Sun and hermit tarot combination. The Tarot card meaning is The Hermit. General state of finances and trends

The sage in the guise of a monk is depicted on the ninth lasso of the tarot. In one hand he holds a lantern, inside of which a star burns. She illuminates his mortal path for him. In his other hand he holds a staff of golden color on which he leans due to his stoop. He is old and looks tired because the wisdom of decades rests on his shoulders. Calmness is read in his eyes, because he is already standing on top of the mountain to which he has been striving for all these years.

In ancient times, it was believed that the image of this card personified the all-consuming time. In the hands of the old man instead of a lantern were hourglass, which spoke of his wisdom and fear that death was already on the threshold.

This card signifies the renunciation of physical needs and goods. The main thing in life is spiritual values ​​and principles. What benefit will a person get who has the whole world in the palm of his hand despite his soul? This truth is very simple, however, to know its deep meaning, some need to go through a whole life. Therefore, the elder depicted on the map speaks precisely about this.

After living for years, he finally found his calmness and majesty of the Buddha. The eyes of the Buddha are usually closed, because he does not need eyes at all to see the light of Truth. Hence the name of this card in the Egyptian tarot inner light. However, only the person who was subject to the strongest temptations and was able to pass them with dignity could achieve this enlightenment. Perhaps if he had not had this staff, he would never have reached the top of this mountain.

The Hermit card is one of the deepest in the entire tarot deck. It carries self-knowledge and the wisdom of the ages. The hermit is like a priest who has reached a certain level enlightenment and managed to renounce many earthly blessings.

The task of every person on earth is to understand, love and accept himself. Most of the troubles and troubles in a person's life happen because of his self-hatred. Many people do not know their worth at all and do not even realize that the whole Universe lives inside them. They believe that from birth they belong only to themselves and think that they know everything about themselves, but this is not at all the case.

Many religions speak of a lone traveler who sets off in search of the truth. On his way he met many sages and teachers, he went around the whole world in search of that very truth, and by the end of his days he finally found it within himself.

In the life of every person there comes a moment when you want to go in search of truth. To give up everything earthly, having gone into the desert in search of your soul. The universe always very clearly indicates to us the signs sent from above, however, due to constant life and lack of time, people do not notice them.
The lantern on the map is a symbol of the knowledge already accumulated by a person. He takes them with him on the road to use during long wanderings.

Card upright

The hermit in tarot spreads has gained a reputation as a loner card. And in loneliness, as everyone used to think, there is nothing good. Therefore, in the layouts, he is an unwanted guest. However, this loneliness does not at all have depressive colors, on the contrary, this loneliness has light and brings a person closer to spiritual development. This card means that a person moves through life too impulsively and he should take a break. His life has become like a mouse race and it is worth healing your soul by resorting to this kind of healing. The hermit enables a person to find a home within himself and become a little closer with himself.

The hermit advises to close from society for a while and do research on oneself. Meditation can be of great help here. Various breathing practices and yoga. Every person needs a period of “hermitage”. To know yourself and bring your mind to a state of peace.
9 lasso does not allow you to listen to the opinions of others when examining yourself. Only your opinion and inner feelings will open your eyes to the real you.

Reversed card

In an inverted state, this card means a complete rejection of oneself and a rejection of self-knowledge. Life turns into a series of events and the pursuit of new trophies. Relations with people are built without sincere feelings. A person takes on more and more responsibilities and affairs in order not to be alone with his inner loneliness. Running away from yourself never leads to anything good. Fate gives an impetus and sends circumstances to a person that will unsettle him in order to give him time to realize.
The Universe sends help to a person, for which he must grasp.

Tarot Hermit in different areas of life

The Hermit Tarot card changes its meaning depending on the question from which area of ​​life you are asking.

Personal relationships

In a relationship, this card promises loneliness. If a fortuneteller has a partner, then the development of events can be of only two types:

  • Parting and realizing that the relationship with this person has lost its meaning.
  • Renunciation and a short pause in the relationship allow you to understand yourself.

IN love relationships The hermit often thinks about the feelings he has with his partner and constantly weighs them. Such a card is not the most favorable for love relationships.
It will be quite difficult in a relationship with a person of such a card, because when difficulties appear on the horizon, such a person will not understand them, but will try to step back and go into his shell in order to think everything over properly. This may take a large amount of time. The hermit is secretive and not used to sharing his emotions with others. He is used to keeping everything in himself, but he himself requires timely outbursts of feelings from his partner.


The hermit card is indifferent to material values. She renounces everything earthly in the name of spirituality. A hermit can be defined as a range of freelancers or people working remotely. Because such people do not belong to any organization and do not have a boss.
This card is good for gaining new knowledge. It gives perseverance and interest in the subject being studied. This card promises success to people whose professions are associated with the study of secret knowledge and unexplored sciences. Also for people involved in forensic science or archeology. The Hermit is a good mentor and his main gift is teaching. He knows how to correctly present information so that a person can understand everything in the shortest possible time.


For health, this card is not the most favorable. Decreased immunity, strength, decline in energy. This is a kind of aging process. Strength is depleted. The person is depressed, experiences insomnia and is tormented by nightmares. The best remedy is complete solitude and complete relaxation. Too active rhythm of life entails serious psychological problems. A person is not able to keep their emotions under control. His mental state needs rest.

Map of the day

This day should be spent in solitude. Meditation and various spiritual practices will be great helpers. Today you should look deep inside yourself and ask yourself questions that you have not wanted to answer for a long time. Try to be honest with yourself. Also this day is good for getting some information. Reading books, articles and any information sources will benefit you. Today it is worth abandoning noisy parties and large companies. Any contact with people will take more energy from you.

IX lasso The Hermit in combination with other cards

The lasso takes on different interpretations in combination with other cards.

  • Hermit - Fool
    Finding yourself through new ideas and thoughts. A person is ready for new knowledge and discoveries. He is fast and elusive. He is full of enthusiasm and determination.
  • Hermit - Mage
    A person has some kind of secret knowledge, it is quite possible that it is magical and skillfully hides it. He is not used to spreading and carefully keeps it a secret.
  • Hermit - High Priestess
    a person is able to devote his life to the study of secrets and mysteries unknown to mankind. It is filled with wisdom and knowledge. He is attracted by the mysteries of the universe.
  • Hermit - Empress
    Internal searches can bring good results. After a short period of seclusion, a person is able to go out into the world a different person. Renewed and loving its essence.
  • Hermit - Emperor
    A person experiences real emotions in relation to himself. He is comfortable with himself and does not consider loneliness to be something offensive and terrible. He spends time alone and enjoys company with himself.
  • Hermit - Lovers
    Strong and faithful relationships follow the combination of these cards. Wisdom and awareness comes to this couple. Love and loyalty go hand in hand with them.

