How to pick up shampoo for winter. How to choose the right hair shampoo depending on their type of care of the mixed hair type

Every woman dreams about a luxurious chapelur. That's just a bad ecology, unbalanced nutrition and incorrectly chosen care negatively affect health, breaking the sebaceous glands. You can get rid of this unpleasant problem, finding a suitable cleansing agent. In the article "Products" we will tell you how to choose the best shampoo for very oily hair from the roots, we give the rating of proven manufacturers.

During the purchase it is necessary to pay attention to the composition. Trichologists and dermatologists recommend abandoning products containing sulphate compounds and parabens in favor of more natural plant versions.

A huge range significantly complicates the acquisition process. What to give preference to pharmacy or professional cosmetics? The key rule: there should be a large amount of nutrient and oily ingredients, since they contribute to the formation of a specific plaque.

Features of oily hair: how to choose a shampoo

In the scalp, there is a film responsible for protecting skin covers from damage and drying. Having disinfecting properties, it prevents the reproduction of microbes, penetration into the epidermis of malicious bacteria. With the correct functioning of the sebaceous glands, this lubricant does not affect the roots, does not contribute to pollution. However, in view of certain factors, the production of Cem is becoming more concentrated and active, which leads to the "planting" of the chapels.

Causes of excessive fatty:

  • hormonal failures;
  • incorrectly selected caring funds;
  • unbalanced and improper nutrition;
  • abuse of varnishes, gels and moussas.

Special shampoo for fast fat hair will help to get rid of a rather unpleasant problem. Distinguished by a special chemical composition, it provides proper purification and contributes to the opening bar.

Refuse cosmetics, dragging the root structure. Exclude goods with silicone, sulfates, parabens components. Do not use the means that violate the hydrolyphid balance of the skin.

Optimal option - hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly fifts that have a soft and delicate effect.


"Significance" - not just an aesthetically unpleasant effect, but quite a serious ailment, requiring correctly selected treatment.

Modern specialists in the field of trichology allocate the following varieties of shampoo against oily hair:

  • For thin and weakened curls. Delicately purified, not traumating the gentle and sensitive structure of the bulbs.
  • For painted. Rides subjected to frequent staining undergo significant structural changes, and therefore need more nutritional and vitaminized care.
  • For sensitive skin. When the moral part is inclined to the appearance of irritations and dryness, one should give preference to more gentle confuses.
  • With menthol particles. They are distinguished by a pronounced toning effect, activate blood microcirculation, contribute to the tide of the forces.
  • Balancing. The most optimal option for holders of the coarse roots and dry tips.
  • Regulating. Affect the activities of the glands, normalizing excretory activity.

Rating of popular manufacturers of fatty hair shampoos

Medical publications and women's magazines are often conducting specialized surveys and studies designed to identify the most effective means. Reflective real and objective opinions, they help make a choice, find our perfect product for everyday use. According to a survey of consumer preferences, implemented at the end of 2017, the following top better effective fatty hair shampoos was compiled:

  1. Korean Medical "Kerasis".
  2. French highly concentrated "Angel".
  3. German "nexxt".
  4. Domestic "Estelle."
  5. Spanish "Matrix".

All products participating in the study can be divided into three groups. Next, we offer them a more detailed description.


This includes the products of the Russian, Korean, German, Italian, Spanish and French production, which the wizards worldwide enjoy.

Kerasys (Korea)

Product made of natural components. Sounded by vitamins and minerals, it strengthens the hair roots, eliminating them from the semidium separation layer. Currency use allows you to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, make the hair more healthy outward.

Angel (France)

Thermal water, collagen particles and seaweed allow you to get rid of imperfections as soon as possible. The cleaning agent in the plastic bottle with a convenient dispenser is enough for a long time.

Dignity disadvantages
✔zitominated composition. ✔ swelling price.

NexXT (Germany)

Delicate balm shampoo, which includes a chamber, proprolis and menthol extracts. A distinguished pronounced soothing effect, it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, significantly reducing the amount of discharge. Often recognized as the best effective shampoo from oily hair. In addition, it is capable of fighting with dandruff.

L'Oreal Professionnel Pure Resource (France)

Emergency assistance to emaciated and extinct curls at an attractive price. Suitable for regular use. The greatest effect has in combination with a restoring balm from the brand line. Key advantage - protects against negative factors ambient, in particular, from the effects of ultraviolet.

ESTEL (Russia)

The unique product of domestic production, ideal for a combined chapels (dry tips + fat roots). Innovative patented moisturizing components included in the composition. Currency use restores the hair structure from the inside, making the hairstyle shining.

Londa (Germany)

It has not only cleansing, but also a careful effect. Due to the oil of jojoba and tea extracts, it is actively fighting with porosity, fluffiness, relieves inflammation, while normalizing the amount of seums. The main advantage is not dried the skin.

Matrix (Spain)

The active ingredients are lemon extracts that, tonic cells, accelerate microcirculation, normalize the operation of the sebaceous glands. The price is quite high - about 800 p. 250 ml, however, the consumption is minimal. Does not contain harmful substances (parabens and sulphate compounds).

Phytodess (France)

Unique ginseng shampoo, which is recommended to use 2-3 times a week so that the hair does not burn. It is able to give volume, while providing a healing and antioxidant effect.

