Essay on true love. What is true love (School essays). Arguments on the topic of love

What's happened real love? How should close people treat each other? Can relationships between lovers be built on the disrespect of one person by another? Writers of Russian literature have thought about such questions more than once.

Great love is not only happiness, but also great suffering. This is truly a blessing from Fate, which, as a sign of gratitude for the suffering experienced, sends a person a “bird of happiness.” The love of each individual person has its own light, its own sadness, its own happiness. There are no barriers to a loving heart. But here it is important not to indulge the weaknesses of your loved one, but to try to direct his actions in the right direction. A striking example of the voice of conscience was for Rodion Raskolnikov, the hero of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment,” Sonya Marmeladova, who, like a ray of light in the darkness for a loved one, followed him to hard labor. Sonechka did not support Raskolnikov’s destructive idea, she simply saw in him what “is truly beautiful,” something that sometimes he could not see in himself. She resurrected his soul with her selfless love!

But there will never be a real, sincere relationship if you only allow yourself to be loved, as did, for example, Ellen Kuragina, the heroine of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace.” We see only a cold, soulless beauty, shining with the whiteness of her dazzling shoulders. Could Pierre Bezukhov be happy with her? Is he so sincere, devoted and real? Of course not!

And Victor Astafiev, reflecting on the problem of true love, in one of his works shares his impressions of an incident he saw in the life of a married couple. The narrator is traveling on a train with a married couple. The head of the family, a front-line soldier, a disabled person, is going to an important meeting. To “make the trip easier” for him, his wife is with him. A disabled husband treats his wife with “dog devotion” and tries to please her in everything. But the young lady, as the writer calls her, does not respect her husband and is capricious. There is no warmth in their relationship... So Astafiev writes that “love, of course, comes in different forms,” but “such love” cannot be called love. Indeed, in love it is important to think not about how it will be better for yourself, but about how to make it better for others. But reciprocity is important here. In true love, there must be mutual assistance “in sorrow and in joy”, and mutual understanding.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that love is a huge, all-consuming feeling that gives a person life-giving joy and immeasurable suffering, pacifying peace and endless tossing. If you really love, sincerely, then surrender yourself to this feeling with all the fullness of your soul, finding a warm response in a kindred loving heart, invariably devoted and faithful!


Love is the most beautiful feeling on Earth, given to man from above. Love is the most incomprehensible and mysterious phenomenon in the emotional life of people. It is love that makes us do rash actions: good and vice versa. Happy love inspires a person, makes him able to soar above the earth.

Each of us has seen a person in love, perhaps been in his place: how happy his eyes are! They sparkle like stars in a moonless night sky... The gait becomes light and weightless: behind the back, wings, unfortunately invisible to others, have grown... A person in this state discovers previously unknown abilities and talents. One awakens a poetic gift, the other takes up brushes and paints. Lovers want to shout to the whole world about their feelings. Their heart, soul and mind are too full of emotion to remain silent.

But those who have had the misfortune of experiencing love disappointment or loss feel completely differently. Their hearts are breaking with pain and anguish. Life completely loses its meaning. For such people, the only question becomes: “Why do I need such a life if the one I love most in the world is not nearby?” Thoughts about taking his own life visit the unfortunate man more and more often. Nothing can bring him back to his old life. Only after some time the pain subsides, leaving in the heart deep wound.

Perhaps later, people who have suffered a heartbreak will be unable to give and respond to a bright feeling, fearing new blows of fate. They will talk about humanity in general, they will talk about love for it. But all these are just empty words...

Humanity, in my opinion, is really much easier to love than a specific person. This love does not require daily confirmation, nor any costs - material or mental. All of humanity will not be able to make claims over trifles, will not argue and quarrel with or without reason.

True love for humanity begins with love for your loved ones, for those who surround you. And even if the phrase “Love your neighbor” is banal, it does not seem to us something unrealistic and supernatural: great love begins with small things.

Love is not just beautiful words. Love is a great work: daily, persistent, sometimes even too hard. Having fallen in love with a person, you are obliged to take care of him, to always be there at the right moment. It is not for nothing that when entering into marriage, lovers vow to be together “in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy.” Without mutual respect, without patience for each other, even the most passionate love cannot last for many years.