  • Hermit - Chariot
    External circumstances do not allow you to spend time with yourself. Business trips and business meetings should be postponed. Otherwise, you will drown in a series of hectic days and office faces.
  • Hermit - Strength
    You always adhere to the established rules and tasks. You should break these rules at least once to understand the sweetness of life. Feel your heart and give in to emotions.
  • Hermit - Wheel of Fortune
    You know how to enjoy life and do not limit yourself to empty frames. You think freely and freshly. You are not afraid to let new emotions into your life.
  • Hermit - Justice
    No one but you can solve your problems. It is worth looking fear in the eye and making a decision carefully considering everything.
  • Hermit - Hanged Man
    A person needs a pause to search for himself and his inner self. Complexes and not accepting yourself.
  • Hermit - Death
    Emptiness and depression. There are no emotions. Complete despair. It is worth devoting time to spiritual practices to improve the state of mind.
  • Hermit - Temperance
    Difficult situation. An act that was committed in the past brought its negative results. Pangs of conscience and hope for the best.
  • Hermit - Devil
    Dangerous Liaisons and Renunciation. Rejection of your inner desires. A man goes on about his friends.
  • Hermit - Tower
    The search for spiritual self-knowledge through mental trauma and resentment. Situations that push a person out of their comfort zone.
  • Hermit - Star
    A person is at the stage of acceptance and search for his destiny.
  • Hermit - Sun
    Internal searches will be crowned with success. Internal problems will recede, and harmony will restore balance.
  • Hermit - Last Judgment
    New experience and the strongest transformation of the soul. Serious awareness that comes through meditation.
  • Hermit - World
    Man has found his absolute key to happiness and harmony. All roads are open and happiness is just around the corner, it remains only to lend a hand.

And, in conclusion, a short video about the lasso Tarot Hermit.

11 Tarot card "Justice" means harmony, the triumph of truth and balance in our lives. It is also a reminder that honesty and goodness, as a result, will surely defeat untruth and evil. Higher Justice is objective and incorruptible, therefore, at some point, everyone will receive only what he deserves.


It depicts a woman who sits on a throne between 2 columns: retribution and mercy. The red color of her clothes speaks of her intention and willingness to act.

The Tarot card "Justice" has a very interesting meaning. In the left hand of the woman depicted on it, there are scales - on them she weighs lies and truth, virtue and vice. IN right hand she holds a sword that can punish anyone who deserves it. These attributes - the sword and scales - accurately convey the nature of real justice: firmness and accuracy.

It is curious that "Justice", unlike, for example, "Themis", is not blind on the Tarot card. She does not hide from the world, looking at him with wide eyes. It is worth noting that she has incorruptibility of the highest quality. Unlike earthly justice, which can be subject to greed, temptation, passions or other influences, Divine Justice (this card represents it) does not need to hide its eyes from the rest of the world. She notices everything that does not affect her ability to distinguish lies from truth. At the same time, having distinguished, - to reward each according to his merits.

Direct position

Arcana "Justice" (Tarot) in a direct position says that the time has come to take responsibility, repay the debt and pay the bills. At the present moment, a person needs to return his debt to society, while everything that he will do is passed through the test of "correctness".

For some people, "Justice" Tarot can actually turn out to be a very good card, while for others it can be a negative one. It all depends on the actions of a person that he carried out before. Arkan warns that it is time to get what you deserve and pay your bills. If you have done harm to other people, it will return to you. If you have been pious and kind, only a good future awaits you.

In addition, the appearance of the card in the layout says that this person receives an assessment of absolutely everything that he has done up to this time. This can talk about interviews, exams, going to the doctor. In addition, the fallen "Justice" (Tarot) has the following meaning - it says that at the present moment a person is acting according to the rules, as it should.

If an individual decides to deceive the Universe and outwit his fate, then the card emphasizes that this will not work out for a person. For an attempt to deceive the higher mind, a rather serious retribution will follow. The appearance of the "Justice" card in almost any scenario demonstrates that at the moment you can look at the world soberly, are able to perceive any situation clearly.

Reversed position

"Justice" (Tarot) in an inverted position acts as a negative card, prophesying the emergence of dishonest companions, as well as violation of obligations and established rules. This can be interpreted as the emergence of problems with the law, as well as problems in relationships, a complete disregard for a person.

Quite often, the situation can be characterized as follows: a person tries to achieve what he wants illegally, using various dubious methods, in addition, he tries to justify this by saying that the system cannot be called perfect, and periodically it is necessary to take risks in order to get what he wants. But as a result, the individual himself becomes a victim of violations and dishonesty.

In addition, in an inverted position, "Justice" (Tarot) has the following meaning - the card speaks of a long lawsuit, an illegal break. This can be interpreted as a divorce, after which a man and a woman continue to live under a common roof.

It is worth noting that in ancient interpretations it is noted that this lasso can have the following meanings: negative attitudes, subjective opinion, timidity, intolerance, shame for an act, lack of support, aggression, instability of character, criticism, anger that destroys the whole human world.

Finance and work

"Justice" (Tarot) says that you will receive as much as you could earn. Everything is fair here. Only in an honest way is it possible to be promoted or receive a large sum. Any fraud is useless to carry out, since they will not be crowned with success.

In addition, you have a chance to resolve your tax problems, receive compensation, and repay debts. It is advisable for people identified with the "Justice" card to choose a profession related to advocacy, jurisprudence, and judging. These individuals are excellent at realizing themselves in the police, in the role of an official or a financial inspector.

Due to the fact that such a person cannot afford to be biased in something, he will always have honest verdicts, therefore, in society he is able to win a good position. If he works conscientiously and follows the prescribed path, then he can actually become a good professional, move up the professional ladder, and make a fortune.

"Justice" (Tarot): relationships

"Justice" has a dual meaning in terms of relationships. Arkan emphasizes to us that everyone will always get what they deserve. This does not speak of total harmony, since equality of forces happens even among rivals. If we talk about gender relations, then each side is ready for marriage, as well as maintaining a stable relationship. But this card does not always speak of strong feelings, passion, it is rather considered a symbol of an assessment of a person’s character, a cold calculation, a sound approach to marriage.

This will be expressed especially clearly if one person is identified with the "Hermit", and the other with the "Magician" (if there is a "Justice" Tarot card in the layout). The meaning in relationships for married partners is the opposite - it speaks of a quick break in relations, in addition, the distribution of property. Often in such relationships, a feeling of remorse, guilt is likely. If there are positive cards around, this speaks of an objective approach, in addition, of the absence of fantasies.

Health status

"Justice" (Tarot) focuses your attention on the fact that balance is necessary in everything. If you've been careless about your own health all your life, don't be surprised to end up feeling unwell and having a lot of chronic diseases as a result.

If you led an active lifestyle, went in for sports, gave up bad habits, then the result will be appropriate. If the purpose of the alignment was to identify an indicator of the disease, this card demonstrates beriberi, metabolic disorders, liver disease and severe intoxication.

What else is interesting about "Justice" (Tarot)? The combination with many cards of swords indicates a possible surgical intervention or hospitalization of a person.

Combination with other cards

In order to interpret the alignment correctly, it is necessary to pay attention to a separate card, as well as to what is located around it. This will allow you to assess the situation in more detail.