Wella Sp (Germany)

The product of the new generation, designed to build the correct operation of the cells of the epidermis. Included in the oil and nutrient extracts have a deep recovery, toning and strengthening the hair structure. Active components - white clay and nutrient oils.

Kapous (Italy, Russia)

The product, which includes orange extracts, phosphorus, iron and potassium. At the expense of balanced, enriched with useful elements, the formula has a powerful therapeutic effect, preventing the blockage of pores and gently cleaning the skin.


Vichy (France)

Sebugulating agent that has won love and respect from buyers around the world. Delicately cleaning the root zone from the excess of selection, it does not overcap the epidermis, does not provoke peelings. It was recognized as the best effective shampoo for oily hair according to Marie Claire magazine.

Dr. Muller Pantenol (Czech Republic)

Indications for use: Strong itching, burning in the scalp, allergic reactions (redness, peeling, depth). The result will be visible after the first use - the curls will become more dense and heavy, the fat brilliance of the roar zone will disappear. You can buy in any pharmacy.

The main ingredient is a two-percent D-panthenol. It is he who provides nutrition and saturation, gives silkiness and natural radiance.

Anti-sanitary (Ukraine)

The uniqueness of this product is an innovative regenerating action. Actively affecting the hair roots, it contributes to the preservation of natural pigment. Ivy extract, menthol, chamomile and white nettle improve blood microcirculation, speeding up growth processes.

Repene (Russia)

Healing shampoo, regulating the work of the sebaceous glands. Characterized by a fully vegetable composition, it does not have a negative impact, does not provoke development side Effects. The only contraindication is the presence of allergies to one of the components of the drug.

Optimal use time - from three months to six months.


Such goods are distinguished by practicality and accessibility - you can buy them in any store or supermarket on a very democratic price. Completes the answer to the question of which shampoo is suitable for fatty hair, only the variety of options. Below you will find a list of optimal instances with a description.

Nivea Men "Extreme Freshness" (Germany)

Lyme extract is responsible for elimination of excessive fatty. Toning skin covers, it thus normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands.

Syoss Pure & Care (Germany)

The foam is well, washed off with warm water, without creating the effect of the film. Does not clog the pores, does not overlap the access of oxygen. The composition includes hydrolyzed keratin, which provides smoothness and silkiness, prevents confusing.

Garnier Fructis (Russia)

Key advantage - bright and captivative flavors. Carefully cleaning the hair, shampoos of this brand give her a light and flirty fragrance, which is saved until the next wash washing.

Clear Vita Abe (Russia)

Enriched with useful vitamins and microelements, the composition nourishes and saturates the dermis, stimulates regenerative and rehabilitation processes. Due to the penetration of active ingredients in the deep layers of the epidermis, it is possible to establish the production of sebum, to save the roasting zone from excessive pollution.

"Belita Viteks" (Belarus)

A distinctive feature is an increased content of auxiliary acids (glycolic, dairy and lemon). Oxidizing greasy lubricant, they effectively purify the hair. Cashmere proteins provide luxurious glitter, natural radiance.

Tiande (Russia)

Recommended by people suffering from luxury and hair loss. Gear extracts, silk guar and mineral oils provide deep nutrition of the roots, contributing to their stronger fixing in the bulbs. Used in a complex with balm.

Balancing from Eclab (Russia)

Recommended by the holders of a combined chapels (with dry tips, but fat roots). Fully natural composition is represented by ginger, quince and bergamot. In addition to fatty, shampoo struggling against dandruff and allergic tooth.

Yves Rocher (France)

The brand that won the world recognition offers a wide range of detergent mixtures for different types of skin and hair (light, painted, thin, fluffy).

Elseve (France)

Before white clay base agent. It takes care of strands carefully, making them smoother and sparkling. Effectively eliminates the fat shine. Products are recommended by the owners of dry tips.

Shampoo for oily hair "Recipes Grandmothers Agafia" (Russia)

The active ingredients are proprisal extracts and mustard leaves. They provide an antibacterial disinfectant effect, efficiently handle the surface of the head.

The cosmetics of domestic production in the assortment is presented at the "comrade". Available very democratic prices, funds from the brand "Biobuti" guarantee high-quality care, without damaging curls.

"Shungit" from "Fratty NV" (Russia)

In addition to the regulation of the sebaceous glands, the product strengthens, stimulates hair growth.


Fully natural composition, devoid of sulphate compounds and parabens. Provides a soft and delicate cleansing of the scalp, struggling with excessive fat.

Dignity disadvantages
✔riginal components. Is it possible to cut the tips.

Svoboda (Russia)

Extracts Melissa and nettle reassure skin cover, normalizing the operation of the excretory system. Hair becomes healthier and well-groomed, acquire noble radiance.

Planeta Organica with Makadamia Oil (Russia)

Economical option, nicely cleansing roots. The problems associated with hormonal failures, it will not solve, but the short-term result will give. It requires washing heads every 1.5-2 days.

DNC (Latvia)

It helps to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, does not overheat the tips. A key advantage - protects against harmful ultraviolet radiation.

DOVE (Poland)

Delicate shampoo suitable even for the finest strands. Hat and saturately by their necessary trace elements, it improves the quality of the hair structure, makes it less porous.

Planeta Organica Arctica (Russia)

At the expense of menthol ingredients, it is capable of fighting with dandruff. Toning skin, it enhances blood circulation, stimulates hair growth. The manufacturer recommends not to apply a means for the entire length, but only foam the root area.

