Decorative bark beetle plaster is an excellent material for facade decoration. Types of facade plaster and tips for choosing it Plaster bark beetle service life

Textured “bark beetle” plaster: the photos clearly show this, is today one of the most popular and sought-after facing materials, which is easy to apply and can create not only a beautiful coating, but also protect the base from negative environmental influences and mechanical damage. You can learn more about this universal material from this article.

The name of the material was due to the fact that it creates a surface that resembles the structure of a tree eaten by bark beetle larvae. The surface of the plaster has a grooved structure. These furrows have a different direction, size, depth, length and accuracy.

The plaster consists of two fractions: fine, in the form of filler, and large - granules. Granules are round stones of approximately the same size. They determine the width of the grooves, the thickness of the layer and the consumption of bark beetle plaster. The number of granules in the material determines the accuracy of the pattern.

The principle of applying bark beetle plaster, the video clearly displays the sequence of actions, is as follows: when a material is applied to a flat surface with a metal spatula with a thickness approximately equal to the size of a large fraction, these same granules begin to push the filler apart, creating grooves. To make the pellets move horizontally, vertically, crosswise or in a circle, you can use a rectangular plastic trowel. This forms a pattern resembling wood eaten by bark beetles.

Features of exterior and interior decoration. Material application methods. Options for creating a characteristic pattern.

The main disadvantages of the material are low vapor permeability, which makes the use of acrylic plaster only suitable for non-breathing surfaces. In addition, this coating is fire hazardous.

Silicate plaster "bark beetle" has good vapor permeability, water-repellent, hydrophobic and protective properties. The material has high adhesion with mineral substrates, where it creates a crack-resistant coating. The plaster is easily tinted and is represented by a variety of colors and shades, which allows you to create a presentable and unique surface. This is proved by the photos of the plastering of the facades of private houses and interiors.

Among the shortcomings of the material, high cost can be distinguished. Also, before carrying out work, it is necessary to prime the surface using a silicate mixture. Silicate plaster sets very quickly, so all facing work should be carried out very quickly.

Important! To obtain the desired color when tinting the composition, the mixture and tinting material must be from the same manufacturer.

Mineral plaster consists of a mixture of cement and quartz chips. It has high vapor permeability, fire resistance and frost resistance, which makes it an indispensable material for finishing the house outside. Decorative bark beetle plaster, the photos clearly demonstrate this, can be applied in several ways, is able to create a complete and noble appearance of the building. However, the material cannot be tinted in the finished solution, which implies additional work on painting the finished base.

What is the best plaster? Features of popular compositions

Depending on the type of textured mixture for wall plaster "bark beetle", there are distinctive features of the technology for applying the material to the surface. The mineral mixture requires minimal plastering skills, and it is better to entrust the application of polymer plaster to a professional, since working with these mixtures is much more difficult, which requires some experience.

Polymer decorative plaster on the walls, the photos clearly confirm this, it looks much more aesthetic and attractive than a simple mineral one. It is sold in the form of a ready-made solution, fully suitable for application. It is only necessary to tint the material with paint of the desired color.

Mineral plaster is produced in the form of a dry powder in bags, which requires the preparation of a working solution, but its cost is much lower than acrylic. Another indisputable advantage of the polymer mixture over a heavy mineral composition is the relatively low consumption of bark beetle plaster, which is about 3.2 kg per m². While the mineral material will need about 4.5-5 kg ​​per m². They also do not require subsequent painting of the finished surface, which reduces the time of work.

Polymer plaster is more elastic, which eliminates the occurrence of cracks during thermal expansion of the material and shrinkage of the building. The mineral mixture is not plastic enough, so it is better to apply it after the building has shrunk.

Helpful advice! To prevent the occurrence of bubbles and delamination on the facing surface, polymer plaster "bark beetle" should be applied on a completely dry base.

Polymer compositions are more durable and resistant to any kind of mechanical damage and the nature of pollution. However, the cost of the material is much higher than the mineral counterpart.

Decorative plaster "bark beetle". The price of the material and the cost of the work

The cost of bark beetle plaster depends on certain factors:

  • type of material: dry or finished, polymeric or mineral;
  • type of mixture: for interior or exterior use;
  • filler granule size;
  • manufacturer's country.

The price of liquid plasters for walls, photos clearly display the appearance of the material, will be higher than that of dry mixes. So, for example, a bag of mineral plaster will cost 430 rubles, and you will have to pay at least 500 rubles for the finished mixture.

Among the well-known manufacturers of textured bark beetle plaster, Ceresit, Baumit Kreisel, Bergauf, Knauf, Bolars and Dufa can be distinguished.

The cost of decorative plaster "Bolars" of a domestic manufacturer is about 390 rubles. per bag. While the German mixture "Kreiser" or "Ceresit" of the same weight will cost 450-700 rubles. per bag.

The material used for finishing outdoor work is subject to increased requirements for quality and strength. Therefore, it will cost more, starting from 550 rubles. per bag. While for interior work you can buy decorative “bark beetle” plaster for only 400 rubles / bag.