A combination of tarot cards. "Justice" with major arcana

The card, along with the major arcana, has the following interpretation:

  • "Mag" - fraud, fraud, an attempt to break the law.
  • "Jester" - do not neglect the established rules, this can negatively affect your reputation.
  • "Empress" - you will need to make a decision. Mistakes are not allowed.
  • High Priestess" - someone is trying to deceive you, there are hidden motives.
  • "Hierophant" - the emergence of a strong patron, building relationships, be merciful, as this will play into your hands.
  • "Emperor" - it will be necessary to resolve problems, this can only be done if you act in accordance with existing rules and regulations.
  • "Chariot" - it is impossible to sign an important contract due to disagreements.
  • "Lovers" - fear, weakness, making mistakes, self-doubt.
  • "The Hermit" - imprisonment, problems with the law.
  • "Strength" - legislation, submission.
  • "The Hanged Man" - a subpoena is likely.
  • "Wheel of Fortune" is a very unfavorable set of circumstances.
  • "Devil" - around a lot of corrupt people, fraud.
  • "Death" is the execution of the sentence.
  • "Star" - an attempt to defeat the enemy, hope for the best.
  • "Tower" - breaking agreements, divorce.
  • "Sun" is a likely conclusion.
  • "Moon" - defenselessness, weakness.
  • "World" - there is a chance of concluding a contract with a good companion.
  • "Judgment" - in order to move on, you need to admit the mistakes you made earlier.
  • "Ace" - luck will be on your side.


In combination with wands:

  • "Three" - understanding of the truth.
  • "Deuce" - before making a decision, weigh any option.
  • "Five" - ​​lawsuits, complaints.
  • "Four" - marriage of convenience, wedding.
  • "Seven" is a problem for a long time.
  • "Six" - success, victory.
  • "Nine" - a lawsuit.
  • "Eight" - the conclusion of the contract.
  • "Page" - reconsider your attitude to the situation.
  • "Ten" - the ability to defeat enemies.
  • "Queen" - it's time to take responsibility for your own actions.
  • "Knight" - news that can knock down.
  • "King" - it will be possible to challenge your sentence.


"Justice" along with tarot bowls:

  • "Deuce" - a waste of money, ruin.
  • "Ace" - payment of bills, justice.
  • "Four" - luck is not on your side.
  • "Troika" is a witness to an important incident.
  • "Six" - a meeting of old acquaintances, the impact on people.
  • "Five" - ​​the announcement of the will, the receipt of a large inheritance.
  • "Eight" - news about a missing friend.
  • "Seven" - a lawsuit, an arrest.
  • "Ten" - profit.
  • "Nine" - you need legal advice.
  • "Knight" is a dangerous event.
  • "Page" is a small victory.
  • "King" is a modest sin.
  • "Queen" - taking part in the court.


The value of the lasso if there is a card of swords nearby:

  • "Deuce" - division of property, divorce.
  • "Ace" - payment of bills, punishment.
  • "Four" - loneliness, caution.
  • "Troika" - problems, payment of taxes.
  • "Six" - changes in life.
  • "Five" - ​​feeling unwell, causing damage.
  • "Eight" - a disease of a relative.
  • "Seven" - making a decision.
  • "Ten" - aggression, insult.
  • "Nine" - fraud, mistrust.
  • "Knight" - mistakes, negligence.
  • "Page" - flight from justice.
  • "King" is an evil person nearby, he cannot be trusted.
  • "Queen" is the wrong solution to the problem.


Along with pentacles:

The "Justice" card accompanies a person, returns him to reality, makes him take a sober look at his whole life, and also deal with all the accumulated cases. Arkan insists that when making decisions, you must be guided by common sense, and not listen to emotions.

The Hermit tarot card means enlightenment, an inner voice, a trip that will lead to the achievement of previously unrealizable goals, the need of a fortuneteller to choose an unfamiliar path.

If the arcanum is completely reversed, this may indicate narrow-mindedness, perfectionism, excessive caution and unwillingness to grow.


  • Sage,
  • Wisdom,
  • Insight,
  • internal guidance,
  • spiritual completion,
  • Prophet,
  • humanitarianism,
  • self-awareness,
  • Walk at night
  • introspection,
  • Loneliness,
  • Retreat,
  • Astrophysicist,
  • Scientist,
  • Teacher,
  • knowledge seeker,
  • Esoteric Knowledge,
  • thoughtfulness,
  • Depth,
  • shrewd,
  • serenity,
  • night drive,
  • Insulation,
  • Journey with your own inner light to find direction in life,
  • wise lawyer,
  • Support

Hermit: description and symbolism

An old man in a gray cloak holds a lantern and walks with a high cane. The landscape is barren because it only focuses on the light. The character on the map is indeed on a spiritual quest. His white and long beard speaks of wisdom. A man doesn't care what he looks like. He has more important things to do. The material world and beauty does not belong to it.

The lantern he is holding has a visible star. The universe guides him in his own way. To reach heaven, all he has to do is look up.

The background of the map is dark blue that fades to white. Blue symbolizes communication and enlightenment, especially as it moves towards white.

In a way, the Hermit is almost like the Fool, but the difference is that the 9th Arcana has already acquired knowledge. Much has to be achieved in the pursuit of further self-awareness that will come from effort.

The Meaning of the Hermit Tarot Card

  • Delay or slowdown.
  • You need to find a direction and fix your goals.
  • Independence and inner beliefs will bring happiness.
  • A sudden flash of understanding will show the right path.
  • Exit from darkness.
  • Do not listen to others, trust your own inner feelings.
  • Knowing yourself will bring understanding to others.

The hermit is a wise old man who lives to write about everything he sees and feels. He walks through the forest every day, calmly practicing mindfulness, enjoying everything he comes into contact with. He is introspective, passionate and logical. He wants to analyze everything around him, because it gives light.

When you get the Hermit in spreads, you should spend some time alone. It is necessary for spiritual growth.

In practical application, the card has the meaning of guidance and mentoring. The fortuneteller must take advice. Be open to supporting those who are wiser.

Hermit also talks about introspection. 9 lasso can indicate an introvert or someone who is seized by loneliness. The fortuneteller should pay attention to the spiritual world, and focus on the inner.

The hermit as a person

9 lasso represents a person who is analytical and insightful. He needs time to think things through. May indicate a physicist or astrologer considering a new theory.

He also sometimes introduces a person who is a little strange, who always seems to be lonely.

The meaning of the Hermit in divination for relationships

If you are already in a relationship, the Hermit signals to you that this is not good time for love. Your partner really needs some privacy.

If you ask a love question, the tarot card warns you that the person you are guessing at is very selective in relationships, he clearly knows what kind of partner he needs. He wants a lot of freedom, maybe even he will have the need to live in a separate room or in another place.

your desire for true love and real change is the highest desire of your soul. The reason is related to the powerful and rich events of the past and your attitude towards them.

The hermit looks to the left, which indicates a connection with the past. Like the old man carrying the lantern in your hands, you are now illuminating your past with your newfound awareness (lantern: real understanding).

You humbly bow your head to your past love experiences. They were great lessons for you because they brought you to where you are today. But it's time to let them go and move into the present.