Faberlic regulating (Russia)

Currency application normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, reducing the volume of discharge. Distinguished by a nutritional composition, it also struggles with secting ends. Components are represented by an innovative vitamin complex that can restore water balance, eliminate sealing and allergic itch.

Shamtu (Germany)

Contains a lot of healing herbs. Allows less often to wash your head, normalizing the activity of the sebaceous glands. The main element is a verbal extract.

Green Mama (Russia)

It is characterized by a neutral aroma, soothes irritated skin. Effectively eliminates the fat shine, without a thinning hair structure. The composition includes herbal extracts (St. John's wort, nettle, yarrow) and honey.

Apivita (Germany)

Fully natural, does not entail side effects, it has an exceptionally positive effect. The results will be visible after the first head wash. Chemical formula was developed on the basis of mint and propolis.

Natura Siberica (Russia)

Domestic brand that is very popular. It offers environmentally friendly shampoos with therapeutic and caring properties.

Gliss Kur Schwarzkopf & Henkel Professional (Germany)

Optimal budget option. PION Extract provides deep restoration of the hair structure, eliminates fatty.


Disinfects the scalp, activating regeneration processes, stimulates growth. Allows you to defeat dullness and hair hair.

Shauma Schwarzkopf & Henkel Professional (Germany)

The main active component is Aloe Vera. It is he who is responsible for the regulation of Semum, improving the appearance and health of curls.

"Clean Line" Regulating (Russia)

Manufactured on the basis of healing herbs (sage, calendula, melissa), the product is healing strands. Noticeable results can be achieved in course treatment.

Folk recipes

You can prepare an effective remedy for the increased fatty zone alone by using brewed products and pharmacy additives (infusions, decoctions, dried flowers). The following presented a selection of the most popular secrets of beauty.

Lemon-egg shampoo

Yolk separated from the squirrel, mix with half of the lemon with juice. To the mixture, push 15 ml of vodka and a couple of teaspoons of almond oil. Slightly take all the ingredients.

On white clay

Five tablespoons of powder are warm water to creamy consistency. Then add 10 g of mustard, 12 cinnamon, 2 ml of almond oil.


15 grams of soda are mixed with 60 g crushed oatmeal in the blender. The remedy is rubbed into strands by massaging movements.


Prepare calendula, chamomile, chamber and sage (each one tablespoon). Boil the oak bark - 20 g of the mixture with boiling water and leave it for one and a half hours. Drycakes grind and connect with a leaky oak infusion. As a result, a creamy consistency should be obtained, which add a pair of tea spoons of nutrient oil (almond or coconut).

Comparative table with scores: what good shampoo is better to choose and buy for oily hair

Mark. Evaluation of buyers Opinion experts
Kerasys. 5 4
Angel 5 5
Nexxt 3 4
L'Oreal Professionnel. 3 3
Londa. 4 4
Matrix. 5 4
Phytodess 5 5
Wella sp regulate 3 2
Kapous. 4 4
Dr.muller Pantenols 5 5
Vichy. 5 5
Elseve. 5 5
Yves Rocher. 4 4
Balancing 3 4
Tiande. 5 4
Belita Vitex. 4 4
Garnier Fructis 4 4
Anti-sanitary 4 3
Clear Vita Abe. 4 5
Reperya 4 4
Shungit 5 4
Savon Noir. 4 3
Svoboda. 2 2
Planeta Organica. 2 2
DNC. 5 5
Dove. 4 2
Faberlik regulating 4 3
Shamtu. 4 4
Green Mama. 4 4
Apivita. 3 3
Natura Siberica. 5 3
Gliss Kur. 3 2
Shauma. 4 4

Terms of application

  1. Moisture strands.
  2. Let's squeeze a little and evenly distribute it around the roots zone. The tips are cleaned exclusively whipped foam. So it is possible to avoid their cutting, to warn fragility and thinning.
  3. Rinse the chapel.
  4. Apply the cleansing fluid again and leave it for 2-3 minutes. During this time, the active ingredients will have time to penetrate deep skin covers, drink hair onions, having relived them from semissions.
  5. Remove cool water. Its temperature is an important indicator. It should not be very hot, as it can provoke an excessive porosity.
  6. Good at the end of the applied oil or foam.

How to fix the result

  1. Try to wash your head no more than 3 times a week.
  2. It is advisable to execute the procedure twice - first to remove external contaminants, then to get rid of Cem residues, refresh the curls.
  3. When using Balzam, avoid getting into the root zone.


We present to your attention an informative video. With it, you can easily determine what the best shampoo for oily hair.

The holders of a mixed type of hair got a difficult task - to choose loyal care to achieve a balance in the case when the hair has roots prone to fatty, and at the ends are highlighted dry, loneiness and incidence of excision. Hair care is mixed type requires an integrated approach that is also needed in laying.

Combined hair type, characterized by the following features:

  • the fat content of the cover at the roots and dryness at the tips;
  • the lack of the roots;
  • brittle sequencing tips;
  • locks have a non-tempered view after 2-3 days.

Causes of the emergence of a complex of problems

There are several reasons for the occurrence of the fat content of the roots and dryness of the tips, which can be a hint in the choice of efficient variants of the hair care of mixed type.

