Surveys for university students of psychology. Anonymous questioning of students "Attitude towards learning, teachers and subjects studied. Plans for further education"

Issues that concern students. Every third student is worried about the problem of finding money. Almost the same number of survey participants are concerned about learning difficulties. Among the unspecified options, the most common were: the situation in the world, transport, job search, lack of free time, personal problems and self-affirmation, as well as the prospect of military service.

Reason for admission to PetrSU Among other options, the following answers can be noted: I didn’t enter another place, for higher education, the most prestigious, cheapest university, and I also liked the chosen profession. Unfortunately, there were answers that the reason for admission was a delay from the army.

Prospects of the chosen specialty As well as two years ago, 70% of ASOIU students consider their specialty promising. The prospects of the specialty IIIT decreased from 94 to 47%, while the PE increased from 23 to 38% Already 26% of physicists instead of 18 consider their specialty unpromising.

Prospects of the specialty Only 8% of geophysicists consider their specialty promising, once there were 43% of such students. Almost all miners are confident in the prospects of their specialty, among geologists there are half of them. At the same time, 17% already consider their specialty unpromising.

Looking to the future If you look at the specialties, the most optimistic were the students of ASOIU (71%), pessimistic geophysicists (46% of them look to the future with fear and despair). In general, the students of the faculty began to think more confidently about the future.

Financial situation In general, over the past two years, the number of students with a good financial situation has increased. But as before, the majority (58%) of students consider their financial situation tolerable (80% - geophysics, mining, 65% - IITT, PE, geology). The richest people at the faculty are in the specialty of ASOIU (there are 4%), the poorest are physicists (7%).

Assessing the quality of education In two years, the number of people who are completely dissatisfied with the quality of education has decreased by two percent. These percentages have passed into the number of those who are not always satisfied. Most satisfied with the quality of education in the specialties of IITT (31%), geology (33%), geophysics (31%) and OSR (57%).

Evaluation of the quality of education Students expressed a desire to increase the number of hours for practical classes, in special subjects, to develop new information technologies for teaching, and also to allocate money to help the educational process (textbooks, manuals, equipment)

Students' hobbies in their free time Compared to the previous survey, the number of students who read books is decreasing, but the number of students involved in sports and music is increasing. Among the answers were the following: raising children, playing musical instruments, design, cultural trips, etc.

Additional education 1 Legal 2. Journalistic 3. Economic 4. Psychological 5. Medical 6. In-depth study of foreign languages ​​Also the opportunity to attend practical courses: driving, shorthand, masseurs, accountants, photography. Many students see the value in receiving additional non-technical education during their years of study at the university, such as:

Wishes of students to improve life at the university 1. Take only compulsory subjects. 2. More items to choose from. 3. English for 5 years, as well as other foreign languages. 4. Improve your schedule. 5. Try to interest students in the study of disciplines. 6. Demand more respect for students from some teachers 7. Increase access to the INTERNET 8. Free access to rooms 127 and 217. 9. More often to meet (communicate) students, curators and teachers among themselves. 10. Reducing prices in the dining room. 11. Reintroduce the military department. 12. Conduct various events more often. 13. Make a page on the Internet for the dean's office, where one could learn the news.

Conclusions 1. Analysis of the results of the survey in general for the faculty, by specialties, by courses, made it possible to identify the features of various aspects of student life. 2. The fact that the opinions of students on a number of issues coincide with the results of the previous survey indicates sufficient objectivity of the results of the sociological study. 3. Based on the results of the survey, a number of positive and negative trends were revealed: -improvement of the psychological climate; -More students look to the future with confidence; -two thirds of students are forced to work, for many, finding money is the main problem; - few students turn to teachers, curators and the dean's office with problems; -only a fifth of students are completely satisfied with the quality of education; - the prestige of a number of specialties at the faculty is falling. 4. Taking into account the results of the survey and making appropriate adjustments to the educational process, to educational work with students, it is possible to improve the quality of life of students of our faculty.


Hello. This anonymous questioning students of the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Economics of Novosibirsk State University. This questionnaire will allow you to reflect your attitude to learning at the Department of Sociology. Please read the questions carefully and be extremely honest in your answers. The information you provided is of irreplaceable importance not only for this study, but also for the Department of Sociology of NSU.

When answering questions, you can choose no more than one option, if nothing else is said about this in the question of the questionnaire. If you chose the “other” prompt, or answer a question with no answer options, then please write a full detailed answer yourself.

The time for filling out the questionnaire is no more than 10 minutes.

So let's get started.

Your attitude towards learning.

1. Why did you enter the Department of Sociology of the Faculty of Economics of Novosibirsk State University? Please select up to two options.

1 attracted specialty

2 advised by friends, acquaintances, teachers

3 is the choice of parents

4 my friends entered this department

5 the specialty was not important for me, I wanted to study at NSU

6 I thought that it would be easier for me to study here than at other departments of the Faculty of Economics

7 I thought that it would be easy to enter this department

8 other:__________________________________________________________________________

2. Is it difficult for you to study at the Department of Sociology?

2 more yes than no

4 rather no than yes

3. Do you think that studying at the department of sociology is much more difficult than at any of the other departments of the faculty?