Do you have concerns about your present and future? If you feel attached to the past and this is reflected in building relationships, ask yourself:

  • Are you carrying emotional baggage that could affect your current relationship?
  • Does your partner have an unfinished past, fears and concerns that get in the way of a partnership?
  • Why are you not fully in the present moment?

The hermit implies that it is time to let go of old emotional attachments, no matter how significant they may be. If you don't, it will affect your current relationship. It's time to cleanse the sphere of love from the shadow and negative energies. Try to understand each other's past, but don't let it shape your present.

The old man depicted on the map has a lantern: he illuminates his own path with it. This is a reminder that you need clear and honest answers to the following questions. By answering them, you can illuminate your own path to the future.

  • Are you and your partner happy?
  • Does your partner understand your deeper, real desires?
  • Can you talk about it?
  • Is your partner giving you what you need?
  • Can you look to the future together?

Note that the Hermit is also standing on the ice. To objectively answer these questions, go inside yourself. The card calls for deep introspection and asks you to take meaningful action. Maybe it's time to seek outside help if you're unsure about something.

Hermit for the senses

If you get 9 lasso in matters of feelings, then your partner loves solitude. He feels deeply introspective and is very happy being alone. Disintegration may occur in the future.


9 lasso - a wise card, saying that the fortuneteller works great alone. She represents spiritual insight and inner intuitive guidance.

The old man is at the top. He has reached the highest point. The hermit advises you to take the higher road. You have a lantern, a star that can illuminate your path and the path of those around you. If you are in conflict with someone, show them the way.

People are always looking for something within themselves, but sometimes they don't know how to find it. The map can show you the way.

Another important tip that the lasso gives us is research. The old man on the lasso personifies a diligent, self-confident person. Perhaps the map recommends you study ancient texts, scripts, or you should take an educational route that is not under the mass consciousness.

Zodiac features

Virgo time is grounded and stable, so the Hermit speaks of slow, practical, or small changes. Her energy is solid; it is a completely terrestrial representative. However, it is also one of the four mutable zodiac signs.

Variable signs mean change, flexibility and adaptability. This combination gives the fortuneteller powerful and focused creativity. If you choose to make changes now, under the mystical influence of the Hermit, they will be lasting and profoundly meaningful.

Value at work

You need to give yourself time and space to reflect on your calling. Does your current job give you the experience and skills you need to move in the direction you want to go? If not, what can you do?

The Hermit's Lantern is presented as a six-pointed star that combines two triangles: one of them is directed downwards. It has the meaning of fire and masculine energy. The second looks up, it personifies water and female energy.

The old man united his inner fire and water. This is real alchemy, working miracles if you act with passion. But this passion must come from gentleness and true concern for oneself and for the world.

Does your current job make you feel like this?

Do you think you are contributing to the world?

Does it give you meaning?

Are you stuck in this profession because you don't see any other alternatives?

These are all important questions to consider. Ask yourself.

Hermit Professions

  • Author.
  • Writer
  • Editor.
  • Astrologer.
  • Psychologist.
  • Analyst.
  • Metaphysical student or sage.

The hermit inverted and its meaning

  • Don't shut yourself off from the world out of fear of the unknown.
  • You are too proud to ask others for help.
  • A possible trip could bring something meaningful.
  • Limitation does not give a chance for personal growth.
  • Learn to face important challenges and admit your own mistakes.
  • Perfectionist.
  • Loss of friends.
  • No progress without careful planning.
  • A wise person will influence your life.

The card in the opposite position indicates to you that you may experience feelings of self-pity and insecurity. You need some alone time. You want to leave society. It's not the best option, but you feel like you need it.

You suffer from loneliness and isolation. Perhaps you have hypochondria. Then you get stuck on diseases and think that every little spot is a sign of death.

Reverse Hermit means stupidity or the need for more spiritual development, which is necessary to become more wise. A card in this position may indicate that the fortuneteller needs introspection before making decisions.

The strongest combinations

  • Hierophant: big exam.
  • Devil: The physical planes are cancelled. It gives you relief, you can spend time alone.
  • Sun: No matter how old you are, you must have a young heart. The old man brings sunshine and joy.
  • Eight of Wands: journalism or script.
  • Ten of Wands: Knowledge can create a burden.
  • Page of Wands: Being alone is an activity. Much has been done alone in a short period of time.
  • Eight of Cups: Departure from a relationship. A gap after which a person will be alone. This separation does not have to be final. You can find new understanding in solitude.
  • Ten of Cups: To be content and dreamy. Finding inner happiness.
  • Five of Pentacles: Cold. Transition to an alternative spiritual path.
  • Six of Pentacles: The old man is generous with his money.
  • Nine of Pentacles: A grown man appreciates a wealthy single woman.

Interpretation of health

9 lasso gives warnings about feeling unwell. A decrease in energy, exhaustion, in the traditional interpretation, speaks of aging. If you have a card in matters of health, take care of your strength, engage in energy practices to restore them.

The card can also indicate depressive thoughts and sleep problems.

Hermit: a combination in career, money and love

The first line tells the values ​​​​in work, the second in personal life and in the third in financial.

Professional update.

The end of loneliness or chastity, the arrival of affective renewal.

The money is returned.


Research or secret work. Relationships at work are quite difficult, you feel lonely. Few changes.

Two shy, very sensitive people, slow development of the situation. A mature need for a relationship.

Although finances are scarce, they are used very wisely, thinking and planning can achieve a balance.


After professional loneliness or dramatic changes, you return to work.

If a man guesses, then a woman will come into his life, and loneliness will end. If the alignment is for a girl, there will be an improvement in her personal life, the desire to feel like a woman will return.

Cash flow opens.


The hermit with the emperor says that you approach your work with responsibility.

The arrival of man, the end of loneliness. Self-confidence.

New employment or receipt of money from a man.


Excellent professional wisdom, work in the humanitarian field.

Relationships to be born. Lots of respect for them.

Balance, financial knowledge.


You must admit that you lack the knowledge to act.

Loneliness makes the counselor sad.

Difficulty in managing money, stinginess.


Transition from analysis to action.

You will stop being lonely thanks to the movement.

Money will finally come into your life.


You will find a job after many years of study or a long and difficult search.

Think before you get into a relationship.

Transition to wisdom.

Wheel of Fortune

Very fast changes are taking place.

Your social life will speed up.

After a difficult time, finances return little by little.


To control the work it is important to analyze the situation well and get sufficient training.

To have a happy relationship, control yourself. Know what's appropriate for them.

Great generosity on the part of the fortuneteller. Be careful.


You have to work alone, no one can help.

Stop asking for love in a nefarious relationship. Learning and understanding one's own functioning is important.

Don't waste your money, hard times are coming.


A new life awaits you. Enjoy it and seize the opportunity for change.

After reflection and analysis, it's time to thrive.

Everything is changing, a new way to look at the financial sector.


Analysis, study and change will allow you to find a professional balance.

New friendship, someone gets your trust.

Everything will gradually improve.


Be careful what you want. Money and power are not the main thing in life.