  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Violation of hormonal background, endocrine diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract.
  • Violation of metabolism in the body.
  • Strong stress, excessive emotional and exercise, lack of full sleep and rest.
  • Incorrect meals (excess sweet, oily, spicy, salt, harmful food with a lack of useful products, vitamins, minerals).
  • Prolonged reception of some drugs (antibiotics, hormones, medicines used in chemotherapy).
  • The negative impact of the medium (the aggressive medium in the premises, long-term stay in the sun, cold without a headdress).
  • Incorrectly selected care products (shampoos, balms, masks, serums).
  • Incorrect wash (rigid or hot water, re-applying cleansing agents, incorrect use of additional mixed hair care products).
  • Frequent or incorrect hairdressers manipulations (coloring, curling, straightening, lamination, Botox, other procedures).

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, it is worthwhile to pay shampoos that you use. A frightening digit - in 97% of the shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all troubles on the labels are designated as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Coco Sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, lose their elasticity and strength, the color dull. But the worst thing is that this nasty falls into the liver, the heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, the experts of our edition conducted an analysis of the resiluphous shampoo, where the first place was taken by means of the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of fully natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

To solve problems characteristic of this type of hair, it is very important to act immediately in two directions. An examination should be followed and use the recommendations of the doctor. After eliminating the main reason, you can go to rehabilitation procedures.

An important stage in restoration is the adjustment of the diet and the reception of pharmacy vitamin and mineral complexes, which should be appointed by a specialist.

It is necessary to reduce the effect of aggressive factors - if possible, abandon the hairdryers, iron, electric forceps, coloring procedures and curl curling. Full holiday, rejection of bad habits, reduced stress - help cope with a combined problem.

Problems require a comprehensive approach in cleansing.

  1. The need to get rid of excessive fat in the root zone.
  2. Solving the problem of dryness, fragility and cross-section of tips.

As a rule, only the first problem from this duet, which delivers the greatest inconveniences is most often solved. But the use of shampoos for fatty hair along the entire length, further aggravates the problem of dryness of the ends.

It will be incorrect to re-apply detergents, leading to the opposite effect - the hairstyle will acquire a neglected and fearful appearance even faster.

To solve the problem, you should use high-quality means of care for the mixed hair type or shampoos having a "neutral pH" mark. It is better to choose detergents with natural components in the composition, without using aggressive cleansing components (substances).

Special healing shampoos at excess fatness are recommended to use courses, a duration of 2-3 weeks. The most popular additives in such shampoos are sulfur, birch tar, Olamin, Pyrochton, Salicylic Acid.

Several key points relating to cleansing:

  1. Water for washing should be warm and soft, if the system has rigid water with a large content of harmful impurities and chlorine - it is desirable to use boiled water.
  2. You should not apply shampoo at once on the head, it is better to dilute it with water in a 1: 3 ratio.
  3. If shampoos are used for fatty hair, they should be applied only in the upper half, avoiding hitting the tips. Ends before washing should be treated with special masks, serums or oils for dry damaged hair.
  4. Flush soaps is better slightly cool water, while improving blood circulation and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Wash your head as dirty, using shampoos suitable for frequent use.
  6. Use dry shampoo in the intervals between washing to get rid of fat content at the base of the hairproof and refresh the hairstyle.

The opposite features of this type of hair deliver a lot of trouble and require increased attention to the departure after the cleansing procedure. Additional care for mixed type implies the use of various nutrients, reinforcing regenerating agents.

  1. To normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, it is possible to use rinse with acidic water. On 1 liter of boiled water take 1 tablespoon of natural apple vinegar or juice from half of the lemon, mix this mixture thoroughly. Rinse your hair as needed.
  2. Light strands recommend rinse with the infancy of the pharmacy chamomile at the rate of 4 tablespoons of flowers per 1 liter of hot water. It is necessary to rinse your head with warm infusion.
  3. For rinsing, infusions are suitable from the bark of oak, the flowers of the hormour and calendula, the leaves of the plantain, nettle, mother-and-stepmother, sage, peppermint, kidneys of birch. Healing infusions are prepared from the collection or a separate type of herbs. For this, 5 tablespoons of plant components are poured with 1 liter of boiling water, insist 20-30 minutes, flickering, cool. Rinsing hair slightly warm infusion that does not require flushing.

To restore the structure, it is necessary to include in care for the mixed hair type intensive tools for dry and damaged curls. As a rule, they contain silk proteins, ceramic, essential oils and vegetable extracts. Apply such cosmetics should only be on the ends.

For combined hair, you can use masks prepared from natural components.

  1. Clay mask - 3-4 tablespoons of white or blue clay are mixed with a small amount of water or milk. They apply a mixture for the entire length of the hair, wash off after 30-40 minutes.
  2. Refreshing cucumber mask. One cucumber, medium sized, rub on the grater and press the juice. One egg is added to the cleaner and stirred thoroughly. Apply a mask on the hair and wash off after 30 minutes with warm water.
  3. Kefir mask is available to everyone. A 0.5 cup of kefir is mixed in a bowl, 1 tablespoon of olive oil (grape oil) and 1 egg. Apply a mask from the roots to the tips of the hair. Wash out warm water in 40-60 minutes.

