The concept of endurance factors of manifestation of endurance. The influence of physical labor on strength, endurance, body performance What affects endurance

Endurance is a quality of the body, which is of great importance not only for professional athletes. Often, increased endurance is necessary in Everyday life, for example, when performing a particular job. The inability to withstand long intense loads affects both the results of activity and general well-being, so it is very important to know how to increase physical endurance.

What is endurance and why increase it?

Endurance characterizes the body's ability to withstand fatigue during prolonged performance of any work. The longer a person is able to withstand physical activity without reducing performance, the higher the level of his endurance.

There are 2 types of endurance - general and special. General refers to the ability to perform work of moderate intensity for a long time without fatigue. This type of endurance is important for the whole organism as a whole, and it is this quality that athletes primarily strive to develop in order to be able to achieve significant results in a particular sports direction in the future. Without an increase in general endurance, it is impossible to develop a special one, which is associated with prolonged or intensive performance of a narrowly focused activity (for example, strength exercises or speed tasks).

The body's resistance to fatigue is inherent in some people from birth - genetically. In this case, it is much easier for a person to resist fatigue and achieve significant results in sports or everyday life when performing physical work.

But those whom nature has not awarded with high performance and resistance to fatigue can develop this quality on their own, using special exercises and adhering to certain rules that help increase endurance.

A well-trained person will be able to achieve significant success not only in sports. In the process of increasing endurance, health is excellently strengthened, strength, agility, and flexibility are improved. A hardy person perfectly resists a variety of physical stresses, gets less tired, feels cheerful longer and is always in good shape.

Thinking about how to increase the endurance of the body, many pay attention only to special exercises that help train this physical quality. Yes, indeed, regular and intense training is the key to a successful increase in endurance. However, it would be wrong to say that this is the only component in the process of improving fatigue resistance. The right lifestyle also plays a huge role: a strong and strong body resists fatigue much better. For those who seek to develop endurance, it is important to know and adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Start eating right. A healthy diet saturates the body with all the necessary elements, improves the functioning of vital systems and gives a daily energy boost, so that a person can withstand higher physical exertion for a long time. It is necessary to include in your menu fresh vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat, cereals.
  2. Don't neglect a healthy and full night's rest. Go to bed on time so that the body has time to rest and be ready for new achievements. It is great if you get at least 8 hours of sleep every day.
  3. Drink more clean water. Fluid deficiency causes a feeling of fatigue and reduces performance. At least 2 liters of plain drinking water should be consumed per day.
  4. Improving endurance is impossible without giving up bad habits that significantly undermine health. The worse the condition of the body, the faster fatigue sets in.
  5. Avoid stress. Emotional overstrain affects the ability to resist fatigue no less than various diseases.
  6. Lead an active lifestyle. Regular physical activity helps to keep the body in good shape, and this, in turn, improves stamina. It is not necessary to choose specialized exercises, any physical activity will do: aerobics, swimming, yoga, dancing, cycling. You can choose what suits you.

These rules are very important for those who are thinking about how to increase endurance. Start changing your lifestyle while doing a set of exercises to develop endurance, and after a while you will begin to notice that you have become able to perform much more things without feeling tired.

How to become more resilient through exercise?

Many of those who are just starting to play sports are interested in how to develop endurance with the help of special exercises. The complex, which increases the efficiency of the body, contains several types of physical activity at once. This allows you to achieve the desired results in a relatively short time. Most exercises do not require a mandatory visit to the gym. It is permissible to perform them even on fresh air or at home.

You can get a high level of stamina with the following types physical activity:

  • walking long distances;
  • jumping rope;
  • swimming at speed;
  • press exercises;
  • pull-ups;
  • push ups;
  • ski walking;
  • cycling;
  • strength training (with dumbbells or a barbell).

Combining exercises is allowed at your discretion. For example, you can use the type of load that most effectively develops endurance - aerobic training 1-2 times a week. It can be jogging or walking.

At home, you should develop your own set of exercises: you can combine push-ups, pull-ups, squats and tasks to strengthen the press.

The most important rule in such training is to increase the load gradually and perform the exercises at a feasible pace. A sharp increase in the intensity of training can do much more harm than good.

  1. First, an unprepared body is more susceptible to injury.
  2. Secondly, heavy loads cause soreness in the muscles and do not allow you to continue training, thereby nullifying all your efforts.