You can also prepare bark beetle plaster with your own hands from dry ingredients. The manufacturing process itself is simple, but the difficulty lies in the strict observance of proportions, which is not always possible to do at home. Therefore, it is better to purchase a ready-made dry composition from the manufacturer.

Today, many construction organizations offer their services for the cladding of internal structures and exterior surfaces of the building with bark beetle plaster. The price of work per m2 depends on the labor intensity, the area of ​​​​the base, the availability of preparatory measures, the type of facing material and the technology of its application.

If it is necessary to perform a simple finishing facade finish of the building with bark beetle plaster, the cost of work will be about 350 rubles / m² (with 150-350 m² of surface area). If the area is smaller, then the price for cladding will start from 400 rubles. for 1 m². When finishing the interior walls of the room with bark beetle plaster, the price of work per m2 will be about 300 rubles.

If it is necessary to carry out additional preparatory measures in the form of installing a reinforcing mesh and insulation before bark beetle plastering, the cost of work will be increased by 150-180 rubles / m².

After finishing the surface with bark beetle plaster, the price of the work may include additional painting of the facing layer, which is about 500 rubles / m².

With the help you can quickly and effectively transform the interior of the apartment

Characteristics of plaster "bark beetle" Ceresit

The most popular brand that produces high-quality finishing materials is Ceresit. It produces all types of bark beetle plasters with different grain sizes.

ST-35 mixture is a pigmented mineral-based plaster. The size of the granules can be 2.0; 2.5 and 3.5 mm. Depending on this, the material consumption will be 2.8, respectively; 3.5 and 4.9 kg/m². This composition is resistant to weathering, shock loads, has increased frost resistance, moisture resistance and vapor permeability. It involves painting the finished surface using acrylic, silicone or silicate paints. The price of plaster "bark beetle" Ceresit on a mineral basis is 550-750 rubles.

The material is ideal for facing the facade of the house. A photo of private houses, the plastering of which was carried out with the bark beetle mineral composition, proves that with the help of an inexpensive finishing material it is possible to create a durable and beautiful coating of the building.

A good solution is also the use of mineral plaster "bark beetle" for interior work. This material can be used for facing the walls of a balcony or loggia, which will create an additional layer of insulation.

Helpful advice! CT 35 plaster should not be used for cladding plasterboard, gypsum and chipboard surfaces.

Acrylic plasters ST-63 and ST-64 with a grain size of 3 mm and 2 mm, respectively, are elastic materials that are resistant to mechanical damage and moisture. This material can be used for both plastering the exterior walls of the house and interior surfaces from any material, including chipboard, gypsum and drywall. However, it is worth considering that, due to its technical characteristics, plaster cannot be used to clad the basement of a building. The consumption of plaster "bark beetle" ST-63 is 4.5 kg, and ST-64 - 3 kg per m².

Silicate mixtures ST-73 and ST-75 are elastic, easy to use, resistant to mechanical and atmospheric influences, vapor-permeable compositions that are applied to concrete, brick and plastered surfaces. Stucco walls "bark beetle" ST-75 will create not only an aesthetic surface, but also give it thermal insulation properties. This material can also be applied to foam. Consumption per 1 m2 of bark beetle plaster is 3 kg for mixtures with 2 mm granules, and 4.5 for facing material with a 3 mm grain size.

ST-175 plaster is represented by a silicate-silicone mixture, which combines all the advantages of silicone and silicate plasters. It is resistant to atmospheric precipitation, has a high moisture resistance, resistance to UV radiation, and is also resistant to pollution and damage by mold and fungus. The consumption of decorative bark beetle plaster per 1 m2 is 3 kg.

Where can textured bark beetle plaster be used?

Today, for cladding the facades of private houses, public (hospitals, educational institutions), commercial (clubs, restaurants, bars), industrial, administrative buildings, flights of stairs and interiors of apartments, textured bark beetle plaster is widely used. With your own hands, the video clearly displays the sequence of actions, you can easily apply this mixture to the surface, getting a unique picture that completely depends on the artist's imagination.

In the apartment, bark beetle plaster, the photos clearly show this, is used for lining hallways, corridors, eating areas in the kitchen, as a decorative design for arches, columns, partitions, and even for finishing the ceiling.

Note! To finish the apartment, you can use wall plaster without beacons if the surface is previously leveled and puttied.

This material can be applied to any substrate that has good adhesion and does not sag over time. This applies to drywall, brick, concrete, cement and chipboard surfaces.

The material can be applied to a thermal insulation system specially prepared for bark beetle. For the facade of the house, it can be a mesh for a thermal insulation system, a reinforcing mesh, a primer ST-16 ("Ceresit"). For interior decoration, plaster, putty, and primer ST-17 ("Ceresit") are used.

Textured wall plaster, the photos clearly show the application process, is a top coat that is applied in a thin layer, slightly larger than the diameter of the granules. Therefore, the base before applying textured plaster should be thoroughly cleaned, repaired all cracks and depressions, leveled and primed.

Depending on the direction of movement of the trowel, you can get different textures on the surface of the plaster

Bark beetle - plaster and everything about it

In a huge variety of building materials presented on the modern market, intended for finishing the surface of walls, decorative bark beetle plaster is gaining more and more popularity. This is easily explained by the practicality of this type of finish, as well as its aesthetic properties and qualities.