It is interesting that couples who had been married for 40-50 years named these qualities as the main rules of happiness: patience, attention, respect. And, naturally, responsibility for each other and to each other cannot be avoided. It is very important that everyone feels a reliable shoulder to lean on in difficult times. I think many will agree that without all of the above, love is not possible.

But to learn all this, you need to see your “soul mate” in a person. You must learn to restrain your emotions if something irritates you about your loved one: it is better to calmly tell him about it. Working on yourself is the most difficult thing in love. But here it is also important not to “go too far”: you should not humiliate yourself or cower in front of a person. True love has absolutely no use for such sacrifices.

Of course, it's easier not to start Serious relationships if you don't want to work. But years later, looking back at your life and not finding anything worthwhile in it, your heart aches painfully from the days spent aimlessly. It’s not for nothing that wise people said: “Love is easy to acquire, but difficult to keep...”



“Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing we can give and yet you still have it.”

(L. Tolstoy)

So, love... What is this feeling that has been stirring the hearts of people from time immemorial?!

How many pages have been written and told about this great all-encompassing feeling both in prose and in poetry. In how many poems is it glorified - a unique, inimitable, unlike anything else state of mind!

And the question of what love is has always been and remains relevant to this day. Until now, a person is puzzling over what power is behind him and why he makes strange metamorphoses with people, throwing them from one pole to another, radically changing the perception of the world, himself, his loved ones, endowing the owner of this feeling with great creative power. Or, on the contrary, destructive.

Who or what is the cause of this phenomenon, stands behind these events, one might say, orchestrates them?

It’s as if the great Magician endowed people with the amazing quality of LOVE and made a person responsible for how to manage this precious gift:

One becomes a creator, the other commits crimes,

Gives one strength, courage, makes him selfless in his motives, the other - on the contrary, weak, weak-willed, dependent on the object of his desire, or a selfish owner and power-hungry, ready for any action to satisfy his own EGO,

Inspires one, plunges another into despondency and even depression,

One becomes sacrificial, while the other makes the object of his love a victim.

And how many times has love saved and healed sick people doomed to slow decline and death! And these are facts from life! And there are many of them.

And so on... The list of miracles performed by this divine feeling is long. And there is not a single, even the most potent medicine, which in its effect could be compared with this feeling, which heals the soul and body.

In order to understand the question “What is love?” and to understand what kind of force this is, which lies in the great all-consuming feeling and which leads to such absolutely opposite phenomena, we will have to remember, oddly enough, the structure of man.

After all, this very concept has been explained to us incorrectly and distorted since childhood, reducing the perception of such a complex creature as Human to a simplified diagram, representing him as a material bipedal creature with a head, arms, body and five sense organs attached to them.

Since the concept of MAN is extremely narrowed to such a stereotyped designation, that is why we perceive ourselves as such with all the ensuing consequences. And we are not to blame for this.

But we have the power to understand ourselves and this amazing feeling given to us by the Almighty! There would be a desire! Shall we try?

None educational institution, including the medical institute (and I know firsthand, since I graduated from one myself) did not study the full structure, including both material and spiritual components, at the department of human anatomy and physiology. Knowledge was limited only to the topography of organs, nerves, muscles and blood vessels in the human body and the chemical reactions occurring in it. But in vain. Because the spiritual part really exists and even explains to us WHERE this great feeling called Love lives in a person! I won’t go into details now, and there’s no need to. Because there is a very visual video on the YouTube site. In 6 minutes and 53 seconds of viewing you will receive comprehensive information about this.

I would like to note that LOVE is a SPIRITUAL category. And therefore to answer the question “What is love?” from a material point of view, it is almost impossible, despite the fact that its presence is confirmed in the material environment by certain chemical reactions, the presence of endorphins, neurotransmitters and other chemicals present in the human body and accompanying this unique feeling. At the physical level - that is, at the level of the body, when a person experiences Love, there is a surge of strength, a powerful surge of endorphins and other “happiness” hormones. Visually, this state is reflected on the lover’s face in the form of a special shine in the eyes, a surge of positive emotions directed outward, in particular towards the object of adoration.

But the fact is that these chemicals are not the cause, but the consequence of the chemical processes launched by this deep feeling, regardless of the will of the person.

The answer to this process lies in something completely different. And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about now, if you don’t mind...

So what is love?

Why does it set people's hearts on fire?