Improving Endurance Through Running

Perhaps the most accessible and effective type of load that increases endurance is running. But to achieve impressive results, you need to know how to run correctly.

Developing endurance in running means learning to run fast and for long distances. How to achieve this? Running exercises require compliance with certain rules. You need to do it regularly, gradually increasing the intensity and duration of runs. You need to start training endurance in running with feasible loads. If you are new to sports, at first it is recommended to run no more than 1 km a day 2-3 times a week, so as not to overload the body and not put unnecessary stress on the muscles, joints, heart and blood vessels.

For those who wish to know how to increase their endurance while running, it should be remembered that the best views physical activities of this kind are interval jogging and jogging.

Interval runs involve alternate running exercises at different speeds. For example, you can jog for 500 meters, then take a break by walking the next 500 meters at a fast pace, and then accelerate again and cover another 500 meters at maximum speed. Jogging is a movement at an average speed that allows you to cover a greater distance with less physical effort. A gradual increase in the duration of the route perfectly trains endurance and subsequently helps to overcome even long distances, and there is almost no feeling of fatigue.

Endurance running is closely related to other exercises for the development of this quality, so it is very important to train in a complex way: this approach will allow you to achieve the desired results much faster.

How to provide the body with high endurance? This seemingly difficult question has a very clear and precise answer: training, training and more training. And of course, do not forget about the right lifestyle, because good health plays an important role in improving endurance.

Many types of physical activity - cycling, running, swimming, football, aerobic exercise require endurance, which allows athletes to stay active longer. It's not easy to run longer, swim farther, or drive non-stop around the world. In this article, we'll show you how to increase your stamina and describe some simple ways to stay active longer.

Endurance allows people to train at a certain intensity and for a long time (think of a marathon). There are many factors that combine to determine an athlete's level of endurance, but two of them are of key importance, the maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and anaerobic threshold.

Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max) is the maximum rate at which an athlete's body can take in oxygen during an exercise. The measurement of this parameter is the most popular method for determining the level of physical fitness, however, it is not the most accurate. Although endurance is more genetically dependent, oxygen uptake capacity can be improved with specific training such as high intensity interval training.

Another important parameter that determines an athlete's level of endurance is the anaerobic threshold, or the level of exercise at which lactate begins to accumulate in the muscles. Fortunately, almost any athlete can improve both of these parameters. In order to increase anaerobic threshold, and therefore the ability to train harder for a longer time, you need, according to the famous sports expert Noam Tamir, to run at a moderate pace.

Endurance athletes have a higher proportion of slow muscle fibers that evenly use oxygen to generate energy. Long-distance running develops slow muscle fibers that continuously energize and allow you to more effectively fight fatigue. Also, long running allows you to convert fast muscle fibers into slow ones, which also improves endurance.

Action Plan for Guaranteed Improvement in Endurance

Try these tricks to take your stamina to the next level. With these training and nutrition tips, you should be able to complete the Ironman Ultra in the near future.

  • Rest completely. In order to work long and intensively, it is necessary to have fresh forces. Celebrated sports expert John Mandrola said, "Train hard on training days, rest on rest days, and never train multiple days in a row without adequate rest."
  • Eat right. When it comes to nutrition, carbohydrates are key because the body uses glycogen as an energy source. When glycogen runs out, the body switches to other sources of energy and starts burning fat. During prolonged cardio training, you should consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour, depending on body weight. Research also shows that a combination of protein and carbohydrates can improve endurance and reduce fat loss. muscle mass. It has been observed that the optimal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can vary significantly from athlete to athlete. Experiment to find the perfect combination that works best for you.
  • Use high-intensity interval training, including in combination with traditional. Try running up and down stairs or on a treadmill at varying speeds, but keep in mind that these workouts require full recovery due to their intensity.
  • Add strength training. Remember that for the development of endurance, the variability of loads is important. Strength training will strengthen your bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles and increase your overall fitness. Combine aerobic workouts with kettlebells, dumbbells, and bodyweight exercises.
  • Turn on the music. It is noticed that listening to music has a positive effect on endurance and can not harm your training in any way. Music helps to mentally gather and tune in when it is most needed, endurance athletes have a well-developed mind-muscle connection.
  • Work on what is weaker. People often find their own comfortable training program and stick to it. Mandrola advises changing it to develop endurance: marathon runners should run at speed, if you're running on a flat surface, run uphill. Develop in parallel in what you are weak in, this will give the body an impetus to growth.
  • Drink beet juice. There is a study according to which, eating nitrate-rich beets helps improve endurance by 16%. It remains unclear whether other nitrate-containing products have the same effect. The day before the race, eat pasta with beetroot juice, but be aware that the juice can be high in sugar, be in moderation.
  • Train smart. The principle of gradual adaptation in sports is a systematic increase in mileage and speed. Train safely - run on a level surface, drink plenty of fluids, these tips will help you avoid injury and ultimately give you a boost in endurance.

