Dye for candles at home. DIY candles (10 workshops with photos and videos). Step by step instructions for making

If you bought simple white candles (which are much cheaper than colored ones, by the way), you can color them yourself. Candles after coloring will acquire a unique personality, and will delight you on New Year's Eve!

For coloring we need:
White candles of any shape
cotton fabric
Colored adhesive tape (duct tape)
rubber band
acrylic paint


1. Wipe the surface of the candles with a cloth soaked in alcohol to degrease the candles before painting.

2. With electrical tape we seal those parts of the candle that we want to leave unpainted (if necessary, the electrical tape can be cut and made the same). And if we want to color a candle in a box, then we cut out the squares.

3. We paint over the non-glued places with different paints (as fantasy tells us). We will paint “checkered” candles in two or three approaches: first, we paint unglued squares with paint of the same color.

4. Let the paint dry well. It is better to leave the candles overnight. If necessary, apply another coat of paint the next day. With "striped" candles, the tape can be removed when the paint is still wet. But the “checkered” ones are better to dry overnight, then remove the tape, glue the already painted squares and apply paint to the unpainted ones and dry again. So we get candles painted in a box of different colors.

Note: Only smooth candles can be colored this way. If the surface of the candle is rough, then the paint will not fall.

The ideal material for coloring wax and paraffin is wax crayons. They already contain the necessary fat-soluble dyes. To work, you will need 2 more pans or a special device for a water bath. Pots should be such that the smaller one can be hooked onto the edges of the larger one with handles. Grate wax crayons of the desired color on a fine grater. Put wax or paraffin into a smaller saucepan, and pour water into a large one and bring to a boil. Melt the wax, add the crumbled crayon to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. Hold the wax or paraffin in a water bath until the color is uniform. Dye clots may remain, which are best removed.

Coloring with dyes for wax

In hardware stores, you can sometimes find aniline wax paints. They are also suitable for coloring paraffin. Such paints are available in the form of tablets or powders. The method of staining is not much different from the previous one. The tablet must be thoroughly crushed, wax or paraffin - melt in a water bath. Pour in the dye, stir, hold the mass in a molten state until an even shade is obtained. In the same way, paraffin is dyed using colored candle scrap, so do not throw away the cinders of multi-colored candles, they can still come in handy. True, the color will turn out a little lighter than the original.

Coloring with natural materials

Many plants contain natural dyes suitable for dyeing wax. For example, marigolds give a rich yellow color, with the help of tansy you can color the wax in various shades of green, the peel will give your paraffin a delicate golden hue. For 1 kg of paraffin or wax, you need about 4 cups of tansy or marigold leaves. Leaves or flowers do not need to be crushed. It is enough to place them in a bag made of cotton or woolen fabric (that is, one that does not contain artificial fibers that can melt when the temperature rises). You need to add a little stearin to the paraffin, nothing can be added to the wax. Melt the paraffin or wax in a water bath. Immerse a bag of flowers or leaves in the mass and observe the process, stirring the wax occasionally. Keep in mind that melted wax is somewhat brighter than a solidified finished product from it.

Finished product coloring

You can also paint a product cast from wax or paraffin. In this case, it is better to use wax crayons. Crush the crayon to make a powder, melt in a water bath. Add a little wax or paraffin (depending on the material of the product), mix. Dip the finished product into the paint and quickly remove it.

Candles are a great decorating item, thanks to the large selection of all kinds of sizes and shapes. Is it possible to paint candles with acrylic paints? Of course you can! On the surface of the candle, both artistic painting and spraying, as well as the “point to point” technique, look good. It all depends on the intention of the artist.

Most often, these candles are used as decorative interior decorations. But this does not mean at all that you should deny yourself the pleasure of lighting a beautiful candle, for example, on a festive table. Today we will tell and show how candles painted with acrylic or contours behave when burned.

We take two candles for our experiment. One is completely painted with "Decolor" Chervonny Gold, and the second - with elements of dot painting using contours and golden "Glitter".

We light our candles.

After a while, changes begin to occur. A fully dyed gold candle begins to melt under the acrylic paint and the top begins to sag slightly.

Candle with dot painting. When the flame reaches the contours, it sets them a little on fire because the design comes too close to the wick. However, no unpleasant odor appears. When the paraffin under the "points" becomes liquid, they simply settle into it.

This concludes the experiment with dot painting on a candle. No more changes, fires and spectacular effects. Dots of contours and swirls of glitter float in melted paraffin, shimmering and rolling in it.

The golden candle burns differently. Acrylic with a dense solid film keeps on melted paraffin, holding it inside, preventing it from flowing along the edges of the candle.

As a result, after a long burning time (about six hours), the candle wick simply sank in so much liquid paraffin and went out. If it were an artistic painting from separate strokes of paints of different colors, then the acrylic film would not be so solid, and would allow the paraffin to drain.