Why does it “drive them crazy”?

How to distinguish true love from substitution?

Should love cause sadness, sadness?

How to properly use this feeling without spilling its main message over trifles?

If we consider a person, contrary to the popular opinion of school teachers, precisely as a spiritual being who has received his body for temporary use, then it becomes clear that there are two principles in a person: Spiritual and Material. The soul needs the body only for its development, to acquire the skills necessary for the soul. The body is practically a tool that, when used skillfully, gives the soul invaluable experience and helps to reach certain peaks.

And Love, as a feeling, plays the most important role in this process.

Our journey in life can easily be called a “test of love.”

Anyone who has experienced this feeling at least once has gained invaluable personal experience.

There are significant differences between the superficial feelings that come from matter and the deep feelings that come from the spiritual, that is, the true feeling of the manifestation of the highest Love.

True spiritual feeling is limitless, unconditional, unconditional, selfless. And it is precisely these qualities that we need to learn here on Earth, while we are still in our bodily shell. This is what we are here for! Because EXPERIENCE IS ACQUIRED ONLY HERE ON EARTH.

And in Heaven we only use what we have acquired, what we have cultivated within ourselves while in the body. We will ultimately bring this true feeling of love to the Creator, who created us this way and breathed into us this great feeling on which our Universe practically rests.

But we gain the experience of Love precisely on Earth, giving this feeling to our neighbors: parents, our chosen ones, children, just people.

What happens to us while we are in the body?

Since the material principle exists in us on a legal basis (as the manager of the bodily shell), it participates in decision-making. The material mind is characterized by such traits as Ego, possessiveness, love of power, selfishness, jealousy and others. And it is these features, influencing the sensory component, that distort the real feeling, introducing suffering into it. And people mistake this suffering for a strong feeling, confusing it with Love and succumb to its tricks. They allow themselves to be enslaved, or, on the contrary, they enslave and blackmail others with their feelings.

A person cannot understand these confused feelings, in which both light and dark qualities are mixed together. But multiplied by each other, they are distortedly perceived by a person as a real feeling of Love - after all, he suffers so much! As a result of such an experience, a person develops a false idea of ​​Love, with which he goes further in life and which he focuses on in the future.

However, this feeling has nothing to do with true Love! And this will be understood only by that person who can recognize and curb the egoistic material component in himself with all the ensuing consequences and allow his Love to exist in its pure form - that is, in the way in which it appeared to us from its spiritual world.

If love acquires a shade of sadness, suffering, tragedy and other similar qualities, then this is a sign that the material has intervened, which wants to plunge Love into a rusty, creaky cart of negativity in order to drag it into the swamp, which is essentially what happens with this feeling in people.

Remember what a great and bright feeling there was at the beginning of the relationship, when everything was just beginning! How many positive emotions were directed outward and harmonized the world around the lover!

What feeling did you get at the end of an unsuccessful relationship? Weighed down by mutual reproaches, jealousy, desire for revenge and other negative emotions that bring destruction, sadness, and suffering to their owners and the outside world in the immediate environment!

And here already great importance has something HOW a person gets out of this situation! What feelings is he going to live with next? What kind of “baggage” will you take with you into the future!

Therefore, we, all the people of the planet, need to learn to perceive any end of a relationship (if one occurs) with understanding and gratitude for the acquired experience of love. After all, in fact, no matter how hard it is on the soul, by and large, what is important is not the loss of the object itself, or rather, the subject of love as such, but what is important is the acquisition of the experience of maturation, the ability to get out of any situations with dignity, without becoming embittered, continuing to love this peace, God, your loved ones. This is the positive experience of Love - the path that develops and strengthens the soul!

It is important for us to remember the main thing - the only value in this life that will go with the soul to another world to the Creator of the Universe is LOVE!

Everything that happened before was an exercise in improving and developing this real and deep feeling.

From here the answer to the question becomes clear: Why does the material (physical) mind need to wedge itself into this holy feeling and destroy it with its negative emotions?

The answer becomes clear:

Because it will never give way to the Spiritual. It is mortal by definition and will end its existence with the death of the body. And the Soul is eternal! Therefore, this confrontation will always exist. As long as the person himself allows it. For now, this is decided by his mind, not pure consciousness! Understanding this, we simply need to learn to subordinate the material mind to the spiritual. Because he will not give up his positions voluntarily.