Properties of plaster "bark beetle"

The most important difference between this plaster and other types is the need for additional processing after application to the work surface. Today, manufacturers offer bark beetle plaster options for both indoor use and facade decor. This allows you to easily and quickly finish and transform both the interior and exterior of any building.

There are also a huge variety of decorative plaster options, depending on the overall design style and personal taste preferences, everyone will be able to choose the most optimal option for themselves.

Plaster bark beetle on the facade of the house

Decorative plaster "bark beetle", what are the types

Today, manufacturers offer three types of bark beetle plaster:

  1. plaster for interior work;
  2. facade plaster (for outdoor use);
  3. general purpose mix.

They differ from each other in physical and chemical properties, the ability to withstand environmental factors, as well as the thickness of the application on the walls.

According to the degree of preparation of the composition for use, there are:

  1. ready-made semi-finished plaster (it has the form of a suspension, already painted in the required color and diluted to the desired consistency, it is offered in a packaged form in buckets);
  2. dry mix, which includes mineral granules (it is white, offered in bags with instructions for preparing the mix for wall application).

It is worth noting that it is very difficult to tint (give the desired color) to the finished plaster. For this, special coloring compositions and pigments, mixing machines are used, and the desired color of the composition is selected on a computer. So, for use in small volumes and for domestic purposes (repairing your home), it would be better to buy plaster of a ready-made color.

This option is also possible: white plaster is applied under the bark beetle, and then the top is painted with the desired color or shade. Surfaces plastered with bark beetles can be easily painted with silicone or silicate paints, but the only condition is at least 3 days after the plaster has dried.

You can apply paint with a fur roller, brush or spray gun. Painting allows you to give the coating additional strength.

Bark beetle plaster looks especially impressive in combination with such types of finishes as vinyl wallpaper, tiles, and artificial stone.

Varieties of material for bark beetle plaster

Plaster "bark beetle" is of two types:

  1. on a plaster basis;
  2. acrylic.

Acrylic plaster

Acrylic mixture for plaster has many nuances and subtleties associated with application technology. Although after application it looks much more attractive, it creates a rich decor on the walls.

Acrylic plaster "bark beetle" is sold, as a rule, in a ready-to-use form - in buckets of various sizes. The only thing that is required is to give the mixture the desired color. It will not work to do this manually, even if you try very hard, a much more effective solution is tinting using computer technology, on special machines.

Gypsum-based plaster

"Bark beetle" on a gypsum basis is much easier to use, and most importantly - more economical in consumption. Of course, the process of applying the mixture is a little more complicated by the fact that you also need to dilute the dry composition and prepare the mortar yourself, however, the plaster mixture itself is less whimsical to work with, it is simply applied to the wall surface.

Plaster bark beetle facade - advantages

Having appeared on the domestic market of building materials relatively recently, bark beetle plaster quickly won the recognition of consumers. This is due to the huge number of advantages that distinguish this type of finish from others. Consider the features and benefits of the "bark beetle" in more detail.

The first and one of the main advantages that distinguishes bark beetle facade plaster is its high resistance to negative environmental factors, including atmospheric exposure. Such decoration on the walls of the building is able to withstand several "transition cycles" from severe frosts to sultry summer heat. Provided that the conditions and application technology recommended by the manufacturer are fully observed, such a finish can last several decades without losing its visual appeal.

The plaster can be washed if desired, it will not lose its strength and appearance from this. The coating is not afraid of moisture.

Plaster "bark beetle" is able to withstand temperature extremes in the range "-55 ° C - + 60 ° C", so no weather events can have a significant impact on the integrity, strength and appearance of the wall finish.

The color of the coating does not fade under the constant influence of ultraviolet rays. Even if the sun constantly hits the wall surface, the composition will not emit substances harmful to human health or unpleasant odors when heated.

Bark beetle plaster is resistant to aggressive environments (alkalis, acids, industrial gases contained in the atmosphere, especially in large cities). It dries quickly after application and acquires high mechanical strength.

An equally important advantage of the "bark beetle" is the ability to do the wall decoration on your own, without resorting to the services of specialists and the additional costs associated with their payment. No matter how complicated the technology of applying the composition may seem at first glance, if you do everything in accordance with the recommendations and have the necessary tools at hand, then it is quite possible to cope with the work yourself.

And the third indisputable advantage of bark beetle plaster over other types of finishes (lining, siding, etc.) is its price. This facade finishing technology is an order of magnitude cheaper than other options, while not inferior in terms of either aesthetic properties or quality parameters.

How to choose decorative plaster and paint for the facade?

Preparation of a mixture of "bark beetle"

If you have chosen and purchased a dry mix of bark beetle, then it is very important to prepare it correctly for use. It is on this that the ease of working with the composition, as well as the quality of the wall decoration after drying, will largely depend. Therefore, you must first of all carefully study the proportions and rules for preparing the mixture proposed by the manufacturer.

