Rules for working with a ladder. Safety requirements in emergency situations with equipment for gas welding

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ORDER of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation of 21-02-2001 190 ON APPROVAL OF THE RULES ON LABOR PROTECTION IN THE CUSTOMS BODIES (2017) Actual in 2018

5. Safety requirements when using ladders and stepladders

1. On all ladders and stepladders in service, the inventory number, the date of the next test must be indicated.

2. All parts of wooden stairs must be made of materials that are free of knots and cracks, and have a smooth, processed surface.

3. Ladders and stepladders should be equipped with a device to prevent the possibility of shifting and overturning during operation. The lower ends of ladders and ladders should be fitted with sharp points for installation on the ground, and when using ladders on smooth surfaces (parquet, metal, tiles, concrete), shoes made of rubber or other non-slip material should be worn.

4. The upper ends of the ladders attached to pipes or wires must be equipped with special hooks - grips that prevent the ladder from falling from the wind and accidental shocks.

To Work with ladderstanding on a step located at a distance of less than 1 m from its upper end;

Splicing more than two wooden ladders;

Arrange additional support structures from boxes, barrels, etc. in case of insufficient length of the ladder;

Install ladders at an angle of more than 75 degrees to the horizontal without additional attachment of their upper part;

Work from the top two steps of ladders that do not have railings or stops;

More than one person is on a ladder or step ladder.

6. Stepladders should be equipped with devices (hooks, chains) that do not allow them to spontaneously move apart during operation. The slope of the ladders should be no more than 1: 3.

7. Before starting work it is necessary to ensure the stability of the ladder, make sure by inspection and testing that it cannot slip out of place or be accidentally moved.

8. Control over the condition of ladders and stepladders should be carried out by a person appointed by order of the unit. Periodic inspection of wooden and metal stairs should be done every 3 months.

9. When examining wooden stairs, one should pay attention to their compliance with technical requirements, to the condition of the wood, as well as to the quality of coating impregnation. Cracks in steps and bowstring are allowed no more than 100 mm long and no more than 5 mm deep. Wherein