7 Ways to Increase Physical Endurance

It's no surprise that people want to increase their endurance. The popularity of all kinds of racing with obstacles has recently become so huge that, more than ever, there was a need to develop this quality. According to personal trainer Will Torres, people are focusing on workouts like running or cycling, but that's just one part of an endurance program, strength needs to be increased as well.

Torres explains that if you increase the strength of your legs, you will be able to increase your stride while running, in addition, the additional muscle strength will help you reduce negative impacts on the joints. If you want to beat a Race of Heroes, a marathon, or any other endurance event, follow these principles. Regularly following them will help in the end to significantly improve endurance.

1. Combine Strength Training Days With Cardio Days

The connection is very simple - the more muscles you include in the work, the more it stimulates your cardiovascular system. Instead of devoting a single workout to endurance development and another to strength development, try combining the two. Torres advises, "Bench press after pull-ups, then run a mile at top speed." Another good option is to exercise with the rope for a minute after the squat, then overhead press, then crunches, repeat.

2. Reduce rest time

Many allow themselves to rest from 30 to 90 seconds. between sets, but if endurance is your goal, be prepared to sacrifice rest. “At the end of the set, the muscles should be burning, breathing and sweating should be active,” says Torres. “Pause only if you are physically unable to continue.” He advises choosing the following series of exercises: 10 times bench press, 10 times squats, 10 times pull-ups, 10 times lying twists. Perform this series three times in a row with minimal rest.

3. Work out at a fast pace

Torres reports that doing strength training at a fast pace not only builds strength but also improves endurance. This is one of better ways speed up metabolism. When people focus too much on endurance training alone, they can lose a lot of muscle mass.

4. Prioritize compound exercises over isolation exercises

Basic exercises involve more than one joint, such exercises include squats, lunges, pull-ups, and presses. They improve endurance better than isolation exercises, such as barbell curls or lying leg raises.

5. Avoid repetitive workouts

Changing training regimens is essential for developing endurance and endurance. According to Torres, the body gets used to the same training after two weeks of training. So, if you're a runner, take up martial arts instead of running, and if you're an avid cyclist, start running up the stairs. “Train in different modes, so you can avoid the routine, be unpredictable,” says Torres. “Besides, it gives additional motivation.”

6. Do hybrid exercises

Squat combo with overhead presses, lunges with biceps exercises - choose two different exercises and do them one after the other. The more muscles you include in the work, the more it will stimulate your cardiovascular system, which, in turn, will subsequently have a positive effect on endurance.

7. Add Explosive Movements to Your Program

Explosive movements require a lot of energy, strength and endurance at the same time. If you start exercising in an explosive manner, you will notice over time that you become faster. Try variations like burpees, box jumps, clapping push-ups, and more.

How can beginner runners improve their endurance?

What are some ways for beginners to improve their running and get faster? Surprisingly, beginners shouldn't get too hung up on hard training or running at a high pace during their workouts. Such methods have a place to be, but beginners are often limited in their capabilities for two reasons:

  1. low stamina due to lack of experience
  2. risk of injury

In order to progress, beginners need to improve their endurance while reducing their risk of injury. Two goals that often conflict with each other. There are two strategies that allow you to increase endurance performance without exposing yourself to the risk of injury, and therefore progressing steadily.

Cardio training without shock

Running is a contact sport, there is no doubt about it. The feet interact with the surface and this impact damages the ligaments and muscles. Some damage is desirable because it causes adaptation and makes you stronger. But too much load without proper recovery is the cause of injury. It can be reduced with alternative aerobic training such as cross training.

There are two types of exercise that can provide the same benefits as running without the traumatic effects of running: water running and cycling.