For dissolution, water is used, the temperature of which should be in the range of 15-20 degrees. Water is added to a clean container, then the dry mixture is added in small portions, stirring thoroughly and achieving a uniform composition and no lumps. To do this, it is best to use a special “construction mixer” nozzle, which is inserted into an electric drill. After the first mixing, the mixture must be left for 5 minutes to "rest" and repeat the process again.

The finished mixture should be of a homogeneous consistency, it is suitable for use within 1 hour. It is not recommended to add water to a freshly prepared mixture during work so that it does not thicken, it is better to periodically mix the used mixture with a construction mixer during work.

Application of the mixture "bark beetle"

Video - How to apply decorative plaster

The plaster is perfect for applying on surfaces made of concrete and brick, sandwich panels, chipboard and drywall (more relevant for indoor use).

Before applying plaster, preparatory work is carried out on the wall surface - dust, dirt, grease and oil stains are removed. If there are cracks and cracks, it is better to remove them, having previously worked on this area with a putty mixture. Old cracked paint, as well as easily peeled areas of concrete or brick, are removed with a spatula.

On cleaned and prepared wall surfaces, it is recommended to apply several layers of primer. If facade plaster "bark beetle" is used, then the stage of working with a primer can be skipped, in the case of internal use, however, it is recommended to apply it under the plaster. After the applied primer dries, you can start applying the "bark beetle".

Applying facade plaster on walls without a primer requires that the working surfaces be moistened with plenty of water approximately 1 hour before the start of work.

To apply the “bark beetle” mixture, a special grater made of stainless steel is used, which must be held at an angle of 60 ° with respect to the surface on which the work is being carried out. The thickness of the application layer depends on the fractions of the mineral filler in the mixture. For the final formation of the wall surface, a wooden or plastic float is used.

The direction of the decorative furrows formed on the surface can be different, it depends on the trajectory and amplitude of the movements performed by the master during the application process. However, you should not press too hard with a grater during work, if everything is done correctly, the selected pattern will “appear” on the surface of the walls anyway.

It is necessary to apply the working mixture on the outer walls in the warm season, the air temperature should be kept within - +5 - +30 degrees, humidity - up to 80%. If tinted plaster is applied, then the lower temperature limit rises somewhat - to a level of +9 - +10 degrees.

It is under such conditions that it is possible to guarantee e rapid drying of the solution prepared for application, as well as the optimal time for its drying after application. As for the weather, it is desirable that it is not rainy, windless, without too bright sunlight falling on the walls that are being finished at the moment.

If tinted plaster is used, it is important that all material used be from the same batch. Mixing water must also come from the same source for the entire batch.

The surface of the wall, plastered with "bark beetle", after drying, can be covered with paints and varnishes. For safety reasons, it is recommended to carry out all work aimed at applying bark beetle plaster with work gloves. This will protect the skin of the hands from the negative effects of alkalis formed during the dilution of the mixture with water, and minimize injuries.

Plaster bark beetle, learning to apply ourselves

Do-it-yourself decorative bark beetle plaster: features and nuances of work

In order to save their own finances, many owners of private houses decide to apply bark beetle plaster on the walls with their own hands. The technology itself is not too complicated, and all the necessary tools can be purchased at any hardware store without any problems. And since the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball the walls of the house along the perimeter will “drag out” a considerable amount (specialists charge for such types of work based on 1 m2 of cultivated area), the savings on the services of craftsmen can be quite significant.

Before proceeding with the application of plaster on the facade of the house, it is recommended to practice on sections of the walls that are closed from the eyes of strangers (for example, the back wall of the house). Perhaps, at first, not everything will turn out as it should, so you need to be patient, and also buy plasters a little more than is calculated for processing the wall area according to theoretical calculations.

The whole process of work can be divided into three stages:

  1. preparatory (cleaning and priming walls);
  2. directly the stage of applying plaster "bark beetle";
  3. grinding (in other words - grouting) of plastered surfaces.

Experts with experience with this material recommend that beginners carry out work on the application of "bark beetle" in the spring or autumn season. Since it is too hot in summer and the mortar will simply dry out, as you will not have the required application speed along with the required quality.

At hand should be the entire set of necessary tools:

  1. primer mixtures;
  2. plaster "bark beetle" (ready-made composition or dry mix):
  3. container for working with the composition (not too deep and large);
  4. primer roller;
  5. whisk nozzle and drill (for mixing the plaster mixture);
  6. spatula and spatula;
  7. buckets;
  8. plastic or wooden construction graters.

Now going straight to work

The first stage is the priming of the walls. You need to buy the composition for priming taking into account the type of walls (brick, block, etc.), when buying a primer, you need to consult with the seller and take a high-quality light-colored primer paint. When applying, it is important to achieve a uniform color without transitions and dark areas. This will further simplify the process of plastering the walls with the “bark beetle” a little. The primer should dry completely and only after that you can proceed to the next and main stage - applying the "bark beetle".

The second stage begins with the correct preparation of the mixture for plastering walls, taking into account the instructions on the package. There is one important, albeit unspoken rule - it is better to knead the mixture more often, but in small portions, than at once and a lot. It will simply dry out in a bucket and become unusable, especially if you are not a professional in the field of application and your work speed is quite low.