There are only two ways:

Firstly: keeping your thoughts under control, putting a barrier to the material mind. As if filtering these thoughts from spiritual ones. After all, first a negative one is born thought, which undermines from the inside (suspicion, jealousy, possessiveness, whatever) and only then, if you allow it to develop and strengthen in consciousness, a negative one arises emotion, which requires its permission. How a person copes with this depends only on himself.

Secondly: through spiritual practices, meditation, reading mantras, breathing exercises, etc.

Having coped with negative emotions, a person begins to subjugate his mind, and this is a step towards improving the soul.

A person will only benefit from this, as he will rise one step higher spiritually.

So, I come to the conclusion that True Love and suffering are incompatible!

And the feeling of love experienced in the body on Earth is nothing more than an acquired experience, the discovery of the talent to love in order to come to God with this feeling in due time!

But while we humans live on Earth, this feeling can serve us a great service - to save civilization from destruction.

Because by emitting positive vibes of Love, a person cleanses space with them, improves the energy of the Earth and thereby saves the planet from negativity.

Who said that Beauty will save the world? No! Love will save the world!

Because beauty is an attribute, albeit an aesthetic one, but from the material world, and Love is from the Spiritual, where we will all return in due time to answer to the Creator!

Today, in our difficult but incredibly interesting times, Heaven has given the people of planet Earth a GOLDEN KEY, opening the doors to the future, where instead of the prophesied death of civilization, entrance into the Golden Millennium awaits.

All you have to do is take this key and open the magic door with it!

The choice is ours.

I invite everyone who is interested in this topic to speculate on the group’s page: “LOVE - what do we know about it...”


Essay on the topic of:

« What is love?"

Prepared by a student of grade 11 "A"

MBOU – secondary school No. 28 in Ekaterinburg

Vichkanova Natalia

Head: , teacher of Russian language and literature, 89022670748

What is love? Is it possible to give a precise definition of this word? This is probably a rhetorical question.

Love is a special, strange feeling, invisible, very personal. It's coming

from the inside, like everything real. This is one of those feelings that a person is given to experience in life. Feel it with every cell of your body.

We love all our lives, consciously or not. As a child, we experience feelings of sincere affection for our mother.

As we grow up, we show a love for learning about the world around us. Soon we will learn love for our native language, for our home, for our Motherland.

Later comes love for the opposite sex. The older we become, the more we discover the meaning of this word - love,

We understand its immensity and uniqueness. It’s impossible to say that I love something more or something less; love has no boundaries. We just always love

differently and show our feelings not according to the template.

Love, an intimate and deep feeling, aspiration for another person, human community or idea. Love necessarily includes impulse and the will to constancy, taking shape in the ethical demand for fidelity. Love arises as the freest and therefore “unpredictable” expression of the depths of personality; it cannot be forced or overcome. The importance and complexity of the phenomenon of Love are determined by the fact that in it, as if in focus, the opposites of the biological and spiritual, personal and social, intimate and universally significant intersected. On the one hand, sexual or parental love includes healthy biological instincts common to humans and animals, and is unthinkable without them. On the other hand, Love of an idea may represent an intellectual delight that is only possible through certain levels culture. But no matter how different from each other in their psychological material the Love with which a mother loves her newborn baby, the Love with which a lover loves his beloved, and the Love with which a citizen loves his homeland, all this is Love, different from everything that is only “similar” on it - from egoistic “attraction”, or “preference”, or “interest”. “The true essence of love is to renounce the consciousness of oneself, to forget oneself in another self and, however, in this same disappearance and oblivion to first find oneself and possess oneself” (Hegel, Works, volume 13, M., 1940, p. 107).

Since ancient times, this wonderful feeling has been sung, which is probably why all world literature is in one way or another imbued with the theme of love.

This topic is so great and limitless that writers and poets have addressed it for many thousands of decades.

"Love jumped out in front of us,

As the killer jumps out from around the corner,

And it instantly struck us both."

This is what Bulgakov wrote in his novel “The Master and Margarita”. How right he was! We do not choose the place and time, we do not choose who we love and for how long.

Love bursts into the heart and permeates it through and through, like poison. And from now on we are in her power.