Labor protection instruction
for work using portable ladders and ladders

1. General requirements labor protection

1.1. All new entrants or employees of the enterprise sent to this work are allowed to perform duties only after passing introductory briefing on labor protection, instruction at the workplace, as well as medical examination.
1.2. Initial briefing at the workplace is carried out with each employee individually. In this case, it is mandatory to show safe techniques and methods of work.
1.3. Primary instruction at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, current, is carried out by the immediate supervisor of the work - the head of the AXO service. An entry is made about the briefing and knowledge testing in the registration log with the obligatory signature of the instructor and instructor.
1.4. When transferring to a new job, from one operation to another, employees must undergo a new instruction on labor protection at the workplace, with registration in the register.
1.5. The administration is obliged to provide workers with overalls, as well as means individual protection in accordance with the performed or work and in accordance with the applicable regulations.
1.6. When performing work, you must be attentive, not distracted by extraneous affairs and conversations and not distract others from work.
1.7. Each employee is obliged to comply with the requirements of the instructions for the profession and this instruction on labor protection, labor and production discipline, internal regulations, personal hygiene, electrical safety requirements and warn other employees about the inadmissibility of violating these rules and instructions.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Make sure that the clothes are in good working order, fasten all the buttons, and put your hair under the headdress.
2.2. Check the serviceability of portable ladders and step ladders. Portable ladders must have a width of at least 600 mm, a height between steps no more than 200 mm, a step width of at least 80 mm. Ladders of great height should have intermediate platforms, the distance between which should be no more than 4 meters. Install ladders with a height of more than 1.5 meters so that the angle of inclination to the horizontal is no more than 50 degrees.
2.3. In order to ensure the safe conduct of repair work, ladders should be used, made according to drawings approved by the technical department of the enterprise and passed static load tests.
2.4. Check that the stairs are equipped with anti-slip devices (metal shoes, rubber caps, etc.) and whether the ladder feet are firmly embedded in the longitudinal bars.
2.5. Check on sliding ladders, ladders for the presence and serviceability of devices that exclude the possibility of spontaneous sliding, for the presence of metal ties on the stairs (there must be at least two of them). The bowstrings must be fastened together with tie rods with a diameter of at least 8 mm, located directly under the feet, and the tie bars are placed at a distance of no more than 2 meters from each other.
2.6. The rungs of the stairs should be attached to the bowstrings using a tie-in followed by sewing with nails or connected into a thorn. Sewing the steps with nails without a tie-in is not permitted.
2.7. In case of defects (chips, cracks, lack of rubber tips, etc.), inform the manager of the farm.
Start working with ladders or stepladders only after eliminating noticed faults.
2.8. All ladders and stepladders must have inventory numbers, plates, which indicate the accessory of the ladder and the date of the next test. Ladders are tested annually for metal; 1 time in 6 months - for wooden ones, routine inspections every ten days.
2.9. Responsible for the storage of stairs and ensuring all the above requirements is the head of the AXO service.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Perform only work that is assigned by the supervisor and provided that safe ways of doing it are well known, in other cases seek clarification.
3.2. Ladders or stepladders should be used to carry out repairs of minor volume and duration at a low height, provided that scaffolding or scaffolding cannot be installed.
3.3. Wooden ladders are used for repair work at a height of up to 4 meters. Above 4 meters, work should only be carried out from scaffolding or scaffolding.
3.4. The total length of an attached wooden ladder should not exceed 5 meters,
It is allowed to work only while standing on steps located no higher than 1 meter from the top edge of the stairs. Standing on the top two steps is not permitted.
3.5. Make sure that the position of the ladder or stepladder is stable, only then proceed to work from the ladder or stepladder. There should be a second worker at the base of the ladder so that people and vehicles passing by cannot accidentally move it.
3.6. It is not allowed to work on ladders in the immediate vicinity of moving parts of technological or other equipment, rotating shafts, pulleys, moving belts and other transmissions, live parts that are energized, as well as perform work related to supporting heavy objects or parts.
3.7. To carry out repair work at a height of more than 5 meters, use metal stairs with fences made of metal arcs. For repair work at a height with the simultaneous maintenance of parts, ladders with upper platforms, fenced with barriers on three sides, should be used. Ladder platforms must be provided with an anti-slip coating.
3.8. When installing stairs on rough and concrete floors the lower ends of the bowstring must be fitted with rubber tips or covered with rubber sheets. When installing stairs on earthen or wood floors the lower ends of the bowstring must be fitted with steel points.
3.9. Ladders that are attached to pipes located horizontally, the upper ends of the bowstring must be equipped with special hooks for grabbing the pipeline.
3.10. While working at the top of the stairs, the passage under it must be blocked for the movement of people and securely fenced.
3.11. Materials and tools should be fed to the workplace using a rope.
3.12. Repair work should be carried out from a solid scaffold equipped with fences.
3.13. In the event of an accident that caused an accident (falling from a ladder, tool, etc.), inform the head of the emergency response service, provide the victim with first (first aid) assistance, take measures to preserve the situation of the incident (accident), if this does not create a danger to others.

4. Requirements of labor protection in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of emergencies or during an accident, you must:
-inform about the danger of the surrounding people;
-inform the head of the AXO service about the incident;
- to act in accordance with the instructions received from the head of the AXO service (to act according to the accident elimination plan).
4.2. In case of accidents, report to the head of the AXO service about the incident, provide the victim with first aid, if necessary, send the victim to a medical institution.
If you are injured, immediately stop working, notify the head of the AXO service and seek medical help.
4.3. In the event of a fire, you must:
- stop work;
- if necessary, de-energize the room;
-inform the management;
- if possible, take measures to extinguish the fire using the available fire protection means;
- if it is not possible to localize the fire on their own, call the fire department by phone 01, leave the premises.
4.4. If in the process of work the floor is contaminated with spilled fats, paints and varnishes, fuels and lubricants, acids, stop work and remove the contaminants.
4.5. In all cases of detecting a break in power wires, grounding malfunction and other damage to electrical equipment, the appearance of a burning smell, immediately inform the head of work - the head of the AXO service.
4.6. If a person is found to be under voltage, immediately release from the current by turning off the power supply and provide first aid before the arrival of the doctor.
In case of any failures in the operation of the equipment, also inform the work supervisor - the head of the AXO service.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. After completing the work related to the use of portable ladders and ladders, take them to the designated place.
5.2. Take off overalls, put them in a wardrobe or in an individual closet.
5.3. Hand over personal protective equipment and accessories.
5.4. Wash hands and face with warm water and soap, take a shower.
5.5. Report all the defects noticed in work and defects of portable ladders and stepladders to the head of the AXO service.