Differences in the desires of the couple, one wants a slow and strong relationship, and the other carnal unlikely connection.

Someone wants to steal something from you or cheat.


Big disappointment.

Disappointing, no two values ​​are the same.

You have been deceived, try to restore the situation.


Luck comes and guides you. Humanitarian or artistic work.

Being lonely is difficult for you, but be patient, one day the right person will appear in your life.

If there are problems, someone will help you.


A bit of depression due to the feeling of isolation.

The absence of your own family makes you sad.

Beware of night walks with money.

The sun:

Trust and recognition.

Love will finally come. Secret love.

Finances move in the stream of receiving and giving.

Big positive changes due to appropriate professional training.

Great news, you will find love within a year.

Prosperity awaits you.

Thanks to you, there will be an improvement.

Many people will want to be your friend. Great interest from people.

Abundance and glory.


You have to leave work abruptly.

One day adventure, be careful with your health.

Be careful in managing money, don't limit yourself, but also spend too much.

The Major Arcana Tarot contains 22 cards. They consider the main ones in the deck, carrying important meaning. Justice in some sources is called Justice. In the classic Rider-Waite deck, this is the twelfth card. It depicts a woman in simple clothes. She has no jewelry, only a crown on her head. She holds a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. Behind her is a curtain, on the sides of her are columns.

Map Description

Many mistakenly believe that Themis, the goddess of justice, is depicted on the lasso of Justice. In fact, the card depicts her daughter, Dika, who embodies the idea of ​​a right court, i.e. fair. Calling the lasso Justice is not entirely correct. Since holding a trial is the destiny of another card.

The central figure of Justice is a woman in the role of a judge. The red color of the mantle emphasizes her powers, the right to power. Over it is a gold cape. It resembles the vestments of the clergy. This detail indicates that the judge is guided by divine justice and is its bearer.

The symbol of power is the crown. For many peoples, the king was not just a ruler, but also the bearer of divine will. Passing through certain religious rites, the king received a divine blessing. Therefore, the map is interpreted as a manifestation of the cosmic laws that govern the world. The golden color only emphasizes that the judge is confident in his work.

The woman's eyes are closed. She does this in order not to be influenced and to do her job impartially. The judge must be the embodiment of objectivity.

The symbols of justice and order are the sword and scales. The sword should punish and punish, and the scales should make fair decisions.

The two columns refer to the choice between two points of view. The curtain behind the referee is a rejection of impulsive decisions. The point of view must be based on rules and laws.

The general meaning of Justice in the alignment

  • Justice.
  • Law.
  • Scales.
  • Polarity.
  • Equilibrium.
  • Cause and investigation.
  • Courts.
  • Lawyers.
  • Judges.
  • Marriage.
  • World judge.
  • Karma.
  • Education.

The Justice card appears when the questioner has to work off his karmic debts. The appearance of such a card can have both positive and negative meanings. One thing is certain: the querent will receive for all his actions. But what will be the outcome is unknown. From the point of view of the universe, a person must understand the connection between his actions and the result.

He receives an assessment of his work. It can show up in different situations. In some cases, the querent will try to figure out cause and effect relationships on his own.

In some cases, the appearance of a lasso indicates the need to make an important decision. Which will affect his future life. Justice includes the following:

  • Do the right thing.
  • Try to cheat fate.
  • An attempt to take possession of something that does not belong to the questioner.

When choosing the first option, a reward and fulfillment of the desired await a person. But the second and third promise retribution for deeds, and it will be serious. The appearance of this card in the layout indicates the need to seriously consider what is happening and how much it affects the querent, whether he is able to see something other than his own truth.

The strengths of the lasso are responsibility, prudence, a clear perception of the situation, intuition. If all this is not taken seriously, retribution will follow immediately.

Some people think that Judgment is a serious card. But don't be afraid of her. If the querent is confident in himself and his actions, he has not harmed anyone, then he has nothing to worry about. Justice will punish those who dishonestly dealt with the questioner. However, the card can display the whole truth, and it is not always convenient for the querent.

Justice often appears in layouts where agreements between people appear. Most often, these are some kind of conflict cases - the division of inheritance, divorces and labor disputes. However, there is nothing to be afraid of, the outcome of the case will be in favor of the questioner. But there is a small caveat: the outcome will be fair, and this does not always mean a benefit for the querent.

On the card they receive not only a good reward. But also reports on work, receipts from the tax service and other expenses. Arkan makes it possible to obtain a valuable expert opinion and other important information.

The querent sees through the surrounding people, he perceives everything strictly and impartially. He no longer has any illusions and delusions. He doesn't give in to temptation. The questioner is able to:

  • reasonably evaluate all situations;
  • be cold-blooded;
  • judge impartially;
  • self-criticism.

The querent tries to be guided by conscience and honor in his actions. At a subconscious level, a person strives for the norm in the form of truth. He is ready to follow her, not paying attention to possible difficulties. The most important qualities of Justice are impartiality and objectivity. There is no place for emotions and impulsiveness.

The questioner is drawn to harmony, order, balance.

Querent is ready to do whatever is necessary to bring the situation in order. It's not what he wants, though. It's a sense of duty. His inner determination develops from the awareness of the importance and necessity of the act. He is ready to bear all the responsibility, no matter how difficult it is.

Justice endows the questioner with the desire to seek the truth everywhere. He will go on principle, fight wrong. Any ethics often pass through the map: military, noble, etc.

Sometimes it is the lasso of virgins and other immaculate people who are ready to give everything for the sake of service and a sense of duty. The chastity of the questioner is not manifested in refraining from flat pleasures. It is a solid rock. Other people may think one thing, do another, and desire a third. The querent is a stranger to this. He is often accused of being too dry, without emotional and callous.

Justice teaches an important lesson: you must be fully responsible for your actions and thoughts. Sooner or later you will have to pay for it. There will be a payment for good or evil, time will tell.

work area


  • Judge.
  • Advocate.
  • Intermediary.
  • Politician.
  • Arbitrator.
  • Diplomat.
  • Urologist.
  • Keeper of the world.
  • Educator.
  • Manager, Director, Supervisor.
  • Banker
  • Social worker.
  • State employee.

In the sphere of professional interest, the lasso Justice is ambiguous. Querent will have to analyze his position, all his strengths and weak sides. A person can count on a good attitude towards himself, but only on the condition of honest behavior. When trying to deceive and intrigue, everything will turn out not in favor of the questioner.


In matters of business, the lasso has a favorable meaning. It brings clear prospects, financial profits.

For those who are looking for a job, Justice promises a good position. It will have transparent accounting and a reliable team. This card is a profession related to law: lawyers, judges, etc.

Justice warns that the game must be played by the rules. Any fraud will come out sideways. This applies to both running a business and moving up the career ladder.

There will also be changes in the workforce. A number of organizational issues will be resolved. Tensions will ease and change will require competent management. The company will be tested. Issues may need to be resolved. Most likely they will be associated with different documents.

