broken down in the digestive system. Therefore, people drink raw eggs on an empty stomach or in the morning. Only under this condition the benefits of such use are obvious, because amino acids and vitamins are preserved in their natural form, which ensures maximum absorption and availability for the body. Other ways of entering the digestive system of such an amount of protein will cause ordinary indigestion. However, this type of use carries its own risks, which will be discussed below.

Vitamins and Minerals:

According to research, 100 grams of chicken egg contains:

Calorie content: 157 calories per 100 grams

  • Glycemic index (GI) of chicken egg = 48
  • Proteins - 12.7 g
  • Fat - 11.5 g
  • Carbohydrates - 0.7 g
  • Water - 74.1 g
  • Ash - 1 g


  • Vitamin A (Retinol) - 260 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) - 0.07 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) - 0.44 mg
  • Vitamin B4 (Choline) - 251 mg
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) - 1.3 mg
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) - 0.14 mg
  • Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) - 7 mcg
  • Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) - 0.52 mcg
  • Vitamin D (Calciferol) - 2.2 mcg
  • Vitamin E (Tocopherol) - 0.6 mg
  • Vitamin H (Biotin) - 20.2 mcg
  • Vitamin K (Phylloquinone) - 0.3 mcg
  • Vitamin PP - 3.6 mg


  • Potassium - 140 mg
  • Calcium - 55 mg
  • Magnesium - 12 mg
  • Sodium - 134 mg
  • Sulfur - 176 mg
  • Phosphorus - 192 mg
  • Chlorine - 156 mg


  • Iron - 2.5 mg
  • Iodine - 20 mcg 150 mcg
  • Cobalt - 10 mcg
  • Manganese - 0.029 mg
  • Copper - 83 mcg
  • Molybdenum - 6 mcg
  • Selenium - 31.7 mcg
  • Fluoride - 55 mcg
  • Chromium - 4 mcg
  • Zinc - 1.11 mg

Negative properties of eggs:

Egg yolks contain a certain amount of cholesterol (approximately 164 mg), so including more than 1 egg per day in your diet is not recommended. If the level of cholesterol in the body is high, you should eat 2-3 eggs per week, or eat only protein. However, the Lecithin component, which is found in eggs, neutralizes the damage caused by excess cholesterol in the yolks, utilizes fats and nourishes nerve cells.

Eating raw eggs poses a risk of illness salmonellosis- severe food poisoning, which can lead to death. When boiling, a temperature of 60 degrees or higher can destroy salmonella!

People prone to allergic reactions, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under seven years of age should use eggs with caution, as eggs can cause allergies.

Chicken eggs can harm the body in case of diseases:

  • Cholecystitis
  • Diabetes
  • Gallstone and urolithiasis
  • Disorders of the digestive system and liver

Separately, you can point out the harm of factory eggs. At the factory, chickens are kept in completely different, more stringent conditions than in their own farms. Factory-bred chickens are not fed the highest quality feed, adding antibiotics and growth hormones. All this affects the quality of eggs.

How to choose healthy eggs?

If you place a fresh chicken egg that is no more than 3-4 days old in water, it will sink in the water, and an egg laid more than 10 days ago will float to the surface.

It is best to store eggs in the refrigerator, and the shelf life in this case increases to 30 days. Without refrigeration, they last only 3 days.

Check out the calorie content various types eggs you can in the Egg Calorie Table.

The shell of brown eggs is stronger than the shell of white eggs, but their composition is completely no different. It is better to buy homemade products sold in markets, so you will consume more useful product without any foreign impurities.

Also keep in mind that eggs absorb odors well, so it is better not to store them near foods with strong aromas.

How long to cook eggs after boiling:

It is advisable to boil soft-boiled eggs. This method of cooking allows them to retain most of the useful substances, and they are easier to digest. The glycemic index does not increase, this is due to the fact that the yolk and white do not contain complex carbohydrates, which break down into simple sugars under the influence of high temperature.

This table will help you decide how to hard-boil eggs, how to boil eggs in a bag, or in other ways.

I advise you to pay attention to the presence of this product in your diet. It will allow us to get many benefits from its use. It’s better to boil an egg than to eat it raw, it’s safer. 1 whole egg per day will be enough, although you can eat much more pure egg white.