Features of drying and styling

Mixed type hair is very demanding in writing and styling. To reduce the traumatic actions of these procedures, it is necessary:

  • Wet curls must be wiped with a soft towel. Movements must be neat, changing the hair along the entire length.
  • Try to dry your hair naturally, without the help of a hair dryer. If such a need arises, the electrical device should be used on average temperature, bringing to wet strands for no more than 30 cm.
  • If possible, refuse to use the curl, electrical forceps, relief iron. They can be replaced with soft curlers (siling, self-reducing, silicone or foam curlers, curlers, corrugation) to create beautiful curls or waves.
  • For laying use means for mixed type - weightless fifts, mousses, special protective sprays.
  • Pick up a comfortable comb made of high-quality natural materials (wooden brush with soft bristle or rounded cloth).
  • It is regularly washed with rolled warm water with a cleansing agent so as not to transfer particles of dirt and fat to clean strands.
  • Combing the dried hair extremely neatly, without touching the skin of the head and not traumating the ends.

Caring for mixed hair type requires time and patience. But if you follow the recommendations, paying increased attention to your hairstyle is not from time to time, but constantly - all the problems inherent in the combined type will gradually disappear.

Despite the large variety of modern cosmetology products, often a trip for the purchase of shampoo in the store, for those who have problems with hair, ends next to the next failure. This is because the purpose of a good shampoo lies not only in hair cleansing. A high-quality detergent should take into account their type to feed the follicles, to care for the skin of the head, and also contribute to the normal production of sebum - secrets of sebaceous glands. Such qualities allow hair to provide hair attractive view And shining shine for several days. Therefore, choosing shampoo, it is not enough to rely only on the feedback and popularity of the trademark.

Let's find out that the types of detergents today are presented in the cosmetic market and how to choose shampoo for different types of hair.

Types of shampoos

To select the shampoo, you first need your own and choose a suitable detergent to them, preferably with natural composition. Today, the manufacturers of shampoos offer customers following their types.

  1. For normal hair. Such means do not contain aggressive detergent components in order not to prevent the natural selection of sebum. Normal hair remains pure longer, as they have less fatness in the roots. Therefore, shampoos for them are intended for soft surface cleansing.
  2. For dry hair. As part of these detergents, there are also little removable contamination of components. This is due to the fact that dry hair due to lack of fatty roots do not pollute quickly. But they, due to the lack of natural protection - the skin secrets of sebaceous glands, are susceptible to dryness, fragility, cross-section at the ends. Therefore, shampoos for them have more moisturizing components.
  3. For oily hair. Contain in its composition a lot of detergents. It is such aggressiveness that allows people with a fatty hair type to get rid of the excessly allocated skin secretion.

As well as modern detergents are divided into integration.

  1. For daily use. In its composition differ with gentle surface effect. They have little cleansing and moisturizing components, do not irritate hair and scalp.
  2. For thin and weakened hair. Such detergents are endowed with regenerating properties. They give volume, nourish and strengthen hair.
  3. Anti-dandruff. These are shampoos, slowing the division of skin cells and effectively cleaning their heads from their dead scraps.
  4. For dry damaged hair. Designed to restore the structure and giving a healthy view. Typically contain natural proteins. This shampoo is recommended to use those who have a porous structure.
  5. Tint. Representatives of this category have tinted, clarifying properties. Used to loosen the hair color, change their shade.
  6. Conditioning. At the same time, shampoo and caring balms are endowed with the qualities. They are comfortable in walking conditions, but it is undesirable to use them constantly. After all, the detergent should be cleaned, and the balm is created to penetrate inside the hair. Shampoo active substances level the action of the air conditioner, relaxing its effect. Therefore, it is better to use such means separately.
  7. Medical. This group of shampoos helps with alopecia, dandruff, psoriasis, deck, seborrheic eczema and other diseases of the hair and scalp. Produced by pharmaceutical companies, pre-passing clinical trials. Sold in pharmacies and apply after consultation with a dermatologist or trichologist.

And the shampoos are divided according to sexual signs - for men and women. Basically, their difference is only in the smell and design of the bottle. But some detergent manufacturers take into account the different activity of the sebaceous glands on the skin of the head in men and women.

Shampoos for children are developing most carefully. Their active substances have a gentle, soft effect. They contain fewer dyes and fragrances, do not irritate the mucous membrane of the eye, do not cause an allergic reaction.

More shampoos are liquid, creamy, in the form of a gel, foam in aerosols, as well as dry powder in the form of powder.

For normal hair

Normal is healthy hair that is not dirty for 3-4 days. They are not confused, do not shake, do not have dandruff, and the washing require 1-2 times a week.

Since normal hair burns to the roots moderately, pick them out the shampoo easier. To do this, you just need to choose a detergent that does not affect the activity of sebaceous glands. It is suitable for any shampoo having a note "for normal hair."

For fatty hair

The reason for fatty roots is the excessive activity of sebaceous glands. It is the large allocation of subcutaneous salts that leads to the fact that the hair is rapidly polluted.

Very strong activity of sebaceous glands is often a consequence of the disease - Oil Seborrhea. Such hair has to be kept clean. Although it even happens that they look dirty after a few hours after washing the head. In this case, you need to seek help to a trichologist.