To apply the finished mixture to the walls, a construction spatula is used. You should not rush when doing work, you need to apply the mixture carefully, and most importantly in an even layer.

The thickness of applying one layer of bark beetle plaster should not exceed the size of the fractions of the selected type of composition.

The mixture is applied in vertical or horizontal stripes, applying each new layer next to the previous one. When laying one strip, it is necessary to "capture" the entire height or width of the wall, this will ensure uniform application, without sharp, conspicuous transitions.

If the wall is too wide or high and it is simply not possible to capture the entire height or width at once, then you need to set boundaries for yourself and work, focusing on them.

After the wall or a separate section of it is treated with a plaster mixture, you need to wait 20-25 minutes (this time is enough for the "bark beetle" to grab the wall). The drying time of the composition on the wall surface depends on the ambient temperature - the hotter it is outside, the shorter this time will be.

You can check whether the plaster has stuck to the wall or not with a grater. It is necessary to run a plastic grater over the plastered surface, if the aftermath particles do not stick to the grater, then the wall is ready for the next stage of work - grouting.

The third stage is the final grouting of the bark beetle. Here you need to decide which texture of the decor is suitable. Depending on the selected pattern, the movements that need to be carried out with a grater along the wall will also change (for example, the “rain” pattern is obtained as a result of moving the grater from top to bottom vertically, and the “lamb” pattern is obtained by making circular movements with a grater).

Technology for applying plaster Bark beetle

Bark beetle plaster, main manufacturers

The permanent leaders in the list of consumer preferences in this category also remain the products of such well-known brands as Baumit, Dufa, Ceresit. This product is distinguished by traditionally high quality, as well as the aesthetics of the wall surface after finishing.

In terms of quality and technical and operational properties, products of world brands and products of domestic brands "Bergauf" and "Bolars" are not inferior in their quality and technical and operational properties (the companies were opened thanks to German investment projects that made it possible to introduce advanced production technologies and successfully implement them).

Also noteworthy are bark beetle plasters from such brands as Vetonit, Osnovit, Kaparol, etc.

A relatively recent novelty on the market is UNIS plaster mixes, which are produced by a well-known domestic manufacturer of dry mixes. UNIS products have all hygienic certificates and are suitable for use in residential premises, children's and medical institutions. This is a worthy competitor to the products of world brands, which are also on the market today and are available to our compatriots.

Plaster bark beetle, the price of the mixture and work

To make sure that "Bark beetle" is really an economical and profitable option for finishing the facade of a house, let's look at a few numbers. The average cost of one bag of dry mix for bark beetle plaster is around $15. Depending on the size of the fractions of the selected mixture, one bag is enough to process 6-8 m2 of wall area.

The average cost of applying bark beetle is around $ 10 per square meter. So, applying a "bark beetle" with your own hands is a decent financial savings and an inexpensive opportunity to update and ennoble the facade of your house.

Video - Applying Venetian plaster

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Bark beetle plaster - the rules for choosing the composition and the basis for arranging the surface

Modern bark beetle plaster takes its name from the bug of the same name, only bugs spoil the wood, and decorative plaster makes the surface spectacular and original. Next, we will analyze the types of compositions, pay attention to leading manufacturers and prices, and most importantly, you will learn how to equip a bark beetle with your own hands.

The main idea is to display on the surface a pattern of wood eaten by bugs. The principle is simple: hard granules are added to the soft filler, which, when processed, draw the desired pattern.

Overview of existing mixtures

The bark beetle has become so popular that now every self-respecting manufacturer produces a plaster mixture with this texture. But if the application technology is the same everywhere, then the internal and facade mixtures differ very much in their characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages of different plaster mixes

Kinds pros Minuses
  • Excellent adhesion to any substrate;
  • durable;
  • Serious mechanical stability;
  • Water-repellent properties;
  • Wide palette and bright colors;
  • The compositions are sold ready for use;
  • Acrylic is easy to work with even for a beginner.
  • Quite expensive;
  • Limited vapor permeability;
  • After opening the container, it remains in working condition for no more than 2 weeks.

(cement based)

  • Affordable price;
  • High strength;
  • Not afraid of moisture;
  • Not afraid of temperature changes;
  • It is used for external and internal works;
  • Good vapor permeability;
  • Supplied as a dry mix with a long shelf life.
  • Takes time to cook;
  • There may be difficulties with tinting;
  • Mineral compounds shrink, resulting in cracks;
  • Requires strict adherence to technology, does not “forgive” mistakes for beginners.
  • It has water-repellent properties, up to the point that it can be washed;
  • Good vapor permeability;
  • Without problems lays down on any mineral bases;
  • Practically does not shrink, as a result, resistance to cracks;
  • Can be used both indoors and on the facade;
  • Average price category;
  • Demanding to comply with technology;
  • Sets up fairly quickly.
  • It combines all the advantages of silicate and acrylic compositions.
  • The price is higher than all competitors.

Now hybrid mixtures have appeared on the market, for example, acrylate or silicate-silicone plasters, their characteristics are excellent, but the price is not small.