Eggs are one of the main nutritious foods in the daily diet. They are eaten raw, boiled or used to prepare various dishes. Due to the high calorie content and taste qualities, chicken egg is on the menu modern man first place. Regular consumption of it in large quantities can help regulate the acceptable level of cholesterol in the blood or, in some cases, lead to an increase in the acceptable level, which will cause the development of serious diseases. The deficiency provokes a deficiency of potassium and calcium, which causes fragility of bones and teeth or an increase in glucose. Which raises the question, “how many eggs can you eat a day?”

The harm and benefits of cholesterol

In the middle of the last century, scientists and doctors began to sound the alarm about the fact that some diseases are provoked by high levels of cholesterol in the blood. Scientific experiments in this area confirm the danger of increased concentrations of the substance. Thus, during normal functioning, the liver produces approximately 5 g of secretion per day, and this is enough for normal human life. Excess cholesterol causes disruptions in the blood supply. It has the property of being deposited on the walls of blood vessels, which complicates the flow of blood through them. As a result, the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system is disrupted.

Eggs also contain phospholipids that neutralize excess cholesterol. In this regard, the question arose of how many eggs should be eaten per day in order to maintain this balance. The liver is a natural filter that regulates cholesterol levels in the blood. If a deficiency occurs, the organ begins to work intensively, providing the required level of the substance. Cholesterol is found not only in raw or boiled eggs, but also in baked goods due to the addition of this product to the composition, as well as in pure meat and sausages. Even if you completely exclude all these products from the menu, the liver will independently compensate for its deficiency by 80%.

How many boiled eggs can an adult eat per day?

Chicken eggs do not cause weight gain. One unit of product contains 75 Kcal. Three times more nutrients contains, for example, a sausage sandwich. That is, the calories of a meat dish are equal to those included in the diet. The protein contained in eggs is a dietary product and promotes weight loss. It must be remembered that an egg is suitable for consumption when boiled, but when raw it is useless, since the vitamins it contains are not absorbed by the body. So the question is how much can you eat per day? raw eggs for people who care about their health, it doesn’t matter.

Fried eggs do more harm than help maintain the balance of nutrients in the body, since burning oil contains fats and dangerous carcinogens.

How many eggs should you eat per day to be healthy?

Eggs have been present in our diet since childhood, and we constantly heard from doctors about the need for regular consumption of the product. How much each person needs to meet the body's nutritional needs is determined individually. Lifestyle, physical activity, age, and the state of the digestive system are important:

  1. For those who lead a measured and active life, nutritionists advise consuming no more than 2 eggs per day.
  2. For those who are constantly involved in sports activities, the number should be increased to four per day.
  3. For sedentary work, it is enough to eat 1 – 2 eggs per day.
  4. In case of deviations in work gastrointestinal tract(gastrointestinal tract), liver or kidneys, the recommended norm is 1 - 2 eggs per week.

Exceeding these limits can cause your cholesterol to rise over time. Its level should be monitored when taking general analysis blood in the clinic at least once a year.

Excessive amounts of protein have a bad effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. Excess cholesterol causes problems with the digestive system and liver. Possible gastrointestinal upset with the onset of diarrhea. Eating eggs alone is not effective. The diet should also contain products from cereals, fruits, vegetables in larger quantities, and meat.

How many boiled eggs can you eat per day: product composition

  • cholesterol – 213 mg;
  • fat – 5 g, including unsaturated fat – 3.5 g, saturated fat – 1.5 g;
  • proteins – 10-12 g;
  • choline – 251 mg;
  • phosphorus – 192 mg;
  • potassium – 140 mg;
  • calcium – 55 mg;
  • magnesium – 12 mg;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, E, D.

The benefits of eggs are as follows:

  • Yolk phospholipids reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • the protein contains 90% albumin, which is responsible for the formation of human plasma;
  • it contains seven important amino acids;
  • does not cause an increase in blood glucose (sugar) levels;
  • glycetin in the yolk affects fat metabolism;
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • immunity improves, consumption of eggs promotes the production of the hormones testosterone and estrogen.

Nutritionists, therapists and psychologists study the benefits of eggs and their impact on health. Eggs are the basis of a high-calorie diet. Traditionally, in Russia there are an average of 200 eggs per person per year.