08.08.2014 - We present to your attention the instruction on labor protection when working with portable ladders and stepladders. The instruction includes five chapters: 1) general requirements for labor protection; 2) labor protection requirements before starting work; 3) requirements for labor protection when performing work; 4) requirements for labor protection at the end of work; 5) requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

Chapter 1. General requirements for labor protection

1. Work in which the employee is at a distance of less than 2 m from non-fenced height differences of 1.3 m or more are classified as work at height.

To perform work from portable ladders and stepladders, when the employee is at a height of 1.3 m or more, persons whose age corresponds to the established legislation, who have undergone a medical examination, trained in safe methods and techniques of work, internship, briefings and knowledge testing on security issues are allowed labor.

2. Employees are obliged:

perform only the work for which they are instructed and the performance of which they are entrusted with;

comply with the internal labor regulations established in the organization;

comply with the requirements of this instruction on labor protection;

if necessary, be able to provide the victim with first aid;

know the location of the first aid kit, fire extinguishing equipment;

use the necessary personal protective equipment and safety devices;

in order to avoid fires and explosions, do not use open fire near vessels with gases, flammable and explosive substances, smoke only in specially equipped places.

3. In the process of performing work, exposure to hazardous and harmful production factors is possible:

moving machines and mechanisms, moving parts of production equipment;

the location of the workplace above the surface of the ground (floor, decking) or above the space located below the surface of the earth, and the associated possible fall of the employee or falling objects on the employee;

increased or decreased air temperature in the working area;

increased or decreased temperature of surfaces of equipment, cargo;

sharp edges, burrs and roughness on the surfaces of equipment, tools, products;

high or low air humidity;

increased or decreased air mobility;

insufficient illumination of the working area;

physical overload.

4. For non-compliance with the requirements of this instruction, employees are responsible in accordance with the law.

5. It is forbidden to be on the territory of the organization, at the workplace or during working hours in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication. A worker who appears at work in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication is not allowed to work (suspended from work) on the corresponding day.

6. Employees are obliged to assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify their immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, vehicles, protective equipment, or the deterioration of their health.

Chapter 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

7. Before starting work, you must familiarize yourself with safe ways production of work, get an assignment from the work manager.

8. Check the serviceability of overalls and other personal protective equipment.

9. Check the serviceability of the ladders used:

when examining wood, pay attention to the condition of the wood, as well as the quality of the impregnation of coatings. Cracks in the steps and bowstring are allowed no more than 100 mm long and no more than 5 mm deep. In this case, the cracks should not weaken the bowstring and steps of the ladder. Any filling of cracks or fractures with putty, pasting or other means is prohibited;

on examination metal stairs make sure that there are no knots deformation, cracks in the metal, burrs, sharp edges, violations of the fastening of steps to the bowstrings.

10. The inventory number is indicated on the stairs; date of next test; belonging to the workshop (site, etc.): for wooden and metal - on bowstrings, for rope - on tags attached to them.

Before use, the ladders are tested with a static load of 1200 N (120 kgf) applied to one of the steps in the middle of the ladder span, which is in the operating position. During operation, wooden (rope and plastic) ladders are tested once every six months, and metal ones - once a year.

The date and results of periodic tests of ladders and ladders are recorded in the Ladder Record and Test Log.

11. The length of attached wooden ladders should be no more than 5 m.

The steps of wooden ladders are cut into the bowstring and are fastened with tie bolts with a diameter of at least 8 mm every m.

it is not allowed to use ladders, knocked down by nails, without fastening the bowstrings with bolts and inserting steps into the bowstrings. For attached wooden ladders and ladders more than 3 m long, at least two metal tie bolts are installed under the steps.