What is the best shampoo for oily hair? - dried by roots:

  • Wellla sp regulate;
  • Kerasys Esthaar Hair Energy Shampoo;
  • Angel Professional;
  • NexXT Professional Lotion System Balance;
  • Evinal Placenta;
  • Savonry "meadow freshness";
  • Nature med "Lukovo-garlic complex";
  • Planeta Organica Savon Noir.

And also to get rid of fat content in the roots will help permanent chemical curling or long-term root volume - FLEECING, BOOST UP or BOUFFANT. But if the "chemistry" can dry the entire length, then these procedures affect the roots only.

For dry hair

Consequence of low activity of sebaceous glands is dry hair and scalp. And also this problem is often accompanied by a number of trichological diseases - the initial stage of depriving, trichopylosis, Seborrhea. The presence of dandruff indicates the damage to the fungus, which affects the follicles. Very often, the cause of dryness lies in the exhaustion of hair bulbs. Dry is thin, inclined to the cross section and fragility of hair.

Selecting the shampoo for dry hair should be borne in mind that they need moisturizes. The detergent must contain components that will feed the skin and hair, restore the integrity of their scaly layer.

The following shampoo brands make dry hair smooth, silky and obedient when calculating:

  • Natura Siberica "Protection and nutrition";
  • DOVE HAIR THERAPY "Feeding";
  • Londa Professional Deep Moisture;
  • Estel Otium Aqua Moisturizing;
  • Natura Siberica "Volume and Moisturizing";
  • L'Oreal Botanicals Fresh Care "Wild Saffron".

In addition to shampoos, to care for dry hair, in the same category can be attributed detergents for sensitive scalp:

  • "La Cree" "for dry and sensitive scalp";
  • Olive Way.

It will also help in the treatment of dry hair their regular nutrition. It is necessary to make masks on a keratin or oil basis 1-2 times a week.

For combined hair

Mixed type is the most common. Selecting the shampoo for oily hair at roots and dry on the tips, you need to pay attention to a specialized group developed for a combined type. They eliminate the skin of the head and the zone in the roots of excessive fat, but do not affect the length and do not overcame the ends.

Among the wide variety of products for the care of the combined hair type, preference should be given to professional shampoos. But, this does not mean that goods from ordinary stores will not help in solving the problem.

For fat hair, the following gras of shampoo will be suitable at the roots and dry tips:

  • L'Oreal Professionnel Pure Resource;
  • Kerasys Repairing Shampoo Damage Care;
  • Kleona "violet";
  • Creightons Clay Balancing;
  • Estta Placental.

And also for a combined type, all the shampoos for fatty hair will be suitable, if after their use to the ends to apply balm or severition of serum.

How to choose a male shampoo

The structure of the hair in people does not differ according to sexual signs. Consequently, in this plan, there are no special criteria when choosing a shampoo. Yes, many manufacturers make separate brands of detergents only for men. But most often it is just a marketing stroke. But some firms still take into account the difference in the activity of sebaceous glands - she has a little higher. Although this is a slight parameter.

The main difference is that men rarely expose their hair with the effects of hot styllers or chemical procedures, such as permanent curling, straightening or staining. Therefore, they are less likely to have dry or combined hair.

However, since men begin to lie much earlier than women, then after 30 years they need to pay attention to the prevention of hair loss. To do this, choose the appropriate detergents.

What shampoo from hair loss is better to choose for men? - The following stamps are suitable:

Otherwise, men can use the same detergents as women.

For thin hair

Most often thin, medium density - it is hair that belong to the Slavic type. Tolstaya Asian or African are not there. The most frequent problem is dry. But it happens, on the contrary, that they are fat. Therefore, choosing shampoo for thin hair first need to focus on the activity of sebaceous glands.

The detergent line is very diverse, which is associated with the problem that it is necessary to eliminate. It can be shampoos for thin and weak hair, as well as dry, fatty, brittle, for volume and others. So what to choose shampoo for such hair?

For thin and dry:

  • Sante Aloe Vera;
  • Tahe Original Shampoo;
  • Kopa "Restoring for dry and thin hair";
  • Bielita Hair Collagen.

For thin and fat:

  • Faberlic Krasa;
  • Clean Skin;
  • SEA of SPA Bio Spa.

For thin and painted:

  • Wella Professionals Brilliance;
  • Velta Velsilk "White Tea".

Shampoos for thin hair are distinguished by a variety of their composition.

From perchot

Effective detergents from dandruff will infirm on the counters of supermarkets. In its most such shampoos are sold in pharmacies.

Of the modern means of dealing with dandruff, you can allocate the following:

In case of dandruff, you need consultation with a trichologist's doctor. After all, its appearance can be associated not only with the improper work of the coherent glasses of the scalp, but also due to infection with infectious fungus. In this case, a failure in the work of follicles may occur, which sometimes leads to hair loss.

What to choose shampoo for children

Until two years in children, the hair is powder, which is then replaced by full. It resembles a soft wool, poorly stacked and deprived of her density.

Selecting the shampoo for children, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  • lack of allergens;
  • gentle action so as not to pinch the eyes;
  • plant base and presence of vitamins.

In addition, the label must necessarily indicate the age from which you can use the detergent.

To purchase a really high-quality baby shampoo, you need to give preference to proven known brands. It is advisable to ask the seller a quality certificate. And also need to choose children's shampoos with a weak color, and better quite colorless, with a light aroma of herbs or flowers.