Other countries have their own traditions. So, Americans adhere to a reduced diet. The norm for them is to eat 150 eggs annually. But the Japanese have a different opinion and believe that eggs are a panacea for excess cholesterol. Therefore, in an Asian country there are 350 eggs per year per inhabitant. If we compare life expectancy in these countries, food culture and the number of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes mellitus, then the answer becomes obvious: eating high-calorie and tasty eggs is very healthy.

We hope you have now figured out how many raw eggs you can eat per day. Eggs provide energy and vitality. It’s not for nothing that they are often compared to the sun. There is no need to give up the product, it is important to stick to it balanced nutrition to obtain sufficient levels of vitamins, active life and strengthen the immune system. It is important for absolutely every person to know how many eggs they need to eat per day: both those who have excellent health and those who have problems with dysfunction of various organs.

Eggs are included in the daily diet of almost everyone who plays sports. Which is quite logical, because this is a source of protein, which is so important for building muscles, the value of which lies in its ability to be absorbed almost 100%. In addition, egg white is rich in leucine, threonine and other amino acids. One egg a day provides 5% of the daily dose of iron, 4% zinc and 3% calcium. It would seem that in this situation you don’t have to limit yourself to this product. However, there are some nuances here too. Together with nutrition specialist Olga Shumskaya, BeautyHack looks into how many eggs you can eat per day and why.

Cholesterol alert!

Eggs were considered a completely harmless food until scientists started talking about the dangers of the cholesterol they contain. Omelet lovers immediately hit the ball, saying that this cholesterol is light because it is neutralized by the amino acid leucine contained in the protein. Who is right?

WHO experts have established a safe level of cholesterol per day: no more than 300 mg. One egg yolk contains about 200 mg. If we follow this principle, it turns out that the norm is 1.5 eggs per day?

For many years, domestic nutritionists have urged everyone to reduce the norm to two eggs every three days. However, the author of the book “Encyclopedia of Misconceptions” S. A. Mazurkevich states that this makes absolutely no sense. A healthy, active person can easily afford 1-2 eggs a day. Another thing is that the menu should be varied and balanced.

The American Heart Association shares the same opinion (although it does not absolve cholesterol of responsibility for cardiovascular disease). Not long ago she published the results of research that lasted 14 years! During this time, experts studied the gastronomic preferences of 120 thousand people. It turned out that there were approximately the same number of cases of cardiovascular problems among those who consumed up to 14 eggs per week as among those who reduced their consumption to two. Verdict of American cardiologists: 6–7 eggs per week!

Nutrition specialist Olga Shumskaya says that the cholesterol contained in eggs is truly harmless for a healthy adult, but fat can cause serious damage to both health and figure: “One yolk contains about 7 g of fat. Accordingly, an omelet made from three eggs is 21 g. The daily lipid intake ranges from 18 to 25 g. Therefore, it is logical that after such a breakfast you should limit yourself in fat consumption during the day. And this is not entirely correct. Our diet should contain not only animal fats, but also vegetable fats.”

There is a known case when a British resident ate up to 25 eggs daily for 15 years and his blood vessels were in perfect condition, without a single atherosclerotic plaque. Therefore, it is impossible to resolve the dispute without taking into account the individual characteristics of each person’s body.

“The acceptable content of eggs in the daily diet depends not only on general condition health, but also from weight,” Olga comments. - If your body weight is up to 55 kg, your safe “dose” per day is one egg along with the yolk. Additionally, you can eat three proteins. The protein norm per day is 1.4 g per 1 kg of body weight. In one egg white their content ranges from 2.6 to 4.8 (depending on the class). So one egg and three whites is enough to maintain the balance of KBJU. Take this into account when planning your diet. On days when you have to train, the amount of protein in the menu can be doubled, since the daily requirement for muscle building reaches 4 g per 1 kg of body weight.”

Nutritionists advise paying attention to the choice of accompanying products. If you like scrambled eggs and bacon in the morning, you are guaranteed to receive bad cholesterol. But fried eggs with a drop of olive oil and a salad of green vegetables are an excellent choice for those who care about their health and figure.

Chicken eggs have high nutritional value. Calorie content 100 gr. product 157 kcal.

Chicken eggs contain:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • essential amino acids;
  • sterols;
  • fatty acid;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin D;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • water;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

Despite the composition rich in vitamins and microelements, chicken eggs can be harmful to the body if consumed in excess.. There are clear recommendations from doctors who say how many eggs you can eat without harm to your health. Let's look at them.