Significance in the field of relationships and love

Justice is a map of passion and all the depths of its manifestation. For lonely people, she portends the imminent appearance of partners. To attract him, the querent will need serious confidence in his attractiveness. It is necessary to focus on entertainment, pleasure, sexuality. Attracting a partner does not just happen. The questioner has a serious job to do.

For a well-established pair of lasso, it implies a fair game. No cheating or forgery. An important condition for maintaining the union is respect for each other and common interests. Partners should be sincere and balanced.

Sooner or later, each participant will understand that there is no place left for egoism. Honesty and decency come into relationships.

Loving a querent is not easy. Union with him hard work.

An inquiring man of a knightly warehouse. He is restrained, responsible and noble in his own way. However, he has the power to seriously injure a person. He will strike with particular cruelty. Honor is no stranger to him, and the querent cannot be bribed, cajoled, or coddled with him.

Justice endows the questioner with the ability to see through other people. Therefore, it is useless to manipulate them. He will always do what he sees fit. In a bad version, this can be transformed into a painful consciousness. So the querent will consider the partner to be guilty, wish him dead. He will be ready to kidnap his soul mate.

Justice will not let a person lose his head, plunge into a pool of passion. He is always critical of the union. However, it is not in his rules to look for flaws in a partner, but he will not let himself be deceived. The querent will always keep himself under control. Minute impulses are not for him. He will not tolerate quirks and whims.

The person described by the Justice card is the embodiment of the aristocracy of the spirit, moral strength. An alliance with him imposes certain obligations on the partner. He must always keep himself in hand and look decent. The querent will hear reproaches more than once that he is like a machine, a robot, but not a man. After all, for him the main thing is a sense of duty. The questioner at the time of the scandal will prefer to stop communicating for a while.

Justice as a feeling

Justice in the tarot brings a person feelings of equality, balance and symmetry. In relational spreads, the interpretation of the lasso should be based on the seeds that you have sown, because justice is also associated with cause and effect.

If you ask how a partner or friend feels, then the card says that the person they are guessing at feels balanced and harmonious. In a romantic matter, the lasso does not bode well.

Reversed position

Traditionally, tarologists consider any arcana in a direct and reverse position. Justice in an inverted position changes its basic meaning. The map is a serious indicator of trouble with the law. This is either difficulty with its observance, or deliberate ignoring.

According to this lasso, the querent still achieves his goal, but in what way? He uses dubious means to achieve his goal and does not hesitate to do so.

Usually the questioner tries to justify himself by saying that the need for violations of the law is due to the imperfection of the system.

In some cases, the querent himself becomes a victim of violations of the law: dismissal, non-payment of wages, etc. Sometimes there is a protest across the map. A person refuses to follow the norms of society, but he does not want to think about the consequences of his actions.

Often the lasso predicts a difficult break with a lawsuit. Spouses will not be able to just get a divorce - they are waiting for lengthy proceedings. All this will bring new conflicts and trials.

A statement of the truth passes through the lasso, but only this will be done in a rude and harsh form. Querent is distinguished by a special categorical judgment, fanaticism. He carries dangerous criticism, is too strict, unfair.

However, some tarologists give a different interpretation of the card. The questioner is timid and unfaithful, and any minimal difficulties push him to seek support. Justice in a reverse position gives very difficult lessons: the forced collection of debts, the rupture of relationships. All this will not be easy, but it will allow you to rethink your life.

At the level of the psyche, it manifests itself in anger, imbalance, irascibility, resentment. The querent breaks the harmony between the senses and the mind.

Some combinations

For the correct interpretation of the alignment, not only the fallen arcana are important, but also their combinations. Justice along with 7 swords brings escape from responsibility. The questioner will by all means avoid it and refuse it. If there are 5 swords in the neighborhood, then this indicates the commission of some dishonest acts. They will not necessarily come from the querent, rather he himself will be drawn into them.

The combination with the Court means the triumph of justice. The person will receive a well-deserved reward. It is filled with determination and awareness of the mistakes of the past. Now nothing will stop you from achieving new goals.

But the neighborhood with the Devil is not so rosy. It indicates that the search for truth will not be successful. Now is not the right time to establish justice. Finding the truth is impossible.

Favorable appearance of the Wheel of Fate. It allows the querent to clearly realize his destiny, destiny, karma. With this information, it will be easier for him to change his life.

The success of the search portends the lasso Jester. Together with him, Judgment indicates a tendency to lead a risky lifestyle. But this will determine the truth.

Together with the Emperor, Justice follows all the letters of the law. This is a good pair of cards in matters of litigation. They will be honest.

The need to circumvent the law is indicated by the appearance of the Magician. The legislative system will have to be openly manipulated, looking for loopholes. All this will lead to the beginning of a difficult stage in life. It cannot be corrected or stopped, it can only be experienced.

The appearance of the High Priestess in the layouts indicates that the truth and meaning are hidden very deeply. Getting to them is not easy. Querent should look for hidden motives. To achieve the goal, he will have to take some position and not change it. In terms of relationships, this combination promises good running after the opposite sex.

The Hierophant speaks of the need to find a balance. With his appearance, all situations should be resolved peacefully. The questioner should find balance and balance. His mercy and reason must find a balance. From everything that happens, the querent will learn a lesson. Perhaps he will receive patronage.

Importance in health

In health fortune-telling, Justice does not please with positive dynamics. The card opposite speaks of health problems, it indicates medical examinations, operations. There is a possibility of problems with the liver, traumatic situations.

Arkan advises to consciously approach the restoration of the balance of all the elements in the body, to find balance.

Hermit + Jester (IX + 0)
To lose yourself.
Withdrawal from reality threatening insanity.
Departure from the world.

Hermit + Mage (IX + I)
Wise mage.
Understand themselves.
Find hidden talent.
It's time to get down to business.
Do what works best for you.

Hermit + High Priestess (IX + II)
Single woman.
Another woman, betrayal, a mystery associated with her.
Childlessness or single mother.
Wisdom in solitude.
period of isolation. Refusal of pleasure.
Voluntary exile.
Closure. Lack of sociability.
Understanding yourself.
Devote yourself to the study of secret knowledge.
Intuitive way.
Spiritual service to people.
Spiritual purity.
Monitor your health.

Hermit + Empress (IX + III)
Wise woman. Her own mistress.
Works alone. Hidden business.
Do not rush things, even if something does not suit you, everything will go on as usual.
Time for reflection.
Irresponsibility of feelings.
Health requires examination.

Hermit + Emperor (IX + IV)
Gaining power over yourself.
A person has experience, knowledge and conducts business without advice and tips.
Wise power, one-man.
Elderly lonely man.

Hermit + Hierophant (IX + V)
A wise, lonely person, with a lot of life experience, able to give valuable advice.
A sage, an old man, an experienced person, an elder of the family. Spiritual teacher.
Pay attention to the spiritual life.
The chosen course of action will lead to success.
Search for your own system of values.
Contact doctors.

Hermit + Lovers (IX + VI)
The emergence of connections and relationships.
Finding a partner.
The emergence of sexual relations, sometimes against the wishes of a person.

Hermit + Chariot (IX + VII)
Journey to the goal alone.
Thoughts before the road.
Loneliness is broken.