She can force the most proud and hypocritical person to kneel; she will not ask about status in society or family pedigree.

It will simply open the door to your heart without any knock or key and remain there against your will. And you let this feeling in and enjoy it. Let it burst into your heart like a stormy stream and fill your soul with a spring melody.

Those who love are always so carried away that they do not notice anything other than this feeling. She inspires them and makes them smile like children, sincerely, truly.

Anna Akhmatova, in one of her poems, called love “the extraordinary fifth season of the year,” with the help of which she noticed the other four ordinary ones.

And indeed, when a person loves, he is happy, he sees the world a little differently, in brighter and lighter colors. Everything ordinary becomes extraordinary.

To say: “I love you” means to say: “you will never die,” the French poet Albert Camus once remarked.

This means capturing a person in your thoughts, memories, in your heart. Thus making him immortal.

An example of such “immortal” love is considered to be William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”.

Two equally respected families

In Verona, where events meet us,

There are internecine fights

And they don’t want to stop the bloodshed

The children of the leaders love each other,

But fate plays tricks on them.

And their death at the grave doors

Puts an end to irreconcilable strife.

The girl and the boy fought for their love, regardless of the consequences. Romeo was ready to renounce his name, and Juliet was ready to give up her life in the name of a high feeling. After all, the mind is powerless before the cry of the heart.

"There is no sadder story in the world,

Than the story of Romeo and Juliet."

Shakespeare, having told this drama to the world, won the hearts of millions of readers with his heroes, and their heartfelt and unfeigned love for each other, for which they gave their lives.

How many examples can you give when feelings, it would seem, should bring joy and happiness, but bring only grief and sadness, push them to crazy actions, forcing a person to suffer from pain, which he calls love.

Everyone has to go through love disappointments: insults, betrayals, lies, the loss of something dear, very personal, and in the heart, as if there is a through hole. And it seems that the wound has almost healed, almost healed. But this is the “almost”. Just a little, just a little more, and everything will pass, but no, nothing passes, and the wound aches, just like yesterday, remaining a memory in your heart.

Today, love has changed a little, but this fabulous feeling continues to inspire new achievements, deeds and endeavors.

Sometimes it makes you soar above the ground, and sometimes it throws a stone down without a parachute, but, in spite of everything, just as they used to fight for castles, land and resources, so now people are fighting for that real, genuine feeling that everyone calls love.

After all, the most precious thing on earth is the love that we give each other.

Love, we talk so much

We understand so little

After all, there are so many legends about her alone,

But we haven’t felt it for a long time.

It’s like she’s no longer there at all

And everyone who tells me otherwise

He is either a liar or a happy man.

After all, only love lives

What sometimes brings happiness to our hearts forever.

Tolstoy wrote that there is no such grief

Which can't be moved, but I'm sure

Love is salt

What falls on the heart from the inside.

She can be tender, timid, passionate,

And the eyes glow with joy,

When you understand sensibly, clearly.

Love, it is everywhere, around you.

In everything: in all passing faces

And in the singing of birds on the street in the spring,

And most importantly, notice, grasp,

understand that there are miracles in the world

Don't be sad, love is like a bird,

What flies straight into our hearts.

With only one difference: Love, she is the queen

I haven’t heard the beat in my hearts for a long time.

She will burst in, silently, passionately,

And it will ignite the fire inside you.

You know that if anything, then the ashes of unclear love,

Like a phoenix, it will flare up one day,

Even at sunset.

believed that “Love is the only rational activity of man” and warned: “This love, in which alone there is life, manifests itself in the human soul as a barely noticeable, tender sprout among similar coarse sprouts of weeds, various human lusts, which we call love. At first, it seems to people and the person himself that this sprout - the one from which the tree in which the birds will take refuge - and all the other sprouts should grow are one and the same. People even prefer the sprouts of weeds first, which grow faster, and the only sprout of life stalls and dies; but even worse is what happens even more often: people have heard that among these sprouts there is one real, vital one, called love, and instead of it, trampling on it, they begin to raise another sprout of weeds, calling it love. But what’s even worse: people with rough hands grab the very sprout and shout: “here it is, we found it, we now know it, we will grow it. Love! Love! the highest feeling, here it is!”, and people begin to replant it, correct it and seize it, crush it so that the sprout dies without blooming, and the same or other people say: all this is nonsense, trifles, sentimentality. The sprout of love, when manifested, is tender and does not tolerate touch, but is powerful only in its growth. Everything that people do to him will only make things worse for him. He needs one thing - that nothing hides from him the sun of reason, which alone brings him back.”