How many eggs can you eat a day

To understand how many eggs an adult can eat per day, experts studied beneficial features product and determined the consumption rate. The nutritional properties of 1 egg are comparable to a glass of milk and 50 grams of meat. Chicken eggs are 97% digestible by the body. Due to its high nutritional value and high degree of digestibility, the product is included in therapeutic diets.

In the absence of health problems, chicken eggs can be consumed daily, in reasonable quantities.. Doctors recommend eating no more than 1-2 eggs per day.

At the same time, if you are on a therapeutic diet, then the consumption rate is reduced to 2-3 per week. The risk group is people with high cholesterol levels. They should reduce their consumption of eggs to 1-2 per week or eliminate them altogether.

Eggs should be introduced into children's diets from the second year of life. Answering the question how many eggs can you eat? one year old child, doctors agree - 1 per week. Gradually you can increase the number of eggs to 3-4 per week. Children should be given boiled eggs. They are better absorbed and retain maximum nutrients.

Chicken eggs are a favorite product of athletes. Due to high physical activity, the body processes food faster, so athletes can increase the number of eggs they eat without harming their health.

To understand how many eggs an athlete can eat per day, you need to decide on the goal - set muscle mass or drying. To gain muscle mass, eat 10 eggs a day; at the drying stage, athletes exclude yolks from the diet and consume 10-20 whites per day.

How many eggs can you eat per week?

Based daily norm egg consumption, you can calculate how many eggs adults, children and athletes can eat per week. It is important to clarify that this product is best eaten boiled rather than fried. Soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs are better absorbed by the body and saturate it with “healthy” cholesterol, without which it cannot function normally. Fried food is harmful - it saturates the body with “bad” cholesterol.

For adults, children and athletes

It is beneficial for adults without health problems to eat up to 6-7 eggs per week. Doctors recommend consuming this product every other day.

Eggs are important for the normal development of a child's body. If the child is not allergic to this product, then answering the question of how many eggs a child can eat per week, doctors give the following recommendations:

  • children from 2 to 3 years old - 3 yolks;
  • from 4 to 6 years - 3 eggs;
  • from 7 to 12 years - 5 eggs.

Athletes must have a large amount of protein in their bodies. It is necessary for muscle recovery after hard training. Considering that the rate of egg consumption among athletes is higher than among ordinary people, they need to take breaks for 1-2 days and use this product only on days of intense training.

Chicken eggs are widely used in dietetics. This product has high nutritional value and is easily absorbed by the body. At the stage of losing weight, you need to eat eggs in the first half of the day. If you decide to cook them for dinner, you should skip the yolk. Answering the question of how many eggs you can eat on a diet, nutritionists say 5-6 per week.

Along with chicken eggs, quail eggs are no less popular. We'll tell you how many quail eggs you can eat per day.

How many quail eggs can you eat per day?

Quail eggs are included in children's diets and therapeutic diets. This product is an alternative to chicken eggs, especially if you are allergic to chicken protein.

To understand how many quail eggs you should eat per day, you should consider the composition and nutritional value of the product. Unlike chicken eggs, quail eggs contain 2.5 times more vitamins, 4.5 times more iron and 5 times more potassium and phosphorus.

Quail eggs are not susceptible to salmonella contamination, which is also an advantage of this product over chicken eggs. They can be safely eaten raw.

Daily intake of quail eggs for an adult healthy person- 5-6 pieces, elderly people - 4 pieces. Answering the question of how many quail eggs you can eat per week, experts say - no more than 20-25 pieces.

Quail eggs are included in children's diets after the first year of life. This product normalizes brain function, improves memory and attention. Nutritionists have determined how many quail eggs a child can eat per day:

  • Children under 3 years old are recommended to be given 1-2 eggs;
  • from 4 to 10 years - 3 pcs.;
  • from 11 to 18 years old - 4 pcs.

What is healthier: white or yolk?

Protein contains easily digestible protein. In 100 gr. eggs contain 10 grams. squirrel.

The yolk contains a large amount of fat. These are mainly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, which do not have a harmful effect on the body. Saturated fatty acids make up no more than 1% of the total mass of the egg.