A few words about material consumption

For bark beetle plaster, the consumption per m2 directly depends on the grain diameter, the larger the grain, the higher the consumption, respectively. There are quite a few grain gradations, the diameter ranges from 0.8 to 3.5 mm, but I will give data on the most popular compositions.

The consumption of the composition is strongly influenced by its appearance, since mineral plasters are almost 2 times heavier than silicone ones, respectively, with the same volume, the consumption will seem greater.

Leading manufacturers and prices

The prices in the article are current in the summer of 2017.

Mixture marking Type of mixture Grain diameter Price per bag or bucket weighing 25 kg
ST-35 Mineral base 2.5 - 3 mm 500 - 800 rubles.
ST-63 Acrylic 3 mm 1500 - 2000 rubles.
ST-64 Acrylic 2 mm 1600 - 2200 rubles.
ST-73 silicate base 2 mm 3500 - 4200 rubles.
ST-175 Silicone with added silicate 2 mm 2200 - 2700 rubles.
Winter Decor Mineral base 2.5 - 3 mm 500 - 600 rubles.
decor Mineral base 2 - 3 mm 470 - 550 rubles.
Duo Top Acrylic 2 mm 900 - 1200 rubles.
Silicon Putz Silicone base 2 mm 1600 - 2000 rubles.

Technology for arranging bark beetle plaster

Sophisticated tools and expensive equipment are not needed here, a standard plaster set is enough:

  • Container for mixing the composition;
  • Plastic grater;
  • Construction trowel;
  • It will not be superfluous to have a set of metal spatulas on hand;
  • Tray for primer or paint;
  • Roller for applying soil;
  • Electric drill and mixing nozzle to it.

Any decorative plaster is a finishing coating, therefore, before applying it, we have to qualitatively prepare the surface.

  • If there are cracks on the wall, then they need to be expanded and puttied, cement or polymer putty is used on the facade, any is used inside the house;
  • A wall with obvious signs of fungus or mold will need to be etched with an antiseptic;
  • Remember: you cannot level a curved wall with a bark beetle, so if obvious defects or differences in height are visible, then the plane is leveled with the starting composition, and if you have an acrylic or mineral bark beetle, then it is advisable to take the same starting composition;
  • The last stage of preparation will be the application of soil. The primer is selected depending on the type of base and the recommendations of the plaster manufacturer.

The bark beetle is applied to the wall in the same way as any other plaster:

  • Apply a small amount of the composition to a metal trowel and apply it to the surface at a slight angle, and the angle should not be sharp, you cannot work on the zdir here;
  • The thickness of the layer is selected according to the diameter of the granules, no more and no less;
  • Excess composition is removed immediately.

The final pattern is equipped with a plastic grater. You can start working 15–20 minutes after application, immediately after the composition stops clinging to your hands.

The technology is simple, but you need to get used to it: moisten a plastic grater with water and quickly smooth the plane with light pressure, the photo below shows the directions of movement of the grater when arranging different patterns.

As for coloring, in ready-made mixtures you can order this service directly in the store, but you need to tint the entire volume at once. For dry mixes, the instructions are slightly different.

Initially, a brush is taken and the base is carefully painted over, going into all the grooves. Then, while the paint is still wet, you need to take a sponge and wipe the wall, so you will remove the paint from the bumps.

After that, take a roller and paint over the wall with light movements. As a result, the grooves and the general background will be different. Below in the video in this article, many of the details of the process are shown in detail.


In fact, it is not so difficult to equip bark beetle plaster with your own hands. If you follow the recommendations described above, I can assure you that after a couple of hours of work you will get a decent result. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

Repair is a complex and lengthy process. After the construction of the house, the main hard work begins - finishing. This process is multi-stage, and the range of goods on the market is huge. Often in the decoration, namely plastering, the tool "Bark beetle" is used. This is a unique coating that attracts the attention of all builders.

Decorative plaster "Bark beetle" (there is a photo of it in our article) is used for the facades of buildings, as well as for interior decoration. Oddly enough, but everyone can do the work himself. True, before starting, it is worth considering the main indicators of this plaster: the pros and cons, application technology, etc. The work process should go in several stages, and you should not miss anything.

Distinctive qualities

Before you make a choice in favor of decorative bark beetle plaster (there is a photo of the coatings in our article), you need to understand why it is so good. We list its positive aspects:

  • With the help of such plaster, everyone will create an unusual pattern. The main thing is the imitation of any finishing material (brick, stone, etc.). You can simply create a rough surface. Such a coating is obtained as reliable and beautiful as possible.
  • It is safe for humans, as the composition is completely natural and environmentally friendly.
  • The service life is long, which attracts a lot of attention. Special care is not required, which is important for many.
  • The cost is low.
  • In addition, the plaster is resistant to fire. Does not react to ultraviolet, humidity and corrosion.

For the listed qualities, many make a choice in the direction of such a finish. In addition, it is not required to call a specialist, because the work process is simple and accessible to people without experience.

What types of plaster are found?