Scientists have made a huge number of attempts to identify various manifestations of love and give it a definition. But they never managed to do this. However, one thing is certain: love is different from other emotional experiences and is a basic, fundamental feeling.

Love is responsibility

In the essay “What is love?” the student can also point out the fact that, first of all, it implies responsibility. Here it is appropriate to recall the famous words of Exupery that “we are responsible for those we have tamed.” In the case when the feeling is real, responsibility for a loved one - be it a relative, lover or friend - arises on its own. A person wants to take care of the one he loves. After all, when the object of his feelings feels good, then it makes him feel better. A high feeling is unthinkable without responsibility.

Types of love

Students in their essay “What is love?” can turn to one of the most famous classifications of variants of this feeling. In ancient Greek culture there was a concept of 4:

  • Storge is love that is more like friendship. It is based on warm, trusting relationships. This is the feeling, according to the ancient Greeks, that parents feel towards their child.
  • Eros is a passionate feeling that constantly strives for complete possession of the object of love.
  • Ludus is one of the most controversial types. Indeed, in the true sense of the word, Ludus cannot be called love. This is, first of all, a feeling of excitement, a love-game that happens for fun. This type characterized by rather superficial experiences.
  • Agape is the most selfless type. Agape is believed to be a combination of Eros and Strict. It represents a sacrificial type of relationship, when the lover psychologically “dissolves” in caring for the object of his feelings.

The joy of being

"What is love?" - an essay that will help students think about this difficult question and draw their own conclusions about what this deep feeling is for them. The famous French philosopher and writer Jean-Paul Sartre, one of the founders of modern existentialism, said: “To be loved means to feel that you have the right to exist.” Indeed, the feeling of love is inextricably linked with human life itself. It helps you find the meaning of your existence in this world.

Love gives the whole world

According to many researchers, love gives a person a feeling of security, similar to the one he experienced in childhood. When people love each other, it seems to them that the world comes to life, and everything in the world revolves around them - just as it seemed in childhood. One person gives another his world, and he gives him his - this is exactly the kind of equal exchange that involves true love. In the essay, the student can indicate his opinion, for example, by describing the phenomenon of unrequited love. Expressing your thoughts and opinions while working is very useful for the student, both from the point of view of the opportunity to get a good grade, and from the point of view of being able to gain a deeper understanding of the topic being studied.

Relationships and understanding

Love can be defined in completely different ways. For many, this feeling is, first of all, mutual understanding between people and relationships. The secret of love is that two people are able to see only the best in each other. At the same time, in building relationships, it is important to learn not only to accept, but also to make efforts yourself to make them strong.

The concept of love: simple and complex at the same time

In the essay “What is love?” You can also give a simple definition. Love is a feeling. It is very multi-valued - after all, it can be experienced in relation to parents and friends, animals, music, country. One of the most difficult options is feelings between a man and a woman. The one who loves will do everything in his power to make the other person feel good.

Essay "Mother's love"

A mother’s love for her child occupies a special place among all varieties of this deep feeling. The mother is the person with whom the child experiences the greatest sense of comfort and security. He can be relaxed with her, he can be himself. This is impossible in the presence of other people - you need to constantly adapt to them, adapt your behavior. A mother is the person who gives the child the opportunity in the first years of life to get to know this world and himself in a safe environment.

In the essay "What is love?", which will examine the mother’s feelings for her child, you can note them main characteristic: sincerity. Distinctive feature This feeling is complete acceptance of your child for who he is. The mother does not set any conditions under which she will love her children. She will experience this feeling no matter the circumstances. The child in the mother's womb is part of her own body. Therefore, even if he brings her physical discomfort, she cannot be angry with him, because he is her own extension.

In an essay about love, the arguments can be very different. And a student does not have to strictly adhere to a certain point of view if his opinion does not coincide with it. For example, he can speak differently about maternal love. The harmony of a mother's feelings towards her child does not always contribute to the good development of the child. If mother's love is not balanced by the demanding position of the father, it can easily spoil the child's character. Maternal care is necessary, but in moderation.