The yolk also contains cholesterol, high levels of which have a negative impact on health. One yolk contains 570 mg of cholesterol.

Along with this, the yolk contains choline and lecithin, which regulate the level of fats and cholesterol in the body and are involved in the nutrition of nerve cells. Lecithin improves blood circulation in the brain, improves memory and prevents the development of sclerosis.

At different times, there were different recommendations for eating eggs. It was believed that proteins are more beneficial for the body. Recent studies have shown that moderate consumption of eggs does not have a negative effect on the body. If you have problems with the cardiovascular and digestive systems, egg consumption should be limited. This product has a number of contraindications, which we will discuss below.

Who shouldn't eat eggs

Contraindications to eating eggs:

  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • psoriasis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • allergic reaction.

What to remember

  1. Experts recommend that adults consume no more than 1-2 chicken eggs per day, 6-7 per week. The consumption rate of quail eggs is 5-6 per day.
  2. Eggs are gradually introduced into children's diets, starting from the second year of life.
  3. Athletes determine how many egg whites they can eat per day based on their goals—for cutting or gaining muscle mass.
  4. Eggs should be consumed with caution by older people. With age, the product is less absorbed by the body.

Eggs are a product that is included in the diet of almost every person. It is used especially a lot by athletes and those who maintain their figure in good shape. Also, chicken eggs are one of the components. But we need to figure it out how many eggs can you eat a day so that it is beneficial.

Chicken eggs are an excellent source of easily digestible animal protein, as well as vitamins and microelements:

  • Vitamins A, B12, E, K, D
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Folic acid
  • Calcium

Chicken egg calorie content

The benefits of chicken eggs.

3 reasons why you should include chicken eggs in your menu:

  1. Helps curb hunger. The high protein content perfectly fights the desire to eat something harmful.
  2. Improves brain function. Choline prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease and activates memory.
  3. Prevents vision loss. The antioxidants contained in eggs protect the eyes from UV radiation and prevent the development of cataracts.

Egg whites help build muscle mass, strengthen bones and help you shed extra pounds.

But the yolk is the cause of many discussions. After all, it contains cholesterol, which leads to cardiovascular diseases. 300 mg This is the amount of cholesterol per day that the World Health Organization has approved as safe. While, The yolk of one egg (50-60 g) contains almost 200 mg of cholesterol and about 7 grams of fat.

Therefore, if your diet is balanced, a day you can eat 2 whole eggs and an additional 2-3 whites. And by adding a vegetable salad to the dish, you can enjoy a healthy low-calorie dinner.

Damage to chicken eggs

  • Salmonellosis. The source of the bacteria is chicken, not eggs. However, the infection penetrates through the shell. That is why you need to wash eggs thoroughly with soap before eating. You should also not eat raw eggs.
  • Allergy. It is especially common in children. Manifested by nasal congestion, itching, nausea, fainting, Quincke's edema.
  • Antibiotics and nitrates. Feed contains nitrates, they enter the chicken’s body and accumulate in the eggs. Chickens are also often given antibiotics, which accumulate whites and yolks. This reduces immunity.

The meaning of markings on eggs

Each egg purchased in a store has a marking consisting of letters and numbers.

The letter “D” is dietary. Eggs with this marking are not stored at sub-zero temperatures and must be sold within 7 days.

Eggs with a "C" mean table eggs. The shelf life of such eggs is 25 days at room temperature, and up to 4 months in the refrigerator.

You probably noticed that next to the marking there is a number from 1 to 3 or the letters “O” and “B”. This means category, and it depends on the weight of the egg.

  • O – selective. Weight from 65 to 74.9 grams.
  • 1st category. Weight from 55 to 64.9 grams.
  • 2nd category. Weight from 45 to 54.9 grams.
  • Category 3. Weight from 35 to 44.9 grams.

The lower the number, the larger the egg will be.

  1. Eggs will last longer if they are placed with the pointy end down.
  2. To check the freshness of eggs, simply place them in a container with cold water. If the egg floats to the surface, it means it is not suitable for consumption. And if the egg remains at the bottom, then it is fresh.
  3. To clean eggs better, place them in ice water after boiling.
  4. Fresh eggs are more difficult to peel because the white adheres more closely to the shell.
  5. To prevent the shell from cracking during cooking and the protein from leaking out, add a couple of tablespoons of salt to the water.