1 yes, this branch is one of the most difficult

2 no, studying in this department is relatively easy compared to others

3 in my opinion, studying at this department does not differ significantly from others

4 I don't know, it's hard for me to compare

5 other:_________________________________________________________________

Your attitude towards teachers and subjects studied.

4. Are you satisfied with the quality of teaching?

2 rather yes than no

4 rather no than yes

5. Do you think your grades are adequate to your knowledge?

1 no, I think my grades are low

2 no, I think my grades are too high

3 in general, my grades are adequate to my knowledge

6. Do you have problems with teachers?

1 yes, quite often

2 yes, but quite rare

3 almost never occur

4 never occur (go to question 8)

7. What kind of problems do you have with teachers?

8. Do you think that you get enough information on the subjects you study?

1 yes (go to question 11)

2 more yes than no

4 rather no than yes

9. What subjects would you like to receive more information on? You can select multiple answers.

1 sociological

2 economic (go to question 11)

3 humanitarian (go to question 11)

4 other:__________________________________________________ (go to question 11)

10. In what sociological disciplines would you like to receive more information?

11. Are you satisfied with the availability of literature on the subjects studied?

1 yes, it is enough

2 yes, but sometimes there are problems with some items

3 no, there is not enough literature in about half of the cases

4 no, I almost always lack the necessary literature

Your plans for further education

12. Do you plan to continue your studies specifically in sociology?

1 Yes, I plan to enter the master's program at NSU

2 I plan to continue my studies in a master's program at another university

3 I do not plan to continue my studies in this specialty

4 difficult to answer

13. What do you plan to do after graduation?

1 I plan to engage in scientific activities related to sociology

2 my work will be directly related to applied sociology

3 my work will not be related to sociology in any way

4 I have not yet decided what I will do after graduation

5 I don't plan to work at all

And finally, a little information about you.

14. What kind of education did you have when you entered NSU?

2 incomplete higher

3 medium special

4 average

15. Enter your heading.

16. Enter your age.


17. Enter your gender.

Thank you very much for participating in the survey!

Student Questionnaire

Group _________________


We ask you to become a participant in a sociological survey and answer the following questions.proposed questions of the questionnaire.

Purpose of the study: make a social portrait of an AAPT student. resultYou research will be used to improve the organization of the pedagogical process.

rules filling out the questionnaire is simple: mark the answer option thatcorresponds to the characteristics, if it is not there, then add your own.

Your age (____), your gender (____).

1. Family:

a) complete;

b) incomplete.

2. Number of children in the family:

a) one child;

b) two children;

c) three or more children.

3. Parental education





Specialized secondary

The average

Lower secondary

4. Place of work of parents:

Place of work



Public sector worker



Works for a private entrepreneur

Works in a joint-stock company

Does not work

Other (specify what)

5. Family income (in rubles per month per family member)

a) 10,000 or more;

b) from 5000 to 10000;

c) from 2600 to 5000;

d) less than 2600.

6. Membership in a public organization (political, scientific, religiousnoah, ecological, etc.):

a) I am a member;

b) I am not a member.

7. Values ​​(choose three items from ten offered):

Name of values

Your choice

Parents close


Healthy lifestyle

material well-being


own family

Friends, communication

Favorite work

Recreation, entertainment

Interests, hobbies

8. Spending free time (divide 100% of your free timechange the positions that reflect your leisure time):

9. Played a decisive role in choosing a profession (specify only one position)tion):


Your opinion



Employment Service

I (myself, myself)



10. Chose a profession because:

a) I like her

b) do not like it, but will provide me financially.

11. Ideas about the profession:

a) changed during the period of study in college;

b) have not changed.

12. I have computer skills from school:

a) yes;

b) no.

13. My computer skills:

a) developed in college;

b) remained the same.

14. While studying at a technical school, I:

a) develop

b) do not change;

c) I'm degrading.

15. Possession of independent work skills:

a) I own

b) I don't.

a) endure

b) I can't stand it.

17. Conflicts with teachers:

a) yes, there is; (if you wish, then indicate with which ones);

b) no.

18. Absence from classes without good reason:

a) I don’t miss classes;

b) skip.

19. Studying at a technical school compared to a school:

a) easy;

b) difficult.

20. Knowledge that I get in a technical school:

a) the latest

b) frozen, outdated.

21. I I think the majority of technical school teachers:

a) professionals who know their subject;

b) non-professionals.

22. Difficulties (choose three positions from eight offered):

Name of difficulty

Relevant to you

Difficulties related to study

Difficulties associated with overcomingcomplexes

Difficulties associated with adapting to independent living

Difficulties associated with self-knowledgemyself


Difficulties in relationships with loved ones, friends

Difficulties in relationships with the oppositefloor

Difficulties in making contact with people

I think I have no problem

23. Drinking alcohol:

a) I don't use

b) use rarely (every two weeks);

c) I use it regularly (every day).

24. Drug use:

a) I don't use

b) I tried once, but I am not a drug addict;

c) I use it regularly.

25.0 harm of drugs, alcohol:

a) I know;

b) I don't know.

26. Obscene expressions:

a) I don’t consider it the norm, so I don’t use it;

b) I consider it normal, I use it.

27. Do you need pedagogical support:

a) yes;