Like any other material, decorative bark beetle plaster has several types. Moreover, each differs in its qualities and application methods. And another distinguishing feature is the cost. For many, this indicator comes to the fore. It will be easier to make a choice after all types of plaster are considered:

  • Textured mix. It is white in color and is applied with the addition of color or in its original state. The main advantage is that the mixture is a plastic mass that is easy to work with. With the help of such decorative bark beetle plaster, interesting reliefs and unusual effects can be made. If a professional takes on the work, then with the help of it he realizes his most unique ideas, creating unique motives in the room.
  • structural view. The base contains quartz granules. After the composition is on the wall, a small pattern appears and a non-uniform surface. By the way, she easily copes with flaws in the working area.
  • Venetian plaster. Its masters consider it the most expensive, but at the same time it has its own characteristics when applied, and not everyone can handle it. However, the result is a beautiful wall surface with imitations of various materials. It is necessary to make several layers, while each is pre-rubbed. The composition contains marble flour, thanks to which it turns out to make a unique pattern.
  • Mineral plaster. The basis is taken crumb, which can create a unique appearance. The composition remains at the first stage of application for a long time, and the price for it is low. Elements of interspersing bring their own zest, making the interior special. The composition is quite suitable for the home. This is an environmentally friendly material, which is sometimes still used in the decoration of building facades.

Decorative polymeric plaster "Bark beetle" is unique - everyone tries to choose their own version and do the work. True, masters often say that it is difficult to perform high-quality application without experience. But if you do the whole process according to the scheme, taking into account the features of each type, then everything will turn out beautifully and evenly.


If we talk about the cost, decorative bark beetle plaster (25 kg) will cost about 550 rubles. In this case, the mixture has the following characteristics:

  • White color.
  • The water consumption per kilogram of the mixture is 250 milliliters.
  • Use temperature - from 5 to 30 °C.
  • The grain size is 2 mm.
  • The surface area to be treated is 10 m² (provided that the layer thickness is 2 mm).
  • The drying time of the mixture is 3 days.
  • The density of the solution is 1500 kilograms per cubic meter.
  • Water-holding capacity - about 99%.
  • Adhesion strength (adhesion) is not less than 0.5 MPa.
  • Shelf life - 12 months.

Differences in the composition and material of the bark beetle plaster

Decorative plaster "Ceresit", for example, has several more varieties:

  • Mineral. Here, cement is taken as the basis. You don't need to have any experience to apply. The material is inexpensive.
  • silicate. Liquid glass is used here. After application, a good texture is obtained. It is worth noting the long service life. A good plus is that after such a finish, the wall lets air through. This is important for living quarters. However, the cost of such decoration will hit the family budget.
  • Silicone. Several tools are used in the creation process. This plaster is the most popular and reliable. But finding a quality composition is not so easy, because the market is filled with fakes. Before buying, you should pay attention to the certificates.
  • Acrylic. Resin is taken as the basis. Most often used for interior decoration. But there is a downside. When exposed to sunlight, the composition changes its original color.

The manufacturer of mixtures always gives instructions on which the work takes place. But at the same time there are general rules that should not be violated. So, even beginners can succeed if:

  • Do not dilute plaster with water.
  • Work by hand if it contains large particles.
  • Have only a special tool at hand.

Note that before starting the application, the walls are subjected to additional processing with primers. The technique of the process depends on the type of plaster chosen.

What is worth knowing?

Builders note that the surface covered with bark beetle decorative plaster attracts the eye, as it has a unique texture. It resists well to many natural influences and may not lose its properties for many years. In addition, everyone copes with the application technology. This kind of work doesn't come cheap.

Where is this plastering most often used? Best of all, such walls will look like:

  • in the living room;
  • bedroom;
  • kitchen;
  • corridor.

Although today you can find a similar coating in the bathroom. Before starting work, it is worth choosing the right type in order to achieve the desired result. As a result, any interior style is obtained in the room: classic, avant-garde, modern, etc.

Before starting work, it is worthwhile to figure out how the bark beetle decorative plaster is consumed. This will save money and time.

What is this mixture

Most often, such a finishing material contains:

  • Marble chips with different particles.
  • acrylic copolymers.

In addition, special fibers can be added for strength. Most often it is white, which changes simply with the addition of color (some paint the plaster). On sale there is both a dry mixture and ready-made. But it may vary depending on the manufacturer. What to look for:

  • The first is the different size of the fractions. If the stones are large, then the pattern is more pronounced and interesting. Although for the room you need to choose small particles, but for the facade of the building you should make a choice towards large particles and realize your wildest ideas.
  • level of adhesion. This is no less important indicator, because it depends on what surface you have to work on.
  • Adhesive base.

Each manufacturer indicates in the instructions what to pay attention to, and according to these characteristics, everyone decides which composition suits him best and how to work with it.

What surfaces is it applied to?

Finishing with decorative bark beetle plaster is made only on the walls. It does not make sense to apply it to other surfaces. In this case, the walls must be solid. It is good to distribute primers over the entire area before work. On loose foundations, not a single species will be fixed. At the well-known brand Ceresit, decorative bark beetle plaster is recommended to be applied to certain surfaces. And most often the basis becomes:

  • concrete;
  • brick;
  • stone, etc.

It is not necessary to use drywall or wood as a base, but provided that they are not covered with putty. When preference is given to the compositions that have to be prepared, then it is worth following the instructions. If something is violated, then soon the entire composition will simply depart. The consumption of the mixture depends on what grains are in it.