Hermit + Strength (IX + VIII)
Achieving the goal depends on your willpower. She wakes up inside you.
Personality strives to flourish, and requires new options for its development.

Hermit + Wheel (IX + X)
The feeling of loneliness gradually disappears. Getting out of isolation.
Thirst for change.
It's time to go to see the world and expand your horizons.
Visiting doctors. Survey.

Hermit + Justice (IX + XI)
Wise and experienced judge.
Find justice.
Take on the role of arbitrator.
A fair decision in court is delayed.
A delay in the development of something.

Hermit + Hanged Man (IX + XII)
Forced loneliness or confinement.
The danger of losing your freedom.
Betrayal. Treason. Disease.
No money left. They don't understand at work. No support.
You do not tolerate loneliness and are in dire need of communication.
Go for a gynecological examination.

Hermit + Death (IX + XIII)
Slow transformation of loneliness.
Painful loneliness.
But if before there was one, then vice versa.
Twilight of the soul.
Departure from the world. From worldly affairs.
state of mourning. Loss.

Hermit + Temperance (IX + XIV)
End of loneliness. Impulse.
Life is in motion.
Time is the best healer.
Wound healing after loss.

Hermit + Devil (IX + XV)
The trap of loneliness.
Pray to the wrong god.
Fight of motives. The temptation to act contrary to oneself, to do something contrary to one's nature.
Belief in evil, in vice. The temptation of material goods.
Obsession. Extreme cynicism. Attacks of self-love and irritation.
Alone masochism.
Can date anyone. Not for the better.

Hermit + Tower (IX + XVI)
Scandal. The end of the relationship.
Couldn't hide.
Not smart actions.
You can be creatively successful, however, destroying yourself in the process.
You have formed an overabundance of energy and can "bring".
It's better to take matters into your own hands.

Hermit + Star (IX + XVII)
Mission accomplished.
The wait has been long and now your reward awaits.
Hope to shed light on your destiny.
Man is a loner.
Unlikely to be married.
Maybe a marriage abroad.

Hermit + Moon (IX + XVIII)
Long loneliness. Self-test.
There will be belated changes in life.
Late success if creative.
Late savings in life. Doesn't share with anyone.
If a person is a drinker, a long binge.
Fear of loneliness. Not the best way out for the psyche.
Hidden disease.

Hermit + Sun (IX + XIX)
The chance to change something in life.
Find the truth you've been looking for.
Activity is expected to resume after a fairly long break.
Work hard and luck will smile on you.
Disclosure of treason, secrets.

Hermit + Judgment (IX + XX)
There will be events that will make you think.
Changes to be accepted. They are for the best.
It's time to make a point.
You were waiting for the verdict of fate.
It is rendered - and not so bad.
Get down to business, difficulties can be overcome, do not waste time!
Only you will have to answer.
Wrong judgment (from an old interpreter).
Receiving important news.
A big event, the beginning of a new period of life.

Hermit + World (IX + XXI)
A success that took a long time to come.
Everything has been paid for.
Roads are open. Your abilities have finally been realized.
Personal integration.
The idea and its implementation.
The need to change places, travel in order to become wiser.
Wisdom has brought you to Olympus.
Weakening of isolation, involvement in the flow of events.

With the card "Ace of Wands" - find the light in yourself.
With the card "Two of Wands" - indecision.
With the Three of Wands card - find something valuable in yourself.
With the card "Four of Wands" - find shelter.
With the Five of Wands card - conflicting feelings.
With the Six of Wands card, take responsibility.
With the card "Seven of Wands" - "to collect stones."
With the card "Eight of Wands" - inner insight.
With the card "Nine of Wands" - learn a lesson.
With the Ten of Wands card, carry your cross.
With the Page of Wands card - look younger.
With the card "Knight of Wands" - let off steam.
With the card "Queen of Wands" - thaw, bloom; get out of your shell.
With the "King of Wands" card - increase authority.

According to other sources:
V. Sklyarova "The Great Book of Combinations".

Hermit upright with Major Arcana

Mage - Supreme Wisdom
Magician (per) - Danger
Priestess - Woman - a high-ranking scientist (S. Kovalevskaya or M. Sklodovskaya-Curie)
Priestess (per) - Miscalculations
Empress - Scientific discovery at the level of the Nobel Prize
Empress (lan) - Loss of offspring (any)
Emperor - Palace intrigues. intrigue
Emperor (per) - Quiet Madness
Priest - Marriage sanctified by the church. Marriage
Priest (per) - Disruption of plans
Lovers - Despite all the doubts, the right choice will be made, the right step.
Lovers (per) - Voluptuousness
Chariot - Wise ruler. Solomon's decision, wisdom
Chariot (lan) - Rout (any)
Justice - Righteous judgment. Court of conscience. Solitary confinement
Justice (per) - Justice Restored
Wheel of Fortune - Hidden abilities at the subconscious level
Wheel of Fortune (per) - Finding the Lost
Power - Spying for your country (like Stirlitz)
Strength (lane) - Danger from Zeus (lightning, thunder, thunderstorm, hail)
Hanged Man - Reinsurance. Sabotage
The Hanged Man (trans) - Death by Religious Fans
Death - Taking into custody. Dodging danger
Death (per) - Loss of sense of reality
Moderation - Teaching. moral lessons
Temperance (per) - Slow Danger
Devil - Marijuana. Light drugs
Devil (per) - Atonement. Father Sergiy
Tower - Networks. Tricks. Traps. Hunting. Checkboxes
Tower (lane) - Epilepsy. Storm in a teacup
Star - Success with securities
Star (lane) - Clarification of confusing circumstances
Moon - Danger Evasion
Moon (lane) - Secret ill-wishers. "Wolves in sheep's clothing"
Sun - Deceit, to be caught red-handed in the commission of socially dangerous acts. Deceit and love
Sun (per) - Happiness in material terms
Court - Confinement in solitary confinement
Judgment (trans) - Insurmountable Difficulties
Peace - Wise politician (Yasser Arafat)
Peace (per) - A truce is impossible. "Axe of War"
Jester - Avoiding danger at the last minute
Jester (per) - Jokes that have gone far

Hermit upright with Minor Arcana

The hermit in upright and inverted positions is identical in combination with the minor arcana

2 of Wands - Secret machinations of enemies
2 of Wands (lane) - Loss of favor
2 Cups - "Black cash" (shadow business)
2 of Cups (lane) - Confrontation, defense of the faith
2 of Swords - Leaving for a monastery
2 of Swords (lane) - Cunning, superficial glance
2 of Pentacles - Calming the soul in prayer
2 of Pentacles (per) - Manic Passion

3 of Wands - Awareness of the negative. Awakening from hibernation
3 of Wands (lane) - Termination of the union
3 of Cups - Hidden truth, noble deceiver
3 of Cups (lane) - Lack of support
3 of Swords - Escape from reality
3 of Swords (lane) - Shortsightedness, fallibility
3 of Pentacles - Loafer, playboy
3 of Pentacles (per) - Common thoughts, unprofessionalism