Running in water - you use a special belt to stay afloat and mimic the movement of running while completely in the water. You need to maintain a straight posture, and keep the pace at 180 or more steps per minute.

Cycling training - give preference to riding on prepared roads so as not to get injured on unprepared tracks for riding. Find a route with the fewest stops at traffic lights. Maintain a pace of 90 rotations per minute.

Water running and cycling are the preferred types of cross-training for runners because they are the closest to running. They force your body to adapt and progress. The results of such adaptation affect the results in running.

Cross training cannot replace running, it only allows you to increase your training load without the risk of injury.

Sequential training

Although weekly distance increases increase the risk of injury for beginners, there are ways to improve your fitness while staying healthy.

To improve your aerobic endurance and be able to run further than you can today, you need to train consistently. Consistent training will allow you to develop your aerobic base, increase your aerobic capacity (the amount of oxygen your muscles can use) and your muscle strength. If you add additional running workouts to your training program, then make sure they are not intense. Endurance is the result of moderate-intensity training. Train 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes or more, and during one of these workouts, run longer and further than usual.

Remember, consistency is the key to running endurance.

First, increase the distance moderately. You've probably heard the 10 percent rule by now? If you are a beginner, increase your distance by no more than 2-4 km weekly. And during other weeks, do not increase the distance at all. The body needs time to adjust and adapt to the new training load. The feeling of how much training load to give the body at any given moment is an important quality that a runner can develop in himself.

Even with slow, steady increases in distance, runners often get injured if they try to run faster than their physical limits allow. It is important to create a power base that will protect you from injury when the load increases.

Runner-specific strength exercises develop functional strength skills and help facilitate recovery.

You can do bodyweight exercises for 10-20 minutes after running, and add workouts to gym(30-60 minutes), based on the following exercises:

  1. squats;
  2. dead thrust;
  3. lunges;
  4. bench press;
  5. pull-ups;
  6. army press.

These exercises are classics for a reason. They strengthen the overall fitness, not just individual muscles and help you run more efficiently, develop the strength necessary to cope with the distance.

Many novice runners ignore strength training and often suffer from chronic pain as a result, which disrupts the sequence and routine of the training process.

Consistency, which I call the "secret sauce" to a successful run, will grow a monster of endurance in the long run.

The combined use of cross-training and strength training will not only dramatically increase endurance in a short time period, but will also provide an opportunity to progress steadily and safely in the long term.

Sometime in the future, you will look back and notice that the distance that is a challenge for you today is no longer perceived as so difficult. If this happens, then you have improved your endurance. I do not want to say that the marathon is easy, your attitude towards this distance will change, it will become easier for you. Endurance improvement does not happen quickly, you run several times a week for weeks and months, over time it strengthens your fitness. There are no quick fixes if you want to improve your endurance. It is generally accepted that it takes from 10 days to a month to feel the benefits of running. This time will depend on the type of run, faster and more intense running will bring results faster, and running at a moderate pace will give results later.

Before you start working on your endurance, you need to honestly assess your physical capabilities and rely primarily on them. Whether you're a beginner trying to get through your first 5K, or you're an experienced marathon runner looking to get ahead in your running, remember that blindly following the principle of "more is better" can lead to injury or overtraining.

Run long

This does not seem like a particularly large increase, but over time it adds up to an impressive value. When you reach a training volume comparable to marathon and half marathon distances, the proportion of long training sessions in your weekly program should be 30-50%. During these long runs, keep a steady pace and focus on finishing the race. Many people try to build up speed prematurely, while experiencing difficulties at the finish line. Speed ​​in this context is a consequence of improved endurance.

High Intensity Running

During these workouts, you run a shorter distance, but at a higher speed than usual. This kind of training forces your body to utilize lactate from the bloodstream more quickly. This will allow you to subsequently run longer until the moment when the accumulated metabolic products remind you of themselves with fatigue and a decrease in pace. Also, such training will make it easier to endure jogging at a moderate pace, will increase their average speed. The duration of high-intensity running should be 20-40 minutes and even more than an hour for advanced athletes. The feeling should be comfortably heavy. Such a run should not make you gasp and slow down, keep to the upper limit of your capabilities continuously throughout the entire distance.