Surface preparation

As already noted, the surface must be reliable and even. When the area for work has no errors and all conditions are suitable, you can start finishing. If not, then you have to do the following:

  • Remove old trim.
  • Remove existing cracks. Gypsum putty is suitable for this, because it dries quickly.
  • Then plaster is applied for leveling, and additional protective compounds are applied.

And only after that the primer is applied. This is necessary for the finish to take well. If preference is given to bulk formulations, then they are diluted depending on the data in the instructions. The composition should be made homogeneous, so it is better to use a drill with nozzles or a construction mixer. When the composition hardens, it should not be re-diluted with water. Also, you do not need to immediately make large batches, so as not to throw away unused material. Finishing one wall should not stretch for a period of two days.

After mixing the composition, wait a couple of minutes and repeat the process. The best is considered to be a mixture comparable in consistency to thick sour cream.

But it is difficult to work with a mixture that is too liquid or thick. To create any color, it is better to paint the wall after application than to add color. Since you have to constantly make batches, and it is not so easy to calculate the additional composition.


How to apply decorative bark beetle plaster? For this, a spatula of medium width is used, although everyone chooses depending on personal convenience. It is better to make movements from the bottom up, trying to level the layer as much as possible.

The excess is immediately removed. Movements in work are comparable to standard puttying, when the composition is stretched along the wall. After application, they are passed over the entire area with a wooden grater (but without excessive pressure).

After 10 minutes, when the surface begins to thicken, they again pass over it with a grater. But after the first treatment, it is worth washing the tools. If sticking to the grater is observed during the second work, then it is better to wait a bit.

Depending on the movement of the tool, grooves are formed. Active movements will lead to the achievement of a smooth surface.

To make a decision and see clearly what happens, you need to practice on a drywall sheet before the main work. Before starting to create an ideal surface with a pattern, a grater or other tool is slightly moistened, and then movements are made. Much will depend on the size of the granules in the composition.

Application technology involves working on one area in one go. The creation of joints is completely excluded. However, not everyone will be able to do work on a large area at a time without experience. To do this, the cultivated area is determined, and a construction tape is fixed at its ends. It is removed after drying. When the treated area dries, masking tape is fixed on its borders, and only after that work continues. This technique completely eliminates the appearance of joints if the work is carried out gradually.

  • Work will be done faster and better if it is done by two people.
  • It is best when the air temperature is low. Otherwise, rapid drying and cracking occur.
  • On the sunny side, you should not apply decorative plaster of the walls "Bark beetle".
  • After complete drying, paint is applied to change the color. But before that, the surface is treated with a primer.

  • To get a good result, they prefer the same manufacturer.
  • Some sometimes use surface varnish.
  • In order to please the result, at least two layers of application of any coloring agent are applied. The first must penetrate into all the cavities. But the second application is less massive and superficial. At this stage, it is important that all the convex parts are missed.


Many use decorative bark beetle plaster in decoration. This is a suitable option for walls and buildings. If the process is carried out in compliance with all the rules, everything turns out qualitatively and reliably. The described surface easily accepts any color solution and matches the chosen interior. However, without experience, you should not experiment and do something unusual.

Hello Sergey,

If the choice of plaster is still relevant for you, and saving is not the only criterion, I would like to suggest that you use the material of a German company STO AG directly from the manufacturer.

To begin with, I would like to clarify which type of plaster best suits your needs.

organic plasters Supplied ready for application in buckets. They have good elasticity, which makes them particularly resistant to the appearance of microcracks during the shrinkage of the building.

organic plaster Stolit additionally reinforced with fibrous fibers, which makes the ratio of strength and elasticity of the material optimal. Stolit does not require additional topcoat, as it has good water-repellent properties. Tinted in a wide range of colors and shades. This allows you to save financial and time costs.

Price Stolit R(bark beetle) 2 mm(caliber) white per m2 excluding object discount 426.60 rubles.

Before applying the plaster, it is recommended to apply an adhesive primer Sto-Putzgrund.
Its value in white form 52.72 rubles per m2, excluding object discounts. When applying "bark beetle" in the color version, the primer must be tinted in the same color in order to achieve uniformity of the coating in the outer plane and grooves.

Inorganic plaster Supplied dry in bags. Prepared on site before direct application. Inorganic plasters have the highest vapor permeability, non-flammable. Inorganic plasters require an additional top coat. Compared to organic, they have a cost advantage.

The cost of inorganic plaster Sto-Strukturputz R 2.0 per m2 163.20 rubles excluding object discount.

Preliminary use of an adhesive coating is recommended. StoPrep Miral. Cost per m2 in white version 49, 39 rubles excluding object discount. The soil is tinted. When using a color finish, it is recommended to use a primer of the same color as the finish.

In order to prevent overhead errors, and to take into account any subtleties, we are ready for free organize a visit to your facility by a technologist. Exactly at the site of the object the technologist will be able to offer the optimal solution for you.
If necessary, we are ready to arrange delivery.

The cost of production is indicated without discounts and tinting.
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