It is also possible to allow the paraffin to drain by carefully cutting the ink film with scissors while burning to the actual height.

So, we found out that burning candles painted with acrylic paints and contours is quite safe: paints do not ignite, do not smoke, do not emit an unpleasant odor. So with pleasure decorate candles with acrylic, give them as gifts and safely use them for their intended purpose.

Next week we'll take a look at what happens when you use decoupage candles.

This is truly a small miracle. It is pleasant and comfortable to be in a room filled with the flickering flame of a burning candle. It fills the room with an indescribable and delightful feeling of comfort and warmth.

Candle making is a great art in which skill comes only after many years of constant practice. Unfortunately, in the modern world, candle manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of their products and speed up their production in order to make a big profit. This undoubtedly affects the quality of the candles and their safety for others.

In order not to become a victim of unscrupulous manufacturers and to be sure that there are no toxic substances in the products, it is necessary to consider the option of making candles yourself at home.

In this article, we will not describe the entire cycle of candle production, but will only consider the independent production of candle dyes and how to use them.

What are the dyes?

They are divided into natural and synthetic. Natural dyes are made from natural ingredients and herbs (oak or ash bark, dry henna, rosehip foliage). To prepare them, you will have to collect the necessary ingredients, and then process them to obtain a coloring matter.

Synthetic dyes (colorants) are made from complex chemical compounds according to special formulas that are inaccessible to a simple man in the street without a scientific degree in chemistry. They color the candle quickly and evenly, and they take little to no time to prepare (usually they just need to be mixed with water).

Also, non-natural dyes have a number of advantages: they are cheap, they are sold in many specialized stores, they are suitable for coloring both wax and paraffin.

It may not be possible to get the desired result right away, but trial and error will eventually lead you to the right path. If possible, read the materials and instructions for making candles and additives to them on specialized sites, as well as consult with friends who are fond of making them.

By learning how to make candles yourself, you will not only acquire an excellent skill, but also receive a reward in the form of beautiful and

In this master class, you will learn how to make thin black wax candles with your own hands at home.

They look like churches. Black candles represent cleansing and regeneration, they are often used in white magic. Unlike paraffin, wax is a natural product. Working with him is easy and pleasant. The technique for making thin candles is simple and does not require skills, so the pleasure of working is guaranteed! If you do not paint the mass, you will get ordinary candles.

Preparation of materials for work

To make black candles, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • natural beeswax or ordinary church wax candles. The second option was used in the master class;
  • black shoe polish based on beeswax;
  • aluminium foil;
  • container for melting;
  • water bath;
  • stirring stick;
  • cotton threads No. 30 (for the wick).

If you want to DIY beautiful decorative candles then take a look at ours. We have paraffin and gel shaped products for every occasion.

Step by step instructions for making

Break the wax into small pieces and place in a small container.

Do not throw away the wicks left from the candles - they will be needed for reuse!

To get a rich shade, a black shoe cream based on beeswax is suitable. The product of this composition will dissolve without leaving behind lumps and streaks.

Squeeze approximately 1 teaspoon of shoe polish into a container with wax pieces.

To melt, place the container in a bowl of water. Place the bowl on the stove and turn on medium heat. Melt the lumps in a water bath until the wax and shoe cream are completely mixed and dissolved.

If you are using purchased candles as the material, you can skip the description of how to make a wick.

To make wax candle wicks with your own hands, you will need threads. Suitable for this only natural 100% cotton threads, without any inclusions of synthetics. Otherwise, the wick will spark and burn out in a matter of seconds. You can also use jute, hemp and other materials of this kind for these purposes. They are completely natural and will burn normally.

Cut the threads into pieces about 1 meter long. Twist the wicks from these pieces into 5-6 threads about 15-20 cm long.

Dip these pieces into the melted mass for 1-2 seconds and place on a piece of paper. Wait for them to dry.

Tear off a sheet about 20-25 cm long from the foil.

Make something like a cap with low sides from this sheet.

Pour the melted wax into the middle of this design.

Wait until the mass cools down a bit. After that, cut it into strips 1.5-2 cm wide.

Take one of the strips.

Separate the foil from its bottom. It comes off very easily.

Place a wick on the bottom of the strip and lightly press it into the wax mass.

Place the strip on a flat surface. Wrap it carefully around the wick.

After that, start pumping the mass on the table like dough sausages.

You should get such products.

With the sharp end of a knife, cut off the black wax candle where you can see its bottom. With the blunt end of the knife, cut off the excess at the top of the product: this way you will remove the excess without damaging the wick.

Black candles are ready!

Similarly, you can make colored or unpainted wax candles with your own hands. You can also practice modeling and make figured wax products to decorate the room.

It is believed that black wax candles cleanse the premises of bad energy. Just light a candle in the house, not forgetting the safety precautions.