Eat Right

The amount of carbohydrates is key. 55-65% of daily calories should come from carbohydrates. You don't have to consume a ton of pasta with every meal, just remember that carbs are important for a full workout. Before running long distances, make sure you have enough energy to handle it. If you're feeling weak, in a bad mood, or having trouble keeping up with your planned workout program, increase your carbohydrate intake. Always opt for complex carbs like whole grains, oats, or brown rice. Avoid sweets, fast carbohydrates cause unwanted spikes in blood sugar.


The longer the distance, the more body resources are required to overcome it, and, consequently, more time to replenish these resources. Proper recovery is based on proper diet, stretching and healthy sleep. A meal consisting of a meal rich in carbohydrates and proteins should take place no later than 30 minutes after the end of the workout. This is the optimal range during which the body is best absorbing nutrients to replenish the resources lost during training. Make sure you start a new workout fully rested.

Learn to save energy while running

Working on proper running technique will allow you to become a more efficient runner. If you run economically, this will make you less tired because you use energy more slowly. Proper technique starts with proper posture, making sure your feet touch the ground under your center of gravity at a rate of 170-180 strides per minute. If you have excess weight, know that running will be easier if you are lighter.

mental concentration

The thought of having to run further than usual is always scary, but you can cheat. Prepare your mind in advance and the distance will seem easier. One way is to break the distance into smaller pieces and imagine it in this form. Imagine 13 km as 10 km and another 3 km at a slow pace. You've already run 10K, adding 3K doesn't look nearly as intimidating as a full 13K.

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Do you find yourself short of breath when climbing stairs or feel very tired during a strength exercise? It is somehow unsportsmanlike to take a queue for the elevator or finish the exercise earlier than expected. Let's look for a better solution and talk about how to develop endurance.

What is endurance

When it comes to building endurance, it's not enough to just do random exercises. You need to understand what kind of quality it is and what it is due to.

To understand how to increase the endurance of the body, you will have to plunge a little into the essence of this term.

Resilience itself can be divided into two categories:

  1. General. The term speaks for itself - it is the ability to perform cyclic physical work of medium complexity and severity for a long time (run, jump, ski, pedal, etc.). That is, this word can characterize some traditional understanding of endurance in most people. The level of development of this type of endurance (it is also called aerobic endurance) determines the amount of oxygen that the body is able to use per unit of time.
  2. Special. Here are the clarifications. When we talk about special endurance, we mean resistance to a specific type of physical activity. The concept of special endurance includes such terms as power, speed-strength and speed endurance. Power, in turn, is divided into dynamic and static. Next, we will analyze all these types in more detail.

General Endurance

General physical endurance forms the basis for the development of a special one. Therefore, if so far ordinary jogging is difficult for you, train it. With the experience of training, a person's endurance increases.

To increase physical endurance, perform any exercise without weights (or with minimal weight) for a minimum of twenty minutes. You can do jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics.

The longer the session time, the more resilient you will become. However, it is better to limit yourself to 1.5-2 hours maximum. The load should be predominantly uniform, without peaks. In this case, your heart rate should be within 60-80% of HRmax.

Special Endurance

Here we include everything that goes beyond the concept of general endurance. As mentioned earlier, this type of endurance is divided into speed, speed-strength and power.

It should be noted that all these types are very conditional. Indeed, in fact, there are no exercises that increase in their pure form only speed or only strength endurance.

Static and dynamic

Raise your hand with a 5 kg dumbbell parallel to the floor, hold it. How long can you keep her? You feel how the muscles of the shoulder begin to burn, then a tremor appears, and the arm drops by itself. The amount of time you can hold your arm up will be determined by your static special endurance.

Now take the dumbbell again (it can be heavier) and slowly start doing bicep curls. In this case, the duration of your approach determines the dynamic endurance.

In other words:

  • If you want to keep something motionless for a long time - we are talking about static. An example is holding a weight in your hand.
  • If you want to perform an exercise in multiple repetitions, we are talking about dynamic endurance. In other words, what is meant by a person's endurance in this case: how long he can do dynamic work.

Strength Endurance

Strength endurance determines your ability to perform work with an effort close to the maximum for as long as possible.

For example, you squat with a heavy barbell. The more reps you can do on the first and subsequent sets in the right form without losing weight, the higher your strength endurance. Considering that the weights used when working on strength and mass are close to the maximum, each additional squat is already a feat.