The following firms producing children's shampoos are most famous:

  • Johnson Baby;
  • Sanosan;
  • Green Mama;
  • HIPP;
  • "Eashable nanny."

The same who prefers to buy natural shampoos for their children, the following can be advised:

  • "Lapushka" - for delicate skin, manufacturer - "Master of Olee Mustaevoy";
  • Cryo Cosmetics "For Baby";
  • Zeitun №18 "Children";
  • Mommy Care Kids and Toddlers;
  • Little Siberica;
  • "Cleaniness of centuries" №18 "Children".

What shampoo is better to buy for newborns? - Specially for them developed the following brands of detergents:

  • Mustela foam to remove seborrheic crusts;
  • Complimant Dr. Bubble "Mint Tenderness";
  • "Good concern 36.6" - for newborns from 0 months;
  • "My baby" - against infant seborrheic crusts.

You must not forget to check the shelf life.

Child shampoo for teenager

IN adolescence There is a strong activity of sebaceous glands. Including on the scalp. Because of this, the roar zone becomes overnight, and acne can appear under the hairproof.

Cleaning manufacturers take into account these features of the youth organism and produce shampoos that normalize the work of sebaceous glands, remove excess sebum, warn the appearance and promote acne healing.

Today you can purchase the following brands of teenage shampoos:

  • Repharm Pepteens series;
  • "VITEKS" - "Fashionista" and "Silena", for girls 9-12 years;
  • Optima Teen.

How old are children with adult shampoo? - When the excessive activity of the sebaceous glands on the skin of the head, inherent in teenagers, will cease.

What shampoos help hair loss

Get rid of the problem of falling out, applying only shampoos, accelerating hair growth, is quite difficult. To achieve positive dynamics, it is important to act comprehensively:

  • take vitamins;
  • make masks;
  • eat right.

What shampoo to choose from hair loss? - The following stamps have proven well:

  • Nano Organic;
  • Lion - Free & FREE;
  • Green Pharma - Pharmal ELIXIR;
  • Kok Liang - Superb Chinese Herbal Therapy;
  • Kamilotract based on nettle and rosemary;
  • Nutrapel - Force Shampoo;
  • Lebel Cosmetics - Cool Orange;
  • Laboratoires Biocos - TricHogen Veg.

But if the shampoo, masks and proper nutrition do not help against baldness, then you need to contact a trichologist. After all, alopecia is a disease that requires professional medical care.

Shampoo for painted hair

The feature of shampoos for painted hair is that such detergents in their composition have fewer aggressive components, and more caring and moisturizing. Staining negatively affects the acid-alkaline balance of the hair, especially it concerns the discoloration. After such aggressive procedures, they need additional care. To make the pigment longer, it is necessary to use soft random detergents.

What is better to choose a shampoo for painted hair? "After all, he should not only keep color, but also possess the reducing effect." A good detergent for painted hair should be confused and in its composition to have keratin, protein, oils, vitamin complexes.

The following shampoo champs are suitable for painted hair:

  • Pharma Organic - Organic Citrus Shampoo;
  • Green Pharma - Pharma Blonde;
  • Moisture Shampoo - Cutrin Premium;
  • KERASTASE - BAIN Chroma Rich;
  • Echos Line S1;
  • Evinal Placenta;
  • Natura Siberica - "Protection and Glitter";
  • Faberlic - Excellent Color Protection Shampoo.

Also, the hair underjusting the hair must be additionally used - to make once a week mask with keratin or oil.

Choose a sample shampoo

To quickly and with the minimum risk, change the hair color, you can use the shadow shampoo. Such detergents have advantages over the colors in the fact that they are stored for a short and easily wash off. With their help, you can temporarily give brightness with natural color, update pigmentation.

The difference between sample shampoos from full-fledged staining in the fact that the toning components contained in them do not penetrate into the hair structure, disturbing the water and alkaline balance, but only perform the role of an enveloping film. Tint shampoos are of different color shades.

  1. For blond hair, the detergent of light tones is suitable - they are better to buy blondes.
  2. Removes the yellowness or light gray shadow shampoo with the addition of dark pigment.
  3. And for brunettes, like red-haired girls, such a detergent can have any shade, depending on the result, which is planned to be obtained. For example, to make a golden glitter you need to use a palette designed for light hair. And the fiery shade, give the shampoo of red tone or with a red pigment.
  4. Make your own hair color more expressive will help the sample shampoo selected in their tone.

For melted hair, you need to choose detergents that change the color with extreme caution. After all, there are brands whose composition selectively enhances cold tones and removes the yellowness.

The market shows the following brands of sample shampoos, and proven themselves:

  • Concept - Blond Explosion Anti-Yellow Effect - for neutralization of yellowness;
  • INDOLA - Color Silver Shampoo - for a cold blond;
  • Schwarzkopf BC Color Freeze Silver - Silver;
  • Parli Cosmetics - Blonde Le Core Professional Series - for cold shades;
  • Lisap Milano Top Care Repair Series - Silver Care Shampoo - for gray and melted hair;
  • BLONDE SEXY HAIR - shining blond;
  • L'Oreal Professionnel - Gray Shampoo - for neutralization of yellowness;
  • Rocolor - Color Light with the effect of lamination;
  • Faberlic series Krasa;
  • Ollin Professional - Intense Profi Color Shampoo;
  • Joanna - Soft Color Naturia;
  • L'Oreal Professionnel Gloss Color Series;
  • Irida M Classic.