4 of Wands - Forming a new alliance
4 of Wands (lane) - Does not change meaning when reversed
4 of Cups - Unlimited Faith
4 of Cups (lane) - New approaches to religion. Bible
4 of Swords - Hermitage, wandering. Skit
4 of Swords (lane) - Success on the spiritual path
4 of Pentacles - Spiritual loneliness
4 of Pentacles (per) - Closure, fencing oneself off from the truth of life

5 of Wands - Success in banking
5 of Wands (lane) - Sluggish troubles
5 of Cups - "Gothic" in Christian Hermeticism, cutting off the excess
5 of Cups (lane) - Like-minded people in faith, beliefs
5 of Swords - Overcoming the earthly, cleansing from filth. CONFESSION.
5 of Swords
5 of Pentacles - Inequality of states, incl. and spiritual
5 of Pentacles (per) - Spiritual emptiness, rejection of God

6 of Wands - Fear of change, even good ones
6 of Wands (trans) - Lack of trust
6 of Cups - The path to holiness, keeping the vow of chastity, obedience, poverty
6 of Cups (trans) - Revival of old beliefs
6 of Swords - Mecca, pilgrims
6 of Swords (trans) - Apostleship
6 of Pentacles - Path to God
6 of Pentacles (lane) - Disorder, breakup, non-realization

7 of Wands - Ambush
7 of Wands (trans) - The Unbearable Heaviness of Being
7 of Cups - Contemplative lack of initiative
7 of Cups (per) - Failed intentions, treason
7 of Swords - Spiteful critics, secret enemies
7 of Swords (lane) - Inability to convince, lack of knowledge
7 of Pentacles - Unexpected big profit
7 of Pentacles (per) - Treachery of a congenial person

8 of Wands - Innocent fun
8 of Wands (trans) - Matriculation exam failed
8 of Cups - A chaste young girl, innocent and pure as a dove
8 of Cups (per) - Lethargy of thought, feeling
8 of Swords - Judgment
8 of Swords (trans) - Accidents in spiritual places
8 of Pentacles - Platonic love
8 of Pentacles (per) - Sacrifice

9 of Wands - Going underground from trouble
9 of Wands (lane) - Caution, slowing things down
9 of Cups - Wandering monk, pilgrim. Privacy
9 of Cups (per) - Sectarianism, zeal, sphericity
9 of Swords - Love retreat
9 of Swords (trans) - Unholy thoughts, death, funeral of a religious figure
9 of Pentacles - Escape, refuge
9 of Pentacles (lane) - Paradoxical situation

10 of Wands - Stop on the way for fear of getting into trouble.
10 of Wands (lane) - Zeal runs into obstacles. Equestrian defeat
10 of Cups - Spiritual maturity test
10 of Cups (trans) - Overthrow from religious heights, removal from spiritual position
10 of Swords - Sophisticated tests. Chains. Job
10 of Swords (lan) - Spiritual based strife
10 of Pentacles - miserliness
10 of Pentacles (per) - Amateur (maybe yes I suppose)

Ace of Wands - Bankruptcy through one's own fault
Ace of Wands (per) - Doom of deeds
Ace of Cups - Spirituality, life position
Ace of Cups (per) - Inconstancy in religious beliefs
Ace of Swords - Religiosity
Ace of Swords (per) - Artificial insemination. Cloning. Loneliness, hate
Ace of Pentacles - Happiness in mercy and kindness. Mother Teresa.
Ace of Pentacles (per) - Success in spiritual career

Page of Wands - Wise young man, assistant. spiritual growth
Page of Wands (trans) - Warns of danger, bad news
Page of Cups - Seminary student exhausted by studies
Page of Cups (transl.) - Homa Brut. Gogol, "Viy"
Page of Swords - Monk Abel
Page of Swords (per) - Failed Personality
Page of Pentacles - A person who reveres knowledge
Page of Pentacles

Knight of Wands - Removal from business
Knight of Wands (per) - Brawler, Breter
Knight of Cups - Peacemaker Abbot. Abbey
Knight of Cups (per) - Lack of energy to fight, cowardice
Knight of Swords - Mercenary Soldier
Knight of Swords (per) - A man with criminal tendencies
Knight of Pentacles - A man who knows his own worth
Knight of Pentacles (per) - Limitation in Opportunities

Queen of Wands - Success in the economy. mistress mistress
Queen of Wands (trans.) - Courtesy, "a good face on a bad game"
Queen of Cups - Gift of foresight, beautiful mother, wife
Queen of Cups (trans.) - Weepers, Confessions Against You
The Queen of Swords is the Mother Superior of the monastery. Lonely nun. Kel
Queen of Swords (per) - An evil woman. Atheism
Queen of Pentacles - Freedom of belief, public sermons
Queen of Pentacles (pen) - Fluctuating moods, trends

King of Wands - Success in politics, politically savvy boss
King of Wands (per) - Cleric
King of Cups - Man of Art or Science
King of Cups (trans) - Learning life lessons from a situation
King of Swords - Spiritual order, peacemaker in general
King of Swords (trans) - Apostasy, religious bigotry
King of Pentacles - Opportunity
King of Pentacles

Reversed Hermit with Major Arcana

Magician - Failure of plans. Conspiracy. bad sign of fate
Magician (trans) - Mental problems, the real danger is not so great
Priestess - Evasion, danger
Priestess (per) - Fixable Cause
Empress - Uncertainty of position
Empress (lane) - Loss of daughters. Karma on the female line of the family
Emperor - Adultery. Civil marriage
Emperor (trans.) - Loss of sons. Karma in the male line
Priest - Lack of obligations of the parties. flirt
Priest (per) - The collapse of relations in principle
Lovers - Wrong move
The Lovers (per) - Danger on the Road
Chariot - Neglect of advantages
Chariot (per) - "Pyrrhic Victory"
Justice - "With a bang" lost high-profile criminal case
Justice (per) - The Quest for Justice
Wheel of Fortune - Forgery
Wheel of Fortune (per) - Restoration of former status
Strength - Resident error. Failure of the Resident
Strength (lane) - Escape from Reckoning
The Hanged Man - A debunked idol. Idolatry
The Hanged Man (per) - Vain Victims
Death - Turn things around 180°
Death (per) - Escape from Retribution
Temperance - Worshiping False Values
Temperance (per) - Meeting with the past
Devil - Heroin. Strong synthetic drugs
Devil (per) - Bad company of drug addicts
Tower - Lifebuoy. Escape from danger
The Tower (lane) - Finding the Lost Faith
Star - Loss of financial support
Star (lane) - Hurricane. Tornado
Moon - Danger of water
Moon (lane) - Flood of great power. Flood or other water hazard
Sun - Crime Solving
Sun (per) - Blinded by Jealousy
Judgment - Unrighteous Judgment
Court (trans.) - "Gifts" of Saturn. Sword. Sword of Damocles
Peace - Carelessness
Mir (trans) - "Saturn is almost invisible"
Jester - "Icarus"
Jester (trans) - Contempt of crime

Reversed Hermit with Minor Arcana

10 of Cups (per) - Overthrow from the heights