Muscle energy storage

What determines the development of strength-type endurance?

The first is the amount of energy your muscles can use to do work. The greater the energy reserve, the more resilient you are. Muscles can receive this same energy different ways. Let's look at them in order to understand where we can "add" it.

  1. The first 3-5 seconds the body breaks down the ATP molecules in stock. This energy is enough for the first most powerful repetition. To continue working, you need to get more energy somewhere.
  2. This is where the creatine phosphate contained in the muscles comes into play. It is broken down and more ATP is formed. On this fuel, we can work for about a minute more. During rest, creatine phosphate reserves are partially restored, which gives energy for the next set.
  3. Then the process of glycolysis (breakdown of glucose for energy) starts. With intensive power work, the process proceeds in an anaerobic (oxygen-free) way. The body receives glucose either from glycogen contained in the muscles, or simply from the bloodstream (you recently ate fast carbohydrates). Due to anaerobic glycolysis, you can work for another minute and a half. But there is one problem here. As a breakdown product, lactate or lactic acid is formed in the muscles. We feel an unpleasant burning sensation, pain, and this prevents us from working further. We weaken and complete the exercise. If the muscle is well washed with blood, lactate is washed out of it. That is why during the time it is recommended to stretch, walk around the hall, move your arms and legs, and not sit motionless on the bench.
  4. The body has another way to produce energy, such as aerobic glycolysis (the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen). But it is typical for long-term loads of medium and low intensity. Therefore, it has nothing to do with strength endurance.

In terms of increasing strength endurance, creatine phosphate reserves are of interest. There is such a sports supplement - creatine. It allows you to increase the amount of this substance in the muscles, respectively, to make them more enduring.

It is also worth noting that during regular strength training, the body itself increases the energy resources of the muscles, trying to compensate for the load. I think you have met the concept of supercompensation. Hence, big role plays the length of your training. AND, important point- the loads should be close to the maximum.

That is, to develop strength endurance, try to do at least one more repetition in the approach. Let it be lower, but print the number of repetitions from 6–8 to 10–20. In other words, we increase the number of repetitions, reducing the weight to some extent.

Another important point - to improve the blood supply to the muscles, and, therefore, to quickly remove lactate from them after the approach - do cardio and stretching. When working with iron, this is also important.

Coordination of muscle efforts

Everything is simple here. To lift the bar you need to include several large muscle groups and many small ones. The more coordinated they work, the easier it is for you to squeeze the weight.

  1. First, follow correct technique. Everything has long been invented by professionals, you just need to follow the rules. Strength training technique is a key success factor. Then you use the muscles exactly as required to achieve the best result. Feel free to practice with light weights. This practice will greatly facilitate your life when working with heavy projectiles.
  2. Secondly, coordination is achieved with experience. More practice, better results.

Nerve conduction of muscles

The correct name of the term is innervation. In fact, this quality determines how well your muscles respond to signals from the brain.

This physical quality develops with practice. The more you exercise, the more controlled your body becomes.

speed endurance

At the forefront in determining such a quality as speed endurance is how long you can move at a certain speed without muscle fatigue and a violation of technique. That is, the key factor is precisely the speed, and your movements must correspond to it.

Speed ​​endurance plays a significant role in running, skiing, swimming, etc.

It is no secret that in the same run, the distances can be different, and accordingly, the intensity with which the athlete performs the movements will also differ. Short distances are run as quickly as possible (movements are as intense as possible), and on long stretches of the path it is important to save energy (intensity of movements is lower).

Therefore, speed endurance is spoken of using the so-called power zones.

In different power zones (with different intensity of movements), fatigue of the body occurs in different ways. But, the main principle under which the development of speed endurance occurs is the excess of the usual load at a given distance.

That is, if you are running, you can not only run your usual distance, but increase your speed and increase the distance itself.

At the same time, with an increase in the intensity of movements, at a certain moment the body can no longer receive all the energy it needs in an aerobic way (it crosses the aerobic threshold) and connects anaerobic mechanisms. Accordingly, we are talking about the predominant development of either aerobic or anaerobic endurance.

Also, anaerobic endurance is trained using oxygen masks, which artificially reduce the supply of oxygen with each breath. Some athletes practice alpine training, because the higher you are above sea level, the more rarefied the air is forced to breathe.