If the result does not suit, from the resulting shade you can quickly get rid of. To do this, you need to wash your head several times.

Shampoos without sulfates and parabens

In many shampoos, especially inexpensive, sulfates are added - petrochemical products that are strongly shaken. Manufacturers are easier and cheaper to add them than expensive natural components that have a limited shelf life. But, minus the presence of sulfates is that they raise the upper cuticular layer and wash everything inside the hair, and not just outside. Therefore, after various reducing procedures or long-term laying, hairdressers recommend clients to use random shampoos - so that there is a gentle action to the hair and did not wash away useful material. For frequent use, sulphate shampoos are better not to use.

Parabhen are preservatives, which are added to the composition of cosmetics to extend the storage time. Their danger is that they, like sulfates, are toxic components that are widely used not only in cosmetology, but also for cleaning at home, cars. Sulfates and parabens have the property of accumulating in the body and long out of it.

Today, manufacturers of shampoos and cosmetics develop more and more safe products, replacing sulfates and parabens with better natural components and preservatives. But such analogues are more expensive.

Select the randomless shampoo can be among many well-known brands. To do this, it is enough to pay attention to their composition. The Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) is most often used. Usually manufacturers are written on the label - "without SLS and Paraben."

Select shampoos without sulfates and parabens can be among many brands:

  • Nano Organic;
  • Natura Siberica;
  • Family de Olive;
  • Kleona;
  • Shampav;
  • "The Kingdom of Aromas";
  • Kallos Lab 35;
  • Kerarganic;
  • Kaaral.

Children's shampoos must be chosen without sulfates and parabens.

Completing the article, reminding, the hair is a mirror of the body. So that they always had a healthy and attractive look, only the detergent is not enough - it is necessary to eat right right, abandon the bad habits, to lead a healthy lifestyle. But competently selected shampoo, will contribute to the preservation of hair beauty.

How to choose Shampoo

Mixed hair type is one of the most relevant problems of our time. And this is connected not only with improper care and nutrition - factors activating the sebaceous glands, but also with frequent staining, the abuse of hair dryers, curls, or iron, which, accordingly, drag the tips. In general, the struggle for beauty, like any other war, leads to victims - in this case, they suffer from no guilty hair.

The result is not too rainbow tandem: Neighten, fat roots are peacefully adjacent to lifeless, brittle, often sequential tips. Immediately arises a rhetorical question: "What to do?"

Cleansing: What shampoo is needed by mixed hair?

Correct care for the "dual" champions begins with a suitable shampoo. Here you should choose between two types of shampoos: for combined hair and for oily scalp.

Preferably, of course, use the tool developed just for this dilemma. Shampoos marked "for mixed type" operate immediately in two directions: the pacifier glands, such products make their hair softer, as well as smooth.

In addition, it is desirable to choose products from a professional series. It is no secret that shampoos designed for salons make it possible to achieve more efficient results than their mass market colleagues, the range of household chemicals.

Our choice is a combined Shampoo Balancing Shampoo 3 / S2 from one of their largest professional cosmetics manufacturers, Italian Helen Seward.

We also remind: The main criterion when choosing a shampoo - the state of the scalp. When the problem is excessive solidity, the shampoo will help for oily scalp, subject to its proper use.

When entering the store and seeing on the shelves a huge amount of shampoos, anyone can fall into a stupor. Bright bottles are so mounted, and beautiful promises on the packages assure that in a week your chapheluor will be twice as thick.

Do not know how to choose a suitable shampoo and what to pay attention to first?

The main criteria for which the quality of shampoo should be assessed.

Saws and additives. Their manufacturers usually indicate the back of the face with small fonts. It is difficult to decipher the composition without any assistance.

Not always these chemicals are useful to your hair. More often, they negatively affect the scalp, disturbing the natural pH level, and destroy the structure of the hair.

After using a shampoo that has in its composition, harmful seals, the hair begins to fumble, break and flaw on the tips.

Nothing good should be expected from parabens, silicones and de-toxic substances that destroy hair from the inside.

Mixed type most often occurs in long hair. In this case, the roots are too fat, and the tips are dry. There are special shampoos suitable for mixed type - they moisturize and at the same time degreased. For example, good care for the mixed hair type will ensure shampoos of the South Korean brand or the means of the Japanese company recently become very popular.

Bold hair is the most problematic and deliver to women a lot of trouble. Such hair requires shampoos, soothing the skin of the head, regulating the fat exchange and preventing the appearance of dandruff. Available brands for fatty hair type are, and.

Also shampoos can be divided by appointment:

Healing shampoos. They are designed to become assistants in the fight against certain troubles, such as Seborrhea's scalp, abundant hair loss, psoriasis or dandruff. As part of therapeutic shampoos there are highly active substances operating at the cellular level. Therefore, before applying the tool carefully examine the instructions.

The most popular of therapeutic shampoosthat can be purchased through the pharmacy network:

  • Shampoo line, the composition of which is rich in useful elements, oils and plants extracts;
  • - effective and inexpensive;
  • - perfectly copble with the problem of hair loss;
  • - Shampoos gaining popularity of the Russian brand. Herbal extracts and nutrients help to cope with problems such as fragility, loss, dandruff and so on;
  • - shampoos specially designed to combat fungal diseases of the scalp;