The width of the ladder and ladder at the top must be at least 300 mm, at the bottom - at least 400 mm. The distance between the steps of the stairs should be from 0.30 m to 0.35 m, and the distance from the first step to the installation level (floor, ceiling, etc.) should be no more than 0.40 m.

Wooden parts of stairs are hot impregnated natural drying oil followed by coating with colorless varnish.

Stairs are not allowed to be painted.

12. Ladders and ladders are supplied with a device that prevents the possibility of shifting and overturning them during operation. Ladders and stepladders should be equipped with sharp points at their lower ends for installation on the ground. When using ladders and stepladders on smooth supporting surfaces ( parquet, metal, tiles, concrete) they should be wearing shoes made of rubber or other non-slip material.

13. Splicing of wooden ladders is allowed by firmly joining them with metal clamps, bolt-on plates and the like, followed by a static load test of 1.2 kN.

Splicing of more than two wooden ladders is not allowed.

14. The upper ends of ladders attached to pipes or wires are equipped with special hooks-grips to prevent the ladder from falling from wind pressure or accidental jolts.

Suspended ladders used to work on structures and wires must have devices that ensure their strong attachment to structures.

15. It is not allowed to arrange additional support structures from boxes, barrels and the like in case of insufficient ladder length.

16. Stepladders are supplied with devices (hooks, chains) that do not allow them to spontaneously move apart while working with them. The slope of the ladders should be no more than 1: 3.

Chapter 3. Labor protection requirements when performing work

17. The dimensions of the ladder must ensure that the employee can work in a standing position at a degree located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder.

18. When working from a ladder at a height of more than 1.3 m, a safety belt should be used, attached to the structure of the structure or to the ladder, provided it is fixed to the building or other structure.

19. When working from a ladder in places with heavy traffic of vehicles or people, to prevent its fall from accidental shocks, regardless of the presence of tips at the ends of the ladder, the place of its installation should be fenced or protected. In the case when it is impossible to fix the ladder when installing it on a smooth floor, a worker in a helmet must stand at its base and hold the ladder in a stable position. In other cases, supporting the ladder below with your hands is not allowed.

20. Before starting work, the stability of the ladder must be ensured, and it must be ensured by inspection and testing that the ladder cannot slip out of place or be accidentally moved.

Installation of stairs on the steps of flights of stairwells is not allowed. To carry out work in these conditions, a platform should be used.

21. When moving the ladder, it must be carried back with the tips, warning oncoming people about caution.

22. It is not allowed to work from the top two rungs of stairs, stepladders without railings or stops.

23. More than one person is not allowed to be on the steps of a ladder or step ladder.

24. It is not allowed to raise and lower the load on the ladder and leave the tool on it.

25. It is not allowed to work on portable ladders and stepladders:

using electric and pneumatic tool;

by doing gas and electric welding works;

when pulling wires and for supporting heavy parts, etc.

To perform such work, scaffolding and ladders with upper platforms fenced with railings should be used.

26. It is not allowed to use portable metal ladders in switchgears with a voltage of 220 kV and below.

Chapter 4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

27. Disconnect the power tool from the mains supply, deposit it.

28. Move portable ladders, stepladders and other devices for lifting to a height to storage places.

29. Tidy up the workplace, remove tools, unnecessary materials.

30. Take off overalls and personal protective equipment, clean and remove to the designated place.

31. Report all faults noticed in the process of work to the direct supervisor of work.

32. Upon completion of all work, wash hands and face with warm water and soap, if possible, take a shower.

Chapter 5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

33. In case of accidents and accidents, the employee must immediately take measures to provide the injured with first aid and then medical assistance and notify the work manager, as well as preserve the situation if it does not pose a danger to the life and health of people.

34. In the event of a fire, employees must:

stop work immediately

take measures to alert people;

inform the work supervisor about the incident;

before the arrival of the fire brigade, take measures to extinguish the fire with the available primary fire extinguishing means.

Please note that other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces for working conditions in organizations you can download in the section " Occupational Safety and Health».

We've been selling the best ladders for 15 years

Safety precautions and rules for the use of ladders and stepladders

Work at heights using a ladder or stepladder always involves some risk. This is especially true for situations where the employee is inattentive, does not know or ignores safety rules. However, there are a number of simple guidelines that can help reduce the risk of injury from stairs.
1. The ladder must be installed correctly so it will not fall. If we are talking about a ladder, not a stepladder, it should be attached to the wall at an angle of 75 °. The surface underneath should be flat and solid, horizontal - no angle of inclination. Do not place it on dirty, slippery or fragile surfaces.