Each coach and athlete has his own methodology for developing endurance, however, general principles can be traced in most cases.

Speed-strength endurance

This type of endurance is typical for sports such as football, hockey, martial arts, etc. In fact, it is the ability of the body to perform active high-intensity actions at high speed for a long time. The nature of the load is interval - sharp efforts are interspersed with periods of uniform load.

For the development of this type of endurance, exercises where a high-intensity explosive load alternates with periods of a uniform load of medium intensity are well suited. For example, it can be jumping out alternating with running, running with a sharp change of direction, interval training.

Psychological aspect

To develop endurance as a physical quality, you will need not only intention, but also willpower. Without it, any attempt to improve yourself will fail. By the way, willpower is the same endurance, but mental. And it can be developed just like muscle endurance.

Motivation helps to compensate for the lack of will, which is also a stimulus to action. To achieve the result, in addition to it, a clear plan of action is required. Keep a small one in which you write down the results of each lesson. Then it will be interesting to see your progress.

Also, these records will one day spur you on when you want to give up. After all, basically a person looks forward to the path that he has to go through, and not to the one already passed. And sometimes you just have to look at what a huge job has already been done in order to find the strength in yourself not to give up and continue on.

Have you ever noticed how some people, without squatting, rush all day long, take on everything at once and with enthusiasm and at the same time manage to do everything? It feels like they do not know fatigue, their "batteries" never run out. And there are people who, on the contrary, never have time to do anything, constantly exhausted and tired, they are not happy with all the things and they are too lazy to do them. What's the matter? If we discard the diseases that provoke chronic fatigue(For example, disorders in the thyroid gland) And psychological features of each individual person, affecting motor skills, then we will get equal conditions for all, under which, anyway, some people will be much more energetic than others. So what other factors affect a person's energy level and how to increase it? Let's consider this question in more detail.

1. Nutrition. Eat regularly. Don't skip breakfast, lunch or dinner. If possible, have one or two more snacks throughout the day. But don't overload your stomach. Otherwise, a lot of energy will go to the digestion of food. Eat often, but little by little. Food must be complete. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins - all this is necessary for your body to function properly.

Fasting causes the body to conserve energy. As a result, you will feel constant fatigue And apathy. Therefore, try to fuel yourself with carbohydrates. They provide more than half of the total amount of all energy for us. White bread, pasta, beans, cereals, potatoes - all these foods are extremely rich in carbohydrates. And don't be afraid to get fat. If you burn all the energy, and for this you need to include such products in your diet, then their consumption will not affect the figure at all.

2. Sports. If you want to always feel full of strength and energy - go in for sports, do exercises. Sports will bring your body to the right tone. You will become more resilient. In addition, sports also affect the emotional component. This will make it much easier for you to deal with stressful situations and always be in high spirits.

3. Rest. Proper nutrition And physical training– it is very cool and, of course, useful. But the body cannot always stay awake. He also needs rest to recover and gain strength. So, the value of a good rest should not be underestimated. Sound and healthy sleep is the key to normal physical and emotional activity throughout the next day.

4. Psychological attitude. This is a very important component that directly affects your physical endurance and energy. If you have the motivation to do something, then even though you are tired, you will take up this business and do it. And after you start its implementation, you will feel a surge of energy, you will have a “second wind”. A lot here, of course, depends on the level of motivation, on how you set yourself up.

As you can see, at least 4 factors influence your energy: nutrition, level physical training(training), rest, mental attitude. If you take them into account, you can significantly increase your endurance and energy, which will lead to positive changes in work and personal life. I wish you success!

Endurance is the ability of a person to resist the onset of fatigue (F. P. Suslov, 1997, p. 38) - a temporary decrease in the level of operational performance. Endurance, manifested mainly in motor activity, is often called " physical endurance"(L.P. Matveev, 1991, p. 230).

About the state and degree of development of endurance judged by a number of general and particular indicators. One of the parameters that must be taken into account is the time within which the activity is performed. At the same time, in some cases, the time during which it is possible to complete it without reducing the given level of efficiency, assessed by quantitative and qualitative criteria, is taken into account, in others, the maximum possible time to complete the work "to failure". In the practice of physical education, integral external indicators of endurance are most often:

- in exercises of a cyclic nature aimed at overcoming a distance, - the minimum time to overcome a given sufficiently long distance (for example, 1-2 km) or (much less often) the total length of the distance that can be overcome in a given time (for example, in a 12-minute " Cooper test" or "hour run");

- in serially repeated exercises of an acyclic and combined nature - the total number of repetitions (or the total number of movements) at a given time (for example, in 20–30 minutes with a “maximum test” as part of a “circular training”);

- in complex forms of motor activity such as games and martial arts - the degree of preservation and change of motor activity over a specified time (taking into account the number of effective attacking and defensive actions over the periods of the game or fight, etc.).

Together with all these indicators, others are usually taken into account. Among them, one of the common ones is the stability of the technically correct performance of actions - the absence or minimum number of technical violations in the specified conditions.

In addition to evaluating such external indicators endurance for a reasonable judgment about it, it is necessary to have data on the state of the functional capabilities of the body, which limit the duration of work in certain conditions. This kind of data is obtained using specialized methods for assessing individual factors of endurance, in particular physiological, biochemical, morphological, biomechanical.

The ability to show endurance in any motor activity that involves the body as a whole in active functioning is determined by the totality of these factors. However, the degree of their participation and the ratio ( specific gravity) depends on the specific features and conditions of a particular activity. This was the basis for the allocation of a number of species and types of endurance.

At the All-Union Symposium in 1971 "Biological and Pedagogical Aspects of Endurance" endurance was characterized as the ability to continue a given work in time. At the symposium, the formulations of its two main varieties were also given:

general (non-specific) endurance as the ability to perform physical work for a long time, involving many muscle groups and indirectly affecting sports specialization;

special (specific) endurance as the ability to ensure the duration of effective performance of specific work during the time determined by the requirements of the chosen sport.

L.P. Matveev (1991) emphasizes that general endurance is characterized by the fact that it manifests itself in relatively long work with the functioning of all major muscle groups, which is performed in the aerobic metabolism mode, such as when overcoming long distances with moderate and high intensity without significant activation of anaerobic metabolism. Given that endurance of this type is to a very large extent determined by the aerobic capacity of the body, it is also called « general aerobic». The development of general aerobic endurance plays a significant role in optimizing life and health.

At the same time, an increase in aerobic capacity is a prerequisite for the development of special endurance of various types.

speed endurance - this is endurance, manifested in activities that impose extraordinary (higher than with moderate intensity of work) requirements for the speed parameters of movements (speed, pace, etc.) and, therefore, are performed in a mode that goes beyond the scope of aerobic metabolism.

The main external indicator of speed endurance is the time during which it is possible to maintain a given speed or pace of movements, or the ratio of speeds achieved in parts of the distance (for example, in the first and second half of it: the smaller the difference in speeds, the higher the degree of speed endurance, provided that of course, that the distance as a whole is overcome in full force). Speed ​​endurance in many cases is closely related to strength endurance.

Strength Endurance is the ability to resist fatigue in muscular work with pronounced moments of power stress. It can be conditionally considered that endurance acquires a power character when the degree of repeatedly repeated muscle efforts exceeds at least a third of their individually maximum value (this condition is of particular importance for the manifestation of the development of power abilities).

The most common external indicator of strength endurance in practice is the number of possible repetitions of a control exercise performed serially “to failure” with a certain external weight (at least 30% of the individual maximum).

One of the types of special endurance can be considered coordination-motor endurance which manifests itself in motor activity, make increased demands on coordination abilities (corresponding to the individual level of their development or close to it). Such endurance is demonstrated, for example, when performing numerous coordinating complex technical and tactical actions in sports games.

Certain types special endurance, along with general endurance, are in the process of physical education and especially in sports, the object of directed influence. With in-depth specialization in any activity, the development of endurance that meets the characteristics of this activity activity, leads to specific adaptive changes in the body.

Endurance- a complex quality, most of its components are common to all manifestations in various sports disciplines. At the same time, the share ratio of various components among themselves determines the specifics of endurance in each sports discipline (for a runner, skier, game player, combatant, gymnast, shooter, etc.).

Thus, special endurance for each sports discipline has its leading components that determine its specificity in a particular type of competitive activity. For example, in sports games and martial arts, these are energy capabilities, resistance and economy. (F. P. Suslov, 1997, p. 40). Most endurance components have fairly strict criteria and are reliably measured by various methods.

Updated: March 25, 2018 Views: 23247