2. If you need to install the ladder on a surface with a slight slope, you can compensate for this with a wedge, which will level the ladder to the desired level. If the soil under the stairs is soft, sandy or loose, it is best to place a wooden plank or equivalent under the feet.
3. Do not use a ladder supported by a pole. Also, do not lean the upper legs of the ladder on glass or plastic, as they can break under the weight of the ladder and the person. Fences and metal nets are also dangerous as support.
4. Check that there are no objects near the ladder that could cause injury or even fatal consequences while working on or falling off the ladder. We are talking about power lines, dangerous equipment, roadways, windows, doors that can suddenly open.
5. The legs of the ladder must have support plugs with good adhesion.
6. A folding step-ladder in the shape of the letter "L" must be fully expanded, the sections are at an optimal distance from each other and the stopper is securely fixed in place.

7. Before using the ladder, it should be carefully inspected. If damage is found, such a ladder cannot be used. What to look for?
- Safety ties or ladder straps are loose or stretched;
-No anti-slip shoes on the ladder legs;
-The steps are dirty, may increase the slipping of the shoes;
-Damage to sidewalls, fastenings of steps to sidewalls;
-Screws and rivets in the mountings are covered with rust;
-The steps are loose and do not hold tightly;
-There is visible mechanical damage, bent steps or frame profile.
If any of these defects are found, the ladder cannot be used.
8. If the steps are dirty, they must be cleaned each time before use. The steps must be clean, stable, not wobbly and have a grooved surface. If this surface is worn out for any reason or does not protect against slipping, the steps or the entire ladder must be replaced.
9. It is best to use shoes with grooved soles when working with ladders and stepladders. Smooth-surfaced boots can slide even on perforated steps. Shoes must be dry, it is better to clean the sole in advance.

10. It is important to position yourself correctly on the stairs so as not to lose balance and injuries:
-Go down and go up the stairs only when facing it, hold on to the sidewalls or steps;
-Do not overload the ladder - the maximum load is 150 kg;
-The body must be between the side planks, both legs always stand on the same step, otherwise it is very easy to lose balance and fall sideways;
-Do not stand on the top three steps of the ladder;
-If a two-way staircase does not have an upper landing, it is dangerous to stand on the last two steps;
-When using the upper extended section of the three-section telescopic ladder, the four upper steps cannot be used for the legs;
-It is dangerous to use the ladder during rain, strong gale wind, snowfall;
-If a ladder with a height of about three meters is used, work with a partner. In the case of stairs with a height of five meters and higher, there must be two partners;
-Only one person can be on the ladder at any given time.

Compliance with safety rules when working with ladders and stepladders will help preserve health, and even life.

Labor protection instructions during workfrom stairs and stepladders

This manual applies to work from ladders and stepladders of the following types:

  • Wooden and metal ladders;
  • three-knee sliding ladders wooden type
    L-ZK GOST 8556-72;
  • wooden ladders;
  • metal ladders (type L-16, L-17);
  • metal suspended ladders (type L-13, L-14, L-15).

1. Basic provisions

1.1. All stepladders and ladders in service must
us to be registered in the "Register and inspection log of rigging
means, mechanisms and devices "of the enterprise

1.2. Stepladders and ladders should be stored in a designated dry
premises where their accidental mechanical damage is excluded
and the possibility of using them by persons who have not been instructed.
noah instructions.

1.3. All ladders in service must have
indicated: stock number, date of next test, belongs
ness to the site (for wooden and metal stairs - on bowstrings).

Example of designation: , "es": ["g663Hk2i9hA"], "pt": ["3Z98G9nSCxI", "K0QWAz4nv_0", "GzZNfFJvak0", "zsg7Hxfkcf4"], "fr", "fr": ["2HEXCTU8rnvmDE" "d8BlL8Jqfb0"], "it": ["A70TxvwAS_U"], "ro":, "la": ["_ TAdk_JfCzM"], "lt" :)